
The theory of the Black Hole

Rose is a “Red Star” officer in detective department of IIPB (Intergalactic Investigation and Protection Bureau), she had nothing much to do, just solving easy cases until she was asked to perform an investigation on an alleged kidnapping of a lead scientist of humanity, also a Red star , doctor Cressida. The more Rose investigates, the more confusing her life gets. Will she reach doctor Cressida?.. What such confusing thing had she discovered? There’s more questions than answers…. ——————————— Songs that I think would be the characters favorites: Rose Hadley : False Alarm- the weekend Cressida Sterne : Erva Venenosa- Rita Lee Alex Easton : Burning Pile- Mother Mother

JustADuckbill · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

A new massage

-You have received one message- the robotic woman voice woke up Rose.

When she woke up, she looked at the device and she saw:


| Message from: Alex |

| here the information |

| you asked for |

| 2 files annexed |


Rose was exited to see what Alex discovered about this mysterious woman.

After reading all of the email and the two files Rose didn't receive nothing "new" about Cressida "Brown" but she understood why the name Cressida Sterne were so familiar to her.

This was because she is one of the first officers on IIPB with the Nebula status. Nebulas are people from the science department and they are like Nova but just in their department.

On the same file was written that she died on her research mission on one of newly discovered planets, the problem was that there wasn't any other information, like date of birth or death, in which planet exactly she died and if her body was found. After this paragraph there was only one word "CONFIDENTIAL".

For Rose this didn't make any sense, why was this information confidential? Did any of the leaders know about the true identity of Cressida or is it just a normal procedure after the death of a very important person? She didn't know.

Rose couldn't understand the system of ranking because in different situations one is more important that other when in theory everything is quite simple.

The lowest of all ranks is the Satellite or some people call it Moon. Everyone that enters IIPB has this rank in the beginning, and the beginning is at 18 years when they first go to the IDIA (Intergalactic Defence and Investigation Academia).

Academias exist not just on earth but in many other planets and systems.

The next rank is Grey Star, this rank is received after successfully accomplishing the 3rd mission after the "graduation" from the academia, the mission can vary from department to department, like in the Information and Detective Investigation Department (IDID) the missions are the resolution of cases or the data processing. On the Scientific Investigation and Application Department (SIAD) the missions can be collecting some important materials at one of the planets totally controlled by Earth, and last but not least on the Military-Diplomatic Department (MDD).

After then accomplishing 10 high difficulty missions the Grey Stars are promoted to the Rainbow Comet.

From that point, the situation is getting complicated, after the Rainbow Comet there's three ranks that have the same impact but just on different departments:

-Nebula on the SIAD

-Black Hole on the MDD

-Red Star on the IDIA

And as we know, the most important rank is Nova and they at some point were at some of the three ranks and after they were selected to be promoted to Nova by other Novas they, as the Satellite, don't have any department for witch they are attached, but in that case they need to choose one.

The Novas never come back to any of the departments, they can lead one but they never come to be a part of one completely.

This ranking system wasn't perfect in Rose's opinion, but were the optimal option for the todays IIPB. In her department were many people that wish to become Novas unlike Rose, she didn't want this because she liked her actual job and for her this was perfect. She lost all of her ambition about the ranking way long ago.

Rose sent a message to Alex, just to confirm if he really couldn't find anything else and the response wasn't something she didn't know.


| You: Hi, I received the files, are you sure |

| you can't find anything else? |

| Alex: Sorry, but that is all I could find. |

| You:Ok, thank you anyway. |

| Alex: You're welcome ;). |


The Red Star officer was a little bit disappointed. She knew that it would be like that though.

-Well, it looks like it's time to go home- said Rose looking at the clock on her office room.

Rose clicked the black floating button and the device stoped emitting the blue light.

She went again to the stand with the strange devices and put the floating Mystic button at the third shelf from the top. She grabbed something that looked like an amethyst crystal and just threw it on the floor.

The crystal started to glow and she appeared at the entrance of a very big building on the top of which was written Main Office of IDIA on the Solar System.

The officer just looked at it and started walking on the direction of her house. While walking near the office building everyone formally greeted Rose.

After walking for about 15 minutes she reached a very big and beautiful purple building. On this building was her apartment, the building seemed to have from 90 to 110 floors. In that time it isn't something that huge compared to normal apartment buildings.

Rose entered the building and went directly to the elevator, on which she clicked the button 69 and in a moment she was on that floor. After she reached the correct floor, the door of her apartment was right in front of her. She got inside and it looked like it was a type of a Liquid Metal.


Rose woke up and did her daily skincare routine, before going to the office she decided to read a little bit from the manuscript .

The page started with:


Bonjour sweeties!~

Before you go to the next chapter please check that you reared the chapter 1 from vol 0, for the better understanding of the world, stories and the characters.
