
The third miss best waste material

TRANSLATED NOVEL = AUTHOR : Luoluo ORIGINAL COVER She, Feng Liuli, the number one waste material that everyone in the Xingyue country despised and despised, was ridiculed and abused, and was beaten to death by the children of the same clan! Open her eyes again, she is no longer her, brilliance is flowing, peerless elegance! She wants to trample the person who had bullied her and humiliated her under her feet. Nirvana is reborn, the phoenix is ​​born, and it goes against the sky! From then on, the phoenix has shocked the world, and I am the only one!

Airi_Yamada · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Chapter 129 Fool, being bullied!

"You..." When Jun Limo said it, Qing Lao choked, but what Jun Limo said was indeed true. Originally, Le Bo and Murong Zi were the two who wanted to provoke others. Jin is also a sin that deserves death.

What's more, everyone knows the temperament of the four young masters of the four esoteric sects. He is ruthless and bloodthirsty, cold and ruthless, and his temperament is exaggerated. However, such a man is only attracted to Miss Feng San, and he does not know whether it is a blessing or a misfortune!

The most tragic thing at this moment was Murong Zi and Le Bo, who were lying on the ground and rolling around in pain.

They thought that the president of the alchemy union would intercede for them and they would be fine, but what they didn't expect was that there was Jun Limo, the young master of the esoteric sect, beside Feng Liuli.

Murong Zi was no stranger to Jun Limo at all, and the powerful spiritual power made her even more frightened and horrified. At this moment, she was hurt by Jun Limo's spiritual power. Can't get out of breath!

"The prizes of this alchemy competition are still hoped that the Lord Gu will be able to deliver to Li'er's room on time. I will wait until the prizes arrive before leaving!"

Jun Limo gently hugged Feng Liuli's body and slowly walked off the stage. The back of the black and white leaving together is so harmonious.

Looking at the two backs that were leaving, Jingtian let out a long sigh. It seems that with this young master here, it is really difficult to borrow Tianhuo from that little girl from the Feng family.

Just as he was distressed, he suddenly saw Thunderbolt on the field chasing out the black and white figures in front of him.

"Sister, beautiful elder sister, wait for me, I want to make alchemy with you!"

Although Jinglei didn't quite understand why the group of people treated beautiful elder sister like that, he also knew in his heart that elder sister was being bullied.

At this moment, I was even more happy to see someone venting their anger for the beautiful sister, shouting and chasing after Feng Liuli and Jun Limo.

"Fool, stay here, who is your sister, she is my woman, remember... Get out, don't touch my Li'er..." Jun Limo's annoyed voice came from a distance, never again As cold and ruthless as before.

Such an innocent thunder really made Jun Limo and Feng Liuli helpless, and they didn't want to hurt this cute and clean boy at all.

"Sister, beautiful sister, this uncle is so fierce!" Jinglei listened to Jun Limo's angrily scolding, and the face that was even more cloudy than a cloudy day suddenly pouted in dissatisfaction.

"Uncle, hahaha..." Feng Liuli listened to the uncle in Jinglei's mouth, and immediately glanced at Jun Limo. At this moment, Jun Limo, who had a dark complexion, really looked like an uncle.

Feng Liuli couldn't help but burst into laughter, ignoring the dark-faced man beside her.

"Li'er, why are you fooling around with this fool? Could it be that he is a fool, and you are also foolish, Li'er, how could I be a fool!"

Jun Limo, who has always been ruthless, couldn't help but talk more at this moment , looked at Feng Liuli's big smile and complained.

"Oh, I'm still young, so you have to let them be a little bit!" Feng Liuli looked at Jun Limo's rare gentle smile, and said with ease.

"Okay, for the sake of Li'er's face, this young master will not care about this fool for the time being, but if he dares to rob my Li'er again, this young master will not be able to spare him!"

Jun Limo snorted coldly, He glanced at Jinglei with disdain, and did not put Jinglei in his eyes at all.

Looking at such a childish Jun Limo, Feng Liuli was lost for a moment. Is this really the arrogant, ruthless, graceful, and noble esoteric young master - Jun Limo?

The sound of the three of them joking and laughing went farther and farther, but the shocking people on this side of the square were very happy!

His grandson was finally smart, he knew that he was pestering that little girl, hum!

Although he was worried that the two black hearts, black lungs and black livers would definitely bully his grandson, who made his grandson think of nothing but alchemy.

But on the other hand, if the stinky boy can really have a good relationship with that little girl, it seems that it is not bad. At least he can use the sky fire to refine the medicine pill.

"Ahie, Ahie..." Jinglei, who foolishly followed behind Feng Liuli, sneezed twice, without feeling that he was being tricked by his own grandfather.

Following the departure of Feng Liuli and Jun Limo, everyone in the alchemy competition square also left one after another.

When everyone left, the most discussion was still focused on Feng Liuli alone.

The first genius in the Eastern Continent, a unique genius alchemist, a demigod, and speculation about the grievances between Murong Zi and Feng Liuli...

For a time, the three words Feng Liuli were not only the idols of spiritual practitioners, but also alchemy. Teacher's idol!

Back in his room, Jinglei was still chattering around Feng Liuli and talking non-stop.

While asking what kind of medicinal pill Feng Liuli refined in the finals today, she looked at Feng Liuli with a look of adoration in her eyes as she wanted to apprentice.

That silly boy who couldn't feel the taste at all not only made Feng Liuli want to cry, but Jun Li, who rarely wanted to live with Feng Liuli for a while, had a dark expression on his face.

It's useless for this fool to scold, and it's useless to fight!

"Sister, just teach me, teach me, and you can be my master!" Jinglei said vigorously, with faint tears flashing in those clean and pure eyes, with a look of grievance.

"Didn't I say it before, I'll introduce you to Master, stop arguing!" Feng Liuli finally couldn't bear the thunder that was chirping like a bird beside her.

"I want my sister to be my master, and I don't want anyone else, no!" Jinglei, who looked like a child, continued to wink at Feng Liuli and pretend to be cute.

Feng Liuli wanted to cry but had no tears, she really wanted to know how this silly boy grew up so big, and why was he not kidnapped and sold!

"Sister, beautiful sister!" Jinglei grabbed the corner of Feng Liuli's clothes, which was already wrinkled.

Those clean eyes blinked and blinked, as if Feng Liuli had been doing evil all the time, and finally Feng Liuli took a deep breath, unable to resist the silly boy's soft and hard bubbles.

"Okay, you can make me your master if you want, but you must obey me in everything you want, and you must follow my words as the criterion for everything, even your grandfather's words. If you can do it, I will I'll accept you as an apprentice!"

Feng Liuli looked at Jinglei and said seriously.

Since she wants to be her apprentice, she must listen to her wholeheartedly and without reservation. If not, then she would rather not have this apprentice.

Although it is really strict for such a request, this is her request. If she can't even do this, then this apprentice will not accept it!

She has her own style of doing things, and if she wants to compromise, she must have her rules of the game!

"Okay, no problem!" When Jinglei heard that Feng Liuli had agreed to be his master, he immediately closed his mouth with joy, and nodded quickly in response.

Feng Liuli looked at Jinglei's constant nodding like mashing garlic, and suddenly laughed, this silly boy is really cute sometimes, if she can, she also hopes to make this silly boy so happy all the time.

"Okay, go out immediately, close the door, turn left, master is going to rest!" Feng Liuli was already tired after a day of alchemy, so she yawned and said to Jinglei.

Jinglei immediately obediently walked out, and closed the door obediently by the way. Jun Limo, who was watching, was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect this silly boy to be so obedient.

"You go out too, I'm going to sleep!" Feng Liuli nodded with satisfaction when she saw Jinglei's action, then turned to look at Jun Limo, who was planning to stay away.

"Sleep!" Jun Limo didn't say a word, just took off his shoes quickly, then climbed onto Feng Liuli's bed, put the quilt over himself and Feng Liuli, and hugged Feng Liuli in his arms to command the prominence two words.

Feeling the warm body temperature next to her, Feng Liuli's body stiffened for a moment, but maybe she was too tired after two games and fell asleep quickly.

Jun Limo looked at the woman who was sleeping soundly in his arms, the corners of his cold mouth unnaturally evoked a doting smile, and he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep!

It was noon the next day when she woke up again, and as soon as Feng Liuli woke up, she felt a sudden shock in a warm embrace.

After struggling to get up, he found out that the man was sleeping with him last night, and two lumps of red clouds instantly climbed up his cheeks.

"This young master doesn't even know that my Li'er is still shy!" Jun Limo teased, enjoying the touch of spring on Feng Liuli's cheeks.

"Do you think I'm really a man, hum!" Feng Liuli struggled to get out of Jun Limo's arms, lifted the quilt and glanced at the clothes on her body, and then began to wash her face and rinse her mouth with water.

"Hehe, Li'er like this is really cute, but fortunately, only the young master saw it!"

Jun Limo continued to admire Feng Liuli's shy and bowed appearance, which was the flamboyant and wanton arrogant in peacetime. Women are completely different.

While the two were talking, the respectful voice of the Medicine King Valley disciple came from the door.

"Miss Feng, the owner of my family has invited me, please come and claim the Sudoku Fruit!"

The words of the Yaowanggu disciple immediately entered Feng Liuli's ears, and before he could speak, he heard Jun Limo on the bed speak.

"Isn't it supposed to be delivered, tell you the Valley Master, Miss Feng San will not go!" Jun Limo coldly refused, his face was rather gloomy, who made him interrupt him to see Li'er's shy look.

"This..." The man at the door seemed to hesitate for a while, and continued to speak.

"Gu master said, if Miss Feng San doesn't go, the people will not give it, that person must claim it in person, and Miss Feng San's master, Elder Yunqing, has also come, and is currently in the living room with my family Gu. Lord, drink tea!"

The disciple at the door continued, quietly waiting for Feng Liuli's reply in the room. After washing up, Feng Liuli slowly walked to the door and opened the door, watching the disciple outside say coolly.

"I see, lead the way ahead!" After speaking, Feng Liuli followed the disciple in front all the way out of the small courtyard and walked towards the living room that the disciple said.