
The Third Dark Lord

Heitor lived his whole life as an orphan, built an empire with his cunning, even in a not always legal way, on one of his business trips, his private jet suffers an accident and Heitor dies. when he opens his eyes again, he finds himself in the world of Harry Potter, having little knowledge of the plot, we will see how our MC will build his empire in the wizarding world. I do not own Harry Potter or its characters. English is not my official language, wait for grammatical errors.

Michele_Lopes · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Wish Spell

"Professor, you mean to say that if you continue to supply magical power to the magic dust, the magical transfiguration of the Wishing Spell can last forever?" Dantalion asked

"Yes, but nobody has infinite magic, so there is no such possibility" Quirrell replied

Not necessarily, thought Dantalio, does the professor use the Wishing Spell, given the limited magic present in wizards' bodies, but the rune magic that Dantalion read about in the Runes books in the Malfoy and Black library, advocates communication with elemental magic. existing in the outside world, so as to use the infinite elements to perform magic, that is, if you use elemental magic to replenish magic power, this spell will be very promising!

Afterwards, Professor Quirrell explained the spell casting techniques, precautions and even detailed the differences and connections between the sounds of the Middle Eastern language used in the spell to their Latin pronunciation equivalent.

Dantalion listened with hunger and thirst, quickly taking in the knowledge imparted by the teacher and constantly thinking about how he could combine the spell with elemental rune magic, to create his own version of the wish spell! The two taught and learned in a very harmonious way.

"Professor, if you want to transform this spell and change its structure, such as inserting magic from outside, how can this be done?" Dantalion asked

"Well, the movements we make to cast a spell are basically the representation of the rune or runes it represents" saying that Professor Quirrell showed the rune structure of the spell in the air and asked "Do you want to insert the outer magic in the Wishing Spell? " Quirrell's eyes lit up in surprise and then he shook his head." the spell will still last for three seconds"

Dantalion was overjoyed to learn that he could change the way magic was entered, and could hardly contain himself to ask the professor for advice on the Quirrell method as he was still patiently explaining the knowledge in detail.

Slowly, Dantalion became fully familiar with the spell's speech, suddenly an idea came to him, not caring that the professor was still nearby, he took out his wand, using his ability to see the flow and magic power, he tried to change the rune , for one that connected with the external magic elements, carefully changing the text, wanting to form a new spell using elemental magic.

"This is not right, if you add this rune, it will explode" the professor suddenly spoke trying to stop him.

Quirrell looked at the rune in the air with a surprised look, he didn't expect Dantalion to know this ancient rune practically unknown nowadays, although he himself wasn't that familiar with the rune he still knew that something was going to go wrong and tried to stop it, otherwise, it was very possible that both would be reduced to ashes.

Know that the creation of spells is a very dangerous thing, there are three ways to create a spell, using the magic of words, Runes, using the magic of numbers, Arithmancy and finally mixing the two previous ways, however there are nuances, in the alphabet basic runic, each letter causes an effect, so you should be careful when using it.

Most often at St. Mungus, the patients that are received were consequences of experiments with spells, as well as Luna Lovegood's mother, who was killed by a direct explosion while experimenting on a spell.

Dantalion was surprised when he heard the teacher's reminder and then looked closely at the rune combination in the air and watched the magic flow around, as he possessed his cheating power why not use it? Then, looking carefully, activating his ability to the maximum, he began to change the place of the runes, observing the response of the magic flow, after several attempts, he realized that he really could have died, in more than six attempts the possibility of an explosion was very real!

The Desire spell is composed of seven known magic runes, if Dantalion wants to add an ancient Elemental rune, he needs to hit the right spot, as a result, he added the rune a different spot on each try, and the result was a large, flowing flow. unstable spell over and over again, indicating an explosion.

Fortunately, he finally found the most suitable place to add the new rune, this time with certainty, without hesitation he added the new element in the correct position, startling the professor, who was originally calm and elegant, he directly changed his face and immediately imposed a I protect myself! Avoiding getting blown up with young Malfoy! However, it didn't explode, as Quirrell suspected.

At this moment, the spell runes floating in the air changed, formerly seven original runes, turned into eight runes that glowed in a dazzling golden, the reconstructed spell was full of life and constantly rotated.

"You created a new spell?!" Quirrell was a little flustered with surprise, this first year student had just created a spell right under his nose!

"No, professor, I just modified the existing spell, so I can use it" Dantalion shook his head, denying the creation of a new spell, but still smiling sincerely, looking at the new spell in the air, Dantalion remembered the structure and reading pronunciation and then erased.

Eagerly he took out his wand and recited the new wishing spell, only this time he spoke a longer spell and his movement changed a bit.

"Vote Vera" When young Malfoy waved his wand, golden dust came out of the tip, several times the amount of the original spell, with a single thought, the magic dust directly transformed into a phoenix and emitted a thrilling sound of that magical animal, no it was until about ten seconds that the phoenix dissipated!

"Your Wishing Spell exceeded three seconds! How did you do it?" The teacher asked no longer maintaining his elegance.

He watched in shock as Dantalion cast the modified spell, he spent so much time trying to break through the spell's time, and it was enhanced by a student in just a few hours!

Dantalion was also very happy, now the new spell no longer relies on the body's limited magic, but through the added rune, it directly communicates with the magic elements of the outside world, managing to replenish itself at any time. Not to mention that Dantalion has just discovered a use for his Magic Eye, other spells can be modified or created!

Professor Quirrell who was surprised only that he had shown that he extended the spell to three minutes, imagine if he knew that now the spell could last several hours, Dantalion feared that instead of shock the professor would show greed for the new spell, after all, they both knew , that this magic had no restrictions, could create things from the void, much more subtle than transfiguration!

Even the magical creatures the spell produces are practically alive! This in itself is incomparable to Transfiguration, because a transfigured dragon only reproduces its outer form, i.e., it does not breathe fire.

"Professor, I just changed the way magic is instilled so that he can absorb the magic present in the air for a short period of time, managing to extend his time up to ten seconds, I will try to extend it more later, really messing with spells it's very dangerous!" Dantalion said with mock pity, but with a look of satisfaction.

As soon as the teacher heard the boy's words, he immediately lost interest in the modified spell, just a few seconds longer, it was still a useless spell, but praised "It's still very good to improve the spell at this age! It shows that you are even more talented than I thought, in the future we can continue to study this aspect."

Then he looked at Dantalion with a straight face and said "But you shouldn't try to improve the spell like that, many wizards lose their lives in the experiment, you're lucky and chose the right position, otherwise my office and we would have exploded!"

Dantalion nodded obediently, but complaining in his heart, after learning the spell, the journey's goal was achieved, looking at the darkening sky outside he bids farewell to the teacher.

"Dantalion Malfoy" as soon as the young man touched the doorknob, the professor's elegant voice came from behind him, Dantalion's body tensed, then he remembered that the professor behind him is actually Voldemort, which he had completely forgotten in the course of that afternoon !

With a calm face and a smile, the young man turned around and asked "Professor, do you have anything else to ask?"

Quirrell was sitting lazily in his chair, like a cold king and a gentle smile on his face but no warmth in his eyes, he said slowly "In the future, you are always welcome in my office, if you have any questions come and find me , understood Mr. Malfoy?"

"Yes teacher, thank you for your teaching today, it has benefited me a lot" said Dantalion respectfully.

The professor looked directly at Dantalion for a moment and then he smiled sarcastically and said "Of course I taught you, you are a Malfoy, I must guide my future followers, you can go and lock the door"

"Goodbye teacher" he said quickly and opened the door, walked out and closed it slowly, only to see the eyes deep in the crack of the door, still looking at him, taking a deep breath, Dantalion found that his back was sweaty, although he said he wasn't afraid, when he was with the Dark Lord, who even in this state was still powerful, Dantalion felt pressured.

However, Dantalion looked at the wand in his hand and showed an expression of excitement, today, not only did he learn some magical techniques from Voldemort, which are not taught, but he also turned the Wishing Spell into his next magic, he couldn't wait to use that spell.

He quickly went to his room and entered, according to his understanding, the spell falls under the transfiguration category, but unlike that, what the new spell produces is real for the time the spell lasts, it's like something divine , this practically touched on the rules of alchemy.

"Vota Vera" Dantalion used the spell again, this time he didn't limit it, and suddenly a big cloud of golden dust came out and under the young man's control, it directly transformed into a phoenix, Dantalion looked closely at the anima, who in his eyes glowed and showed the flow of magic interacting with the spell.

The magic is amazing! Dantalion couldn't help but sigh, he didn't expect that a spell created to deceive Muggles could be so valuable, making it possible to conjure such a magical creature! According to the explanation of the ancient rune books, elemental magic is the basis of what constitutes magic matter, is the source of magic, it is infinite, so there is no concern about the huge magic consumption of the wish spell.

Dantalion continued training the spell for a while, tried to transform all the magical animals he knew from unicorns, griffins and even a house elf, he realized that if he was in danger, he might as well summon a magical creature to help him!

An idea came up, quickly Dantalion released the spell "Vota Vera", the magic dust quickly appeared and condensed into a human, another Dantalion Malfoy appeared, the two looked at each other and then smiled at each other.

Young Malfoy's state at this moment was wonderful, his mantle seemed to have been copied in two parts, however the main consciousness remained in the original body, but he could see, hear and hear the thoughts of the other Dantalion.

"Well, I really am handsome!" he said after looking at himself for a while, smiling he grabbed the other Dantalion's chin and began measuring it carefully, Dantalion II rolled his eyes, patted the hand that was on his chin and said playfully "Could you let go of me, would you?" You look like a pervert!"

Dantalion looked at number two very surprised, handed him the wand and said expectantly "Try it out, if you really can release magic, then I'll buy you a wand!"

Without hesitation, Dantalion II took out his wand and fired a Lumos, making the room glow brightly "Excellent", Dantalion cheered excitedly, he really didn't expect that the Wishing Spell was so powerful that it could make a conjured mage also able to cast magic .

"I need a wand for you, wait a minute, I'll get Draco's" leaving quickly Dantalion went to meet his brother, 10 minutes passed and he came back with another wand "Come on, let's fight", number two didn't refuse, he waved the head and stood in front of Dantalion ready to attack.

Both were Dantalion and had the same way of thinking, knew the same spells and moved equally, after several attacks the two ended up tied, however, this made the young man very happy, it showed that the strength of the conjured magician was equivalent his, an extra helper who could be summoned anywhere at any time.

The two sat down on the floor to rest.

Dantalion looked at his copy and smiled "Clones in movies are always trying to replace the original body, aren't you up to something?"

Dantalion II rolled his eyes and said "How can you be dumber than me! We're the same person and my reason for existing is you... ahhhh that sounds weird, I meant that I only appear because of your magic and the spell, I'm basically a magical doppelganger!"

Dantalion smiled as he was scolded by himself, that was a very interesting experience, laughing said "If we go out like this now, they'll think you're Draco… hahaha… maybe not he's a little shorter, maybe tri-twins so maybe we can be like the Weasley twins!"

Dantalion II looked at him in horror and said "I think it's better to dissipate, I think after copying yourself your brain has become a bit stupid"

"I didn't think I was so poisonous, am I like that normally?" Dantalion muttered to himself in amazement.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, as I said earlier, some things in the world of Harry Potter are going to change, magic being one of them! While doing research for this chapter I couldn't find anything about creating spells in the Potter world, so I went with my idea from scratch. I'm also going to start working on the lineage of pure blood mages.... lots of things to create, anyway, thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it!

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