
The Test Of The Cruel Life

Akutagawa Ando is just a boy that always suffering.he then end his suffering by jumping from the apartment he live and given a second chance from god to live in another world

codexzero_1 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A New Life

I finally gain my consciousness,it feels like im laying on a hard floor,i open my eyes,trying to stand up and start look around,trying to identify this place.

as far as i can see,there is just rocks and empty land.there is nothing or anyone except me on this place

"Welcome to my place, akutagawa ando"

The voice came out of nowhere,it is exactly the same voice that i hear before i died.

Who are you,where am i.im trying to be calm as possible while trying to get some information from the voice.

"Im the one that you humans call GOD,and this place is the last destination for humans after their dead"

God?!!,the last destination?!!.what is he talking about?!!.i whispered to myself

"It seems like you have pass throught a very bad life,am i right??"

How do you know my pass?!!

"Anyways,i would like to give you a choice.either you go to the heaven and your soul will just disappear and gone or...." 

"or what?!" im trying to interfere his word

"or got reicarnated to another world and get a new life" the god continue with a creepy smile.

i already have a bad feeling about this thing.

"reincarnated to another world you say?!,why do i have to trust you" 

"because im a god and you dont have any other option either"

I was stunned by his word.Im starting to think hard to make the decision.if i choose to go to heaven,that would mean i would disappear and no longer life or in other word "die" or reincarnated to another world....

"I have made my mind up,i will choose to be reincarnated to another world and will have a new life.but this time i will make sure i will live a happy life" i answer to the god with full enthusiasm

"well then,i will reincarnated you to the another world as you wish.so please close your eyes.."

I closed my eyes.then I heard a noise,sounds like a baby is crying.

I open my eyes.the first thing i saw is a beautiful middle-aged woman with a long blonde hair is carrying me on her arm.

"am i that light?!"

and beside her is a handsome man with a short black hair sitting so close to each other.they both wear a clothes that i have never seen.

I then take a look to my hands 

"why my hands are so small? Its like a baby arm,and why i cannot move my own body" im confused 

I look back to the couple

If they are wife and husband.then i must be their....baby???

I finally realized that i already got reincarnated to another world


1 years has passed

Now i am being breastfeeding by my mother.she sitting on the wooden chair while kinda singing softly with her melodius voice.

although,im a 17yrs old inside but at the outside,i am just a small baby.of course i cant resist the tasty milk that came out from his boob .since im just a 'normal little baby'.

Anyways,i can say that i come from a rich family since our house is a 2 story building and made from rocks.the house is also pretty big for a family of just 3 peoples.

Thats all what i know after crowling to almost all area of the house that i can reach.what else can i do,im just a 1yr old kid.i cant even stand up and i still cant say a single word other than "gugugaga".


6 years has passed 

Now i am 7yrs old and im able to walk,run and talking as much as i want.in that time,i has gather some info about this world.

First,this world has something called magic.the first time i see a magic is when i got a bad injured after falling from a tree when i was 5yrs old.my mother heard me crying and quickly run to me.

"dont worry baby, it will be alright" she try to calm me down while hugging me

Then she lay me on the ground and put her hand on top of my chest.

"oh light spirit,relieve the pain and heal him" her hand began to glow 

Alll of sudden i dont feel pain and the wound is completely heal.that make me sure that there is definitely magic in this world


Second,my family live at the village called aros village and not far from here there is grandes city.its ruled by the grandes king.i heard from my mother that king grandes is a bad person who rule the country as he want.the country is also rumored to be a bad place.

Third,according to the book i found,there is 3 species other than humans.the 3 species is dwarf,beastmen and elf.

from what i know in the past world,dwarf is a almost same as humans but they're short but they also the profesional in crafting.next,the beastmen.they supposed to be a half-animal and half-human.they have strong power like an animal but have a body of human.lastly,the elfs.the difference between elf and human is their ears.the elf has unique ears compared to human.they are also the protector of forests.

"makoto!!!" i heard a familiar voice from far away calling for my name.

Yes,my name is now igarashi makoto.that is the name given to me

The moment i turned my vision to the voice direction,there is igarashi kanade,my mother.standing by the front door of our house

"makoto!! Come here for a second"

im coming

i quickly jump from the tree i climbed and walk to the house.when i step my foot inside i can see my father,igarashi sato,sitting at the chair of the table that placed at the center of the house while my mother pull the chair and sit beside him.

"makoto,have a seat.there is an important thing that your father want to tell you" my mother offered me to sit 

The atmosphere became a bit tight.

As soon i sit down my father then start bring out a tiny red box from under the table an pass it to me

"open it"

I open the tiny red box and find a wand made from wood.it has a beatiful brown colour and look expensive

"a wand?? What is this for dad?" 

"this wand is use to cast magic"

"but i cant even use magic,how will i use this wand"

"no no no.who say you cant use magic? You just dont know how to use magic.thats why starting tomorrow i will teach you how to use magic"

"is this for real?" my face can no longer hide my excited feeling and i rush to my father adn give him a hug.

finally im able to learn magic

the next day,my father and i are already at the yard right after breakfast to start my first training.

"before we start the training there is something that you must know.first,there is 6 elements of magic that is fire,wind,water,earth,light and dark.

Second,when you cast a magic you will use the mana in your body.dont use to much mana or else you will start to feel sick and you can even pass out so be careful.

Okay then,let find out what kind element you can use.i personally can use up to 3 element and your mother can use 4 element.people like us is very rare you know!" my father explained with a proud face as his nose become long while He pull out a small pieces of paper and hand it to me.

I take the paper and examine it.it look like an old paper...

"now makoto, imagine the form of each element,feel your mana flow within you and flow the mana to the paper.if you imagine an element of magic,this paper will give you a reaction based on element that you can use" 

I see,so this thing is to test which element i can use!!

I raise my hand that holding the paper that given by him and start to imagining a form of each element.

I start to imagine the fire element.the paper become bright and emitting a reddish light.i can see the paper got on fire and im trying to stay calm with a paper caught on fire in my hand

In other side,I can see a smile at his face like a father that proud with his son

*imagine water element

The paper emitting a bluish light.the paper became wet and soggy 

*imagine wind element

The paper emitting a greenish light and i can feel winds blow around me

*imagine earth element

The paper emitting a yellowish light.the paper turned to a solid rock 

*imagine light element

The paper emitting a whitish light.nothing happen to the paper but it become very bright that i cant see it with my bare eyes

*imagine dark element

The paper emitting a black light.the paper start to emitting an aura that make me a bit scared

Maybe im too focus imagine the element but as soon i take a look at my father....

I think he is in a shock state? 

He doesnt move an inch for minutes.

Then he started to talk


"you can use all 6 elements??"I can clearly see shock on his face as he said that

I think soo?

He hugged me as thight as he can as he dont want me to breath

"im proud of you son" he spoked to my ear with a voice as if he is crying 

Thanks dad,but can you let me go already? I cant breath right now

He then quickly let me go.finally i can take a breath.i almost die for a second time just now.

"yosh!! Tonight we will have a special dinner to celebrate this day" as he wiping his tear.