
CHAPTER 29: Hubby Is Home

  The Next Morning, 7am.

  Jennifer woke up in a unfamiliar room, Jerald's house doesn't have grey walls and most importantly grey sheets.

  Speaking of sheets she saw her dress on the counter and her heart skipped four five beats. She checked herself and noticed she is in different closed.

  The door of her room opened and Mason walked in.

  “Oh you're awake. Good morning.” He said. Jennifer was confused. What is she doing in Mason Davey’s house. Why can't she remember a thing from yesterday?

  “I brought you coffee and some pain killers. Figured you might need them.” Mason said as he put them on the counter.

  “Did we do…?” She didn't dare to finish the sentence. Mason turned to her and licked his lips.

  “No.” He responded honestly. “But we can change that.” He said and she raised her left eyebrow.

  “I'm joking.”

  “Did you change me?” She asked with a lot of hesitant.

  “Yes.” He could hear her heart pounding from where he is standing. He changed her?