

Amidst the chaos caused by men desperately fleeing for their lives, Gazef fixed his eyes ahead of him, and then slowly drew the national treasure of the Kingdom, Razor Edge. Every time he had drawn this coldly gleaming blade, he had achieved victory. In other words, this sword was the proof of Gazef's triumph.

However, the sword seemed terribly weak and fragile today.

He was tiny and insignificant compared to the Dark Young which was charging right at him.

"If I let it past me, the King's main camp is next. I need to stop it here."

As he said that, Gazef face's softened, as though he were mocking himself.

There was no way for Gazef to beat that monster. Just delaying it for a second was worthy of praise.

Even a man hailed as the Warrior-Captain of the Kingdom —a warrior renowned throughout the surrounding nations— could only do so much.

"Take his Majesty and flee. Pave his way home with your lives."

Gazef whispered these orders —almost like a prayer— to his subordinates who were not here. The strongest soldiers in the Kingdom had stayed behind to protect their King. However, even if they stayed behind, they would not worthy of protecting the King from the savagery of those monsters. Even if they put their lives on the line, all they could do was serve as meatshields that would crumble after one hit.

However, that was enough.

They would die if the enemy hit them, but as long as they could make sure that hit was wasted on them, the King's life could be extended just a little more. Maybe it would work if 80 men were there to be shields, he thought optimistically.

"I'm sorry."

Gazef apologized to his subordinates even as the monster approached with uncanny speed, churning up sprays of flesh and gore in its wake. He knew that an apology to absent comrades was nothing more than comforting himself. Even so, he did not want to die without having spoken those words.

As he felt the earth trembling under his feet, Gazef exhaled forcefully.

He gripped the sword in his hands tightly, and raised it.

Compared to that vast body that crushed humans into red paste, his sword seemed utterly useless.

If it were a runaway horse cart, he could easily get control of it. Even if a ferocious tiger pounced him, he could evade its first blow and strike off its head.

Yet, in front of the Dark Young, his chances of survival seemed very low indeed.


As Gazef breathed out, a dramatic change appeared in the flow of people around him. Until now they had gone in all directions, but now it seemed like they were moving to avoid Gazef. It looked as though they were creating a clear path between Gazef and the Dark Young.

The Dark Young continued splattering humans under its feet as it closed in.

As Gazef raised his sword, he studied its body. Where could he attack for the best results?

He activated a martial art — [Sense Weakness].


"—It has no weaknesses."

Gazef did not know if that was because it truly had no weaknesses, or because it was so much more powerful than him that he could not read them.

Still, he did not despair. He had expected that much, after all.

He activated another martial art.

This was a secret move that was truly worthy of being called a secret move, a technique that strengthened his extrasensory perceptions, [Possibility Sense].

The difference in their physical abilities was so vast that it made no difference if he shrunk a gap of miles by an inch or two through augmenting his own physical attributes. In that case, he decided to rely on something else — perhaps his sixth sense might be more effective.

"Come, beast."

The Dark Young seemed to have heard the challenge, and set a course straight for Gazef. The distance between the two shrank dramatically.

This was the truth.

Gazef was afraid.

If it was at all possible, he would have liked to flee with the surrounding soldiers.

Even after activating [Possibility Sense], he could not feel anything. It was like he was enveloped by an impenetrable wall of night.

As the Dark Young closed in, he studied its form in greater detail.

Judging by the way its hooves remained undamaged, it was likely that normal swords would not be able to deal any harm to it. From the deep prints it left in the ground where it stepped, its weight would instantly kill anyone it was applied to.

The more he learned about it, the more his fear of it grow.

Right now, Gazef was exposed to a terror far more intense than those of the soldiers fleeing willy-nilly around him.

But he could not turn back.

The Kingdom's strongest warrior could not flee. He cancelled [Possibility Sense], and calmed his breathing.

The Dark Young closed in.

It was close enough that the clods of dirt kicked up by its hooves could reach Gazef.

It ignored the soldiers around it, like they were nothing but crawling worms, and headed straight for Gazef.

No, he was wrong.

The Dark Young swerved to the side, like it had hit a wall. Because it had turned so quickly, the Dark Young's footsteps were messed up, and even with so many legs, it lost its balance.

Of course, Gazef did not think it had run away from him.

It had simply considered where it could find more prey and felt that it could trample more people if it turned to the side.

The Dark Young charged past Gazef, making the world quake in its passing.

Because there was only a meter or so of separation between them, the ground under his feet shook like an earthquake. Anyone but Gazef would have fallen down.

He aimed at the Dark Young's gigantic hoof as it ran past—


Gazef swung his sword. At this speed, the enemy's own velocity would become a weapon that would tear itself apart on the edge of his blade.

In the instant the hoof touched the sword, a massive impact travelled up the weapon and into Gazef's arms. It made him feel as though his arms had been torn off.

His feet, planted firmly in the ground, left two trenches in the dirt as he was dragged backward.


Somehow, he had kept his grip on his sword, but pain spread through his entire body. Be it his muscles or his tendons, every part of him hurt from the stress it had to bear.

Gazef panted heavily, and stared at the giant body that passed him.

Not far from Gazef, one of the Dark Young had finally stood still as opposed to running madly.

One of its tentacles became a blur.

Fear shot through his body. Gazef hurriedly raised his sword.

In that instant, an extraordinary impact struck him, and his body floated into the sky.

Gazef could not see anything, but he guessed that he must have been slapped away by the tentacle. His body flew through the sky.

After hanging in the air for a surprisingly long time, Gazef's body finally struck the earth. He rolled several times. This rolling was not the tumbling of a flung corpse, but the deliberate action of a human that was trying to bleed off the energy of his rotation.

Gazef slowly stood up, spurring his ungainly body into motion. He stared at the distant Dark Young.

It had been just one hit.

The arm that took the strike had broken. It was probably sheer good luck that his sword had not snapped as well.

All emotion vanished from Gazef's face

Why had he been spared? Why had it not pursued him?

It was probably because it had no need to finish him off. Gazef felt that was the most appropriate answer.

This was not a defeat. He had not even come anywhere close to the arena.

Fresh blood flowed from his bitten lip.

Following that, Gazef suppressed the intense pain which filled him and ran forth with all his might.

Even if he could not beat his opponent, even if his limit was one more hit, even so, he still had to protect his King.

However, his footsteps ─ filled with conviction and determination ─ faltered after several paces.

He looked at the Dark Young that had changed direction toward him —there was no mistake here— and he realized why he had managed to survive.

Upon the Dark Young, there was a king seated upon what looked like a throne made of tentacles. However, he had a bizarre face. It was skeletal, and there was no doubt that he was an undead monster.

He was not nearly foolish enough not to recognize who that king was.

"Ainz Ooal Gown... dono. So you weren't human after all."

The Theocracy's special forces. Gazef had no hope of defeating them, yet they had been easily wiped out. No human could have done that, which made this realization simple to accept.

Yes. Why had he even thought someone that powerful could have been human to begin with?


Even before he looked back, he knew who it was by the hoarseness of the voice. The familiar pair came running toward him.

"Are you two alright?"

Climb and Brain were unhurt, and Climb's pure white armor had not been so much as stained. Considering the two of them had not tried to escape at once, that was a considerable stroke of good luck.

"I'm glad you're safe!"

"I didn't think you would die, and turns out you didn't. However, it's not over yet, right?"

The two of them joined their lines of sight to where Gazef had been looking just now.

"That is..."

"It can only be one person, Climb-kun. The monster who rules over other monsters. That is Ainz Ooal Gown."

"That is... that is... How shall I say this... I, I'm sorry."

At a glance, Climb's body was shuddering. His stiff, frozen expression betrayed the fact that he was not quaking in excitement or anticipation.

"Don't worry, Climb-kun. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Or rather, it can't be helped! A third person whose strength surpasses all rational sense! What has my life become ever since that day!"

Brain radiated a powerful fighting spirit he took a stance. Gazef was surprised at his facial expression, which was casual and easy and did not suit the circumstances.

"I-I mustn't run away either!"

Climb and Brain stood at Gazef's side.

Amidst flying chunks of meat, the Dark Young halted in front of Gazef.

Distant screams echoed over, and only this place was silent.

It was as though this area was no longer part of the world.

Ainz's line of sight turned from Gazef, passed uninterestedly over Brain, and then halted on Climb. He shrugged, and looked back to Gazef.

"...You're looking quite lively, Stronoff-dono."

"I could say the same to you, Gown-dono... huhu. Would that be a problem, to say you're lively? After all, if you stopped being a human after we parted ways back then, it would be terribly rude."

"Hahaha. No, I have not changed since that time."

Ainz floated down from the top of the Dark Young as he chuckled. He must have been using some sort of magical effect, given how he slowly floated down in defiance of gravity.

Although he thought it might be that famous spell [Fly], after considering the fact the Ainz Ooal Gown was a mighty magic caster, he concluded that it must be a superior version of that spell – though how superior it was, or what kind of spell it was, Gazef did not know.

"Truly, it has been a long time, Stronoff-dono. Ever since Carne Village."

"Indeed it has, Gown-dono. Then... permit me to ask, why have you sought me out? Could it be that you found a familiar face on the battlefield and decided to meet me?"

"Well, yes. I don't like fancy talk, and beating around the bush is not appropriate for this place. So... I'll get right to it."

Ainz slowly raised a skeletal hand.

There was no enmity there, but instead, it was a gesture of friendship.

"Become my subordinate."

In that instant, Gazef's eyes widened into circles.

At the same time, one could hear Brain and Climb on both sides of him gulping audibly.

Who could have imagined that such a mighty magic caster could say such a thing to him?

"If you do—"

Ainz snapped his fingers. How exactly he had done it with skeletal fingers remained a mystery.

Gazef's body shuddered, as though something had been done to him.

However, there had been no changes in his mind or body. He felt nothing.

"Look around you."

Gazef turned his eyes to his surroundings. Everything was—

"I see. They've stopped."

The Dark Young had all stopped in the middle of whatever they were doing. The way they hung motionless in the air, halfway through stomping down, made them look like statues.

"This is only temporary. What happens after this will depend on your decision. If you refuse, I will give orders to these lambs once more. I trust I don't need to tell you what those orders are?"

Gazef stared dumbly at Ainz.

Even if he forced Gazef to swear allegiance to him by using hostages, the bond would lack loyalty, and it would be courting betrayal from within. Surely Ainz must have considered all of this before making his offer.

Then, it meant there must have been some other reason behind his words.

But what it was, Gazef did not know.

Still, there had to be some reason why he —a being who could command an army like this— was interested in Gazef alone.

"How about it? Gazef Stronoff, enter my service."

Ainz extended his bony hand.

If he took that hand, he would save many lives.

Gazef's heart wavered mightily.

He had been granted the chance to save the lives of the Kingdom's people.

However — Gazef could not take that hand.

It was a poor decision.

That choice would only satisfy his ego.

A hundred out of a hundred people would curse Gazef for a fool.

Even so, Gazef could not do anything that would betray the Kingdom.

Gazef firmly shook his head in refusal.

"I refuse. I am the sword of the King. He has shown me his kindness, and I cannot compromise on this."

"Even if, in the end, your choice costs more lives? You risked your life to challenge a mighty foe at Carne Village. Will you now throw others' lives away that you could have saved?"

Gazef's heart felt like it was being carved by a knife.

But even then, Gazef Stronoff still could not take Ainz Ooal Gown's hand.

The Kingdom's Warrior-Captain could not betray the King.

That was the extent of Gazef's loyalty.

His irritation building in the face of the silent Gazef, Ainz shrugged.

"Such a foolish man. Then—"

Gazef did not allow him to complete the sentence, but turned his blade on Ainz.


His injuries from facing the Dark Young just now had not fully recovered, even with the power of the Talisman.

Even so, it was not his wounds which made the tip of his sword tremble. Gazef's entire body radiated fighting spirit.

"Gown-dono. As one who has benefited from your kindness, I wish to apologize for this disresepctful act... I wish to request a one-on-one duel with you."

Ainz's face was a fleshless skull. Because of this, one could not tell what kind of expression he had, or discern what he was thinking.

However, for some reason, Gazef thought he was speechless. It was the same for the two behind him. They were silent, but he could sense their consternation.

"...Are you serious?"


"...You will die."

"There is no doubt of that."

"If you knew, then why do so? I had no intention of killing you at first... are you suicidal?"

"I did not think so at first, no."

"...What are you thinking? I cannot understand your logic. If you believed you could win and challenged me, I could understand it. If you thought there was a chance of victory under the circumstances, that would be reasonable as well. However, you firmly believe that you will lose. Have you lost the ability to make proper decisions?"

"The enemy king stands before me, and he is within the reach of my sword. Is it not natural to see if I can take the head that presents itself?"

"It is true that the physical distance between us is very small. However, it seems to me that there is an overwhelming gulf between us. Am I wrong?"

With a whoosh, the sagging tentacles of the Dark Young behind Ainz snapped forth, gouging a crater into the earth beside Gazef.

Even Gazef's motion-tracking vision could not follow the tentacle striking the ground beside him.

"That may be so, Gown-dono."

"Are you pushing your luck because I said I did not want to kill you?"

Gazef laughed from the bottom of his heart.

"Certainly not. I simply wish to do what I, as the Warrior-Captain of the Kingdom, should do. That is all I was thinking."

"...If I accept your challenge, you do realize I will slay you without mercy? It is only to be expected."

"Indeed it is."

"So that's how it will be... even after I've said all this, you refuse to change your mind. What a shame. Speaking as a collector, it is a poor thing to have to destroy a rare specimen (you)."

Gazef had no intention of backing down.

This was an unbelievable stroke of luck. To begin with, Ainz, who surrounded himself with incredible subordinates, was now standing alone in front of him without any bodyguards.

On top of that, his pride as a mighty individual meant that he would not order the Dark Young behind him into action.

He would never get a chance like this again.

His enemy stood at a height that he could not reach with both hands. However, right now, he had a chance to bridge the gap between them.

The next time they met, he would probably surround himself with a multitude of guards, as befitted a magic caster who was poor in close combat. Gazef would never get within sword range of Ainz again. Having considered that, he had challenged Ainz to a duel.

And there was another reason for the duel.

While it was a very slim chance, even so—

Gazef issued his formal challenge.

"Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown-dono! My name is Gazef Stronoff, Warrior-Captain of the Kingdom of Re-Estize! I formally request a duel with you!"



The other two could not bear it any longer, and Brain cried out while Climb murmured. However, Gazef did not heed them and continued speaking.

"If you find it acceptable, Sorcerer King-dono, I pray you will find these two suitable witnesses for our combat."

Ainz shrugged.

Go ahead, it seemed to say. When Gazef realised this, he nodded.

"Wait, wait a minute! Hang on, Gazef! I can always die alongside you! Don't go alone! My lord Sorcerer-King! Please, I beg you! I know this is shameless beyond belief, but this is a heartfelt request! Please allow us both to face you! I know it won't inconvenience you in the slightest!"

As he heard Brain's strangled plea, Gazef thought, as I expected...

The carefree expression he had seen on Brain's face then was that of a warrior that had embraced his fate.

He had long since resolved himself to die beside Gazef at the hands of Ainz Ooal Gown.

However, he did not accept it. He could not accept it.

"Brain Unglaus! Do you wish to stain my conviction as a warrior?"

Brain's face was a picture of shock.

"—That is fine, Stronoff-dono. I don't mind taking you two on at once."

"Please don't, Sorcerer King-dono. This duel is with me. You two, stay out of it."

The pinpoints of red light floating in Ainz's skeletal eyesockets glowed even brighter.

"...I see. I've seen those eyes before. They are the eyes of a man who has embraced his death and advances anyway. Firm, unyielding eyes. I admire them."

Ainz was speaking like a human being.

"Very well. I accept your proposal. I will duel (PVP) Stronoff-dono."


Brain's knees crumpled, and he collapsed to the ground.

His low-hanging face could not be seen, but droplets of rain spattered the crimson earth below him.

I'm sorry.

Gazef told Brain in his heart.

"The corpse will be returned intact. It will facilitate the use of resurrection magic—"

"—There is no need for that."

Gazef's words left both his friends and enemy speechless.

"I do not wish to be brought back to life. You may dispose of the body here if you wish."

It was not that resurrection magic was bad. However, Gazef disliked it.

Everyone only had one life.

That was why the decision to stake one's life meant so much.

In addition, he could not come back from the dead, for the sake of the Kingdom.

If Gazef died, then the King could spread the news that he had lost an important subject. THat way, the King could temper the hatred and resentment which the people would feel towards the royal family for all the deaths in this battle.

This was a final act of loyalty from the Kingdom's Warrior-Captain, who had chosen to act selfishly.

Ignoring the surprised stares around him, Gazef smiled calmly.

"Then, let us begin. You two, I hope you will bear witness to my final battle."


Climb could not have imagined that the man called Brain Unglaus could have shown such a fragile side of himself.

The Brain he knew was strong, free-spirited and untouchable. However, he saw no traces of that in the man whose head was lowered. Even so, he did not think Brain was weak.

"Brain. Will you not complete this duty?"

Gazef spoke these words without looking back.

Brain refused to move. The way his hands clawed at the ground conveyed his regret to Climb. Even so, Climb had to say it.

"...This is Stronoff-sama's wish."

He did not think Gazef Stronoff could win at all.

That was why Climb and Brain had to fulfil Gazef's request.

Slowly, Brain rose to his feet

It was hot.

Climb nearly turned tail and ran.

There seemed to be some kind of hot air propelling Brain upwards.

"...How many times have I made you see the disgraceful side of myself, Climb-kun? I'm fine now. I'll scorch Gazef's noble form into my eyes."

"...Thank you."

What kind of relationship did Brain Unglaus and Gazef Stronoff have?

Climb could not understand the bond between them, especially on Brain's side.

After losing to Gazef, he had embarked on a journey to advance his sword skills. This was the Brain that Climb knew. However, he did not think their relationship was that simple.

"Then, Stronoff-dono. Could you let me take a look at that sword? I wish to quickly look over it."

Ainz made that request like he was asking about the weather. Enchanted swords could have all kinds of abilities imbued into them. Examining one would be like revealing the inner workings of one's strategy. By common sense, nobody would ever agree to that proposal.

Climb was not the only person who had thought that way, which was why Brain's eyes also went wide at what happened next.

Gazeff turned his sword a full 180 degrees and presented the hilt to Ainz.

"Gazef! Have you completely given up on winning?!"

"Brain! Don't say such rude things! The Sorcerer King is nothing like that."

Ainz held the sword and cast a spell. After that, he laughed happily.

"What a marvellous sword."

Ainz returned the sword to Gazef hilt-first, the same way it had been given to him.

"Stronoff-dono. How much of this sword's power do you know?"

"I fully understand it. This sword has an unreal sharpness that can cut metal like paper."

"Incorrect. That is only a fraction of the sword's power."

"—What? What do you mean, Sorcerer King-dono?"

"Well, in short, this sword is a weapon that can kill me. Something like that is the absolute minimum condition for a duel. Without a weapon that can harm me, this would be nothing more than an execution.

Sorry for comparing you to the rats that entered my fortress." Ainz muttered as he suddenly produced a shortsword out of thin air.

Without hesitation, he dragged the edge of the gleaming blade across his face in a forceful slice.

However, it did not leave so much as a scratch.

"Weakly enchanted objects like this cannot harm this body of mine. Incidentally, this shortsword is imbued with about as much data —or rather, as much mana— as that sword you bear, Stronoff-dono. However, your sword can harm me, in clear defiance of what I know to be true. Could I request that sword after I win?"

Gazef smiled thinly.

"Forgive me for refusing, but this sword is a national treasure."

"Mm. PVP under the pretext of returning dropped items, then? Very well."

"My deepest thanks, Sorcerer King-dono."

After returning the sword to Gazef, Ainz stroked his chin in thought. He backed up, one step at a time, as though conforming to some regulated distance between them.

"I think this should be about five meters. And... because there's no countdown, we will need a signal. You, in the white armor. Find something to start us off."

Having been suddenly named, Climb shuddered.

"Climb, please."

"I, I have a magical handbell here. I'll ring it, and it will signal the start."

The two of them nodded silently to Climb's proposal.

Gazef raised his sword, pointing it at his enemy's eyes. Strength suffused every fiber of his being. In the eyes of Climb who stood behind him, Gazef's body seemed to grow larger before his eyes.

This was an overwhelming fighting spirit. He had never seen the true pressure the Kingdom's Warrior-Captain could exert. Yet, his body seemed distant and illusory, like a mirage.


This was the last time he would see Gazef alive.

"It's not guaranteed."


Suddenly, Brain denied Climb from where he stood beside him.

"There's no guarantee Gazef will lose. The chances are extremely low, but there's still a chance of victory. That guy has a killer move, you know? The martial art he uses as a trump card?"

"The [Sixfold Slash of Light]?"

Brain smiled quietly.

"No. It's an ultimate martial art that far surpasses it. That fellow learned it."

"Is, is that so?!"

As Climb prepared his handbell, he looked to Gazef's raised sword, and the profile of his face, which was filled with the utmost focus.

It was the steely face of the man hailed as the Warrior-Captain, renowned in the surrounding countries.

"Yes. It came from a former adamantite-ranked adventurer of the Kingdom. It was a martial art invented by Vestia Croft Di Lofan, but he could not use it because of his advanced age. If my greatest secret move, [Nail Clipper] is the result of using multiple martial arts at once, Gazef's trump is the strongest single technique. Who knows, that blow... it might even be able to reach Ainz Ooal Gown."

Perhaps that was why he had asked for a one-on-one duel, Brain muttered. His eyes did not leave the scene before him for an instant.

Climb swallowed.

The hand holding the bell felt heavy. Once he rang it, Gazef's fate would be sealed.

"Want to swap with me?"

"...Thank you. But... I'll do it."

Is that so, Brain mumbled, but he did not say anything else.

Climb raised the bell. He could only pray that victory went to Gazef.

And then —louder than expected— the bell rang.

His consciousness focused to the absolute limit, Gazef stepped in with an unbelievable speed—

Without missing a single moment, Brain and Climb opened their eyes and watched—


—And before any of them, the world went quiet.

"I see... so time-stop countermeasures are important, after all."

Because Ainz had instantly cast a silent [Time Stop], Gazef was frozen in front of Ainz, his sword raised high.

No attack would work while time was stopped. Even if he used attack magic to barrage Gazef, it would cause him no harm. Because of that, Ainz cast a spell while keeping track of the time.

"[Delay Magic: True Death]."

This was a 9th-tier spell.

He did not use it often because [Grasp Heart] was a more convenient spell.

If no spell could affect an enemy while time-stopped, then all one needed to do was delay the activation of the spell until the moment the spell ended. Although it was a basic combination attack, the timing for it was extremely difficult. As such, only about 5% of all magic-users could pull it off.

Naturally, after much training and practice, Ainz was one of them as well.

"...Farewell, Gazef Stronoff. I never hated you."

The spell ended, and time returned to the world.

Before anything else could happen, the spell took effect.


—Gazef slowly fell.



Climb and Brain had no idea of what had just happened.

In the moment Gazef had stepped forward, he had suddenly fallen over.

Ainz caught Gazef's body.

His sword fell from nerveless fingers, and fell to the ground.

The battle was over.

Yet, they could not understand it.

Nobody knew what was going on.

"What on earth happened...?"

"The hell should I know!"

Brain gave voice to an angry cry.

"What's wrong? Get up! Gazef!"

However, Brain's earnest hope was coldly denied.

"He is dead."

Respectfully, perhaps even reverently, the Sorcerer King Ainz laid Gazef upon the ground. After that, he slowly closed the man's wide-open eyes.

While looking at Gazef's face, he spoke to the two people nearby.

"...Seeing how he made a challenge with no chance of winning reminded me of that time. As a sign of respect for the Warrior-Captain, I will call off the Dark Young. His body will be returned to you after it is properly prepared."

"...No, there's no need for that. We will bring Gazef back. There's no need to trouble you."

Climb exhaled heavily.

Would Brain challenge Ainz to a hopeless battle? he wondered, However, there was no need for that.

"Is that so," Ainz replied before standing back up.

"The instant death spell I used, [True Death], will invalidate lower-tier resurrection magic. Tell this to the people of the Kingdom. Tell them I will be merciful to those who submit respectfully."

Ainz lightly floated into the air.

Even as they saw his defenseless back, the two of them knew they could not commit a shameful act like attacking from behind.

Ainz sat on the tentacles of the Dark Young.

It was truly a terrifying throne.

"Cede E-Rantel and the surrounding areas to me without delay and these lambs will not frolic through the royal capital. Tell the King this, when you see him again."

The Dark Young turned and left, and the other four Dark Young also began making their way back to the Imperial castrum.

"Climb-kun. I have one request...Could I bring Gazef-dono back?"

"...Very well. Then I will bring Stronoff-sama's sword home."

"A lot of people died."

"Yeah, too many to count."

"...What just happened?"

"I don't know. But, if someone as powerful as that calls himself a king and claims this territory..."

"I'm sure that in the future, a war will definitely break out. And who knows, the dead may outnumber the corpses here today."

Walking behind Brain, who was carrying Gazef on his back, Climb's thoughts turned to the future of the Kingdom, which was wreathed in dark clouds.

Brain's words would definitely come true. What was important was what he could do, and then, what he would do.

And the most important thing was─

—I have to protect Renner-sama.

Climb clenched his fist, and made up his mind. At the very least, he had to protect his mistress, no matter the cost.



The cold night wind whistled past him.

It stirred up Brain Unglaus' hair and set his clothes fluttering as well.

"...It's freezing out here..."

The wind scattered his pale white breath and his mumbling, carrying them into the distance.

Even the deepest parts of his body felt like they were frozen.

Brain was alone atop the walls of E-Rantel, where the three of them had been before they had moved out.

There was nothing here except darkness.

Many of the Kingdom's people had lost their lives during the battle― no, the massacre of the Katze Plains.

He remembered what he saw when he crawled off that battlefield.

The defeated people dragged their feet lifelessly, their clothes were tattered and they looked utterly wretched.

Even though Brain was a warrior who trod the edge of life and death on a regular basis, the image of that hellscape ―created by a single magic caster― remained seared into his eyes.

Even E-Rantel ―protected by its city walls― could not be considered a safe place by any means. However, the soldiers who had fled here were utterly exhausted and they collapsed like puppets whose strings had been cut.

Upon this unmanned tower, Brain slowly exhaled again.

Then, he looked silently to the sky.

"I just keep thinking... nothing really matters anymore."

Brain looked at his hands.

Even now, the weight from when he had carried the lifeless lump of meat that was that man's body remained in them. Try as he might, he could not forget it.

He was a great man, and a rival who had always been a step ahead.

The death of that man — Gazef Stronoff — filled him with a profound sense of loss.

What Gazef meant to Brain could not simply be summed up by the word "rival".

Brain had become the man he was now because Gazef had fought him during the martial tournament, because he had soundly defeated Brain and his ever-growing pride, because he had ignited Brain's burning desire to defeat Gazef.

Brain Unglaus had lived, grown and refined himself because of Gazef. The strength of the man called Gazef was enough for Brain to invest his life into surpassing it. It was just like how a son had to surpass the barrier he called his father.

However, the person he should have surpassed no longer existed.

RIght until the end, Gazef had loomed tall before him until he passed into death.

Brain had once seen the true meaning of power in the form of Shalltear Bloodfallen. So for a time, he had fallen and could not rise.

He had relied on his strength as the basis of his confidence, so when his strength had been broken, the rest of him proved unexpectedly fragile. The Brain who stood here now could admit that.

However, Gazef had been different.

"Ainz Ooal Gown must surely be a monster of the same caliber as Shalltear Bloodfallen. And yet Gazef stepped forward to confront him anyway."

At that time, Gazef did not request the duel for a worthless reason like his own survival. He must have had a completely different motivation than Brain, who had flailed his sword at Shalltear while on the verge of tears.

What on earth had made him do that?

"I don't understand. Why didn't you run?"

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Forcing the words out was like coughing up blood.

"Why did you choose to die? That monster said he'd have let you go, no? Shouldn't you have conserved your strength to challenge him later? Why did you do it?! If you had to die, I wanted to go with you!"

If he could not surpass Gazef, then Brain wanted to die with him.

Brain turned his vision to the weapon at his waist.

It was Razor Edge, which he had been temporarily allowed to carry.

Brain drew Razor Edge, and activated the martial art.

"[Fourfold Slash of Light]."

This was the technique Gazef used to defeat Brain in the martial tournament.

Four arcs of light cleaved the nearby railing to pieces. There was virtually no resistance and the blade flowed through the metal like it was water.

"I learned this because of you... I admired you... I wanted to die with you. Why wouldn't you let me fight by your side? Why didn't you tell me that I could die with you!"

Brain covered his face.

His eyes were hot, but the tears did not flow.

Just then, the sound of footsteps reached Brain's ears. Only one person would come here.

"I hear men cry more easily when they get older. I guess that's true."

"I think the pain of losing someone precious to you has nothing to do with age."

It was the hoarse voice he expected.

"...Forgive me, Climb-kun. In the end, I left everything to you."

Brain rubbed his eyes, and sheathed his sword. He turned and saw Climb, wearing his armor with a puzzled expression on his face.

"However...well, even if I was there, it would have been useless, right? Under these circumstances, nobody's going to try and kill the King. Tell me, what happened after that?"

"Yes. Prince Barbro hasn't returned yet, so they decided to send out a search party for him tomorrow."

And because they could not spare enough soldiers for this duty, they were planning to use adventurers instead.

"After that, there was the matter of ceding E-Rantel ― it was a unanimous decision. All the nobles approved. Even the King agreed."

Even the nobles of the Royal faction had approved.

During the demonic disturbance, the power of the Royal faction had grown. Although this increase in power meant that they could mobilize the vast army they had sent to the Katze Plains, it also meant that the grievous losses they suffered there would had massive repercussions. And if they gave away E-Rantel, which was directly administered by the Crown, then only the royal family would lose out. They probably though that since this was the case, they might as well do it, since it was the only way for them to survive.

This time round, the Royal faction had been severely weakened, while the Noble faction had grown stronger.

What would all of this mean for the future?

Suddenly, he realised that Climb's body was trembling

He was not shaking anger from anger, but fear. Remembering the horrific sights from back then must have set his broken soul screaming. That absolute despair was probably drawing close to him.

"...Even now, I get frightened when I think about them."

Perhaps it was something like a strength born of desperation.

In his memories, he recalled how Climb stood with him in preparation to battle the Sorcerer King. Maybe he knows the answer, he thought.

"Hey, tell me something. Why did Gazef ask for the duel?"

Climb's face was a picture of surprise. Just as Brain wondered if he had not been clear enough and prepared to clarify his question, Climb answered him.

"This is just my personal opinion, is that all right?"

"It's fine, it's all good, go ahead."

"...Could it be that he wanted to show it to us?"

"...Show what to us?"

"The power of the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown. And then... he must have wanted to give us a future."

"A future?"

"Yes. It was so that we'll have some tactics and information in case we have to do battle with him in future."

It hit him like a bolt from the blue.

There could be no other answer. Climb was right.

That man had bet his life in order to squeeze out what little information he could for them. Although, he did not think that the Sorcerer King, as a magic caster, would willingly enter melee combat again without bodyguards by his side. Even so, he had staked his life on the miraculous chance that it might happen again. Then, who would he entrust with that possibility?

Brain laughed at himself. I never even thought that might be the case.

In that case... how would he live on, now that he knew what Gazef's thoughts were?

As Brain lost himself in thought, Climb asked a question, as though he were unable to bear the silence.

"...If I'm not wrong, Stronoff-sama won't allow himself to be resurrected?"

"Gazef was that kind of man."

Even if they used resurrection magic, it did not necessarily mean the dead would come back to life. The legends said that people who were happy with their lives would refuse resurrection.

"The King does not seem to have accepted that yet."

"That's only to be expected. However, that guy won't be back... Still, it's quite a surprise."

"Yes. I don't understand what Gazef-sama was thinking. Shouldn't he come back to life and continue pledging his loyalty? It's what I would do."

"Is that so? As for you, Climb, I think you would do that. As for me... don't bring me back after I die. I don't think... I've lived a life that I regret."

"For my part, I would still choose to return. I want to grind this body to dust in service to Renner-sama... if I can afford to."

Only one person in the Kingdom could use resurrection magic. There was no doubt the price she would ask would be staggering... but that was the rightful price of defying the grave.

During the demonic disturbance, all the adventurers technically belonged to the same team so there was an exception, but under normal circumstances, resurrection would cost a sizeable amount. It was a sum that would make one's eyes pop out, and normal civilians or soldiers could work their whole lives and never be able to afford it. The same went for Climb.

Your Princess-sama would gladly pay up, Brain did not say. Instead, he replied, "Is that so?"

The silence descended on them again. This time, Brain broke it.

"I really wanted to defeat that guy..."

Climb did not answer. Brain did not expect him to either. No, if he thought about it rationally, these words meant nothing to Climb. However, he felt that he had to say the things piled up in his heart.

"I lost to him in the past. So I thought I wanted to beat him. But now, that's impossible... Ah, I let him get away," Brain said as he looked to the night sky. "Dammit..."


What should I do?

What should I do about Gazef's will?

"No, it should be like this. What am I confused about? There's only two choices. Carry it on, or don't carry it on. I want to... win? Ah, is it like that?..."

In the end, isn't there only one answer for me?

A savage smile bloomed on Brain's face, and he raised Razor's Edge to the sky.

"Hmph! Who the hell wants to carry on your will!"

Brain shouted loudly, from the bottom of his heart.

"You chose to die! How dare you take the easy way out! Go regret it in the afterlife! I ― I will, I will surpass you in my own way! Climb! Let's go drink! Let's get some wine and have some fun!"

He did not know what to do.

However, he knew that he did not want to simply inherit Gazef's will. If he did that, then no matter what he did, he would never be able to beat him.

Besides, he would probably end up thinking about Gazef over and over again in the future. Therefore, he ought to forget him for a short while.

Brain reached out to grab Climb by the shoulder and pushed him forward. The weight on his hands lightened a little.



Everyone looked forward to the coming of spring. This was more so on the part of the peasants, who could feel the earth coming back to life under their feet. However, city residents welcomed spring as well. Granted, they did so because they would not need to spend extra on heating their homes.

The first day of spring in E-Rantel was silent, however.

The main streets were empty, as though everyone on them had all died. Still,one could sense people from the houses that faced the streets through the small gaps in the shutters and doors. Those people were people were holding their breath and peeking at the world outside.

Today was the day when E-Rantel would be officially ceded to Ainz Ooal Gown and become a city in the Sorcerous Kingdom of Nazarick.

The first city gate opened, and bells of welcome pealed forth.

After much time had passed, the second gate opened, and the bells echoed through the city once more.

Between the second and the third doors was the residential zone of the city.

The residents of E-Rantel were afraid, but they had not fled was because they knew that even if they ran, all that awaited them was a life of despair.

Even if they were masters or expert tradesmen in E-Rantel, in other cities, they would have to start over as apprentices.

Cities with long histories had a seniority system. Outsiders who were new to the city would naturally need to start from the lowest, most junior positions. That was to say, even if they fled to another city, most of them would not be able to find a proper job, and they would live and die as paupers in the slums.

Without anywhere to run to, most of the residents remained in E-Rantel.

However, if their lives were in danger, they would choose to flee. That was only to be expected. After all, the gossip about the new ruler, no, their new king, was that he was a fearsome being.

They said he was a magic caster who massacred the Royal Army.

They said he was a cold-blooded being who looked like one of the undead.

They said he was a monster that enjoyed bathing in the fresh blood of children.

The rumors circulating were all of this nature, with hardly a single positive word about him.

And so, everyone hid behind their doors, planning to spy on Ainz Ooal Gown from between the gaps in their windows.

Eventually, Ainz Ooal Gown's procession arrived on the main street.

All who saw him lost the power of speech.

He was a being who matched the rumors circulating about him.

The first person they saw could still be considered alright. At the head of the contingent was a beautiful woman who was as radiant as the full moon.

She wore a figure-hugging white dress, with silky black hair and alabaster skin. Her body, adorned with a constellation of jewelry, could not inspire lust or envy. However, the fact that she sprouted horns from her head and long black wings from her waist, in addition to her supernatural beauty, were all signs that she was not human.

Behind this beautiful goddess were the warriors. As they looked at them, the residents shuddered uncontrollably.

The warriors were divided into two groups, differentiated by the styles of armor they wore.

The first group could be called "a corps of death knights."

In their left hands they carried tower shields which covered three quarters of their bodies, and in their right they carried flamberges.

Their tattered black capes shrouded massive frames that were over two meters tall. Their black metal, full plate armor was covered in wavy crimson patterns, reminiscent of blood vessels. It was also covered in sharp spikes. They looked like physical incarnations of brutality.

Their demonically-horned helmets exposed their rotted faces. Their empty eye-sockets blazed with a crimson fire, filled with hatred for the living and a longing for slaughter.

The second group could best be described as "a band of death warriors."

They carried long-bladed swords, while various weapons hung on their waists; hand axes, maces, crossbows, whips, shortspears, and many other weapons. All of them bore countless dents and scratches — proof that they had been heavily used.

They were roughly two meters tall, and the armor they wore was comparatively light. Their bodies were clad in leather armor made from the hide of some unknown beast. Their tattered armor, both arms, and parts of their faces were covered in spell-strips — strips of cloth covered in arcane runes.

Below those strips were visages similar to those of the previous group; ruined faces that could not possibly belong to human beings.

Everyone could feel an overwhelming power radiating from these groups, but as the palanquin carried by several of these beings came into view, the shock they had already experienced was blown away by an even greater one.

An undead being sat on the palanquin. An overwhelming aura of death floated around him, a black mist that roiled like a maelstrom. Obsidian radiance shone from behind his back.

Everyone's instincts immediately told them who this was.

It was Ainz Ooal Gown.

We cannot possibly survive under the rule of this monster; dangerous does not even begin to describe how our lives will be. Just as everyone started to think this, the sound of a door opening carried through the air.

The citizens of E-Rantel pressed their eyes to their gaps and slits to peek outside in order to see what was going on. What they saw was the form of a running child. He held something in his hand and he was sprinting towards Ainz Ooal Gown's parade of inhuman beings. Behind him, his pale-faced mother was chasing him.

"Give me back my daddy!"

The boy's young voice echoed through the streets.

"Give me back my daddy! You monster!"

The boy threw something. It was a rock.

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The rock flew toward the parade — its target was probably Ainz Ooal Gown.

Perhaps it was due to nervousness, but the rock fell short of its mark and rolled across the cobbled road.

Behind him, his mother looked like her soul had left her body. She knew what would happen to them now.

The mother embraced her son from behind as her body shuddered. She desperately tried to protect and conceal his body in her arms.

"He, he's just a boy! Please, I beg you! I beg you to forgive him!"

The beautiful woman smiled in response to the mother's frantic plea.

They were saved. That was a warm, motherly smile that would put anyone's heart at ease.

"—Rudeness to Ainz-sama deserves nothing short of death."

The beautiful woman produced a gigantic bardiche out of nowhere. The fact that she could wield it so easily spoke of her inhuman arm strength.

The residents could easily imagine the uses for that axe, and their guesses were most likely on the mark.

"I must say, this is quite a low grade of livestock you've raised. Don't you think it's shameful when the price per kilogram of their flesh goes down?."

As she watched the slowly-approaching woman, the mother realised what was going to happen to them, and hugged her child tightly.

"Please! Spare my son, even if it's just my son! Take my life, do anything you want to me! Please!"

"What are you saying? There is no reason to kill you, is there? Ainz-sama does not enjoy meaningless slaughter. The innocent will not be killed. Please rest at ease and await the mincemeat that will be made for you in your arms... although if it were up to me, I would prefer to turn him into a croquette."

The boy in his mother's arms did not seem to realize that he would soon be slain. However, anyone watching knew that the child's short life would end in a scant few seconds. Yet, nobody was willing to step forward to save him.

Although they wanted to turn from the impending tragedy, nobody could pull their eyes away.

Both mother and child were transfixed by the murderous aura that the beauty emitted.

"Regret your crime of rudeness against the most exalted one as you die."

In the moment that the woman swung down her massive weapon, the earth shuddered as the sound of metal clashing against metal rang out. The source of that sound was a thrown greatsword protruding from the ground, separating mother and son from the beautiful woman.

That sword — and its wielder — was known to every person on the street.

He was a living legend.

He was an invincible warrior.

He was a gentle hero.


As they beheld the entrance of the only being who could save the pitiful pair, the people cried the name of the swordsman in their hearts.

—The name of the Dark Warrior, Momon.


A man clad in jet-black armor slowly emerged from one end of the alley, and wrenched out the greatsword stuck into the ground. With a mighty flick of his wrist, he shook the dirt off of it. His other hand was already holding a sword, and the battle-ready Momon faced the beautiful woman down.

"Is there a need to use so much force on a boy throwing a stone? Nobody'll want to marry you."

"Even if you lecture me, I won't be hap... ahem! The sin of rudeness against Ainz-sama knows no age! All who commit it must perish!"

"And what happens if I don't allow it?"

"Then you will be a traitor to the lord of the land, and will be exterminated!"

"Is that so? Well, that's not a bad thing. However, don't think you can take this head so easily, hm? If you want it, you'd better be prepared to risk yours as well."

Momon deftly spun the swords in his hands and took a fighting stance. That bold and dominating posture was surely the stuff heroes were made of.

"You lot, protect Ainz-sama."

After giving an order to the black-armored warriors behind her, the beauty readied her bardiche in turn.

The spectators originally believed that the winner of this confrontation would be Momon. But the battle aura radiating from the two of them denied it. They could feel that the beautiful woman was a warrior who was Momon's equal.

The two of them closed the distance to each other in terms of millimeters. The one who disrupted the impending conflict between the two was Ainz Ooal Gown himself. By the power of magic, he soundlessly flew up from the palanquin and landed upon the earth, before putting a hand on the beauty's shoulder.


He leaned in and placed his mouth to the beauty's ear before whispering into it. Her face lit up with a bewitching, gentle smile.

"I understand, Ainz-sama. It shall be as you say."

She bowed to Ainz, and then pointed her bardiche at Momon. However, her murderous intent from just now was absent.

"...I have not yet heard your name. Speak it."

"I am Momon."

"I see. Momon. Then, I ask you. Do you think you can defeat us?"

"...No, I cannot. Even if I fought to the death, I could only defeat either you, or the one beside you."

Despair filled the hearts of all who heard these words. It was because they knew that even the great hero could only kill one of those monsters.

"And besides... if I fought with all my strength, many innocents would be caught up in our battle. I cannot do such a thing."

"How foolish. Despite your impressive skills, you would go so far for these weaklings — I've spoken too much. Ainz-sama has a proposal for you. Listen to it with gratitude. Surrender and swear fealty to us as a warrior of Nazarick."

"—Are you kidding me?"

"How rude. Ainz-sama does not wish to rule this city with despair and bloodshed. Besides, slaying humans does not hold any merits to Ainz-sama. But even if we said this, the people here would not believe it. So we will have you work at Ainz-sama's side."

"...What sort of work is that?"

"In the future, there may be more fools who would throw stones at Ainz-sama. At that point, we will have you remove their heads. In exchange, you may see how Ainz-sama does not mistreat the innocents of this city."

"...I see. So, I will be a watchman who will stand by his side?"

"Not quite. As I said, you will be responsible for eliminating traitors. Thus, you will be a representative of the people cum enforcer."

"I have no intention of swearing myself to the service of evil."

"Neither do we have any plans of perpetrating that sort of evil. Then, what will you do? If you will not pledge your sword to Ainz-sama, then you shall be slain here and now as a dangerous individual, no matter how many people we have to kill to get to you."

Momon looked around.

"I intend to travel, and I had no intention of being anyone's subordinate..."

"That is also an acceptable answer. Then, shall we begin the collateral damage to the surrounding people now?"

"Wait! Don't jump to conclusions. I haven't made my decision yet. I have a partner. What will happen to her?"

"Then she must pledge herself to Ainz-sama as well. There can be no other answer."

"The old me might have put travelling as a higher priority... but it seems I've gotten attached to this city. Will it be alright if I don't kneel?"

Ainz once more whispered into the ear of the beauty.

"That is permissible, and so it is decided. Momon, work hard for Ainz-sama."

"...I understand. But remember that if you harm the people of the city for no reason, this sword will be aimed at you and your master."

"...In that case, when the people of this city rise up in revolt against Ainz-sama, I hope that sword will also be pointed at those who rebel. It doesn't matter if they are children or not. I look forward to the time when this city will rise up against us, and to your agonized face as you execute its people. Then, we shall be going ahead first. Do join up with us afterwards."

Ainz Ooal Gown's entourage continued steadily forward. After the monstrous procession finally faded out of sight, the people streamed out of their homes. It was amazing how so many people had managed to keep themselves so well hidden.

Everyone was praising Momon.

Just as Momon started started to shyly wave away the tide of adoration, a crisp sound rang out clearly over the crowd. It was the sound of the mother slapping her son.

"Why did you do that?!"

Again and again, she slapped her son.

Both mother and child were crying, but even so, she did not stop hitting him.

Momon grasped the mother's hand.

"Don't you think that's enough for now? There's something I'd like to ask him."

"This boy has caused so much trouble for you, Momon-sama! We sincerely apologize from the bottoms of our hearts!"

"No, please, pay it no heed. There's no need to apologize, Ah, there's no need to cry either. I have some questions for you."

As Momon tried to hush the boy's crying, he asked the boy why he had done it.

Everyone thought the boy must have wanted to avenge his father, but the boy said that after a strange man lectured him, he felt that throwing the rock was the right thing to do.

"I see... ma'am, there's no need to punish your child. This was probably the result of magical control. In all likelihood, it's a plot by the Theocracy, trying to force me into a confrontation with Ainz Ooal Gown."

"...No, the Theocracy wouldn't do that. Wasn't this Ainz Ooal Gown's plot to make you into his vassal, Momon-sama?"

Momon nodded deeply to the shopkeeper who spoke. He had opened his shop here just a couple of years ago.

"That is certainly a possibility. But on the other hand, it is also a good opportunity. Since I have an excuse to be by his side, I can monitor his movements. If he plans to harm you, I will take his head. But in exchange, you must not revolt against Ainz Ooal Gown."

"Why shouldn't we?! As you're around, Momon-sama—"

"—Please do not continue that line of conversation. They're waiting for someone to speak those words. If you rebel, he will order me to kill you for his amusement."

Momon spread his arms, and continued speaking to everyone openly.

"I cannot be the one who breaks the agreement made just now. Because of that, I hope everyone will cooperate with them so long as they do not make any unreasonable demands. However, if you feel you have not been treated fairly, then please come to me."

The faces of the people took on pained looks as they realized that they were hostages for Momon.

Momon smiled gently to them.

"However, I hope you will not worry too much. To begin with, that fellow might end up being an unexpectedly good ruler. Let's wait and see. Also, if the Theocracy makes a move, they might try to incite you to revolt. I hope you will all keep your eyes open."

Nobody could accept this.

But at the same time, nobody could oppose it.

Ainz Ooal Gown was undead. Nobody could trust a dangerous being like that which bore a hatred for the living. However, everybody trusted Momon. In fact, Momon had even given up on his goals for the sake of the city folk. It was only natural that they would give their allegiance to Momon in turn.

Everyone present agreed with Momon's proposal, and after promising to spread these words to the people around them, they dispersed.

As a result, the rule of E-Rantel was a peaceful one without any bloodshed, something which the surrounding nations could hardly believe.