
CHAPTER 31: How To Be The Best Submissive Wife?

  He threw the Black Riding Crop and sat on the bed next to his wife. Both of them were naked.

  Even though there was tension between them, there wasn't a way they would deny the sexual chemistry or it was only going to suffocate the two of them.

  “Fuck.” He finally said after some few seconds of silence. Jennifer couldn't stand up by her own he helped her sit next to him, and he started to untie her. He noticed she wasn't crying or anything she just had enough.

  She stood up and grabbed the towel on the floor and noticed his seed stained the sheets. She wrapped herself with a towel and walked out.

  Next time, use the guest room.

  Later That Day.

  In the Garden.

  Jennifer had to keep her mind else where by fixating about her business. She was tracing the money and everything.

  When she was done, she looked at her red wrists and sighed. She looked around for her husband but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

  She went over to the internet: