
The Thief Of My Heart

Bastardo! Once Great Master Benigno overheard Leonardo's answer, the wooden stick banged loudly on the table. Romano, a former mortal foe. The jerk who married Bianca, the sister of Bellezza McCarthy. Everything has become a mess, especially since Serena Wilson is a member of their family. "Are you sure of that, Leo?" he asked again. "Yes, sir, I can confirm, and there's no denying that the man's name is Francesco," said Leonardo. Mr. Romano's bodyguard has been thoroughly investigated by colleagues in Naples and Palermo. They are frequently seen attending mafia clan business meetings. "Contact Antonio back in Milan as soon as possible and retrieve the rest of my daughter's jewelry from the bastard's hands!" Mr. Benigno's was enraged that he had sent the young guards out of his boudoir at Lombardy Castle. Serena Wilson and Ryan McCarthy's marriage brought back a mafia conflict that began decades ago. The same mistakes that repeatedly lead to conflict. Their grand-kids should not have married, further destabilizing the situation. ***

RAYBASIL · Fantasy
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60 Chs

What A Dreadful Day!

Monsieur Henry Dunant, the wealthy proprietor of the Paris couture house, was pleasantly surprised when he saw Serena Wilson. "Who are you here with?" he inquired, perplexed. "Where is your husband?"

"I came alone, but not directly to France, and stayed temporarily in Italy," Serena admitted truthfully. "This is the design you asked for, which has been revised to fit your suit."

Monsieur Henry Dunant meticulously looked at each one. "I like simple and elegant kids clothes; consider creating other designs, such as exclusive wedding gowns."

"A wedding gown?" Serena was really taken aback.

"Oui, Mademoiselle, you have a gift, and every time a large number of people marry. Business is tempting if we have a unique design and are different from other fashion houses," he urged, urging the girl to seize this fantastic chance to succeed.