
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 60 "Only cowards hide, not guiltless! "

" Yes, you are saying right. " the first guy said,

" I heard, that Xavia 's father Mr Aric Groeneveld never came before it? " another guy asked,

" I don't know about it clearly, but... yes . " another ans. ,

Alin was stand last in the conference room, he was looking at Xavia 's father.

"Oh, so he is the father of choosy Xavia. " Alin was saying in his mind.

" Will you tell us in detail? Why did Xavia do it? "another reporter asked,

" Why are you silent, don't you know? " another one asked,

"We want ans, so what ' ll you say? " one of them. asked.,

" Move, move... Sir will give any, of each question!

Please make peace. Don't ask a hurry. " a teacher said,

" Where's Xavia? Bring her here. "Director order,

" Is it not wrong use of power? A girl like Jae crushed in it? " the reporter asked.,

" Will you tell us, peoples want to you about it? Who's responsible for it? " again, and another reporter asked,

" I am seeing this day because of Xavia, she cut my nose. "Aric said in his mind,

Reporters were asking their questions, they wanna get all details about this case. They were not taking names to stop their quest.

" I don't think, that Xavia did it. I believe in my daughter. " Aric and,

" What's about all evidence? It's a sensitive case for a girl? " reporter que,

"See, before it I didn't hear any complaint.

You all knew that some people wanna be successful. Xavia is one first to genius, none can't regress her. That girl. What's name her? Jae! She did it to gain popularity in this way. " Aric and,

" Her father is shameless like her, I don't doubt on it, that Xavia is his daughter! He is blind in the love with his daughter. " Alin thought in mind.

" Ok! But we learnt that you'll never come to any events to see the victory of your daughter! For a daughter is very important to see her father be happy by her potential. " a reporter que,

Aric went to money state.

" Why are you silent? Are you have any answer? What are you thinking? " the reporter asked,

Aric does have not any ans to say it . he can't tell World that her daughter is not mattered to him.

" By our peoples, we get that, you do bad behaviour with your daughter? Why are you saying lie?

What's the reason behind it? she is not your daughter? " one of them asked,

Aric lost his bridge of patience, Aric was snap in ire, but Suddenly!

Xavia came somewhere, she hold the. She spoke, " Which information you got, it completely wrong. My father is starting with me since my birth. a He loves me m can't express it with my mouth. He was with me, in each situation like in pain, happiness, sadness. "

" Then why didn't he come in your other competition days to encourage you? " the reporter asked,

" My father is a busy man. I can understand him, he spends as much time with me as possible for him. If he didn't like me, then why did he come to take my side! " Xavia said,

" And what about Jae's matter? "reporter Que.,

" You all knew very well today's technology, anyone can make fake sound audio. Think about it, why'll I do it? Don't I love my image? If Jae was right then why's she only towards wards hide not faultless " Xavia and.

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