
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 26 Lord Devil Punishes Culprit

" Send him, I want to meet that person! " ordered Lord devil,

"My Lord, that person can't meet you but her sent strong evidence. " Said doorkeeper,

" I want to see that evidence! " said Lord devil,

A soldier points out on a box.

" Give me, I also want to see, " postulated master,

Soldier give that box on master' s hand ', Master opened the box, his eyes were in burdensome!

"Show me! what's in it? " asked Lord devil.

" L..... Lor..... Lord..... Lord devil it's not some special! we can't figure out of culprit. " dwell on master,

"Nevertheless I want to saw one time! " desired Lord devil.

" B... Beli... Believe me, it's not imported for us! "

implied Master ;

" You don't decide it, a very little clue can give us information of the culprit in this circumstance! " said Lord devil.

Then a soldier carried a box to Lord devil from mater's hand, Lord devil opened the box!

Lord devil took that coronet in his hand and asked, " This coronet is the person who lived in this kingdom, which is a powerful person! ".

"it's mean that he is present side by side in ourselves ? " asked the second master,

"No! it's not with our rather that person who did dare is presented between us, in this gathering! " told Lord devil.

All emperors, ministers and soldiers were suprised by heard the devil's word. The surrounded atmosphere was warm and everyone were want to know that who did so do?

" Order for all our citizens have to present on whop Royal building! "Order lord devil.

On the order of Lord devil, soldiers went to announced in the city in no time,

Ghastly powerful soldiers took the conveyance of their world. Which is made up of a mixture of DNA of ravenous beasts. Several feet longs, their teeth were long as mountains which were eager to hunt, saliva was continue dropped down from their's mount in hunger. They have wings big than clouds like bats. Sharp, lewd and very longs spines were born on their wings.

Any person can go to died after saw them! Someone's haven't any eye, then someone's has several eyes of different coloured eyeballs, someones has not any eye, nose and even haven't mouthed, but there's face were of snakes which were

exclude their accents.

Soldiers fly on them and spread order in different places,

" Listen - Listen, Listen to Lord devil order that all citizens will come in Royal building. for an imported purpose! " soldiers beat the drummer.

All citizens gathered in rendezvous of Royal building after hearing the announcement, it was several miles big and spread in more than lots city. Its height is touching to sky, in some time assembly filled wadded and all were excited.

Devil enter in assembly, all citizen greet him by succumb. None dared to look him in the straight eyes, this is the lt of fear.

"My citizen! today's assembly you all saw that what's punishment will give to which scabbing me, and it will be a lesson for you all! " told Lord devil.

After it, the main assembly's emperors, ministers and masters erect in a row, All were sweating that who has dared to do scabbing with Lord devil!

" This coronet is related to that person which didn't obey my rule and worked against me,

Now I dipped it in truth water then I'll find the culprit ! " told Lord devil.

Truth water amazing power's water whereby the truth of behind each ting can know, only Lord devil know where is it find?

Coronet was dipped on the order of Lord devil, there for a light sparked on devil's head, that mean which person use it only that's will ken truth, for else person's its poison.

Now devil already has known who's the culprit?

Devil raises his feet towards row! each step growing towards him, brewer were increased fast, finally, it needs guts to stand against a big demonic power!

Lord devil completed a circumambulate around them then his step stopped in front of the second master,

" Lord devil, you know the truth if I am culprit then I 'll not take a step back ! " answered the second master.

Ten again Lord devil arise each step towards emperors, this time were stopped top for master,

" You! You are that person who's stabbing me!

You lived with me and fraud me! "question devil,

All citizens and emperors were surprised that the master could do it.

"Yes, I did! what's your relationship with that cd too? I have many times asked that why are you waste your time! " answered master,

Devil cut shebang,

"You'll punish but you justified yourself! " after said this word devil threw master in a soul eater slag. When all persons saw it, be rather afraid in eyes, master's pained sound reverberated in the whole building!

Then devil tossing far on land master by strength his finger, there's not part of the body where we're not wounds, all skin was burnt, master's case was half dead.

" I 'll not let you go easily, I ' ll immure you in the necromantic mirror, " said devil,

Devil uplifted mirror and opened way,

" Now, you 'll never be free from here. " told devil,

With it on sight master trapped in the mirror!

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