
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 79 Aric 's unexpected behavior!

" Xavia, come and eat with us. " Aric said,

Abruptly, everybody stared at Aric and Xavia.

" Aric, you are saying Xavia to eat with you! " Moira mentioned,

" Yes; I am saying here, not to walls that eat with us. " Aric and.,

" Aric, my mean was not that you are saying to walls. I am saying this because you don't like her. " Moira said,

" Xavia! You are still there? Come, eat something and perhaps you are gonna go somewhere. " Aric called,

Xavia comes to the dining table.

" Xavia, sit armpit me. " Aric said,

" Ok, dad! " Xavia said,

Then Xavia sits in a sideward chair.

" Aric, I didn't expect this kind of behaviour that you'll accept Xavia as your daughter. I am happy for our family. " Samantha said,

" She is not my daughter! " Aric replied,

" Then, what's she? " Moira asked,

" She is mine son, my elder son! " Aric said,

" This miracle when occurred! When Xavia made his son a relinquished person? " Moira said in Lusi's ears.

" Mom! You should happy to Xavia and I don't know, what happened between father and daughter. " Lusi said,

" Dad, I am going late! So, I have to go now. " Xavia said,

" Ok! Take care of yourself and drive slow your car. " Aric said,

Xavia picked her car's key and she goes out of the house.

" Aric, some days before you are saying me to divorce and what happened that you has accepted Xavia. " Samantha asked,

" Aren't you happy for Xavia and you! " Aric asked,

" No! I am happy I am really happy! I didn't expect that you keep the company of me and Xavia. "

Samantha expressed her gaiety.

" Maya! Where are you? I am waiting for you on the 3rd floor of the mall. " Vin said,

"Then you shouldn't wait for me! Go and live with your girlfriend. " Maya said,

Vin was calling Maya with his phone, Vin went there to do away with her displeasure.

" Maya, I have important work for you and I need you. " Vin said,

" Oh! It's good! When you need me, then you'll call me until you'll have a gust of with my girlfriend!

No! No! No... With your girlfriend! " Maya said,

" Maya, listen to me! " Vin said,

" No! Bye and don't call me again! " Maya said,

"What's a problem with this girl! Sometimes she...

What could I say to her! " Vin murmured.

" Why's it not opening! " Xavia said,

Xavia was standing afore of the elevator and she was trying to open it, But that elevator had jammed.

Other elevators have been used by other people.

" No! No! What's today's bad day? " Xavia shouted.

She kicked on the door of the elevator, so she hurts her leg.

" Now, I have to use stairs. " Xavia said, Then she goes toward the stairs. She also was on 3 rd floor of the mall. She steps forward, Vin also was standing there but his face was in opposite direction to Xavia.

Xavia passes the axilla of Vin, But! Her sandal stick on the stairs and she fell on Vin's shoulder.

Vin's heartbeat goes fast, he stood like a dead body. He can't understand that what's the feeling!

" Why's his blood attracting me! I can't control myself. I can't control myself. " Xavia said,

Xavia 's left eye changes in red colour.

She sniffs around his neck, such as his blood was inviting her to drink.

Influence of Vin's blood, her thirst to drink his blood becomes more strong.

Xavia opens her mouth to bite on his neck, she was gonna bit on his neck.

" Vin! " a sound reach in her ears, She comes in her sense.

"Vin! What's she doing with you? " Maya said,

Xavia pushed Vin's shoulder and goes away.

During this incident Vin and Xavia, they both didn't see their face.

"Vin! Who was that girl? Vin, answer me " Maya asked,

Till Vin's heartbeats become normal.

" Maya, " Vin said,

Maya had reached near Vin.

She quit., "You again! Tell me who was she? You are hugging her afore of public! "

" No Maya, no! That wasn't like that you are understanding. She fell on me, that was a just incident. " Vin explained,

" I thought that you'll understand my value but you are showing me your unseen colours! Now, bye! " Maya said, Maya goes her way.

Vin was calling her, " Maya! Maya! Stop there. "

But, she ignores him.

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