
The third miss best waste material

TRANSLATED NOVEL = AUTHOR : Luoluo ORIGINAL COVER She, Feng Liuli, the number one waste material that everyone in the Xingyue country despised and despised, was ridiculed and abused, and was beaten to death by the children of the same clan! Open her eyes again, she is no longer her, brilliance is flowing, peerless elegance! She wants to trample the person who had bullied her and humiliated her under her feet. Nirvana is reborn, the phoenix is ​​born, and it goes against the sky! From then on, the phoenix has shocked the world, and I am the only one!

Airi_Yamada · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Chapter 164 The back road is blocked

But when they came in, they didn't see anyone outside the entrance of the tomb. If there was someone, they would definitely find it.

And that person should know that they have entered this tomb, so it is sealed here, so there is only one possibility, that is that person is an enemy or a friend.

That person wants them to die, or one of them to die, and the others are just funerary objects.

Thinking of this, the expression on Feng Liuli's face couldn't help but become even more gloomy.

Those who can follow behind them without looking, or who have the ability to come to the center of this Yin-Yang Mountain Range, will not be a low-level person.

After saying this, Feng Liuli immediately excluded the freshmen from the academy. Whether it was the First Empire Academy or the Panlong Academy, the freshman experience definitely did not have the strength to come here.

Since he is not a freshman, he must be an outsider, and this outsider is still a good master!

Although Feng Liuli thought of this level, but now, the back road is blocked, and she can only take this group of people who will cause trouble to find another way.

"Let's go!" Feng Liuli thought about it for a while, and then said to everyone, her face returned to the coldness of the past.

She didn't believe it anymore. Since someone wanted them to die in it, she had to find another shortcut and find a way for them to live.

Feng Liuli has nothing else but a stubborn temper that won't admit defeat.

"Sister Feng, are we really unable to get out?"

Yun Junfeng's face was also a little ugly at the moment. After all, he is not young. Although sometimes he looks mature and cold on the outside, he is pampered on the inside. bad boy.

Feng Liuli glanced at Yun Junfeng, and the few people behind him also had a look of horror on their faces like Yun Junfeng.

Feng Liuli sighed and said: "There is no way, there is no way out now, we can only walk forward, I hope we can find a way out!"

Feng Liuli was right, but he heard The ears of the people next to them were still sullen.

There was a look of regret on their faces. If they didn't pester Miss Feng to come here, nothing would happen. Now that the back road has been blocked, I don't know if they can get out.

Everyone was even more shocked when they thought of the small zombie tide that they used crazy just now. They encountered so much trouble just after they came in. This tomb might not be able to walk out.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened everyone became.

Feng Liuli glanced at the fearful and terrified expressions on everyone's faces, and said coldly.

"Maybe you can find a way to survive, don't hesitate, let's go, it's not safe here, the stench is too heavy, maybe it will attract something!" As soon as

Feng Liuli's voice fell, everyone really rushed Looking around in horror, Qi Qi nodded to Feng Liuli when he was sure that there was no danger now.

This time, Tiger King and Bing Lan were leading the way, Feng Liuli followed closely, Yun Junfeng, Linger and others were behind them. The group circled the rotunda and came to the place of the sacrificial tower.

Among them, the people walking in the back freely remembered the small zombies they saw when they entered the inside just now, constantly gnawing at the top of this sacrificial tower, and they could see clearly when they got closer.

It was actually a rotting corpse that kept being bitten.

The carrion had already been covered with corpses, and the disgusting appearance suddenly made several people unable to resist and began to vomit again.

Feng Liuli also had a pale face and did not look at the extremely disgusting scene.

After looking around, I finally saw a stone door directly behind the sacrificial tower. Tiger King pushed the stone door open, and everyone followed behind Tiger King, Bing Lan and others.

Walking out of the rotunda is another long walk. The walk is still made of stones. Everyone walks carefully, and they do not speak, but their ears are constantly listening to the surrounding movement.

This aisle is very long, and it took almost an entire incense stick before everyone walked out of that aisle.

At the end of the aisle is a river full of water. The river below the night exudes a suffocating black color. Feng Liuli glanced at the river.

Naturally, I understand in my heart, I am afraid that there is something in this river, otherwise, how can there be such a dangerous bloodthirsty aura.

The people behind all looked at the front in doubt: "Why don't you leave?"

"There is a river ahead, there is no road!" Feng Liuli said coldly, but her eyes were always staring at the river below.

If you want to go to the opposite side from the place you are standing now, only this river can go, which means that no matter whether the river is in any danger, you can only go through here, otherwise you have to find another way.

At that moment, Feng Liuli frowned, and suddenly there was a bad premonition in her heart. Suddenly, her calm heart became a little irritable.

"How can there be a river, did we go wrong?" someone asked.

Feng Liuli didn't answer, just kept frowning and staring at the river below in a daze.

Right now, even if you want to turn back, you can't do it anymore. After all, after walking for so long, so many zombies have died in the rotunda, and there will be companions who will pass by. If they encounter it, it will be another fierce battle. .

"Let's go, go down and try, now we can only go here, everyone be careful!" Feng Liuli said coldly to the people behind her, and took Tiger King and Binglan to jump in first.

The people behind you looked at me, I looked at you, and jumped into the river one after another.

The bone-piercing river water instantly covered everyone's bodies, and a bone-piercing chill struck, causing everyone to shudder in the water.

Feng Liuli didn't even think that the water in this river was so icy cold, so she could only release her spiritual power to keep herself warm.

The people behind her were not much better. As soon as Ling'er entered the water, her whole body froze into a ball, and she had no strength to swim forward.

Yun Junfeng, who was on the side, was better a man after all. Seeing Linger like this, he swam towards Linger and took Linger to follow behind everyone.

I don't know how far the river is. After swimming in the water for a long time, I didn't see the opposite side. Everyone's physical strength was slightly reduced, but they were still swimming hard.

Feng Liuli, Tiger King, and Bing Lan have been paying attention to everything around her. She had clearly sensed the danger in the water when she descended from above. How could she be so calm at the moment.

Strange, very strange, Feng Liuli's cold eyes revealed a dignified look.

Suddenly, Feng Liuli stared at a light spot in the distance with a pair of cold eyes. No one else could see that place, but she could see clearly. She saw ripples rippling.

Suddenly, Feng Liuli screamed badly in her heart, and she accelerated her swimming speed and roared coldly at the people behind her.

"Everyone, swim quickly, there is something in the water, hurry up!" As soon as

Feng Liuli's words fell, everyone seemed to wake up suddenly and swim hard towards the front.

The thing in the water seemed to feel the acceleration of this side, and suddenly rushed towards here in a hurry.

"Bing Lan, take everyone to the shore, Tiger King, you are here to help me!" Feng Liuli thought that the speed of the opponent's attack was already too late, and immediately ordered Bing Lan and Tiger King.

"Yes, Master, be careful!" Bing Lan glanced at Feng Liuli and then at Tiger King, before continuing to swim towards the opposite bank with everyone behind her.

Seeing that everyone was taken away by Bing Lan, Feng Liuli put down her mind a little, and said to King Tiger with a cold face: "King Tiger, can you see what it is?"

"Master, it's a cold dragon!" Tiger Wang glanced at what was swimming in the water, and a pair of wild eyes suddenly showed an icy aura.

"Han Jiao!" As soon as Feng Liuli heard the Tiger King's words, she understood in her heart that it was no wonder that the river was so icy cold, it turned out that this Han Jiao was at fault.

"Master, there seems to be more than one, there are three!" Tiger King suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and said sternly to Feng Liuli, his tone was extraordinarily serious.

What, when Feng Liuli heard the Tiger King's words, she immediately looked into the distance in shock, and sure enough, in the black water, there were three faint cold flood dragons swimming towards Feng Liuli and the Tiger King.

Glancing at the people who had been brought far away by Ice Blue, Feng Liuli's glazed eyes suddenly burst out with a cold bloodthirsty light.

"Three, hum, there are thirty today, and I want you all to die here, Tiger King, come on!" Feng Liuli shouted angrily, and her cold eyes immediately fell on the three cold dragons in the distance. .

The dazzling Liuli sword drew a perfect arc in the air, and the tiger king on the side was not to be outdone, standing coldly behind Feng Liuli, staring dangerously at the cold dragon in the water.

As if they were already dead at this moment.

"Roar!" The Han Jiao screamed furiously at Feng Liuli and the Tiger King as if he heard Feng Liuli's words.

"Ignorant humans, baa hehe, finally a delicious lunch came in." A low and cold voice came from the water.

"Hey hey hey..." As soon as that voice came out, the other two behind Han Jiao also surfaced at the same time, and the icy eyes shot coldly towards Tiger King and Feng Liuli.

"What a delicious lunch, roar, it's been a long time since I ate it!" Han Jiao, who was walking in the middle, looked at Feng Liuli with a full of icy light in his eyes.

It was as if the current Feng Liuli had already been reduced to that Han Jiao's lunch.

Feng Liuli's icy eyes were even lower, and the corner of her mouth twitched, and she said coldly, "I thought it was something, but it was just three bugs. Tiger King, showed me his body and swallowed them."

Feng Liuli immediately With a cold face, he sneered at the three Han Jiao coldly.

"Roar!" The Tiger King heard Feng Liuli's order, and immediately raised his head to the sky with a roar, the yellow figure burst out of the water, and suddenly jumped into the air, and the dazzling water below suddenly splashed in all directions.

In just a split second, the Tiger King has already revealed a majestic and majestic body.

"An ant dares to block your grandfather tiger's path and seek death!" As soon as the tiger king showed his oversized body, he immediately aroused the shock of the three Han Jiao.