
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 58 "I ' ll take back Manik! "

" Control on yourself, control on your emotion. " Manik ' s father stopped her to argue to the doc.

He caught her wrist, and said, " Dear, accept it. Manik is not with us, He went away. "

" Why didn't you affect due to his death? he also was your son. No... No... Manik can't leave us! He can't go to leave us. " Manik's mom cried, she was in a deeply painful state.

She gets in to watch Manik. Manik's body was covered by a white cloth on the bed. She reached afore of Manik's body. She uncovered the cloth of his face. She screamed!

Manik's face was burnt and cut crucially.

Some lower spaces of the eye were made of scratches, it was made by any screw or string. Doc. were throw out that during operation, and thousands of bloody lines were in his eyes as some muscles ripped off during when attacked on him.

His half lower lips were not on his face, it was cut by any less sharp-edge tool. His terrific, tortured body was a sign of pain, which he was enduring.

"Aaaah! Aaaah! What did those cruel animals do with my son? How could any be cruel in this way? " Manik's mom cried, she fell on the floor and was weeping madly.

When Vin saw Manik's body, he got mad in his ire.

Now is not remain the line of his rage.

He was starting Manik's body as he is capturing all memories during Manik's torture of his mind.

" You all will die! You all will die! You all have invited your most terrific death. "Vin said in mind.

" Vin, did you forget, Who are You? " Maya said,

" What do you want to say? " Vin asked,

" What do I to say, it obvious. " Maya replied,

Vin put his hand on Manik's mom, and. said, " Auntie, don't cry! I'll take back Manik. "

" You'll take back Manik! How? Doc. have said clearly no. Then what'll you do? " Manik ' s mom asked,

" I am his friend, and I won't die him! Please auntie permit me to take Manik's body to take him back. " Vin said,

" Vin, don't give me any fake hope to enticement me. " She said,

"Auntie, according to you and doc. Manik is dead. So, why don't I try the last time? After all, my fast friend and I won't lose him. " Vin convinced Manik's mom.

" Ok! Take him. But listen, my hope is connected with you. Don't disappoint me.

" Vin, let's go. We don't have enough time. " Maya reminded Vin.

Vin totes body. Manik's mum was looking at her son's body in plaintive cry.

Soon. Vin and Maya reached an abundant building. It was too old and in dilapidated condition. Its s condition was like this, its's roof can fall at any time. Paints of walls got off on the floor. Everywhere were only seen incondite and their upper parts were covered spiders ' s mesh.

Vin and Maya were onward that building. Suddenly! Maya'feet bump into a noisy thing.

In a sec. some terrible sounds waft surrounding any birds or animals. In a bunch of big peripheral feets long sizable are coming to them.

Those bats took carried Manik's body with them.

Vin and Maya were following them, to a big spacious hall. Different -different types of trees were grown from inside the land. As if, it connected with an abysm. A dwell like circular structure made the of the hall. That bat left Manik's body trap in a frutex of trees. Momentary! frutex runs the body of Manik. It covered the body and penetrate his eyes, nose, mouth and chest. They start to soak the blood of the body. At some time, those soaks each drop of body. Now! the body was looking manikin, azoic, lifeless skinny.

Vin cut a little bit on his flat of hand by his mind powers. In slow motion, one by one his black blood's drop fell on dwell. In a millisecond of dropping, dwell ' s liquid blazed so many lengthy feet under the power of Vin's blood. Ablaze of

swirl engulfed body in the profoundness of dwell.

Manik's body drowned in it.

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