

House of Witches.

Inside the deepest room... A ceremony was in progress.

Marinda stood before a sacrificial altar beneath which a large magic circle was drawn with blood. On each point, human and monster skulls were placed.

Behind Marinda were seven men, covered in monster's blood and weeping. Each held a human skull.

"Please... Let me go. I won't steal again. I did it for my children. We're dying of hunger," one man cried.

"Oi, you noble wench. Release meee! I'll report you to the king. Let me goo," another man shouted.

"Ugh, I wish I could kill them right now," a girl around 19 with red hair, purple eyes, and a prominent figure remarked, her expression full of disdain.

"We will eventually kill them, don't fret," Marinda said, standing beside her.

"So, I am the leader of the witch house, huh? Felishia Grey, leader of the witches," the girl mused.

"Don't act overly clever and never forget your purpose. Tell me, what's your goal?" Marinda inquired sternly.

"To avenge your reputation and eliminate Anon Agreil at any cost. I get it; you've been drilling this into me since I arrived," Felishia responded.

"Because I want it ingrained in you as long as you're alive. I was humiliated by that man in front of the entire realm, across the seven continents. The kingdom's knights ridiculed me. That King Arthur, he laughed too. That Anon bastard forced me to utter words that shattered my self-esteem countless times; you can't even fathom it.

I want to see his head in your hands," Marinda spoke, her face contorted in anger.

"Yes, yes, whatever. Can we hurry this up? I have a date with my boyfriend," Felishia remarked nonchalantly.

"We need to wait for another 8 minutes until the moon reaches the proper position. Once it aligns with the sun... we'll commence the crowning ceremony," an old witch, standing on the other side of the altar, explained.

Her hair cascaded down to her legs, and her long nails matched. She sported a pointy hat, and one of her red eyes glanced through her lengthy locks every few seconds.

Her age was indeterminable, and a foul odor emanated from her body.

"So, Mom... Why did you choose me over all our siblings and brother Jake?" Felishia queried.

"Well, because you know how to fight and outwit opponents. You're ruthless and at times, emotionless.

You're the smartest among my kids after Jake... That's why," Marinda clarified.

"Why not make Jake the family leader then, if he's so talented?" Felishia questioned.

"You're aware of why I can't do that," Marinda retorted, annoyance in her expression.

"Yeah, yeah... because the leader of the witch household can't be male," Felishia recalled.

"Be a competent leader and safeguard the women of our house. They have high expectations for us," Marinda instructed.

"The moon is in position... We should initiate the ceremony," the old witch declared.

"Let's begin," Marinda affirmed, stepping away from the altar.

"Girl, sit on the altar and close your eyes," the old witch commanded Felishia.

"Yes, Grandma," Felishia complied, promptly taking her place on the altar.

"Remove your clothes..." The witch directed.

"Is that truly necessary?" Felishia questioned.

"Just obey her instructions," Marinda ordered.

"Fine... As you command, Family Leader," Felishia acquiesced, disrobing and assuming her place on the altar, completely bare.

"Now, Marinda... Hand it to me," the old witch said, extending her hand toward Marinda.I think you should take a look at

"Sure... Here," Marinda responded, conjuring a golden box in her hand and slowly opening it.

As the box opened, it revealed a grey wand adorned with seven gems.

Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, White, Black.

"Oh my, how many years since I last laid eyes on it? It still exudes the same aura. The Philosopher's Wand," the old witch murmured, carefully picking up the wand with her elongated nails.

After examining it, she placed the wand beside Felishia.

"Now... The first gem, the Red's Anger," the old witch announced, focusing on the man who had been shouting moments earlier.

She grabbed an empty glass test tube and approached the angry man. Using her nails, she scratched her stomach and collected the blood that oozed.

"Oi, what in the world are you doing, you witch? Stay away from me... ouch... son of a bitch," the man exclaimed in fury.

"Hehehe... Let's see," the old witch said, returning to the altar and dropping two drops of the man's blood onto the Red gem.

Suddenly, it began to glow, and the man's eyes turned white as the skull he held disintegrated.

He levitated and floated above Felishia.

Subsequently, blood started pouring out of his body, and within moments, his lifeless body was suspended in the air. A large ball of blood floated over Felishia's head.

"Release," the old witch commanded, and the blood cascaded down over Felishia.

The red stone on the wand shimmered brilliantly for a moment before returning to normal.

"HOHOHO... This ritual is still enjoyable," the old witch cackled maniacally.

"Just expedite it, Selena. Only 3 minutes before the moon shifts," Marinda reminded.

"Oh, yes, yes..." Selena replied. She repeated the procedure with each man, more or less.

After the last man had perished, she addressed them...

"You may open your eyes now, but do not move from the altar." The old witch directed Felishia.

Felishia opened her eyes, observing a connection between her and the wand beside her.

"Do you accept to assume leadership of the witch household, replacing its previous leader, Marinda?" the old witch questioned Felishia.

"I do," Felishia affirmed solemnly.

"I now pronounce you the official leader of the witch household. May the Philosopher's Wand safeguard you. Unleash this wand only when you absolutely need it, in life and death situations," the old witch intoned.



A knock suddenly echoed from the room's door.

"Yes?" Marinda answered, her voice sharp.

"Madam, your carriage is ready," a female knight's voice came from outside.

"I'm coming," Marinda replied.

"I'm leaving... Bye." Marinda departed, heading towards the exit.

"Enjoy your night, have tons of mind blowing sex." Felishia teased with a smile.

Anon's House...

"Master...Master... The house is ready." No.300's resonated in Anon's ears.

"Hmm...?" Anon stood up from Freya's butt and looked at the sun directly.

The sun is shining red and it's going down the horizon.

"It's evening huh ?" Anon said as he started moving ahead and noticed that something is in his legs, blocking the way.

Anon looked down and found out that the blocking element was nothing other than Gia and Kia themselves.

Both of them are lying on the ground, naked. Their butts are high up in the air and cum is flowing out of their raw pussies without any stop.

Their faces have an ahegao look and their eyes are rolling to the back of their heads.

Their pussies are still twitching from all the orgasms that they just had.

"Well, it's been one hell of a nap." Anon said as he slapped both of them on their ass cheeks and moved forward.


Wearing his pants Anon noticed no.300 continuously looking at his thick dick.

"You want something no.300 ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"N-No sir. I am sorry. I wasn't looking at your- please forgive me." No.300 spoke with a very embarrassed face as she bowed down.

"No, problem. You will get this dick very soon but first show me the house." Anon said as he touched no.300's pussy.

"Y-Yes, your majesty." No.300 said with an even more flushed face but in her mind she had another thoughts.

'Will master, fuck me wild ? Will he beat my ass when fucking me just like last time ? Will he use me like a thing for his pleasure and then throw me away ? Ohhh, i love master.' No.300 thought as Butterflies started giggling in her stomach.

"Let's go... What are you waiting for ?" Anon asked.


After walking some distance, Anon noticed a big 3 story building in front of him.

It was wide and large. All made out of white ghost wood and mithiril gates with thick glass windows.

"Wow... This is something that only you ogres can make huh ?" Anon praised no.300.

"No, master. This was very easy to make. Please enter through the door." No.300 said as she gestured towards the main door.

Their were two mithiril doors at the start of the house.

Anon opened the foors and entered inside.

As soon as he entered inside he noticed a magic circle beneath him.

Anon stepped on the circle and it started shining but after shining a bit it went back to normal.I think you should take a look at

Anon has seen this circle before too...

'The Enigma Warding Circle, an intricate and powerful enchantment etched into the floor, lies dormant until a footstep is placed upon it. Upon contact, the circle awakens with a faint shimmer, its design glowing with eldritch energy. The circle's purpose is twofold: it serves as both a guardian and a judge of entry.

With a weave of ancient arcane principles, the circle reaches out to the intruder's mana pattern, intricately woven into their very being. If the resonance of the mana matches the predefined signature of an authorized dweller, the circle's light pulses affirmingly before gradually fading away. The house remains unchanged, its secrets safe.

However, should the mana pattern deviate from the known signatures, the circle's light glows a menacing crimson, and a symphony of whispered incantations permeates the air. The house stirs, walls humming as they come alive with magic.

As the invader unwittingly sets off the circle's alarm, the house itself awakens to an ominous transformation. Walls shift and twist, revealing hidden armaments and mechanisms long dormant. Windows become shimmering barriers, insurmountable by any mundane means. The very architecture shifts, turning corridors into mazes, stairways into dead ends.

The shield, born of the circle's fierce magic, envelops the dwelling, its iridescent aura pulsating with both enchantment and warning. It renders the outside world distorted and distant, making escape a near-impossibility.

With its arsenal of enchanted traps and formidable defenses, the house becomes a labyrinthine trap, its objective clear: to capture or deter the uninvited. Intruders find themselves pitted against animated suits of armor, illusionary landscapes that disorient the senses, and corridors that seem to change direction on a whim.'

"Did sephie placed this circle here ?" Anon asked No.300.

"No master, Sir Kol placed it here. He said that if someone unauthorised is Trapped inside the labyrinth, he will suffer through hell every minute." No.300 explained.

"Hmm... Kol is being useful huh..? I just remembered that i had to bring kol's victim here before tomorrow's sunset." Anon said as he moved ahead and noticed a big door on the ground.

"Is that ?" Anon asked with a suspicious expression.

"Yes, master. This is the way to the underground city... Anyone other than you can't even open this door." No.300 explained.

"Cool... But there is nothing else here. Where are the stairs to the second floor ?" Anon asked in confusion.

"Yes, please follow me sir." No.300 said as she took Anon to the front upper wall of the room and stopped.

"Please put your hand on this wall, master." No.300 said.

"Here ?" Anon said as he puts his hand without any questions.


As soon as his hand touches the wall, a small magical circle appears on the wall and the bricks start to move away as a stair case appeared.

"I feel like Harry Potter." Anon said as he started climbing the stairs and no.300 followed behind.

As soon as they reached on the second floor, they saw a very big hall.

The hall contains many windows and on each window there is a railgun, moving by itself.

"Why are these rail guns moving by themselves ?" Anon asked.

"Sir, madam sephie has made some changes in them, here she wanted me to give you this." No.300 said as she gave Anon an emrald bracelet.

"What is this-?" Before anon could've said anything a screen popped out of the bracelet that showed 12 different small screens.

"These Cannon's are observing the mana around the house, if they sense a tiny bit of danger. They will immediately send an alert to you and ask for permission to shoot." No.300 explained.

"You really made the best use of railguns, huh?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Yes, master... All of this was Madam Sephie and her assistant's idea," No.300 spoke.

"Well, that's one good defensive system Sephie has created," Anon praised.


A beeping sound came from the emerald bracelet, and a red dot appeared on the screen.

"What is that?" Anon wondered as he approached the window and looked outside.

As he scanned the area, Anon suddenly noticed a cute one-horned rabbit around the bushes.

Anon clicked on the red dot on the screen.


The railgun started charging up, and...


A small shot was fired from the railgun that killed the rabbit instantly.

"Cool," Anon said, a smile appearing on his face.

"Where are these things drawing mana from?" Anon asked.

"I don't know, master... Madam Sephie knows about that stuff," No.300 spoke.

"So, is this it for the third floor?" Anon asked.

"No, master... Please come here," No.300 said as she started walking toward the left wall of the room.

"Please put your hand here," she said, gesturing toward a magic circle on the wall.

"Okay..." Anon said as he placed his hand over the magic circle.


Suddenly, a shelf emerged from the wall...

The shelf was full of weapons: swords, kunais, throwing blades, three pairs of sickles, and a large railgun on the side.

"What is this? My private weapon shelf?" Anon spoke, a smile appearing on his face.

"Yes, master. I made this for you. Did you like it?" No.300 asked with a cute smile.

"Well, well, well... Since you made it, I guess you deserve a reward too," Anon said as he kissed No.300 on her lips.

No.300 immediately looked down in embarrassment, a smile appearing on her face.

"T-Thank you, master. I will try to do more work for you from now on," No.300 said, her face turning crimson red.

"Let's go to the third floor," Anon said, and they moved toward the stairs to the third floor.

As soon as Anon and No.300 reached the third floor, Anon noticed premium furniture and premium floor design, just like a noble would have.

"Nice... Now this looks like a house," Anon said as he laid down on the bed and felt its extreme bounciness.

"Wow... What is this bed made of?" Anon asked with a surprised expression as he continued to bounce up and down on the bed.

"Master, this bed is made of the leather of five Furion tigers, and it's filled with silk from eight-legged spiders," No.300 explained.

"Oh, nice. So, is this it?" Anon asked No.300.

"Yes, master. Do you want us to make any changes?" No.300 asked.

"Nope, it's all good. Oh yeah, do one thing for me. Give this to your messenger and tell him to give it to Derein," Anon said, handing No.300 a rolled-up piece of paper.

"As you wish, master," No.300 said, and immediately, an ogre covered in fully black clothes appeared near her.

But something was odd about that ogre. Even his eyes were covered in cloth.

"Why are you covering your eyes?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Ah, Your Majesty, this is a birth defect. I was born this way," the ogre explained as he immediately knelt down.

"Even in a world full of magic, you are still blind, huh?" Anon asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the ogre replied.

"Come here," Anon commanded.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty," the ogre hesitated for a second but then moved toward Anon, following his voice.

"Sit down," Anon commanded.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty," the ogre said, sitting in front of Anon.


Anon placed his hand on the ogre's head and used his skill.

<Body Modification>[Ogre Body Found]

[1 Disability Found]

[Eyes Disability Found, Would you like to fix it?]

'Yes...' Anon commanded.

[50,000 mana will be consumed.]

'Do it,' Anon commanded.

[Curing the disability.]

Mana started flowing from Anon's body into the ogre's.

After a while, the process stopped, and a screen appeared in front of Anon.

[Eye Disability has been successfully cured.]

"Remove that cloth and try opening your eyes," Anon commanded.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the ogre said, removing the cloth from his eyes and opening them.

Suddenly, light flashed in his eyes, and he covered them with his hands.I think you should take a look at

"This... I-I can see," the ogre spoke, tears streaming down his face.

He immediately grabbed Anon's legs and started crying even louder.

"Your Majesty, I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me... I can't even repay you. Everything I own is already yours; I can't even offer you my life because it's also yours," the ogre spoke.

"No problem... Just get up and deliver the message," Anon said, smiling a little.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will deliver it right away," the ogre said, disappearing from his position.

"Your Majesty, you truly have a big heart. You care only about those you love and you don't let your enemies get away. This is what makes me love you, and- oh, shit," No.300 said with a smile, but then she realized what she had said and immediately covered her mouth.

"HOHOHO... Looks like someone just accidentally spoke the truth, huh?" Anon said with a smile as he moved toward No.300.


Suddenly, a very loud sound came from the underground city. Anon was on the third floor of the house, but he still felt vibrations from the event.

"Hmm... What was that?" Anon asked with a suspicious expression.

"Ah, that's nothing, Your Majesty. Just some blockhead ogre males showing their strength to the females so they can choose them as their breeding partners," No.300 explained.

"Oh, really?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Yes, every year at this time of the season, the males search for females to breed, but to get the females' attention, they have to prove themselves by lifting weights," No.300 explained.

"Oh, is that so? Let's go and see who gets the most partners, then," Anon said as he started moving toward the underground city.

"B-But... Your Majesty," No.300 tried to stop Anon.

"Hmm...? Is there a problem?" Anon asked, looking confused.

"N-Nothing, Your Majesty... Let's go," No.300 said, following Anon to the underground city.

[If the master decides to lift the weights, I don't think any ogre will get any women this year. I just hope he doesn't wish to pick up the weights.] No.300 thought to herself, not realizing that Anon could hear her clearly.

"Hehe... Let's go and see how much the ogres can lift," Anon said in a low tone, a smile appearing on his face.

After a while, Anon arrived in the underground city and noticed a large crowd in the middle.

"Haaaaahhhhhh... Yes," an ogre shouted as he lifted a rod above his head. On both sides of the rod were female ogres sitting.

"Woow... No.900 is very strong. I hope he chooses me as his partner this year."

"Yes... No.900 is the strongest around here, I think."

Two ogre females discussed.

"Can I try?" Anon asked from the middle of the crowd.

Suddenly, the ogres were surprised and looked at the source of the sound.

"Y-Your Majesty?"

"Everyone, on their knees," someone shouted, and all of them knelt down.

"Stand up, all of you," Anon commanded.

All the ogres stood up at Anon's command.

"Can I also try to lift this?" Anon asked.

"Fuck... Master did it," No.300 murmured in a low voice.

"Y-Yes... Why not, Your Majesty?" No.900 spoke, looking at Anon.

"So, what's the highest record until now?" Anon asked, standing above the metallic rod.

"Your Majesty, the highest record of all time is held by No.900. He can carry up to 20 women at a time, ten on each side," an ogre girl spoke.

"Ohhh... That's too many women at a time, huh?" Anon said, glancing at No.900.

"Please, Your Majesty. You praise me too much. I am nothing compared to you," the ogre said, laughing toward Anon.

"Well, that's true. How many women ogres can this rod lift?" Anon asked.

"Well, I think about 50 on each side, Your Majesty," No.300 spoke.

"Good, girls, get on then. Fill the rod," Anon commanded.

An ogre woman weighed around 250 kilograms, meaning Anon was going to lift over 250 quintals of weight.

"Wow... Can the master really lift that much weight?"

"I don't think a human can lift that much weight."

"Yeah, I think he is just showing off to impress the girls."

The male ogres chatted as the females began to sit on the long metallic rod.

In moments, the rod was filled with 100 ogre women: 50 on each side, leaving very little space in between.

"M-Master... I think we should go now... It's time for your massage," No.300 spoke as soon as Anon grabbed the metallic rod.

'That's too much weight for a human to lift; even the master is not that powerful...' No.300 thought inside her brain.

"Yeah.... Right after this," Anon said, lifting the rod above his head with just one hand.

"Woah... He did it with just one hand... How is the master so strong?"

"Shit... No.900 is nothing compared to him."

"Wooooow.... Your Majesty, you are so powerful," an ogre girl from the crowd shouted.

No.300's mouth was left wide open when she saw this view. Her master lifted so much weight with just one hand. Was that even possible? No.

"I don't think we are getting any females now," No.900 murmured in his mind.

"Well, let's go," Anon said, placing the rod back on the ground.

"Your Majesty, there are two carriages stopped in front of the house... Should we let them in?" an ogre asked.

"Ohh, my dinner is here... Let them in," Anon said.

"Where are they ?" Anon asked the ogre soldier.

"Sir, we guided them to the third floor directly..." The ogre soldier spoke.

"Good," Anon said as an evil and perverted smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, your majesty." The ogre soldier spoke as he bowed down in front of Anon.

After that, Anon immediately started moving towards the third floor as he rubbed his hands together.

"Today, it will be a feast," Anon murmured as he went up.

As soon as Anon reached the third floor he noticed that two women are sitting on his bed.

One of them is sitting on the right bed and one of them is sitting on the bed opposite to it.

Both of them are MILFS... One of them is wearing a white robe, it's half-transparent, and her boobs and ass is visible through it.

She is The great Mother of the Denver House.

The other one is wearing a very tight leather outfit... her figure is also looking good in those clothes.

She is Marinda of the Witch House.

"Hello, Ladies," Anon said as he looked at both of them.

Both of them silently looked at each other.

"I said hello," Anon said with a slightly louder tone.

"H-Hello, Master." The great mother spoke with a hesitated expression.

"...and you ?" Anon said as he looked at Marinda.

"H-Hello," Marinda spoke with a low tone.

"I think you missed a word there... Bitch." Anon said with a straight face.

"Hello, M-Master," Marinda spoke with hesitation.

"Good, now shall we start the program ?" Anon said as he moved towards the great mother and sat beside her on his fluffy bed.

Touching her cheek slightly Anon asked in a low tone as his breathing sound flowed into her ear...

"What's your original name ?"

"A-Adriana." She answered with a hesitant expression.

"Good... Name." Anon said as he moved his face near her other cheek.

Removing his hand from her cheeks Anon grabbed her right boob and started fondling it.

"Do you like it ?" Anon asked as he touched his lips on her cheeks and started moving them up and down.

"I-I... Don't know." The great mother spoke but she was feeling something.

[Oh my god... He is touching my boobs, how many years has it been since a male touched my body. Even his one touch is making me wet. I just hope my nipples don't get erect.] She thought in her mind but she didn't know that Anon was listening to her thoughts.

"Kiss me.." Anon commanded.

"W-What ?" The great mother asked with a surprised expression.I think you should take a look at

"Kiss me on the lips and kiss me as if you are sucking on candy. If I don't get the feeling of satisfaction from your kiss... I will kill Ren." Anon spoke with a smile as he pinched her nipple.

"N-No... I am doing it." The great mother spoke as she kissed Anon on his lips.

"Good and if you stopped kissing me without my permission to stop, I will kill Ren immediately," Anon warned.

"Yes." She replied as her juicy thick lips sucked Anon's lips as if she is sucking on cotton candy.

Anon grabbed her head with both of his hands and forcefully rammed his tongue inside her mouth.

[Fuck... He is raping my mouth forcefully with his tongue. My pussy is getting wet I think. What should I do ?] The great mother thought as pre-cum started dripping out of her pussy lips.

After this Anon removed his hands from her face and slides them down to her pussy.


She moaned while kissing Anon.

Anon continued to rape her mouth pussy with his tongue and didn't give her mouth even a second of relief.

[Fuck... I am being suffocated by his tongue.] The great mother thought as she struggled to breathe air.

Anon continued to grope her boobs and flick her clit up and down.

"Hah .." After 3 minutes of continuous kissing, the great mother finally pulled her lips away from Anon's lips.

"I am sorry but... I-I was suffocating and-" The great mother tried to give excuses but Anon interrupted her immediately.

"You didn't follow my orders... Now Ren dies." Anon said as an ogre covered in Fully black clothes appeared in the room.

"Your majesty." He said as he went down on his knees.

"Tell Ren to commit suicide and say that these are my orders..." Anon commanded.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The ogre said as he disappeared from his position.

"Nooo... Please, Please, Don't do this to Ren... I beg you. Use me as you want, just spare my son. Please forgive me, I will never disobey any of your orders... From now on. Please... Stop him." The great mother begged as she grabbed Anon's legs.

"How do you plan to fulfill this mistake of yours ?" Anon asked as he looked at her with an evil smile.

'What an evil guy...? He is using her son to blackmail her.' Marinda thought in her mind.

"I-I will do anything... Whatever you say... Just say it. I will immediately do it master, but please spare Ren." She said as a light of hope appeared in her eyes.

"What do you mean by everything? Explain yourself." Anon asked.

"You can do anything to my pussy or my boobs... I will please your cock and worship it for the rest of my life... I will become your handy-pussy.

You can use me anywhere and anytime you want." The great mother spoke.

"Good... Now stand up and please me to fuck that Old pussy of yours within one minute... You can do anything you want but if you couldn't get me to stick my dick into that worthless pussy hole of yours...then Ren dies." Anon spoke with a perverted smile.

"Y-Yes... I will do it... I will please you right now." The great-mother stood up as she immediately agreed to Anon's conditions.

"Good, your one minute starts now," Anon said as he looked at her.


The great mother... Immediately started removing her clothes.

She removed the white robe from her body as her beautiful and seductive figure was revealed.

Two giant jiggling boobs and huge ass cheeks, her pussy had blonde hairs over it, and her armpits were also covered in hair.

Anon sat down on the bed and observed her figure calmly...

'No matter how many I fuck... This habit of mine to fuck more just won't go away.' Anon thought as he licked his upper lip with his tongue.

"M-Master... I am The great mother of the Denver-"

"Huh...? What was that? Did you just say great ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"N-No... Master. I am the Bitch Mother of the Denver House and today I am here to get my worthless and unholy pussy fucked by your divine cock." She said as she turned around and bent down.

Spreading her pussy lips and ass cheeks with her fingers, she continued...

"Master... Please bless this worthless slave of yours with your divine cock and punish my useless big ass for not acknowledging your powers."

"Hmm... Not enough." Anon said as he looked in the other direction.

"Master... Please forgive my pussy for saying bad things about you. Please punish it with your dick and show it its place. Please master." She said as she started shaking her milky ass up and down.

Her pussy lips were moving in a rhythm with her ass cheeks and her boobs were bouncing like two big basketballs.

Anon's cock started to get an erection as he looked at her ass-shaking dance.

"Master, Please. Punish my pussy, please." The bitch mother said as she noticed the erection in Anon's pants.

She started shaking her ass and boobs even more.

"Oi, you," Anon shouted as he looked at Marinda.

"M-Me ?" Marinda, whose panties are already wet after watching this scene asked coming out of her trance.

"Yes, you. Where do you think, you are ?" Anon asked.

"W-What do you mean ?" Marinda asked with a confused expression.

"What I mean is get your clothes off and suck my dick... Come fast." Anon ordered but this was not an order he gave by using the slave collar's authority, it was just a normal order and Marinda can easily say no to this.

"I-I can't do that... I am a very respectful woman and I don't perform tasks like that... This bitch can do that." Marinda spoke as she pointed towards the great mother... Who is still shaking her ass toward Anon, just to get fucked.

"Well, I want to fuck the Denver house bitch..." Anon said.

Suddenly a smile appeared on the great mother's face as she was about to get fucked and save her son.

"..But I want her to suck my dick first and if she didn't do that... I will not fuck the bitch mother and if I didn't fuck her... Her son will die. What should I do?

Eh... Well, who cares. Only 12 seconds remain and I have also turned the magic seal on her slave collar on, so she can't even use magic." Anon said as he lay down on the bed.

He has played a very good card and now he is waiting for it to take effect.

Suddenly the bitch mother stopped shaking her thick ass and turned her eyes towards Marinda.

In her eyes, there was anger.I think you should take a look at

"You better stand up and suck his cock or I will make you." The great-mother said as she walked up to Marinda.

"Are you threatening me, huh..? Bitch mother ?" Marinda asked.

"Yes, and this will be the last time that I will tell you to suck his cock." The bitch mother replied.

"Ohhh... I am scared. What are you gonna do? Do me another one of that ass-shaking dance ?" Marinda spoke as she also stood up from the bed.

"The Denver house bitch can use magic..." Anon spoke.

"I will make you suck it..." The bitch mother said as her hands glowed and she grabbed Marinda's neck from behind.

"Ouchhhhh... Leave me bitch. I will kill you. Leave me." Marinda shouted as she got forced from behind and she was unable to use magic.

The bitch mother opened Anon's pants and a 12-inch long and thick cock popped out of it.

Both Marinda and Bitch mother got surprised by the size.

Grabbing Anon's cock from the bottom, the Bitch Mother puts it in front of Marinda's lips and forces her head down to give Anon a blowjob.

"No,..No....*Gwak-Gwak*" but Marinda was just a normal human girl right now and the bitch mother was using her powers.

She grabbed her face and moved it upside-down on Anon's dick forcefully.


"I...*Gwak-Gwak*...Amm....*Gwak-Gwak* Chok-ing...*Gwak-Gwak-Gwak-Gwak*" Marinda said as the bitch mother used her head to moisturize Anon's dick.

"Good... Now get away." She said throwing her away after using her mouth.

After that she herself sucked Anon's dick for a second and stood up... Turning her ass towards Anon's dick, she opened her pussy lips with her own fingers and aimed her pussy hole towards Anon's dick and squatted on it.


Anon's dick pierced through her womb on the first squat and touched her womb's back wall easily.

The great mother's face Changed entirely, as she made an ahegao face and supported her upper body by putting both of her hands on the bed just like a frog.

Her eyes rolled up as she bit her lower lip and only two words came out of her filthy mouth.


"I don't think I will be able to cum like that in 7 years. Move bitch." Anon said as he slapped her right butt tightly.


"Annnnnnhhhhhhhhhh~ Cummmmming~" With just one slap she came and she came so hard that she even pissed.

Her piss fell on Marinda's face, who was lying on the floor after being used as a toy.

"Move it, bitch... Don't cum on your own or I will pound your pussy so much that, even dogs will not fuck you." Anon shouted.

"Anhhh~ Y-Yes..." The bitch mother said as she recovered from her big orgasm and tried to move. 

"Annnh~ Yes... Yes... Yes...." The bitch mother moaned as she felt Anon's dick tapping on her womb's back wall with every thrust.

She is squatting on Anon's dick but she can't take all of it inside her pussy.

Her pussy's entrance get's wider every time she squats down.

"Ohhh...Annhhhh~... Fuckk..." She moaned every time as she enjoyed Anon's cock.

"HaH... You old hag, you can't even fuck a man properly. Let me tell you how a male fucks a female." Anon said as he grabbed her waist and turned around 180° on the bed... Now The bitch mother is under Anon.

"Ouchhh... Your dick is twisting my pussy wallls... Anhhhhhhh~" the bitch mother shouted as she felt Anon's dick twisting inside her pussy.

"Bitch... Let me tell you how to fuck a holy worthless pussy." Anon said as he started to thrust his dick inside her pussy fast and furiously.


"Annh~ Anh~ Anhhh~ Annhhh~" With every thrust the bitch mother moaned like a bitch in heat.

"What are you moaning for huh bitch? You need more...? Tell me, do you want more or not ?" Anon asked as he grabbed her neck and wrapped his body around her body just like an anaconda and fucked her fluffy pussy with no mercy.

He made her ass turn red in just seconds and cum started flowing out of her pussy regularly because she was not being fucked for the past 20 years.

"Y-Yes..." She whispered as she felt Anon's authority over her saggy and helpless body.

"Huh... I didn't hear ya bitch? Say it clearly." Anon said as he tightened his grip near her neck and shouted in her ears.

"Yes, master I want your supreme dick to fuck my pussy even more and turn me into a cock worshipping WHOOORRREEEE..." she said as she came again.

"Good... Now remember your fucking husband and tell him how you are getting fucked by an even bigger cock than his tiny shitter of a dick." Anon said as he increased his thrusting speed and fucked her even harder.

"Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Annhhhhhh~ Yessssssss... Dear *Tap-Tap-Tap* Jackkk *Tap-Tap-Tap* Anhhh~ I am being Anhhhh~ *Tap-Tap-Tap* FUCKKKKED... By a Anhhhhhh~ Big Diiicccckkkkk than youurssssss..... Please forgive me." She shouted as Anon filled her filthy womb with his cum and painted the walls of her womb fully white.

Her eyes rolled up to her head and she gave an ahegao expression and her mind broke.

"Dickkk... Yesss... I want more big dickssss... Please, give me big dicks." She said as her tongue stuck out of her mouth and she twitched her ass while Anon's cum dipped out of her pussy.


"Next time... You will remember who to punish and who to bow down to." Anon said as he looked at her pussy vomiting his cum out with a disgusted expression.

"Well, this toy is already broken... But I should write my name on it or it will get lost." Anon said as he Summoned an ink pot and a brush in his hands.

Dipping the brush in the ink pot, anon started writing on the Bitch mother's ass.I think you should take a look at

"Uh-Huh... Now you look like my property." Anon said as he looked at her butt.

He drew two Arrows on both of her ass cheeks, that pointed towards her pussy and said... 'FUCK ME HERE.'

After that, Anon rotated her body and started writing something over her womb too.

After a while, he de-summoned the ink pot and the brush as he looked at the bitch mother's belly.

Right over her womb, Anon wrote... 'FOR MASTER ANON'S USE ONLY. USE ME ANYTIME.'

"Good... Now where is my next toy ?" Anon said as he looked around in search of Marinda.

Suddenly Anon noticed that Marinda is standing in one corner of the room staring at him with a very scared expression.

"Hello... Marinda? What happened Luv? Why are you standing there ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"D-Don't you dare... Touch me." She said as her expression turned grim and even more scared.

"Oh my god... What happened? Did you get scared ?" Anon asked with a psychopathic smile as he started moving towards her.

"N-No... Don't come near me... S-Stay where you are... Or I-I..."

"What will you do ?" Anon asked.

"I will shout for help...." She said in a feared tone.

"Oh my god, I am scared to death... Who will come to save you? Is there anyone out there that can save you from me ?" Anon asked.

"N-No... Please forgive me. I will Respect man... I-I will never say ill about the men kind... Please don't turn me into her. I will do anything to not be like her." She said as she grabbed the walls.

"Oh, don't worry Luv. You will be like her in just a few moments... And believe me, it feels very good. You will feel the ultimate pleasure that your husband never gave you.

I will fuck you so bad that you will start worshipping the men's dicks, then I will send you to a whore house where every man in this Continent will rape you over and over until you have taken every man's sperm in that filthy pussy of yours.

I will teach you how to respect a man and how to treat him." Anon said as he scared her more and more.

"Please... I beg of you. Please leave me... I don't want to be a whore. I promise to treat every man equal to a woman, I will start accepting males in my house just don't do this to me.

I-I promise, I will serve you in bed b-but not like her... I-I will make you cum and you can fuck me in the pussy, b-but please don't turn me into her... My reputation will be ruined, please I beg you." She said as she immediately grabbed Anon's legs and begged.

"Hah... Do you know, there is a saying out there and it says... 'Never teach a whore cock sucking and Don't even try to teach the father how to do the fucking.' Do you understand ?" Anon asked as an evil smile appeared on his face. 

"I think it's your lucky day Marinda... I am thinking of sparing your body." Anon spoke.

"Huh...? R-Really ?" Marinda asked as she looked at Anon with a smile.

"Yes, why not? But with one condition." Anon spoke.

"What condition ?" The smile on her face disappeared as she asked with a suspicious expression.

"The condition is that you will have to make my dick erect in one minute just like her... If you did give me an erection, I will let you go freely but if you failed to do so, you know what awaits you right ?" Anon asked.

"S-So, all I have to do is give you an erection right ?" She asked with a suspicious expression.

"Yes, but if you failed then I will fuck you even harder than her... So make your choice fast." Anon said with a smile.

"Will you let me go, if I gave you an erection? Like I will also get free from this slave collar ?" Marinda asked.

"Yes, Yes, it's a promise." Anon agreed.

"I want to sign a mana agreement.. if you didn't follow the rules the mana agreement will do its job."

"Okay, fuck the game... Undress now and this is an order by the slave's master." Anon said with a serious expression as he looked at her.

"N-No... I am ready for the game, I was just-"

"Get your clothes off, Woman or Do you want me to just go and rape Every single of your daughters ?" Anon asked with a menacing expression.

"N-No... I am doing it. Just don't touch my daughters..." Marinda said with a feared expression as she started removing her clothes.

Her body was tight... Her boobs were medium-sized but her ass was huge...

After removing her clothes, Marinda was only left with her underwear.

"I said remove all of them, bitch. Did you not hear me ?" Anon shouted.

"Y-Yes..." Marinda replied with a feared tone as she started removing her underwear slowly.

As soon as she removed her panty, her shaved pussy was revealed.

There was not a single extra hair on her body.

"Oh, my god. What a clean pussy ?" Anon said as he immediately closed his distance to her and started groping her medium-sized breasts slowly.

"Anhh~" she moaned slowly, feeling Anon's fingertips over her nipples.

Anon started flicking her nipples up and down.

"Anhh~ Anhhh~ Please... Don't..." Marinda spoke with a low tone.

"Oh... You know what? You have a third nipple too..." Anon said as he removed his hand from her left nipple and immediately went down to her clit and started flicking it.

"Anhhhhhhhh~ not down there..." She moaned with an innocent face.

"You look one hell of an innocent woman when having sex," Anon said as he continued to rub her pussy until her pussy juices started flowing out of her crack.

"Annhhhh~, please... Noooo... I am... something is coming... I am going to peee..." She shouted as she came and peed on the floor at the same time.

Taking this opportunity anon pulled her clit and right nipple at the same time.

"ANHHHHHHHHHHH~ CUMMMMINNNNNG...." she shouted as the juices coming out of her pussy didn't showed any signs of stopping.I think you should take a look at

"Did you like that huh? Bitch ?" Anon asked.

"N-No..." Marinda whispered.

"Oh..? Seems like I have to make you cum, until you accept it." Anon said as he bit her left nipple and threw her on the bed after that.

"Nooo..." Marinda shouted.

[What is this? Is this what the great mother felt? Is this what they call orgasm? No, this can't be happening, I am a powerful woman. I can't have an orgasm from a jerk like him... Women are toys to him... This is not happening.] Marinda thought in her mind.

"You know what's your problem? You just can't get over this male and female thing, but today I will fix that for you. Come here..." Anon said as he grabbed Marinda's ass and lifted it.

"Nooo... Don't do it... I-I just came... I ANHHHHHH~, What is this?" Before Marinda could've said anything else Anon rammed his cock into her pussy.

"Shut the fuck up... Bitch." Anon said as he grabbed her mouth with his hand and inserted his fingers inside her mouth.



After that, Anon slammed her pussy with his cock mercilessly for one hour straight with literally zero stops.

One hour later...

"Nooo... Please, not anymore. I will do anything, I will be a whore... I will worship *Clap-Clap* Anhhhh~ Master Anon as my god.

I will become his handy-pussy.... Please forgive me... I will break if I came anymoreeeee~ " she said as she came again.

"Oh... Really? But guess what it's night outside, so I am still going to fuck you till the sun rises... Prepare your pussy Marinda... You are about to become a real cock worshipping whore." Anon said as he again started slamming her pussy.

Throughout the whole night, Anon fucked both of them thoroughly and converted them into cock worshipping, handy-pussies.

The next day finally came and the sun shined in the sky...

Anon is laying on his bed, Marinda and the Bitch mother are also lying on both of his sides.

Their eyes are Half-open and Half-Closed... Cum is flowing out of their pussies and the bedsheet is all wet.

Where anon is sleeping peacefully, both of them are twitching their butts regularly, because whenever the cum comes out of their pussy, they feel a current running through their whole body.

"Yawn..." Anon yawned as he woke up and looked at both of the milfs on his sides.


Slapping both of their ass cheeks at once... Anon spoke.

"What's up Ladies.. ?"

No response came from them.. because their eyes might be open right now but they are mentally and physically so exhausted that they can't move any other part of their body other than their butts and pussy.

"Well, last night was good," Anon said as he got up from the bed and started dressing up.


Suddenly, a knock was heard at the gate.

"Come in," Anon commanded.

Opening the gates, an ogre entered the room. This ogre was the same one whom Anon had sent to Derein's castle with his letter.

"Yes?" Anon asked as he put on his pants.

"Your Majesty, this is the reply to your letter from Queen Derein," the ogre said as he knelt down and extended his hands, holding a letter.

Anon took the letter from his hands and opened it.

[Hello, Anon. The things you asked for are ready. You can come to my castle to pick them up.

Listen, I am not in my castle right now, but my assistant will be ready for you there. He will show you the requested items.

There is a small seal inside this letter. If you show it to him, he will know that I sent you.

He will also introduce you to a guy who knows a guy in the Elven Kingdom, and then you can easily get inside.

Best of luck with your plan. May the god of winning blessings be with you and fuck all of those bitch elfs.]

"What the heck? When did I request her for the items? I demanded the damn items," Anon said as he burned the letter with a fireball spell.

Taking a cigar out of his inventory, Anon lit it up as a small fireball appeared on his middle finger.

After taking a puff from the cigar, Anon left the room.

As soon as Anon exited the house, he saw Mike coming towards him with a guy in his hands.

The guy was seriously injured, and Mike was dragging him along the ground. Mike's clothes were torn, and he also had some injuries.

"Mike, what's going on?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Master, I greet you," Mike said as he let go of the guy and knelt down.

"Who is he?" Anon asked, looking confused.

"Master, this is the one you ordered me to bring to you. Did you forget?" Mike reminded.

"Ah, that vampire guy, right? Alright then, let's see," Anon said as he summoned a screen with the image that Kol gave him and squatted down.

"What happened to you? Why do you look so injured?" Anon asked Mike as he grabbed the vampire guy's hair and pulled it up to see his face clearly.

"Hmm... Yes, he's the one," Anon said as he confirmed the guy's face with the image Kol gave him.

"Master, this guy's family was very clever. They sensed my presence even after I used a cloaking spell on myself and pretended as if they couldn't see me. When I was in his room, guards suddenly came in and started attacking me with full force. His brothers, sisters, and parents also came to save him," Mike explained.

"So, you kidnapped him and escaped, right?" Anon asked, trying to guess the rest of the story.

"No, Master, I didn't run after taking him. First, I killed all of his house's soldiers, then his siblings and his parents. After that, I beat him up and brought him here, but I got slightly injured in the fight," Mike informed.

Though Mike explained everything, only two things stood out to Anon.

"Ah, so you just massacred his MILF mother and sexy sisters?" Anon asked, looking surprised.I think you should take a look at

"T-This... Master, yes, sir. I did that too," Mike answered.

"Damn... Mike, you know how important every woman is to me, right? Why would you kill them? You could've just brought them to me," Anon scolded Mike.

"I-I'm sorry, Master. I'll keep that in mind next time. Please forgive me this once," Mike pleaded.

"Well, nothing can be done now. Take him to Kol and first heal him, so he can at least talk," Anon ordered, looking at the vampire's face, blood coming from his mouth and nose.

"Yes, sir," Mike said as he grabbed the vampire again and began moving back inside the house.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go meet this guy," Anon said, whistling as the three-eyed raven flew down to him.

"Hello, love," Anon said as he touched the raven's beak.


"Let's go," Anon commanded, mounting its back.

The raven immediately took off.

Anon flew from his continent to Derein's Kingdom, and the people inside the kingdom noticed the raven flying in the sky.

After reaching near the Royal castle, Anon jumped off the raven's back and landed on top of the castle.

"Hey, who are you?" A female knight shouted from below as she saw Anon land on the castle.

"Intruder! There's an intruder inside the castle! Alert everyone—hup," before she could shout more, Anon teleported near her and covered her mouth.

"Look into my eyes, love," Anon said, using a skill.

<Hypnosis >

His eyes shone purple, and so did the female knight's.

"Now, do you work here?" Anon asked, slowly removing his hand from her face.

"Yes," she answered, immediately under Anon's hypnosis trance.

"Good. Now bring me to your queen's assistant, love," Anon ordered, smiling.

"Yes," she said, turning towards the left and leading Anon toward the main gate of the castle.

As soon as Anon reached the main gate, he sensed over 20 soldiers and a warrior standing behind the door, waiting for him.

'This is Derein's castle, right? They should've come out to greet me. Why are they planning to kill me?' Anon wondered briefly.

'Well, it's always the same. Blood for blood. If they attacked first, I won't go easy either,' Anon thought, opening the main gate slowly.

"Weapons on the ground, sir," an old man around 75, wearing a butler's outfit, ordered.

"Sad for you. I've got no weapons, but it seems you have mine," Anon said with a smile, looking at the knights standing beside the old man, fully covered in armor and armed with swords, spears, and shields.

"Show me your seal, sir," the butler asked.

Though this butler might appear old, his body exuded a dangerous aura. But to Anon, this was nothing.