
Chapter 60: Rowen, Part 2

Christian ignores him, instead looking over at me and pointing at Daniel with his thumb. "Our captain here decided to take Quincy to his mama's house for dinner. Have you ever had her fajitas?"

I shake my head.

"They're to die for. I could go for some right now." He turns to Daniel. "Make sure to tell her I'm coming over next time we have a Sunday off." Daniel rolls his eyes.

I furrow my brow. "What am I missing?"

Daniel groans. "Can we not talk about this? I just need time to sort it all out."

Christian ignores him and keeps talking to me. "Apparently it didn't go over so well when one of the brothers accused Quincy of dating him for his money. So our captain here hasn't spoken to his family in over a week. Which is why he's been a whiny little bitch lately. Haven't you noticed?"

"Enough," Daniels cuts in. "We're not talking about this anymore. I don't need my personal business floating around the locker room."