
The Thief Of My Heart

Bastardo! Once Great Master Benigno overheard Leonardo's answer, the wooden stick banged loudly on the table. Romano, a former mortal foe. The jerk who married Bianca, the sister of Bellezza McCarthy. Everything has become a mess, especially since Serena Wilson is a member of their family. "Are you sure of that, Leo?" he asked again. "Yes, sir, I can confirm, and there's no denying that the man's name is Francesco," said Leonardo. Mr. Romano's bodyguard has been thoroughly investigated by colleagues in Naples and Palermo. They are frequently seen attending mafia clan business meetings. "Contact Antonio back in Milan as soon as possible and retrieve the rest of my daughter's jewelry from the bastard's hands!" Mr. Benigno's was enraged that he had sent the young guards out of his boudoir at Lombardy Castle. Serena Wilson and Ryan McCarthy's marriage brought back a mafia conflict that began decades ago. The same mistakes that repeatedly lead to conflict. Their grand-kids should not have married, further destabilizing the situation. ***

RAYBASIL · Fantasy
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60 Chs

An Unexpected Meeting Of Two Sicilian Mafiosi

Dark. Deep, dark black. Looking for the flicker of light that brought her into existence. Mom! Dad! She kept screaming, but there was no response. Lonely. quietness. Alone. 

An electrocardiograph monitors the heart's pulse and rhythm by ringing loudly. The patient is under extreme duress. All of the physicians and nurses raced to help Serena Wilson, who had been asleep since the operation the night before.

It was a difficult day for Ryan McCarthy, who stared, lying stiffly as if leaving him. Andriano and Belladonna's daughter nearly perished as a result of evil individuals attempting to capture her husband and property.

Serena Wilson's life was severely harmed as a consequence of Ronald McKenzie's negligence. A gunshot almost struck Belladonna's daughter's heart, but the pendant saved her life. Despite the impossible luck, the bullet entered Serena's shoulder.