
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 7 Public or Child

On the other hand, the king and his charioteer start climbs on the hill. King is climbing with astir. This is a mysterious hill, lots of people had died when they were visiting here. Strange creatures are adapted in this hill where can't see on the whole earth. Some creatures are wandering and they highly depend on human meat. King and charioteer have cross halfway and after patroling in the sky the sun is tired so, now it's hiding.

The trees of the hill are massive like giants, some red terror eyes can see behind bushing.

" What is that " ? shouted the charioteer.

" Ignore them, they are some human eater creatures" informs king.

" Ohh! we are in danger, death on our heads " screamed the charioteer.

" if you shall scare, they can feel your fear and they shall eat you so, you should calm " told the king.

Now the sky is dark. Then charioteer fires some liquor lamp. Some ancient occult wrote on the banner. Perhaps they wrote to protect from some evil power.

"Ohh! my stomach is starving, I can die if you forget to took some food " king ' s pour out anger.

" My Lord, I have taken some food so, please calm eat food and release my life, " told charioteer.

King and charioteer ate some food and then slept under trees.

Charioteer was too tired so, he falls asleep in a deep unconscious state.

In the morning king awake with encourage mood. Then charioteer. " Why are you still asleep? " jabber king.

he ( king) threw some cold water on the charioteer. " you won't wake, why are you sleep like a pig ? " gnash king.

He reaches the cave. " I should bath in the lake. "

He takes bath, then enters the cave.

There were dark in the cave, after some step ahead he sees some light, he saw that the saint is sitting in the air over his mat.

" Saint, I greet you," he said with a soft voice. Saint open their eyes with exasperation and give strange look to the king.

" Saint, why are you not talking to me, did I do something wrong? " he expresses.

" King, you not but your major queen did some wrong . " saint open a talk.

" What mistake, she did everything well in each step and she never hurt anybody " he clarified.

" That foetus was in her womb, now is in under evil powers, he will be the owner of evil power. he will be the reason for destroying the kingdom. your kingdom will not more manned and because of that child several peoples will be killed in future, he will hoist the banner of evil. " saint explain all future.

"Before time will go away, you have to kill him " saint suggested.

King is in dilemma and then he decides to sacrifice his son for his public. with a hard voice, he says " I am ready for immolation to public ."

" I m a king before a father, my public is my children, i' ll do anything for my public . " he decides.