
The Third Prince

A man dies tragically but discovers he's been reincarnated in a fantasy world resembling the novels and mangas he read on Earth. Resigned to live a quiet life, he adapts quickly to his new surroundings, but his plans are disrupted when he realized he reincarnated as a prince. As royalty, he's unable to live the peaceful life he desires. Will the man be able to overcome the constraints of his position or be forever bound by his title? *The Protagonist just do whatever he wants if he feels like it but he's not perfect. Sometimes good sometimes bad.* *MC will not hesitate to resort to violence if someone dare to mess with his 'peaceful life'* *This story has plenty of Time Skips* *This Novel is made by an idiot*

Bankets · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Finally! The Ceremony!!!

As the ceremony got underway, the temple was enveloped in a quiet, solemn atmosphere.

The congregation's members were gathered all around in respectful silence, their eyes glued to the statue in the center of the space.

The air was thick with anticipation, and the only sounds that could be heard were the soft rustling of robes.

The priests moved with measured grace, their faces etched with deep concentration as they performed each ritual with precision and care.

(Changed patriarch to priests)

The scene was illuminated by flickering candles, which added to the temple's solemn atmosphere.

Everyone was fully present and concentrated on the solemn proceedings taking place in front of them.

Despite the seriousness of the occasion, there was a sense of reverence and peace that permeated the space.

Everyone present came together for a common goal, creating a strong sense of solidarity and unity in the air.

It was obvious that those in attendance held this ceremony in high regard, and their solemn demeanor reflected the gravity of the occasion.

One way or another, it's the same case for Voltaire who doesn't even realize that the atmosphere have overtaken him.

Seeing the children all lined up the priest started the prayer, "Oh great and divine goddess, we humbly come before you today to offer our prayers for the children under our care. We ask that you bless them with your mercy and power."

All the children inside the temple repeats the words of the priests.

This simple prayer is the beginning of the first phase: The Prayer.

Like the name suggests, children will offer a prayer to the goddess hoping to receive her blessings in return.

'But why are the children were the only ones that prays?'

It's simple. A person has only one chance to participate in this ceremony. Once they have failed to obtain the blessings on the first attempt, no matter how many times they ask for it, they will not be granted.

The same rule applies to those who have already received blessings; they cannot receive a second one.

That is why only the children prayed while the adults, including Julia, remained silent in order to pay homage to the goddess and the sanctity of the ceremony.

At least, that's what Voltaire overheard from the maids the other day who were reminiscing about the time they took part in the ceremony... and failed to receive the blessings.

Which means it would be fine if Voltaire secretly pray and ask the goddess for her blessings.

Conversely, children, being youthful and innocent, often shed tears when they come across or undergo something that feels unfamiliar or unnatural in their body.

That's precisely why parents or guardians are permitted to stand beside their children, to assist them in calming down and providing comfort.

Since Voltaire was once an adult himself, he doesn't have those innocent eyes like they do, so only he will be able to tell if his body has changed.

Especially right now, when he has become better at handling his emotions.

Voltaire couldn't help but silently pray for his own sake. Although he knew he wasn't suppose to participate, he couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to be a part of it.

After praying the same as the other children, he felt something extraordinary; his senses sharpen and somehow he can see an overflowing aura flowing with his own body.

'Is this the so-called blessings? If so, then It's really incredible. The time I spent for this ceremony is worth it.'

He looks around and saw the children also have an aura overflowing around them. Everyone has different color emanating from them.

Some children yelped after experiencing the blessings, while others had a different reactions like Lance, who had an enthusiastic expression on his face as he received the blessings.

Unfortunately, some children did not feel anything on their body as they failed to receive their blessings.

The acolytes guided them toward the exit and provided assistance to those who needed it, ensuring a safe and smooth exit from the sacred place. They showed kindness and respect to those who left the temple.

Suddenly, Voltaire felt something another unnatural in his body. He couldn't breathe. Although his breathing returns to normal after a while.

'I can see those overflowing aura around the children and myself which means its a sign of the blessings, right?'

Voltaire thought to himself and proceeds to change his gaze towards his parents before he continues,

'Mother and Father definitely received the blessings as they're the rulers of the kingdom but how come I can't see the same aura around them?

'They must be hiding it. I shall do the same as I'm participating in the ceremony without permission.

Voltaire attempts to conceal his aura by utilizing a technique similar to the ones used by characters in manga that he read in his previous life.

His way of doing it might sound funny but it's effective as the purple aura around him is nowhere to be found as if it was all an imagination of him.

'Thank goodness no one notices.'

He exclaimed.

Now that the first phase of the ceremony is done and those who didn't receive the blessings already left the temple, it's time for the second phase.

When a priests announces the beginning of the second phase of the ceremony, it is a signal for the remaining people to shift their focus and prepare for what is to come. The whole temple once again, filled with a sense of reverence and anticipation.

Voltaire doesn't have any idea about the second and third phase but it should be fine as long he follow the lead of the priest.

In a low voice, the acolytes went to the kids and explained the second phase to them.

Voltaire whose senses were sharpen heard them even though there are a decent distance between the pew chairs he was sitting on and them.

The second phase; 'Attributes' is a lot simpler than the first phase.

The acolytes merely asked the children if they can see auras flowing through the surroundings and what the first impression they got seeing it.

Every children answered differently, including the royal triplets. Lance who answered that he saw a crimson auras and said its fire, Luke who claimed to have noticed blue auras and felt a tingling sensation in his body, and Leisha who saw a white color and thought it was the wind.

After hearing the responses from the children the acolytes explained that Lance has a fire attribute, Luke has lightning, and Leisha has wind attribute.

'Huh? That's it? So each answer were related to their attributes. But why? Why can't they see the various colors that I can see all over the temple? And what kind of attribute a purple aura represent?'

A confused Voltaire asked to himself in succession.

While he's pondering, all the children just finished the second phase and finally on the third and last phase of the ceremony; The User.

'Tsk. Although I have several questions, I will set them aside for the moment . The present moment holds the utmost significance.'

He changed his intentions towards the third phase with an intense look on his face.

The acolytes were providing the children with a toy weapon, specifically a wooden sword.

Why are they giving toy swords to the children?

The answer to his question was provided by the priests who explains the third phase; The User.

"Since the children here just received the goddess blessings it means they're incapable of controlling their mana yet," the priests explained in another cleared voice.

The priests explained the third phase like this; If the children's mana flows naturally through the toy weapon they are holding, it indicates that they're a 'Swordmaster'. it's a concept where certain individuals are identified as having a natural affinity for particular weapons.

Those children whose mana successfully flow through the wooden sword can go home now as they're done with the ceremony.

Although they can stay here to sightsee until the ceremony is actually over as the temple have much more spaces now compare to earlier.

As for the children that didn't have their mana flow through the wooden sword will remains in the temple to categorize what kind of mana user they are.

Voltaire doesn't have a wooden sword in his hand so he uses his bottle as a substitute to see if his mana will flow.

It didn't. Which means I'm not a 'Swordmaster'. So what kind of mana user am I then? Come on, old head, continue with the ceremony quickly.

The priests looked at the acolytes eyes for a moment and do the same to the parents.

The acolytes took out their daggers without the children noticing.

The parents know what it means, and they quickly hold their children tightly as if not intending for them to escape their clutches.

Naturally, the children were perplexed as to why all of the parents had acted in the same manner, not just their own.

The acolytes who secretly sneak beside the children took advantage of the confusion and cut the children's arms slightly.

After that, the whole temple were covered by the cries of the children who suddenly got wounded by a dagger.

What the hell? Are these dude insane?! Is it a terrorist attack?!

Voltaire asked to himself as he also didn't understand what's going on.

Julia noticed her young master confused expression and thought Voltaire might cry too, so she explained what's going on.

"It's okay, young master. It's part of the ceremony," Julia said and points to the children, "Look, some of the children's wound are disappearing. It means they're a 'Support' and for those remaining children whose wounds didn't heal means they're a 'Ranger'.

Huh? So that's how it was. What an extreme way of doing things. I feel sorry about those kids. On another note, how would I know if I'm a Ranger or Support? I can't just hurt myself, can I?

While he's talking to himself, the acolytes with the help of the priest and the parents healed the kids whose wounds didn't heal on its own.

Although there's a ton of questions still bugging on Voltaire's mind, he felt satisfied with how the ceremony unfolded.

At the same time, Voltaire couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity of the endless possibilities with Manas.

Voltaire's satisfaction after the ceremony was evidence of his growing confidence and comfort in this new environment. While he still had much to learn and explore, he was excited to see where his 'normal life' would take him next.