
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 47 Will Aryan help of Sya?

" Oh! Where they all are? I can't see them, didn't they leave me! No! No! They undoubtedly went into the washroom. But together! I should wait for them, I am feeling hot. " Ankita left to dance floor, but she didn't find anyone.

" Suzi! Calm, Calm down. " Rina handled Suzi,

" I am feeling dizzy, my head is ripped off! Suzi told,

" Don't worry, keeping yourself; I am with you. Do early Sya and Ankita were waiting for us. " Rina said.

" Hey! Hey! Open the door of the washroom. get out, I can't stay at door. " a lady shouted.

" Ok! Let's go, I am done. " Suzi replied,

Rina caught Suzi's hand to support her then they both go for her friends.

" Hey, Where were You go? I stayed here for you."

Ankita asked,

" Actually... Suzi's state of mental health was weak, because of over drink. So I took her to the washroom. " Rina and.,

" Oh! I can understand. Suzi, you should take some rest. " Ankita said,

"By the way, where is Syria? " Rina asked Ankita,

" I don't know, I thought that she'll go with you?

I didn't see her anywhere! " Ankita mention.

" Oh! I forgot about Sya due to Suzi... " Rina said. Suzi watched around, then she told,

" Rina! Here are not those guys! "

" What! Where did they go? Where could they go? " Rina shouted,

" What! What are you talking about? Guys? who's Guy? Why didn't I know about them! Where is Syria? " Ankita asked Rina,

" No! No! is she not in Damocles? " Suzi haw,

" Don't talk nonsense! Nothing will happen like it. We have to find Sya at any cost. " Rina said,

" I am calling Vin. " Ankita told,

Suzi caught her hand at the speed of lighting.

" Stop! Are you going mad! We can't tell Vin. Don't waste time. " Suzi said,

She all her friends searched. " Excuse me, did you saw a girl who was sitting with boys? , they were sitting there. " Ankita asked some people,

"No!, We didn't see anyone," they replied,

" No! No! shit, what the fuck! I didn't find Sya anywhere. " Suzi screamed,

" Did they not take away Sya! " Ankita said,

" No! No! They didn't look like this. " Rina told,

" Do you learn them well? How could you believe in them? I didn't expect that you'll for it. " Ankita said,

" Stop it! Why are you blaming me? it's not the only mine, but also we are all responsible for it. " Rina defend,

" Now is not any profit of arguing, so think... what do we do? " Suzi understood them.

" We should go out to check them! " Ankita said,

" Let's go! " Rina agreed.

They all are running in the parking area. They searched Sya everywhere, but they didn't reach her.

" No! Now I am sure, there is in its the hands of those boys! " Ankita confided,

"Yes! I also agree with you, but we can't find her at our level. We have time to take the help of someone! " Rina said.

Aryan was coming aside from the elevator, he was rotating his car with his first right-hand finger.

Those three girls were looking at him.

" Are you thinking the same kind as I am? " Suzi asked Rina,

" Yes! He can help us. Otherwise, we don't have any choice, he is our last hope until we'll trap badly. Vin'll kill us!" Rina said.

Ankita went to close Aryan, she asked:" We need your help, please do our help! "

" For what? "Aryan Que.,

"Our friend passes anywhere. We are unable to find her, can you please help us to find her? Ankita asked politely,

"Which friend? " Aryan asked,

" Ah... She was... She was fighting with you... inside..." Ankita ans.,

"No! No way! She is such a manners less girl, and if you wanna find her then call her family or ask anyone and don't involve me. " Aryan make clean breast of his fans.

Then he go to sit in his car, he refused to hear them.

" Please! " Rina requested,

" Her life is in danger! " Suzi shouted,

" Danger! " He stopped and surprised,

" Yes! She is in big trouble. We gave her a task to kiss a boy, she went to complete it. Then we busied due to any situation, according to us they'll take her anywhere! We are in this place, our family do not learn about this. We came here by stealth, So we can't information our family. " Ankita explained everything in a breath.

" Hey bro, could we enjoy ourselves with you ! " a guy said,

"No! for this night she is mine, after it, you can taste her. "Rohan said, Rohan, pointing Sya. Rohan, his friends and Sya were in a room. Say was not in her sense.

" Come on bro! We shared each thing of our life, Can't you share it? " His friends asked,

" Ok! But if your fun, what'll we achieve? " one of his friends asked,

" I understood! " Rohan and. He bungled his hand in a bag and gave lots of bundles of dollars.

"Have a good night! " They said,

"Do you know about this all? " Rohan asked,

" No! No Rohan! We didn't see and hear anything." They all ans., Then they get off from the room.

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