
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 40 Maya, Vin 's life saviour

What are you saying? I have to kill 13 innocent new newborns full fill my promise! , I asked,

" Innocent! you are thinking that all world is innocent and they are worried about you! " She said,

This is wrong, you want their lives with my help!

I am sorry! I can't do this, I can't do this. , I ans.,

" You concerned for this world, right! what'll you gain to care for them? are they also concerned about you! , she asked,

I don't know, I could not do it; whatever you are saying! and I am going back. , I spoke,

" You are caring those peoples in which also included your parent's culprits. They are breathing in the air freely without any chastisement. " she reminds me.

I stopped my feet.

How do you know this all? tell me! , I hesitated,

" it does not matter that how do I know, were your parent not deserving to live in this world? , she Que.,

I became sad suddenly to hear this.

" Tell Vin, tell? I want to hear it to your mouth! " she yelled.,

No! my mom and dad were deserving to stay in this world, they never did bad with anyone. , I accepted,

" Are you happy, that you are understanding them good & they snatched you, parent! They snatched your littlest happiness, left you alone! lots worse

happened with you; did this world change! ", she Que.,

You are saying right, my all happiness snatched, now in my life haven't any specific reason to live willingly. , I told,

" Vin! this all word is the same kind. Here; where good peoples live snatch and else peoples fly this all incidents as a funny topic in air, none is good in this world, is it reached in your ear!", she asked,

I didn't say anything.

" Vin! II'mmompany with you, in your every moment, in each difficulty if you completed your promise! I'll help you, I'll help in catch your parent's culprits, I'll join you to go the whole hog your enemies! I'll be your friend.

Do you not want a true friend which will help you in your entire life? " she said,

Yes, I also want!

" Shall you not completed you promise? " she Que.,

Yes! I'll.

" Shall you give me 13 newborn babies souls? "she asked,

Yes, I'll give you, I'll do anything to free you because only you could help me to find my parent's culprits.

" I have given you 13 spirit to finalize my words, my promise and I now want to see my friend. " Vin desired,

" Yes, of course," she answered.

A blast occurred in a ditch!

Purple energy is scattered around. Children ' scrying sounds came from the ditch, those sounds became louder and louder. Then those spirits were looking like white smoke, they were crying while they were crying when they were coming out of the ditch

Vin wasn't fear to see those all tortured spirits and he also was not divergence.

As if Vin was feeling a kind of relaxation.

A beautiful, white like milk, fish come into view eyes, a younger girl came out from the ditch.

Vin's lost in her beauty.

" I am not believing is it dream or reality! you are that girl who saved my life, you secured me from the mouth of death! " Vin surprised,

" Yes! I am she, my name is Maya. " Maya revealed.

Maya pushed her hand down and raise her head to consume those souls, one by one all souls went un her mouth. They shined too like stars.

She get off on land, Vin was seeing this all.

She step forward to Vin and she hugged him very tight with her arms.

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