

Everything had developed as he had anticipated. Under the guise of sharing information with him, people would say things to Momon which they wanted to keep secret from Ainz, or perhaps they might plot to drive a wedge between Momon and Ainz. However, the truth was, they were the ones who would be unknowingly poisoned by the thoughts of Pandora's Actor.

Ainz was a trustworthy king, a merciful being who thought of the people, and so on.

"I understand. However... you seem to be able to wear armor now. If you have nothing to do, how about putting it on and training in it?"

The prototype armor should be complete.

"This one understands, milord! Then, this one would also like to see those lizardmen-donos, if possible."

"Very well. I shall grant your wish. I will speak to Cocytus afterwards and have him send someone here."

"You have this one's undying thanks, milord. Come, Death Knight-dono! Let us work hard together!"

Ainz paid no heed to the burning friendship between a beast and a corpse and moved on.

Behind Ainz was a voice which said something along the lines of "Really ― how annoying!" but he could not think of what the Death Knight might have to say. Although Ainz was vaguely interested in what Hamsuke was up to, he soon cast the thought away.

Speaking of which, some time ago, I think I gave Hamsuke... it feels like I've forgotten something. Oh well, if I can't think of it, it couldn't have been that important, I guess.

Ainz's head was filled with these thoughts, which he could not quite articulate. It felt a bit like waiting for a sneeze which would not come. He arrived before the door to the guest house, but he would not do anything like knock. Fifth, who had been following behind Ainz, immediately advanced before him.

"Open it."

"Understood, Ainz-sama."

Fifth looked terribly serious as she opened the door, but the corner of her mouth seemed somewhat relaxed. This must have come from the satisfaction she felt at being able to help Ainz in some way.

It seems I was right to observe Jircniv. I have truly become a proper ruler. Granted, that's not exactly the right way to treat him, but I'll continue studying him from now on. After all, it's to help me learn how it is to be a king.

Ainz did not thank Fifth, but looked to the open door.

"―Eight Edge Assassins."

"Yes! Ready for orders!"

The Eight Edge Assassins that were following behind Ainz swiftly formed up into a line.



Their jaws opened and closed, and then the lined-up Eight Edge Assassins responded with a voice that seemed more forceful than usual before entering the building. Only Pandora's Actor was supposed to be in this guest house. On occasion, Narberal was here, but for the most part, she was in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, carrying out Ainz's orders.

He could have stationed a regular maid here, but it could be troublesome if people who came to visit Momon thought they were being observed. Thus, it had come to this. However, if Pandora's Actor stayed here alone, there was the possibility that the people who had brainwashed Shalltear might infiltrate this place. Thus, Ainz felt it was better to set up some countermeasures.

...Still, in order for that to happen, someone would need to infiltrate all the way in here. Well, only fools don't prepare enough. ...Mm ― still, how long should I wait here? Or should I move forward? By common sense, I should wait here. After all, the Eight Edge Assassins will return to me. However, is a king really supposed to wait at the door?

After hesitating for a bit, Ainz thought, ah well, forget it, and entered the guest house.

He advanced, using the regal, proper bearing he had practiced dozens of times, in a way which he felt best fitted a ruler.

However, within less than 20 paces, one of the Eight Ege Assassins returned and genuflected before Ainz.

"Ainz-sama, we have summoned Pandora's Actor-sama. He will present himself to you soon."

"Is that so. Then I shall wait in the guest room."

Ainz had been to this guest house before, so Ainz had a rough idea of its layout. After Fifth opened the door for him, Ainz moved without hesitation to the main seat in the guest room.

This violated much of the manners he had picked up as a salaryman and felt wrong to him. However, this was an easy task for Ainz, who had spent much time practicing to be a ruler.

Shortly after, a knocking came from the door. Ainz nodded to Fifth.

Having received permission, Fifth opened the door, and Pandora's Actor entered the room. He was not using magic to appear as Momon, but was in his usual military uniform.

"Oh Supreme One, my creator Ainz-sama―"

"No need to greet me. Sit."


He clicked his heels together before marching in.

His movements were as smooth and crisp as that of a soldier's, but to Ainz, they were entirely unnecessary. The best word to describe this was "overacting".

And so, Pandora's Actor advanced to the place beside Ainz and sat.

Don't people usually sit opposite each other?

Everyone possessed an area around them called their personal space, but Ainz could not help but stare at Pandora's Actor's remorseless blitzkrieg upon him.

...Well, I guess it's all right. Still, he's really close...

Ainz closely inspected Pandora's Actor as he sat down. He no longer felt the same shock he had when he had first seen him in the Treasury. Perhaps the passage of time and meeting him several times to give orders had softened the impact on him.

"May I ask―"

"No, it's nothing, don't worry about it. All right, I have some things to ask you. First, I'd like to know about Momon's condition. I know what you've reported to Albedo... so, are there any problems?"

"It would seem that there is nothing spec―"

"Is that so. Good. Then, I'd like to ask you, as Pandora's Actor ― are there any problems on your end?"

The mood in the air changed.

"In truth, Ainz-sama!"

Ainz leaned back, as though the tremendous presence of Pandora's Actor was crushing him.

"I, I have suffered greatly!"

Who's the one suffering here?!

However, Ainz did not have the time to shoot back with that before Pandora's Actor continued speaking.

"During this time, I have not once been able to touch magic items. I have been unable to maintain the various magic items created by the Supreme Beings. The sorting of data crystals has ground to a halt as well. Please! No matter what, Ainz-sama! I beseech you to grant me some time with those items!"

"...I, did I design you that way?"

"Of that there is no doubt! These feelings were bestowed upon me by yourself, Momonga-sama!"


Ainz desperately tried to recall the way he had designed Pandora's Actor. He could recall giving him a backstory that stated he liked managing magic items and the like. Ainz's original intent was to design him in such a way that he would not find it strange to be alone in the Treasury ― indeed, one could consider being surrounded by the things he loved to be a heavenly job. So it would seem that Ainz's personality settings were the source of the problem. However, for some reason, it seemed to have reached the level of a fetish.

"Did I not permit you to return to Nazarick every day?"

While half of Nazarick's undead were made by Ainz, the other half were made by Pandora's Actor. Granted, the undead made by Pandora's Actor were weaker than those made by Ainz, to some extent. Still, that was within acceptable parameters, and there were adequate frozen corpses on the 5th Floor for that purpose.

In fact, there were so many of them that the two of them working together could not use them up.

"However, I have not received permission to return to the Treasury!"

What could he be feeling that made him omit his usual theatrics?

"I understand. Then, I shall inform Shalltear and have her give the Ring to you. In addition, I grant you permission to work on my comrades' weaponry and equipment. Don't damage them."

"It shall―"

"Stop that. Speaking normally will be fine. Didn't I tell you this before, hm, Pandora's Actor?"


"The relationship between us is one of creator and created. The fact is, I am very happy with the way you have worked hard to show me the being I intended to make. However, sometimes I wonder; should children not work to exceed their parents?"

"Ohhhh... Ainz-sama. To think you would refer to me as your child!"

"Umu, umu. You are, er, my son, or something like that. That, er, how shall I put this, should most likely, er, that should be the case. Therefore, there's no need to use German or salute or be so dramatic in front of me. Since I made you, I want to see the parts of you that I did not make, as proof that you have grown."

Ainz glanced behind at the sound of sniffling, and saw that Fifth was dabbing at the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.


Isn't she crying too easily?

Just as Ainz was feeling confused, Pandora's Actor bowed his head.

"I understand ― Father!"


"I shall show you what you wish to see, Father!"

He was wrong. He had been too reckless. Although it was impossible, Ainz felt a headache assailing him.

"Pandora's Actor. You must not tell anyone else of what has happened here. Understood? If people know that you're receiving special treatment, it might result in friction with the others. Also ― in fact, because of that, I will be placing you lower on my priorities. If the time comes when I have to choose between helping you or the Guardians, I will abandon you."

"But of course! Please, sacrifice me as you see fit!"

As Ainz watched him thrust out his chest while speaking, a sense of guilt grew in Ainz's heart.

"I am sorry. And... Fifth. Do not speak of what has happened here."

After seeing Fifth nod in acknowledgement, Ainz nodded as well.

"Then, I will be on my way."

"Ah, about that, could you hold on a little? Since we meet rarely, there is a matter I would like to ask you, Father. May I know how you intend to rule this Sorcerous Kingdom?"


"Many humans have their doubts about the path upon which you intend to take this country, Father. For instance, if you wish to adopt a policy of expansion, they fear that they will be sent onto the battlefield, and so on."

Ainz froze in place.

Where was he going to take Ainz Ooal Gown?

To begin with, Ainz was just a regular person, yet he had stated a nigh-unreachable goal like conquering the world. Ainz had stopped thinking about it. He felt that it would be better to hand this matter to intelligent people like Albedo or Demiurge.

That said, the matter of how to run this country was a question which he could not evade.

"Is, is something wrong, Father?"

"...I intend to let you know, but I'm still drafting it up in my mind. I shall discuss the matter with the various Guardians of Nazarick and then inform you."


Ainz rose silently.

"Then that will be all, Pandora's Actor."

After hearing Pandora's Actor bid him farewell, Ainz left the room.

Before he left through the main door, he sent a [Message] to Shalltear before he forgot, informing him of Pandora's Actor's request. If he put it off, he would probably forget it later on.

Once he reached the door, Ainz moved faster than Fifth and opened the door before she could do so for him.

Then, he looked to the sky.

It was a clear, blue sky.

"I'll be flying," Ainz curtly said. Although the people behind him began to panic, Ainz chose to pay them no heed.

Ainz floated into the sky thanks to the [Fly] spell, and then landed on the roof of the guest house.

Because E-Rantel was a city protected by three layers of walls, from this vantage, half of his field of vision was blocked by the city walls.

"I can't see from here, huh? Looks like I'll have to go for a walk."

He might be able to think of something if he walked the streets. Staying here meant that there was no way he would be able to think of anything.

Just then, the forms of the Eight Edge Assassins ― who had climbed the walls ― appeared before Ainz as well.

"Ainz-sama, please wait! It's dangerous to go alone!"

He could not simply laugh off the Eight Edge Assassins' words.

Someone standing in the middle of a wide-open area with good visibility in all directions was practically asking to be sniped.

"That's true. I'd make a good target if my opponent was Peroroncino-san."

Peroroncino the archer ― who was the most specialized in ranged combat within the guild Ainz Ooal Gown ― would probably be able to hurt Ainz very badly. That man could easily attack from even two kilometers out. His favorite tactic was concealing himself and then sniping his opponent ― albeit with a bow. That said, even if his opponent was Peroroncino, Ainz had no intention of allowing himself to be toyed with until he died.

Ainz was confident that he could use various means to defend, escape, or counterattack. He had honed his skills through PVPing, and he would definitely not die with no means of responding. However, if he had to be wary of attack methods which only existed in this world, the Eight Edge Assassins had a point.

Ainz could not die now. At the very least, before experimenting with resurrecting players, he had to assume he only had one life, and prepare a meatshield for himself.

His best and safest option for that job was Albedo, whose defensive strength was the highest among the Guardians. However, he would need people to protect her as well, which would necessitate a large deployment of forces. He did not want to do that unless it was for the purpose of baiting an enemy attack.

If that was the case, the best choice would be disposable and high-level vassals, but―

I don't have any high-level vassal monsters. Even if I wanted to use mercenary monsters, I spent a lot of money summoning Albedo's subordinates, so I don't have the cash out of pocket to casually summon monsters.

He had decided to make a big show of spending to prove his generosity, and now he vaguely regretted doing so. All he could do was comfort himself by saying that he had to maintain his image as her boss.

Hang on, let's think this through step by step.

Ainz listed various possibilities in his mind.

Mercenary monsters. He had no money, so they were out.

The skill, [Undead Lieutenant]. It required XP, so he decided against it.

Using the summons from the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. The very fact that he had to carry the Guild Weapon with him meant that it was out of the question.

The skill, [Create Undead]. Even if he created upper-tier undead, they would only be level 70, which he would not even trust to escort the Guardians.

No, I still have a trump card in store.

He had enhanced his undead creation skills through the use of a dark ritual.

He could only create upper-tier undead four times a day. However, if he divided those up into two uses, he could make undead of roughly level 90.

Ainz stroked his chin, and wondered what sort of undead to make. The thief-type Eternal Deaths, or sensory-focused Eyeball types...

Granted, the Eternal Deaths were excellent undead to use, but they had a passive skill called [Aura of Death and Decay] which was constantly in effect. It was a potent skill which combined the effects of Ainz's [Despair Aura V (instant death)] and [Despair Aura I (fear)], making it a creature that could inflict instant death and stat penalties upon the enemy. In particular, the stat penalty was not a mind-affecting ability. This allowed the skill to bypass immunity to mind-affecting effects, which made it very hard to deal with.

That said, if this ability was used when friendly fire was enabled, it would swiftly paint a hellish picture of suffering and misery. Of course, he might be able to order them to suppress the ability, but bringing undead like that onto the city streets was complete insanity.

Several other scary monsters appeared in his mind, but he shot all those ideas down.

...How should I say this... they're very capable, but they all look ugly.

None of them were at all suitable as guards which a king would have with him when walking the streets.

Just as Ainz was puzzling over the matter, he noticed Fifth beneath him, trying desperately to climb the wall.

Without another word, Ainz jumped off, using [Fly] in mid-air to slow his descent, and he landed gracefully on the ground below.

Fifth ― who was gripping a window frame and whose face was flushed red ― hurriedly assumed her position behind Ainz.



"I will be going out to the city after this."

"Understood, I shall ready the carriage immediately!"

"No, there is no need for that. I intend to observe the conditions in the city. I rule these streets, so I plan to go on foot."

"Eh?! But that would only stain your precious feet! Please order us to clean the streets for you! And we must prepare the followers!"

Few roads on E-Rantel were cobbled, so after the rain, the rest became stretches of mud.

"There is no need for that. I have lived in this city before."

That said, after checking into the inn, he immediately returned to Nazarick to make undead.

"In addition, I intend to summon followers with magic, so there is no need to send over people from Nazarick."

"...If that is the will of the Supreme One."

Still, the question of what to summon remains. If I call up demons or undead, it will lead to bad rumors and vicious gossip. So I'll need to summon something pretty, to raise opinions of me. What fits the bill...

As he thought of that, Ainz found the answer.

"I will be summoning angels after this. Let's go."


Although Ainz's karma value was extremely negative, he would not have a problem summoning angels, whose karma values were highly positive. There were some classes which had the penalty of not being able to summon monsters whose karma values were too different from their own, but Ainz did not have such classes.

Incidentally, the monsters summoned by those classes got stronger the closer the monsters' karma values were to their masters.

In YGGDRASIL, any disadvantages would have matching advantages as well.

Ainz headed toward the courtyard.

As expected of a place used for putting horses through their paces, training hunting hounds and other such activities, the expanse of trimmed grass which made up the courtyard was vast indeed.

"Then, let's begin. This may take a while, so talk with me in the meantime."

"W-who, me?"

"Exactly. In other words, I want to know everything about Nazarick's 9th Floor ― right. Tell me about your work. Is there anything about the rooms you are cleaning?"

Ainz did not wait for Fifth to reply. After changing out parts of his equipment, he cast his spell.

This spell was the super-tier spell [Pantheon], which was similar to the 10th tier spell [Armageddon – Good] and the super-tier spell [Nibelung I], and which was diametrically opposed to the super-tier spell [Pandemonium].

He listened to Fifth's words as he waited for the super-tier spell to take effect. If there was a sudden need to take urgent action, he would naturally use a cash item, but doing so at this time would have been terribly wasteful.

Chatting with the maids isn't bad, Ainz thought.

In addition, this was the first time he heard that Albedo's room was forbidden to the maids.

"―I see. Well, this was quite a meaningful conversation. Although I just thought about it, go back to my room and bring Nurunuru-kun over. It would be troublesome without him."


Ainz watched Fifth's maid outfit sway wildly as she jogged off, while he remained in the courtyard.

While he waited, he recalled Fifth's words.

Apparently, Albedo had told the maids that she would handle the cleaning of her own room as part of her bridal training, so she did not wish for anyone to enter her room.

Ainz muttered "Good grief" to himself.

"Albedo, it's not that I don't understand your feelings, but the fact is that you're a busy person, so you should leave the cleaning to the maids. I can't really say this, but it seems I'm a better ruler than you are, in that sense."

Before long, Fifth returned, panting and presenting Nurunuru-kun. Ainz smiled, satisfied by his ability to command.


Ainz accepted the Lip Bug from Fifth with a brief word of appreciation. Then, he applied the Lip Bug to the base of his bony throat.

"Ah, er, um."

For some reason, there was a change in Ainz's voice. Granted, that was the creature's special ability, but he still did not understand it. All he could do was accept it.

Ainz put his doubts aside and cast the super-tier spell. Six pillars of light appeared around him, and from them came six angels.

These angels had lions' heads, with one pair of wings stretched out and another pair folded around them, for a total of four wings. They each wore suits of shining armor and held shields with eye patterns in one hand and lances of fire in the other.

These angels were around level 80, and they were called Cherubim Gatekeepers.

Ainz did not know much about mythology, so he did not know why they were called gatekeepers, but he did know about their strengths as monsters.

The Cherubim Gatekeepers were quite well-suited to the task of being a tank, and their considerable sensory abilities also made them very good sentries.

"Protect me. Do not kill my enemies, but render the foe powerless while doing as little damage as possible."

"Understood, o summoner."

This order had not been given out of compassion. Although Ainz had no hesitation about killing his opponents, he had to consider that people might be scheming behind the scenes. In addition, he had to let Momon perform the executions, hence his instructions to capture the enemy alive.

"Then, let's go."

Once the Angels had taken a defensive formation around Ainz, he immediately strode forth.

Summon spells ― including this super-tier spell ― would terminate after a while. Thus, he had to avoid wasting time.

"Angels, Fifth will be walking with us. Defend her as you would me."

"Understood, o summoner."

"Ai-Ainz-sama, how could my body be compared to the precious form of the Supreme One?"

"...Fifth. You might be a maid, but you are still a creation of one of my friends. Thus, you are very valuable to me. Remember that well, because I find it troublesome to repeat myself. Then go tell all of your fellows."

"Thank, thank you very much!"

Incidentally, he did not say the same thing to the Eight Edge Assassins, as they were beings summoned from YGGDRASIL gold. He might have felt vaguely regretful about having to sacrifice them, but they had no value to him beyond that.

"Let's go."

With the six Angels, Fifth, and several Eight Edge Assassins ― the rest were left as sentries ― in tow, Ainz headed for the gate.

There loomed the form of a Crypt Lord, who commanded over twenty Death Knights.

It was dressed in tattered purple robes which were once magnificent, and it wore a crown that shone uncharacteristically bright. It was a level 70 undead creature from Nazarick.

Its commander-type skills could strengthen any Death Knights it controlled, but it could not do so since the Death Knights which were its subordinates were under Ainz's control. That said, Ainz had put it here because he acknowledged its excellent command abilities.

"I will be heading out after this, let Albedo know."

After walking past the Crypt Lord ― who was bowing deeply ― Ainz arrived at the streets.

He had no objective in mind.

Rather than taking a walk, it was more like he wanted to find the answer to Pandora's Actor's question. He would not be able to sort out what he could normally figure out if he was being bothered from all sides.

Ainz opened up his stride as he imagined the future which the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown would have under him.


Ainz and the company advanced in a straight line along the main road.

It was hard to say the streets were filled with life. That much was obvious when he compared his memories from his time as Momon to the scenes before him now. The expressions of the pedestrians were grim, and they seemed to be moving a little quicker.

In contrast, the Death Knights walked proudly through the streets. They were probably patrolling in place of the usual city guard. Ainz had only given them simple orders: apprehend anyone engaging in violence, protect anyone who asked for help.

Ainz turned his gaze toward the city wall.

A portion of the mass-produced Death Knights were assigned to sentry duty on top of the walls. There were others like them who were watching the city gates or patrolling. However, the most bizarre way in which they were employed was in being ordered to build new villages with the denizens of the slum district.

The people who ended up being residents of the slums were typically the second or third sons of a family in villages: those who did not have their own farm to work. They dreamt of a better life in the city, but in the end, they could only scrape out a pauper's miserable existence amidst the ashes of their dreams. Thus, Ainz promised to grant them a plot of land, and sent them out there.

They were sent to the ruins of villages that had been burned down due to the Slaine Theocracy's plot. Since they had fallen due to external reasons, all one needed to do was to clear the rubble away, seek new villagers, and the village would naturally recover.

Because they had been attacked in the past, Ainz permitted the Death Knights and Soul Eaters to go with them as guards, and he also ordered them to help the villagers with their farm work.

Granted, neither of them were particularly adept at working the fields. However, they were far superior to ordinary human beings when it came to raw, physical strength. Essentially, they were heavy duty farm equipment which did not require fuel and which could function 24 hours a day. They were ideal for the task of breaking ground and heavy labor, and they would surely make great contributions in the coming harvests.

Ainz's aim was to build the villages back up within a year, and allow them to achieve basic self-sufficiency. They would then begin a regular harvest in the second year.

However, the aim of rebuilding the villages was merely to collect their produce as taxes and dump them into the Exchange Box, where they would become YGGDRASIL gold coins. Albedo and Demiurge had praised this idea to the heavens, so it should be quite workable.

He had lent the undead to them in order to avoid foolishly wasting time on colonizing the wilderness.

At the same time, since the undead were on loan, he would collect additional rental fees on them in addition to the agreed taxes. While he did not need to charge them rent, he came up with the idea after considering that he might end up loaning the undead to various other people in the future.

While that plan prioritized sending large numbers of the slums' residents ― with their families in tow ― out of the city, that alone was not the reason for the lack of people on the streets.

That would probably be because of Ainz. When pedestrians encountered him on the streets, they would stare with eyes wide before going back the way they came, or circling around him.

It was like walking in an abandoned wasteland.

Still, being feared was not bad. It was a dozen times better than being disrespected.

That said, it's hard to believe my city would be such a lifeless place...

He did not care what happened to anyone else as long as the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and its NPCs were happy. However, what would his past friends think if they were around?

Would they be like Ainz, who had been affected by being undead, and end up being influenced by their nature as monsters? Would they end up treating humans as little more than fodder? Or would they continue holding on to their strong emotions from their time as humans?

What on earth do I want to build this country into...

Just as Pandora's Actor had said, Ainz needed to decide on how to run this country and the aim of ruling this city.

For example, by farming wheat and the like, and tossing them into the Treasury's Exchange Box he could obtain coins that could be used to to strengthen the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. The country would then become one whose sole aim was to produce currency.

For example, he could breed and slaughter humans, thus making the country produce XP which would be stored within Greed and Generosity.

For instance, he could hand over all production tasks and work to the undead, making it a country where the living did not need to work.

And for example―

From a land filled with love to one ringing with resentment, how would this country which bore the name of the guild turn out?

He could not hand this decision to his subordinates. This was his duty, his responsibility, as the ruler of Nazarick and the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown.

"―Fifth, what do you think of this city? Of this country?"

"My deepest apologies. May I know how you would like me to answer?"

He had been too abstract. Ainz decided to ask again:

"Do you feel this is a country where you can live in happiness? Tell me the whole truth and hold nothing back."

"Yes. I am very happy in this country because you rule it, Ainz-sama."

Ainz looked to the sky and sighed. Well, he should have expected an NPC to give him an answer like that.


"Oh, what's the matter? Tell me anything that comes to your mind."

"Understood. Why is it that despite you being here, Ainz-sama, that nobody comes out to pay homage to the ruler of this country, to your mighty form? And the way they hide in the buildings and peek out at you... it's very upsetting!"

Fifth snorted. Indeed, many people were spying on Ainz and his entourage while hiding in the shops along the roads. In fact, some of them had gone weak at the knees when they saw the angels.

"Fifth, do you think humans are boring creatures?"

"Yes. It is as you say. They were not created by the Supreme Beings, thus they are pitiable lifeforms."

More than half the beings in Nazarick thought that way. Even the level 1 maids were no exception.

"Fifth. All of you are still the most important to me."

"Thank you very much!"

"However, I should show some measure of mercy to the people I rule. After all, they are citizens of the Sorcerer King."

"It is as you say."

"Then, why not turn this place into a utopia? A wonderful, dream-like world that is as sweet as soaking in honey. A world where they will wish to be ruled eternally."

"I feel this is an excellent plan."

"Since I intend to conquer the world, these subjects of mine will not just be humans. All the races of the world must kneel before me."


Project Utopia.

This plan was being carried out on the 6th Floor, and was started with the intention of appealing to any players they encountered with the idea that Nazarick was a good guild which welcomed all races.

Using this place for the experiment sounds like a good idea, Ainz thought.

"I shall proclaim to the world: only those who serve the Sorcerer King shall have eternal prosperity."

"There is no doubt that it is the truth."

If he could do that, then if he ever found his former friends ― his former guildmates ― he could proudly show this city off to them.

It would seem the country Ainz wanted was one where he ruled various races who lived in harmony.

He would take the vision of Ainz Ooal Gown within the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and reproduce it throughout the entire world.

Just like how his friends might be hiding in some corner of the world, he would make a world where different heteromorphs and races could smile and live.

The light in Ainz's eyes grew brighter.

The Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown should be a country where all races could coexist. This was something only the Sorcerous Kingdom could do.

Even if the founder of a nation was a genius, there was no guarantee that his children would be similarly gifted. And the generation after that, his grandchildren, and his great-grandchildren after them ― there was no guarantee they would be talented either. If the second generation was incompetent, they would be wiped out by society in the third generation. Ainz had heard this story quite often.

However, if they were ruled by an unaging, undying genius, this sort of thing would not happen. The ideal form of this was to have a dictatorship run by a handful of geniuses.

With people like Demiurge and Albedo in the Sorcerous Kingdom ― no, it was because they were there that they could make it an eternal paradise. Like Ulbert had once said, a dictatorship run by an iron hand would be great, or something like that.

Ainz pondered the matter further.

Led by Demiurge and Albedo, the Guardians were proceeding with their objective of world domination. Ainz could not completely deny their point. After all, this could spread their name to his comrades.

However, would it not be better to spread that name through means other than ruling through force? By letting the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown be known as a utopia, they could make many people choose to bend the knee and submit to his rule for that sweet, honey-like promise.

It was like using sugar and a whip.

If Demiurge and Albedo were the whip, then Ainz would be the sugar.

What a great idea...

Ainz had decided.

Ainz was different from the NPCs that could only disdain those outside of Nazarick. This form of world conquest was something which only he, with his vestiges of humanity, could come up with. He would dominate through overwhelming charm.

Then, what should he do in order to carry out this plan?

As Ainz walked again, he thought desperately on the subject.

He would need methods unlike those of Demiurge and Albedo ― methods which did not rely on strength.

He could not imagine running a country by himself. Because of that, Ainz would imagine himself as an employee of a small company.

It would be a small company, the kind which only had a single floor in a building, and the sole employee of that company was Ainz.

The product of this company would be "The Sorcerous Kingdom's Outstanding Rulership". He would be promoting the sales of this product.

First, he had to consider his target market. Only then could he deliver this product to the hands of those who needed it. However, he lacked information on his consumers. Why was that? It was simple ― because he did not have enough publicity.

That said, it was not a matter of running to various cities and giving out pamphlets at the entrance. That would just be a waste of time. Ainz was the sole employee, so he had to consider other methods.

There was nothing like the mass media in this world. Although traders and other such professionals had their own intelligence networks, any publicity from them was hardly guaranteed to be accurate. Before Ainz had noticed, he was already at the entrance of the Adventurer's Guild.

Perhaps it was because he had come here often as Momon, but it seemed to have become a habit. That was probably a symptom of workaholism, right?

Ainz smiled bitterly, and opened the door.

The counter within the building loomed into view. There was a female receptionist seated there. On her left was a large set of double doors, and on the right was a noticeboard, which had requests on parchment attached to it. And the adventurers who should have been standing before it ― were not there.

The Guild was empty. There was no comparing it to what he had seen during his time as Momon.

Ainz ignored the goggle-eyed receptionist who was staring at him, and walked to the noticeboard.

While he still could not understand their letters, he had memorized a few phrases, which included the month and the year.

At a glance, there were only old requests from a month ago. In other words, they were unimportant, repeating jobs.

"...Receptionist. There seem to be much fewer jobs now. Has nobody put in any new requests?"

"Hiii... yes, yes, that's right. These are all we have, Your Majesty."

So the number of adventurers had gone down because the number of requests had gone down as well.

The cause of that was Ainz.

Ainz had used his own military forces ― the Death Knights ― to patrol the streets and maintain the internal security of the Sorcerous Kingdom. In the end, it caused people to flee the threat of those monsters.

He considered that if they kept up their patrols, people like adventurers might completely cease to exist.

He would need to prepare requests for them in order to keep them around ― no, there was no need to keep the adventurers around.

Anything adventurers could do, Death Knights could do better ― though they might have difficulty with certain tasks, like picking herbs. But in that case, all he had to do was to rent the Death Knights out to herbalists as bodyguards.

Ainz still could not think of any uses for adventurers. And when one got down to it, the fact of the matter was that adventurers cost money to hire. E-Rantel and its lowered income did not have the luxury of such things.

In addition, they were hardly indispensable.

With that in mind, Ainz turned to the outside.

What a banal job...

He recalled the first time he and Narberal had come to the Adventurer's Guild in this city.

He had thought that adventurers were like what he had seen in YGGDRASIL, those who ventured into the unknown and trekked to various places around the world.

If they're just anti-monster mercenaries, then once the need for them is gone, they'll be out of a job. It's the same all over the world. To think that the image of adventurers as they were represented in YGGDRASIL was ultimately nothing more than a dream... A dream? Of exploring the unknown and travelling the world? Could it be...

Inspiration flashed through Ainz's mind.

If he changed adventurers from monster-hunting mercenaries to explorers of the unknown like in YGGDRASIL, that would mean they would carry the name of the Sorcerous Kingdom into unexplored lands.

Ainz did not just want to reach the human world, but all the other races as well. He could easily promote himself in the human world through traders' connections. However, since that was not enough, adventurers were the best choice for the job.

"Hmhm," Ainz nodded.

Although the receptionist looked at him in a puzzled way, he paid her no heed. Or rather, if he had minded her, that rare flash of inspiration would have vanished.

Thinking like the head of a small business, Ainz decided to contemplate the outcome of this plan.

However, the number of adventurers in the Sorcerous Kingdom is slowly dwindling. If this keeps up, the situation will continue to deteriorate. They might even vanish completely in the near future. What can I do to reverse this trend?

It was simple enough to increase their numbers. All he needed to do was reverse the current circumstances ― in other words, the Sorcerous Kingdom would pay for monster elimination. However, that went against Ainz's goal of having adventurers be explorers of the unknown. While he could also place requests to have them advertise him, Ainz did not have the money for that.

There were literal mountains of gold in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, but those were not Ainz's personal funds. While the NPCs would all agree that all the wealth in Nazarick belonged to Ainz, he did not want to use that money on a personal project.

Just as Ainz was deep in thought, the sound of a door opening came from the entrance.

As he turned around, he saw adventurers ― who he seemed to have met before ― standing in the doorway, frozen in place as they watched him.

Hm? That guy's name is... let me see... Yokmok? No, that's not right, but it's close.

It felt like he could reach it with his fingertips, but he could not quite get his hands on it. This frustration made Ainz dredge up the depths of his memories with all his will.


Just as he had found the answer, he blurted it out without thinking. Having been addressed by name, the adventurer froze in place.


It was too late by the time he realized it. He could feel the eyes of the guild receptionist looking in this direction.

It was impossible that the new ruler of E-Rantel, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, would possibly know of a mere mithril-ranked adventurer. And if he did know the man, what did that imply? Ainz's brain spun into high gear as he cogitated, but before he came up with an answer, Moknak spoke:

"Did, did you hear that from Momon-dono? My name, that is..."

"Umu, yes. That is correct."

Ainz decided to catch that pass. A pair of dramatically opposite emotions appeared on Moknak's face, expectation and fear.

Having recovered from his prior perturbation, Ainz began a deeper analysis of the situation.

He remembered that this man was the leader of the mithril-ranked adventurer party "Rainbow". The first time he had seen him was during the Vampire Disturbance incident. They had spoken several times after that, but since they had not met recently, the man had slipped from his mind.

Much like other adventurers and soldiers, he seemed to worship Momon as a hero. So how would he feel about Momon becoming a minion of the Sorcerer King?

Why would Momon mention him to the Sorcerer King? Idle chatter? Or did Momon sell him out? His heart was probably awhirl with doubts and suspicions like that.

Ainz began looking for a way to turn this danger into an opportunity.

"When I asked him about capable adventurers around here, he told me about Moknak, the leader of 'Rainbow'."

Moknak, who had originally lowered his head, suddenly looked back up.

"Is ― is that true?"

"Do you doubt my words?"

"No! Of course not..."

When discussing business with a client, the first thing one should do was praise one's counterparts. Few people would react poorly to praise. Once they were in a better frame of mind, they could then talk business. This was both a basic skill for a salesman, and also an ultimate secret.

Now that he had shaken up the other side and fully seized the initiative, Ainz did not waste the chance to fire off another question.

"Tell me, why are you in E-Rantel?"

If he wanted to learn more about adventurers, the fastest way to achieve that was to directly question an adventurer.

Moknak was baffled by Ainz's question, but before long, he seemed to have gathered up enough courage to answer him.

"Because of the undead, Your Majesty. This place is close to the Katze Plains, and we can kill monsters for money without ever running out of them."

Although Ainz did not quite understand, it would seem that even as the sweat gushed off him, Moknak had a rebellious smile on his face that seemed to say, "There, I said it".

Ainz had plans to bring the Katze Plains under his dominion in the near future. Of particular note were the rumors of a ship that cruised along the land, which piqued Ainz's interest.

"Is that so."



"Ah, no..."

What a frustrating man. Ainz refused the urge to sigh and impulsively asked:

"Is that all?"

"...No, there's more. Before Momon-dono came here, we were the only mithril-ranked adventurers among the senior adventurers, so it was easier for us to get well-paying jobs."

So it was money after all. Perhaps earmarking part of the budget for adventurer remunerations might be the best course of action.

"Also, I was born in this city, so I know many people here. And also, all sorts of magic items flow through here."

"Hoh, magic items, you say."

"Yes. After all, magic items have saved my life in the past, so as an adventurer, I would naturally want to base myself in a place with good access to them."

In YGGDRASIL, there were also stories of how a simple magic item averted a total party kill. That said, he had also seen many people who looked like adventurers in the Imperial Capital's markets. In other words, if he could set up a larger-scale magic item business than the Imperial Capital, it would be sure to draw adventurers over.

He would probably be able to achieve excellent results by making magic items with appropriate data crystals and then auctioning them off. However, that would fundamentally be raiding Nazarick's reserves, and there was no guarantee that Ainz and the others would not find the technologies developed with those items as a base pointed at their throats instead.

It should be fine if I use it as bait, right? No, I'd rather avoid using Nazarick's resources if I can avoid it. So how about items made using the magical technology of this world? That way, we could hand them off to other countries without causing any problems... ah, this is hard. I'll leave that idea for another time.


Moknak's worried voice jolted Ainz's mind back from the depths of contemplation.

"Your Majesty, may I know why you are asking me these questions? If you will permit me to be frank..."

Moknak grit his teeth, and continued in a deeply pained voice.

"We are like dust when compared to even one of the undead that Your Majesty commands. With such powerful undead defending the area around this city, there is little point to the existence of adventurers within the Sorcerous Kingdom."

What should he say now? What turn of phrase could he use to leave him ― and the receptionist looking over here, and the guild staff who had managed to cluster around them unseen ― with a good impression of himself?

Or perhaps, he could take a dangerous risk and directly shut him up by saying "There is no need to explain that to you." That might be safer. However, if he did that, it might make them even more suspicious. There ought to be a better―

No, I have to believe in myself. I'm a man who has overcome many dangers in the past. I ought to be able to think of some way past this problem!

Ainz allowed his presence to radiate forth from him.

Come to think of it, you've already got such a clear picture of things in your mind. So why are you still in this city? Because you were born here? Do you have a girlfriend?

The answer to those questions would determine the direction in which the Sorcerer King would take this conversation.

"Before I answer you, I would like you to answer my first question. Why are you still in this city?"

"That, that's because..."

Moknak began stumbling over his words. Then, despite hesitating a little, he continued:

"It's because of Momon-dono. Momon-dono stayed in this city to be our shield. That being the case, how could I, a native of this city, do something as disgraceful as running away?"

In that instant, Ainz smiled.

Granted, while he had been Momon, he had understood this man to a certain extent. However, he had not expected him to bare his heart so readily.

"Is that so. Then, I shall answer your question."

Ainz pretended to fall silent for a while, and then in a stern voice he announced:

"It is because of Momon. Since all of you might someday become people like Momon, I wanted to know what adventurers wanted, and what they sought."

Moknak's eyes went wide. The sounds of gulping could be heard from the nearby guild employees.

"Momon is strong, but more importantly, he has a noble spirit."

It felt a little embarrassing to say that sort of thing about himself, but that was how Momon's character had been planned, so it could not be helped.

"And then, I saw something like Momon's radiance among you adventurers."

Did my acting practice pay off, Ainz wondered as he uttered those words. A thunderbolt seemed to flash behind Moknak and the others.

"But, but Momon-dono is a supreme being, that only a chosen one could aspire to be. We couldn't possibly reach his―"

"So you're saying that Momon is blind to his own greatness, then?"

"What! Did, did Momon-dono say that too?!"

"Not directly."

While he did not think it was funny at all, he nevertheless strove to imply that he found it amusing. Ainz took on a king's smile ― the result of much practice ― and showed it to everyone.

"Even if you cannot do it, how about your children? Your grandchildren? Are you saying nobody around you could possibly give rise to someone like Momon? I am an immortal being, and the ruler of the Sorcerous Kingdom. It is only natural that I would want to take action to inspire genuine loyalty toward me from the next Momon. This is the meaning that I, as a ruler, have found for the existence of adventurers within the Sorcerous Kingdom. Well, there is another reason, but since it has not fully taken shape in my mind yet, I shall leave it at that for the moment."

The air around him was silent.

Hm? Didn't it work? Is this man not a zealous fan of Momon?

Just as unease was beginning to descend upon Ainz, Moknak bowed deeply to Ainz.

"Your Majesty, I am grateful for this meeting with you, and the opportunity to learn of your thoughts."

As Moknak raised his face, there was no trace of the unease, fear or doubt that had originally been there. In contrast, he had a cheerful, carefree smile in its place.

"...What an awesome man. To think you possessed such incredible charisma, surpassing even your own potent magic."

"I too am glad to have encountered such excellent adventurers. Someday, I would like to take you under my wing."

Moknak's face relaxed, feeling a little happier now.

"Still, Your Majesty. The Adventurer's Guild remains unaffiliated with the government. Neither am I. Can you really take us on as subordinates?"

"Umu. I came for precisely that objective. Granted, this is just a rough draft and has not yet fully taken shape... Receptionist, tell the guildmaster that the Sorcerer King would like to speak with him."


The receptionist ― who had been dumbly listening to their conversation ― ran out of the room in a hurry.

"Then, Your Majesty, we bid you farewell."

This was completely unlike how they had acted when they had first showed up. Moknak delivered a bow full of respect before he turned and left.

Now then... what should I do next.

The main thrust of Ainz's incomplete plan was to use adventurers to extol the virtues of the Sorcerous Kingdom. There were three main points to that plan:

The first was the expansion of the Adventurer's Guild. There was no point in an organization that only had 10 members or so.

The second was to nurture them. Weaklings could not go far, and if the gospel of being ruled by the Sorcerous Kingdom spread too slowly, it would not reap him many benefits.

The third was to make them want to genuinely help him. It was not that he could not use Momon, but if Ainzach wanted to help him out of his own free will, it would make things much easier in the future.

I need to solve these three problems before negotiating with Ainzach. Still... it's really hard to negotiate without any information at all. Ah~ my stomach aches.

All he could do now was to pray that the Guildmaster was not in. Unfortunately, the first thing which the receptionist said when she returned was, "This way, please."

Ainz looked up to the ceiling, and then followed behind the receptionist.

Part 4

He had walked through this corridor quite a few times as Momon, and he passed by the guildmaster's room ― though he did not enter, but was instead taken to the room beside it. That room was used for entertaining guests.

A powerfully built man came out to meet him ― the guildmaster Pluton Ainzach.

Ainz had met him as Momon several times before ― he had dragged Momon with him to adult establishments in the past. However, this was the first time he had encountered the man as the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, so he had to be deeply aware of his words and actions.

"Oh, it is Your Majesty, the Sorcerer King. As a citizen of this country, nothing could delight me more than to receive you within my humble abode. Please, come in, and though this is a dirty place, I bid you take a seat if it pleases you."

Ainz sat down at the place where Ainzach had indicated.

Fifth stood behind Ainz, while three of the angels followed Ainz inside. The rest remained outside the room, awaiting orders.

"By right, I should have been the one to visit you, but I am deeply grateful that you came all this way to see me."

Ainzach genuflected, and bowed his head deeply.

Ainz smiled bitterly as he saw Ainzach putting on that act.

It was completely different from how he had been when speaking to Momon. His kind voice was tinged with respect, but that was just a front. Ainz could not help but smile after realising that all this was just professional technique at work. Of course, his own expression had not changed at all.

Ainz turned his eyes toward the other door in the room, the one which was not the entrance.

That door led to the guildmaster's room. He would probably be talking in there if he was Momon. The fact that the guildmaster had received him here made Ainz aware of the distance between the two.

"Is something the matter, Your Majesty?"

Ainzach had raised his head to peek at Ainz, who seemed to have ignored him in favor of looking at the room to the side. Ainz could not help but snort at his foolishness.

Ainzach's face froze. Perhaps he thought that laughter was directed at him.

Ainz felt disgusted by his rudeness, but the Sorcerer King could not apologise. Instead, he decided to push ahead with the conversation in an attempt to gloss it over.

Still, what sort of attitude should he take toward the guildmaster?

Ainz was still feeling out the proper way to be a king, and did not have any knowledge in that field. The only thing guiding him was a vague feeling of "this should be right". With that, he decided to try something.

"I think you should have heard about it by now, Ainzach, but I have a proposal for you."

"―Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I am unsure of what you speak. If it is possible, could you start from the beginning?"

From his previous interactions with the man, Ainz knew that Ainzach was a capable man who was also capable of lying through his teeth. There was a high chance that he already had a firm grasp on the situation. That was probably why he had not been alarmed by the angels.

That being the case, there was no need to beat around the bush. Ainz decided to speak directly.

"I intend to incorporate this Adventurer's Guild into the Sorcerous Kingdom."

"...Is that so. I do not think anybody will object to that."

"Hoh. I have heard that the Adventurer's Guild has always held itself to neutrality. Are you truly fine with this?"

"All shall proceed as you desire, Your Majesty. This nation is governed by the laws which you have set down. If Your Majesty wishes to subordinate the Adventurer's Guild to his will, nobody can gainsay that decision."

Ainz snorted again. That reaction seemed to get a rise out of Ainzach. Ainz sensed that he had gotten to the guildmaster, from the deep look in his eyes.

"Indeed, it shall proceed as I desire. However, do you truly intend to go along with it? Or perhaps you intend to warn off the adventurers and send them to the Empire and the Kingdom before turning over an empty shell of a guild to me."

Ainzach looked intently at Ainz, and then he rounded his shoulders, as though to say, "So that's as far as I go, huh."

"As expected of Your Majesty. To think you would not only claim and rule this city, but even see through my innermost thoughts... did you read my mind with magic?"

"No, I did not use magic. It was nothing more than experience."

"Because you have lived a long time, I take it. My my, what a fearsome lord you are. Then, what is to become of me?"

"Nothing will happen to you."

"...I will not thank you for that, you know?"

"I do not need your thanks. More than that, I want your opinions. I have heard that adventurers exist to defend the people. Thus, they do not wish to be used in wars between humans and have maintained a degree of independence from any nation. Is this true?"

"It is as you say, Your Majesty. In truth, when Your Majesty laid claim to this town, we had no intention of offering any resistance."

"And yet the man called Momon stood before me...?"

Ainzach grunted, "Oh." Well, there was no point giving himself a hard time. Ainz decided to continue speaking, and of course, he had to help cover for Momon.

"Ah, I won't pursue that matter. After all, we are working together, in a sense. Indeed, that cooperation is one of the reasons I can peacefully rule this place."

Ainzach seemed to be on the verge of saying something, but Ainz ignored him and pressed on.

This was the real meat of the issue.

He had to bring Ainzach over to his side, and make him want to aid the Sorcerous Kingdom out of his own volition.

After recalling the various gripes and complaints he had heard during his time as Momon, Ainz said:

"...Then, I have a question after hearing your words. You were quite certain that 'Adventurers exist to defend the people'. However, who exactly are these 'people'?"

"May I know what you mean by that?"

There was a baffled look on Ainzach's face.

"In other words, does the word 'people' encompass all humanoids, or just human beings? Are Elves, Half-Elves and other species that live in harmony with humanity covered by that word?"

"Well, about that, yes, they are included."

"How strange, then. I seem to recall that Elves are slaves in the Empire, are they not? That being the case, can you really say that you are protecting them? Are they not slaves because they ran afoul of the Empire's laws?"

Ainzach lowered his head. Then, he looked up to face Ainz again.

"...I am but the master of the Kingdom's Adventurer's Guild. Thus, I do not know what the Empire's Guild has in mind."

"So you're just trying to weasel out of it with wordplay, then..."

AInzach's eyes went wide, and there was clear anger there.

"Your Majesty, such mockery―"

"Mockery? Is this not the truth? ...I shall ask you again. Are you not trying to get yourself off the hook by being ambiguous?"

Ainzach lowered his eyes.

"...It is as you say."

"You say that you will defend Elves and Half-Elves, but you have not done that at all. Why is that?"

Ainzach gave his explanation, beginning from the position that he was unclear about the intentions of the Adventurer's Guild in the Empire.

"Though we are an Adventurer's Guild, we cannot fully escape the bonds of countries. While the Adventurer's Guild proudly declares itself to be above their rule, we remain obedient to the laws of the nations. We are an armed organization. It would be very dangerous if a group with our strength was to turn that power against the nation. I believe the Empire's Guild thinks along the same lines."

"That is what I meant. Since you are bound by a country's laws, then there should be no problem with being incorporated into that country. That being the case, why do you dislike that?"

"Both the Empire and the Kingdom covet our strength. After all, only adventurers like ourselves can fight on an even footing with powerful monsters. Because of that, nobody has made any difficult requests of us until now. However, that point is moot where Your Majesty is concerned. If we are made subordinate to you, there is a chance that our strength may be directed against the people."

"And so, you seek to resist assimilation into the country because you fear being made to use force against the common man, am I correct?"

"It is as Your Majesty says. We do not wish to be made to suppress people or to fight in wars. It would make us accessories to many deaths."

Ainz could not help but laugh at this. Well, I knew that already. But of course, he could not actually say that.

"Then sit. I shall now explain what I intend for you in the future."

Ainz had to tell him to sit again before Ainzach finally complied, taking a seat out of fear. Then, Ainz began his explanation.

"I am considering the possibility of having adventurers take on other, more meaningful types of work. I want adventurers to discover the unknown and explore this world."

Ainz felt Ainzach looking directly at him for the first time.

"For instance, there is a patch of wilderness to the south, between the Theocracy and the Holy Kingdom. But do you know the details of the terrain and what manner of monsters live there?"

"No, because there are many demihuman settlements there. The Adventurer's Guild of the Kingdom has sent people there, but none have returned in one piece. Therefore, we know next to nothing about it."

"Then, there is a mountain range to the southwest which serves as a natural barrier between yourselves and the Theocracy. What do you know of that place?"

"No, we do not have any detailed information about that region."

"Are you not ashamed of that ignorance? No, perhaps it may seem unavoidable from the point of view of an adventurer. After all, you are an organization that protects the people, so there is no need to know about places which do not contain any people. Although, there is a chance that lifesaving herbs might grow in such regions."

Ainzach's mouth tightened into a straight line at that provocation.

"Once I take the Adventurer's Guild under my banner, I plan to fill in all the blank spaces on the map."

"...Would it not be better to hand that task to the people close to Your Majesty?"

"Don't be foolish. I heard that you used to be an adventurer, Ainzach, so let me ask you again: When you think about the word 'adventurer', really ponder it, do you think you exist merely to fight monsters? Before I learned more about adventurers, I thought that they were beings who turned the unknown into the known."

Ainzach bit his lip so hard that it seemed as though he was trying to draw blood.

"―We must protect the people."

"There is no need for that. In this Sorcerous Kingdom, I will protect the people as their ruler. Given the sharp drop in requests, you should be able to understand the truth of my words, am I wrong?"

Ainzach answered in the affirmative, in a pained voice that sounded more like a groan.

"Then what will you do next? Will you move to the Kingdom or the Empire to protect the people? That sounds a lot like what a specialized monster-hunting mercenary would do."

Ainz paused here. The next step would be persuasion. He had to devote the full capacity of his mind to what he said next.

"Earlier, you said 'my subordinates should do it'. From a certain point of view, that would be a good solution. It is true that my subordinates excel at slaying the enemy. However, many of them raise serious doubts in my mind about whether or not they can build good relationships with the beings they meet in this unknown world. It is a great mark of shame for me. Therefore, I wish to leave this task to you adventurers."

While he was quite interested in the silent Ainzach's reaction, his presentation was not yet finished.

"Well, since I plan to have them do such a dangerous job, I will naturally give them my full support. Do you not think it is necessary for me to assimilate the Adventurer's Guild for that?"

"...All you have to do is hire us."

"I see. So you are quite confident in your strength. I do not dislike that courage."

"What, what do you mean, Your Majesty?"

"Discovering the unknown includes the possibility of making unfortunate encounters with other civilizations. If that happened, do you not think the Sorcerous Kingdom would disavow you? In addition, the Adventurer's Guild would then be solely responsible for dealing with any problems which arose, am I wrong? Since you claim to be an independent organization, do you not think that is to be expected? After all, any contracts I make with you will not incur any loss to the Sorcerous Kingdom."

Ainzach fell silent.

"That is what it means to act independently, free from any nation's control, is that not the case? And if a situation escalates to an international level, you would thus have to deal with it yourself... is what I am saying so laughable?"

"Certainly not, Your Majesty," Ainzach nodded deeply, to show that he understood. "Every word you have spoken is correct."

"Just so. But if that happens, valuable adventurers ― professionals who possess special skills ― will end up being depleted. As it takes human beings a long time to mature, the death of any talented individual will be a great loss. Because of that, I wanted to acquire the Adventurer's Group. And then, they would receive my full support as the price for having to carry out my orders."

"That is a very attractive proposal... However, I have a doubt I wish to clarify. Once we have understood the unknown, does that mean we will then become invasion forces for the Sorcerous Kingdom?"

"That is a very complicated question. I cannot rule out that possibility entirely. After all, if we learn that an enemy which exists in unknown lands plans to launch an invasion, it is quite reasonable to use that information to take the initiative and strike the first blow instead. Said enemies might include demihumans like Ogres or Orcs who live in the wilderness. Or perhaps, it might be necessary to launch an invasion to show them the difference between their strength and ours. If there was a ferocious monster beside you which was sharpening its fangs, would you not want to strike first instead?"

"I see, it is as you say, But―"


"Is something the matter, Your Majesty?"

"It's nothing, forgive me for interrupting you. What were you about to say just now?"

"...Understood. However, what troubles me is whether or not it is right to subdue by force those races who are living in peace."

"What races are you thinking of? Elves, perhaps?"

"Well, perhaps."

"...The details of this sort of thing are top secret as they are linked to national policy, so I cannot discuss this openly. If invasion and conquest would be advantageous to the Sorcerous Kingdom, we might end up doing so, or if they would only beget disadvantages, we would avoid such acts. This is quite common among countries, am I correct? However, if it comes to the simple matter of invasions, I can plainly state that I have adequate military forces at my disposal. I do not expect adventurers to collect information on enemy nations, nor do I need them to scout routes for me. As I said earlier, I simply desire them to explore the unknown and discover all sorts of things. I give you my word on this."

However, right after saying that, Ainz asked Ainzach:

"Still, it does seem you treat races differently depending on how attractive they are. Why did you not say that line about 'whether or not it is right to subdue by force those races who are living in peace' when the topic of invading Orcs and Ogres came up?"

"That, that's because they're demihumans―!"

"Hahahaha. I see, I see. So that is what you think. I understand, I understand. So, what is your answer?"

Ainzach seemed to want to say something, but he immediately shook his head. That was probably to change his mind.

"Must I answer that question immediately, Your Majesty?"

"Certainly, I would like you to answer right away. However, this matter is of weighty importance, and you must prepare for it by discussing it with others. The fact it takes time cannot be helped. However, I would like to know what you think, Ainzach."

Ainz leaned forward, so he could look right into Ainzach's eyes from close up.

"I am very angry. But more than that, I am saddened by the fact that you are nothing more than simple monster exterminators. How dare people like you call yourselves adventurers? Ainzach, what do you think? Are you willing to adventure under my rule? It is my hope for you all that―"

Here, Ainz paused for a beat. Then, he let the strength flow into his eyes and his voice.

"―That you will all be able to become 'Adventurers'."

Tension filled the room. As though observing an opponent who had been slain by his finishing move, Ainz held his breath ― although he could not breathe to begin with ― and awaited Ainzach's response.

"...I feel this is a very attractive proposition."

The lights within Ainz's empty orbits dimmed. It seemed like he would find some reason to refuse.

"―Therefore, I intend to ask the others if they can accept this proposal. It is true that using adventurers like us for such a purpose is like a dream come true. Becoming agents of the Sorcerous Kingdom is something we can come to terms with at some point. If I might be allowed to speak as a former adventurer... I would be happy to help."

―Eh, does that mean it worked?

"Really now..."

Ainz leaned back against the sofa.

The joy of his speech's success spread steadily through him. It was like the feeling of leaving a client after clinching a deal, then rushing to a coffeeshop to call up one's own firm and shouting "I did it!" over the phone.

He had not expected his experience as an adventurer to end up being used here. No, it was because of that experience that Ainz could come up with that proposal.

And just then, Ainz thought of something that was so important it had to be addressed right away. It concerned the future of the Sorcerous Kingdom which he envisioned.

"Ah, that's right. One more thing."

Ainz raised a bony finger.

"When you said you wanted to protect the people, you defined it as encompassing all humanoids. Thus, the purpose of adventurers is to protect all people within that definition."

"Yes. That is true, Your Majesty."

"And then, when the topic turned to invasion, you indicated that it would be alright as long as they were demihumans. Is that correct?"

Ainzach nodded, his expression saying, "so what?"

"The Sorcerous Kingdom will accept all races as its subjects. That is to say, not just humanoids, but demihumans and heteromorphs. Therefore, if the philosophy of adventurers is to protect the people, then you must defend demihumans and heteromorphs as well."

Ainzach's eyes went wide.

"What are you saying?!"

"...What's wrong? I do not understand why you are so agitated. In my country, there is no difference between humans, demihumans or heteromorphic beings. If they acknowledge me as their king, then they shall be my subjects."

"This, this is too ridiculous. This is impossible, Your Majesty!"

"Is that so? I have heard of a country to the north of the Kingdom called the Republic. Are there not many races which coexist there?"

"Indeed, I have heard of such a country... no! Do you intend to have us coexist with those races which see humans as little more than food?"

"I see, it is as you say. The Sorcerous Kingdom will not permit its subjects to eat fellow subjects. I will make that a matter of the law. That should be enough, right? However, I will not stop them if they seek to prey upon those who are not my subjects. After all, I am not the sort who will interfere with my people's dining habits... no, seeing the members of one's race being butchered and sold for meat is damaging to the mind... perhaps that matter will require further debate."

According to Lupusregina, the villagers of Carne lived in harmony with Goblins and Ogres. Thus, there was no reason for that to be impossible for this city. That said, the sheer number of people involved would complicate the matter.

"What, what exactly do you intend, intend to do?"

"You certainly do ask a lot of surprising questions. Why not ask why all of you, as fellow living creatures, cannot be united? As one of the undead, I find that point quite difficult to understand. To me, there is no difference between humans and Goblins. All races will be equal under my rule. Of course, I shall be above you as your absolute ruler, as will the subordinates under me."

Ainzach's breathing seemed to shift through a variety of speeds, before calming down in the end.

"So you will take Goblins under your banner ― make them into your citizens?"

"Did you not hear what I said before? I said I would take Orcs and Ogres as my subjects as well, no?"

"Forgive, forgive me. I did hear that, but I believed that they would be your slaves."

"That answer certainly suits a race which would take Elves as slaves. Let me repeat myself ― all citizens under my rule will be equal."

As he glanced at the way Ainzach was panting, Ainz considered if the man had picked up on his intentions.

An extreme interpretation of those words would be that every subject of the Sorcerous Kingdom was a slave of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and its members. Of course, he would not say that. Nor was there any need to say that. It would be best if Ainzach did not pick up on that at all.

"There are many Goblins under my protection. In a few days, a group of Goblins will visit E-Rantel. Do try mixing with them. The preconceptions you have of Goblins will surely be shattered. In addition, Lizardmen do not eat much meat, their primary diet being fish. Dryads and Treants love clean water and sunlight, and they only attack humans in self-defense."

"Have you already taken that many vassals under your banner?"

"There is no doubt about that. There are quite a number of demihumans and heteromorphs which have become my subjects. Oh, it seems we've drifted quite far off-topic. Then, Ainzach, I take it you personally approve of the Adventurer's Guild becoming a part of the Sorcerous Kingdom?"

"―As long as Your Majesty is true to his word."

"You do worry a lot, do you not? I am not lying. Adventurers should seek to explore the unknown."

If possible, he hoped to put all sorts of races together into parties and send them out.

"Then, I will leave the task of explaining the matter to the other adventurers in your hands. If any adventurers do not approve of becoming public servants, then I will have no qualms about letting them leave."

"Will that really be alright?"

"Forced cooperation will not be effective. That said, one can imagine that large changes to the organization's structure and sudden deviations from current practices will cause a lot of problems. Therefore, the status quo will be maintained, to some extent. The most obvious change will only be the establishment of an investigative office for the guild and the guildmaster."

All that was left was the most important part; the inducements which would make more adventurers want to join the Adventurer's Guild of the Sorcerous Kingdom.

"The support which the Sorcerous Kingdom offers will primarily include the establishment of a training facility. It would be a terrible loss to blaze a trail into distant lands, only to be slain by unknown monsters. Therefore, a more practical training method than the current model ― that of live combat against monsters ― will be required. Considering that adventurers need to get used to team combat, it might be a good idea to build a labyrinth for them to delve into."

And the part of the monsters would be filled by Nazarick's POP undead.

"I feel that this is a very good idea. Only, it would surely be a sizeable undertaking."

Since the staff would be composed of the undead, who did not require salaries, the operating costs would not be too high. However, there was no need to be completely open with the information. One ought to sell favors without hesitation when the need arose.

"Indeed, this would require a sizable initial investment. However, that is within the allowable limit for necessary expenses. After all, adventurers are a valuable human resource for the Sorcerous Kingdom."

"I am deeply grateful, Your Majesty."

"No need to stand on ceremony. Then, how about it? Do you not think the adventurers would be attracted by this?"

"Indeed, the labyrinth would be quite attractive to low-level adventurers... but what if the adventurers decide to transfer to the Kingdom or the Empire's guilds after completing their training?"

"Of course that will not be allowed. This is a state organ; misuse of it could well be considered treason."

"I see... it seems I will need to carefully explain that part."

"Then, how shall we attract higher-ranked adventurers?"

"It would seem remuneration is the best answer."

"Well, it is not as though one can eat dreams."

"It is as you say. In addition, without better weapons, armor and other magical items, it will be impossible to defeat powerful monsters. These items are typically very expensive."

"...Hm. There is that."

Mass-production could lower the price of such equipment. However, powerful adventurers were very rare. Thus their gear was custom-made, which naturally drove their prices up. In addition, people who could make such items were very rare, which only contributed to the price. He had to think of a way to deal with the problems which followed that as well.

"In addition, I would like to let more adventurers ― those of the Kingdom and the Empire ― know of this place. Do you have any ideas?"

"The Adventurer's Guild which Your Majesty intends to establish is an unimaginably desirable thing, compared to the Adventurer's Guilds of the Kingdom and the Empire. Once the news gets out, the Guilds of the various nations might try some means to interfere with it in order to keep their adventurers from being drawn away. After all, each country counts adventurers as their trump cards, and they would not be pleased to see their adventurers go to another country."

"Indeed, that is correct. What do you think would be a good solution to this?"

"It is difficult for me to answer promptly. Might I be allowed a bit of time?"

"Come to think of it, that is true. I too must plot a course for the future.."

The fact was, this lofty goal was a bit too much for Ainz to handle by himself. He had to calm down, think about things, and discuss it with someone else.

Ainz rose to his feet.

"Then, we'll leave―" Ainz quickly shut his mouth before he could say something rude. That was not how a king should speak. "We will leave matters at this for today. I shall see you again."

Ainzach hurriedly rose to his feet and lowered his head.

"Understood, Your Majesty."

Without looking back, Ainz left the room through the door Fifth had opened.

Although he wanted to sigh, he was still in the guild. Doing so right now would be premature.

Ainz led the Cherubim out of the Adventurer's Guild. After walking a little further on, he allowed himself to sigh quietly.

Ahhhh~ I'm beat...

While Ainz Ooal Gown could not possibly say that he was tired, Suzuki Satoru was practically crying for a rest for his overheated brain.

Before I talk to Albedo about absorbing the Adventurer's Guild, I should take a brief rest. I also need to find some way to convince Albedo about the merits of this plan... there's so many things to do now...

Ainz strode forth in silence. He did not use teleportation magic, instead he prayed that he would stumble on a good idea before he reached home.
