
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 136 Vin and Xavia's fight

" Yes, I went to your office! What'll you do now?

Give me the phone, I said; give me my phone. " Xavia yelled,

Again, the call was cut due to not answering the call.

" Why's Xavia not picking the phone or she doesn't want to talk to me? How shall I say her; what's in my heart? I should try once again. " Alin said,

Alin called Xavia, as before the phone was in Vin's hand.

" Alin, Alin is calling me! I want my phone at any cost! " Xavia raved,

" Finally, you have confessed it. So, tell me now why did you go to my office? What'll you wanna do?" Vin asked in ire,

" Give me my phone! " Xavia shouted,

" First you answer me, why did you go to my room and what are you searching for there! " Vin shrieked,

" Do whatever you can do! I'll die but I'll not tell you. Did you hear? " Xavia wailed,

" You needed your phone! " Shouted,

Vin fell phone on the floor and crushed it to put a leg on it. In afore of her eyes; Vin crushed her phone.

She was getting furious so she punched On Vin's jaw.

They both were burned in a fire of revenge so where were they gonna calm! Its punch works on Vin's ego. He uplifted Xavia in his arms.

" What are you doing? What'll you gonna do?

What'll you gonna do? " Xavia asked in a prickling voice.

Vin throws Xavia on her bead and finding something in wooden boxes.

" What'll you gonna do? Listen to it, if you are thinking that I'll fear you then it could be possible only in your dreams. So, go in your room to take this dream! " Xavia shouted,

Soon Vin found rope; he put forward it in his hands. Vin increases towards Xavia he caught her hands and tie them down with the help of rope.

Xavia was not allowed to be under restraining; especially in Vin's under restrain. So, she flings to untie the rope from her hands with the teeth.

Vin caught her legs and tie them with rope.

" You'll not give up! " Vin shouted,

" Never! I'll not give afore you! " Xavia screamed,

Xavia gets succeed to untie her hands; So she pushed Vin and try to free her legs.

After seeing her; Vin raised Xavia in the air and nab her shoulders with his grip.

Vin clenches their hands on-on Xavia Shoulders. He spoke, " You'll never get free in your entire life! I am, I am your destiny! And anyone can not escape from their destiny. "

" Leave me! Leave me! " Xavia shouted,

Xavia scroop was prickling in Vin's ears, she was shouting and making noise. Vin had be embarrassed so, he stuff a scarf in her mouth.

Xavia was trying to shout but she can not speak a single word. She was a tie; her hands and legs and also her mouth, so there was no opportunity to get free in the grab of Vin.

Vin sits on the chair; which was near Xavia's bed.

He spoke, " Now, you'll spend your entire night as it is. You don't like to hard and fast you! It's a better way to realise that you are in mine grab and you are my slave! "

Xavia didn't give up; she was continuously trying to free her.

Vin said, " Today; I'll sleep in your room. I'll not allow you to free yourself. "

Next day,

" Mom, where's Quinn? I didn't see him since morning! " Vin asked,

" You don't know! " Adia said,

" What, I don't know! " Vin questioned,

" Quinn went to take back Sya from hospital she is coming to the home. " Adia said,

" What! You did not tell me that Sya has gonna recharge, why did you hide this big mirth from me?

You don't realize how were I worry to Sya. " Vin asked,

" This says, reversibly thief scolds policeman!

Vin, you are busy with your work! When you come into your house and when you go, none get it and you don't tell us, where do you go! " Adia answered back,

" Mom! " a sound produced,

Adia and Vin see Quinn stood on the marge.

Vin went to Quinn but he didn't see Syria; he asked,

" Quinn, you were going to take back Sya from the hospital. Where's she? Where's Say? "

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