
10 world

15 minutes have passed and the wolf was on its last leg but the stubborn this still refused to die. Rick was in no better condition that Stella a few minutes back. If both of them had known that the beast was in late Earth realm they probably would have not picked this fight. But Rick had no choice now. Either he will be victorious or he was going to die here. Despite losing the sensation in his left arm his determination had not gone down by even a bit. Rather a strange emotion brewed in his mind. He wanted more. He wanted to fight till the end. Till he loses each and every part of his body he will fight. The more he fought the more his excitement grew. He had to sacrifice his arm in this way when the wolf tried to pull off the trick with the wall again. Despite being ready for it his body was not able to get out of the way of the claw. It would have been game over for him, had the claw landed back at his already wounded abdomen. Hence, he protected it with his arm, injuring it in the process. "Hahahaaa.." Rick laughed maniacally as he can see victory was ever closer to him. The wolf was barely able to pull it's weight around now. Having been exhausted after fighting for so long in this state.

But Rick was not going to take any chances after knowing how cunning it can be. They fought tooth and nail with each other for 5 more minutes and Rick brought the beast down to its knees. Not giving it time to pull any other trick he jumped on its massive head with his spear. The demonic glow in the beasts eyes died down as his spear was half sunk in skull puncturing it's brain. Rick stood over the body of his prey holding onto the spear. The scene looked right out of a movie with Rick standing valiantly till the end, with his whole body covered in blood and his guts visible from the multiple lacerations he had recieved during his fight. His eyes were drooping and he was having a hard time even remain standing for the next minute. Sleep was taking over his body but her refused to allow himself to rest yet. He was not going down without his reward. A few seconds later the whole body of the earth wolf began glowing in the demonic brown colour. The glow concentrated on the skull of the beast and a single coin like thing showed itself as it spun mid-air like calling for the victor to claim it. Rick knew this was the thing he had been looking for all this while. Beast Soul. At last, he acquired it. He used his only functional hand to grab onto the coin. Just then, he heard a loud cry from afar "Don't do it, kid!!!!" It was Helen who was half transformed and was running towards him in full speed. Why would she ask him not to claim his reward? Didn't he kill this beast? So, he had the right over its beast soul. Anyways, it was already too late because he had already touched the soul with his hands. Blacking out his body fell over backwards on the wolf's lifeless body.

***15 minutes back***

Helen had messed up. She had underestimated the loyalty of the wolves for their alpha. She had planned everything well but somehow the alpha survived her sneak attack. Her punch managed to puncture his body but there was still life left in him. He ran with all his might realising the difference in their cultivation levels. He was in late Earth realm so fighting with Helen he had a disadvantage of full realm. Even though earth wolves were known to stand their ground and fight against their enemy but it was not stupid to die in a hopeless battle. She persued it but it managed to escape using its natural earth bending abilities. On the other hand Helen had bad been stopped in her tracks by an unending barrage of the wolves who simply jumped to their deaths just to allow their alpha to escape. She can kill these minions with ease but the problem to her was time. She had killed multiple of them but that allowed the alpha to escape to a distance. And to her utter misfortune, the direction in which it ran was towards the hunting grounds. The wolf was cunning and had left multiple trails to confuse her. It took her some time to pick up on his actual trail but it seemed like she was too late. She saw the little guy standing over the dead body of the alpha. She was appalled as to how a guy at his level brought down such a huge prey, a full 2 realms above him.

Even though it was fatally injured it was no easy task to end it's life. Not for a mortal cultivator at the very least. She smiled for him as she was running towards him to give him a tight hug but her smile froze on her face when she realised what this guy was planning to do. She screamed to stop him but it was too late. She saw the beast soul getting sucked in his body and him falling down. "Dammit.. dammit.. This guy is totally mad." She reached him and tried to feel his heart beat. To her relief atleast the child was alive. She would have to bring him to the principal. Only she could help him now. If someone tries to merge with a beast soul whose orignal owner was more powerful than you then there was a good chance that the beast might take over the consciousness of the host insted of the opposite. Just as she was dressing his wounds to stop the bleeding, Rick's eyes opened with the same ominous glow as the alpha's. Helen watched this happening and there was nothing she can do to avoid it. The 'Rick' jumped out of her reach as she saw all the deep cuts on his body close up at a rapid pace right infront of her eyes.

He watched all around like he didn't know who he was and where was he present. Helen can easily discern that this was the case of his consciousness getting take over by the earth wolf's. The only choice she had now was to knock Rick out and get him to the principal. But just as she stepped towards him, he jerked back growling at her. She tried to close in on him "Wait little Rick.. it's me.. Helen. Try to fight it off. You won against him. You can do the same again." He calmed down for just a moment before jumping back. Helen saw his whole body spasming as his joints creaked. A dark brown soul power surrounded him as he began to transform into a wolf. His jaws elongated firming a large snout and his body grew in size. His height effectively doubled. Standing at over 10 ft Rick had transformed into a human-wolf hybrid. He was still bipedal but every part of his body represented wolf. "Grrrrrrrrrrr" he growled at her, probably warning her to get out of his way. But Helen can't leave him like this. She might lose him for ever if this guy escaped into the wilderness. She had to bring him down.

She ran towards him to take him on. The guy towered above her while standing, by 2 ft. But it was a different matter if they compared their strength. She tried to punch him but the wolf stopped her puch with a single hand. Helen's eyebrows frowned once she tried to gauge his cultivation level. Dear lord he was at the 3rd level of senior realm. Just 2 levels behind her. Was this even possible? She would have believed it even if the guy had been at late Earth level, as that was the cultivation of the alpha at the time of its death. But how can he become even more powerful than that. As the wolf punched her back and she used her hands to defend herself. "Dammit.." the overwhelming force behind the punch made her kneel down. This was not going to be easy. She will think about all this later. It was time to fight and bring him down first. Punch after punch landed on both Rick and Helen. at first Helen was going easy on him in order to not end up hurting Rick but later she had realised that she had to give her all to this fight. She started using her soul power, coating her hands in it and using them to face off against the beast. But however outrageous it felt the fact was only after receiving her heavy punched infused with soul power, the beast learnt it on his own.

*Bang**Bang**Bang* the earth quaked and the vegetation was trampled all around the two beasts fighting. Helen was gaining the upper hand in the fight as the lack of skills made sure that she could exploit more of his openings. The wolfs whole body was bloodied but it refused to go down. She didn't want to do this the hrs way but that was the only choice for her. Both sides were breathing heavily as the measured each other up. Right then Helen whole face heated up in embarassment. She can see a large cock showing itself from the sheath of the beast. She realised that she had lost all her clothings during their fight and the guy was getting excited looking at her naked visage. "You lecherous bastard!!" Helen cursed. Here she was giving her all to save him and he was busy getting excited over her body. "Stupid kid, if you got so mish energy then use it to fight of the creature taking over your mind." She ran towards him to punch him. But the wolf, instead of countering her closed his eyes. It looked like it was meditating. Helen was not going to let him off. But before she could reach him, she found herself sliding backwards on the ground.

Today was a bad day for Helen through and through. First she was not able to kill of a demonic beast a whole realm lower than her. Secondly, she was not able to reach in time to stop Rick from assimilating with the beast soul. And now the human beast hybrid managed to learn earth bending mid fight. Now that he had learnt to manipulate earth to his wish, Rick was having an easy upper hand over her. They kept fighting physically but once in a while Helen will be taken by surprise by some earth bending. Either he will block her view mid fight or a massive rock will slide towards her from her blind spot while she is busy in combat. She was regularly getting more and more frustrated, not because she was being beaten down by a kid only a third of her age but rather because he was playing with her. As evident by her naked body now. At first only her chest was visible but the guy persistently got rid of all her clothes leaving her naked. Apart from this she had another distraction to take care of. The cock hanging from his groin had kept increasing in size and girth. Now it was more than 2 ft in length and she can see the red throbbing head constantly rising up during their fight. At last it proved to be fatal for her when two rocks slammed into her from both sides putting her out of commission.

"Ahhhmmmhhh mhhh mhhhh ahhh" Helen woke up immense pain in her groin area. She can feel warm heavy breath on her face. Her eyes opened at it took her some time to assess her condition. She was being fucked against a tree. A huge brown wolf was holding onto her legs on both sides, ramming his long cock in her thirsty cunt. Tears rolled down her eyes from the pain of getting her vagina ripped open by this pointy red cock. She looked down to find his whole shaft to be covered in her blood. It was double the girth of a normal horse's cock hence her condition was nothing surprising to her. Still she didn't want him to stop as the pain was mixed with a heavenly pleasure of flesh which she can't ignore. "Grrrrrrrrrrr" the beast growled at her after realising that she was awake. She understood his intentions. He was asking her to not resist him and let him have her way with her pussy. She pulled up her hands in submission allowing him to continue ramming her in the tree behind her back. She had to think of a way to get out of this bind. For now her best plan was to wait for him to cum. That time he will be the most vulnerable and she might have a chance taking him down.

"Grrrrrrrr" he growled back sensing her trying to move from her position. "It's too uncomfortable this way.. let me hold on to you.. like this.." She slowly moved her hands towards him and getting his permission locked them behind his neck, shifting her weight entirely onto him. He cooperated with her and let her climb onto him. Holding onto her thighs his thrusts grew in pace "ahhhh mhhh slow down a bit.. you are hurting me.. ahhh.. please.. " at the end of her request she kissed the wolf head of the beast sucking in his long sloppy tongue. Somehow the beast understood that she was genuinely in pain and slowed down his pumping. More and more of Helen's blood dropped into the dry ground below as 2 ft long shaft directly intruded in her womb. After 10 minutes of continuous pounding Helen was at her limit when she saw the erection under her increase even more. "Wait.. wait.. put me down!!" She dropped down from his lap. "I don't think I can take more of it. You were already fucking my womb previously." "Grrrrrrrrrrr" the beast was in no mood to listen to anything than a 'yes'. "Wait... I can help you release with my mouth." To show her determination she used her long tongue to clean the blood mixed with precum covering his cock.

*Slurp**slurp**lick**lick**lick* There was now way Helen can give a proper blowjob to this cock but still she did her best to stroke it for him. While doing all this the shaft grew in length even more now close to 3 ft long in length. "Grrrrrrrr" The beast was getting desperate for a release and understanding that she can't do it with her mouth began turning her around to use her vagina. But Helen was going to die if he pushed this thing in her. It will skewer her insides. There was no other way, she stopped him "Wait.. let me transform atleast if that's what you want." He waited, letting her do her thing. She dropped into all her four limbs as her body began growing muscles all over. She transformed into the huge bison beast Rick had saw on his first hunting day. She was not sure he she could take it even now but atleast this form will have little more space to fit the pole in. The beast appraised her like a good being surprised that she could do this too. Although she has lost a great deal of sex appeal but this this had holes and in his extreme arousal that was the only thing he required right now, that is a soft hole to sheath his dick in.

*Bang* Two rocks slammed once again from both sides of Helen but instead of hurting her this time it actually locked her neck in place like she was a cattle to be slaughtered. But she didn't protest and let him have his way with her. She can feel the thick shaft pushing her organs to the sides as it made its way to her womb back again. The beast was happy she bottomed out at 2 and a half ft leaving only half a ft of his length outside. He grabbed onto her large horns like handles and began his pumping in her pussy. "Ahhhhhhhh mhhhhh mhhhh ahhhhh please slow... Ahh.. you are going to rip it open like this.. ahhh mhhh" she pleaded for mercy but this time his mind was shrouded in lust and he rammed his erection thrust after thrust inside her. Tears rolled down Helen's eyes as she was assaulted by unbearable pain. Her eyes closed as she blacked out again.

***20 minutes later***

"Ahhhhh" Rick woke up with another headache. Good news was once again he had instantly healed from the wounds he sustained during his fight with the earth wolf. And the bad news was that he was completely exhausted and was very, very hungry. But all his hunger died down once he took the look around him. "Ohhh my god.. Helen!!!" The maroon haired beauty was lying lifelessly beside him. He was scared for her but heaved a sigh of relief realising she was still breathing. "Dammit who did this to her?" He can see that she was very badly raped such that her vagina was destroyed. She had lost too much blood and Rick did whatever he can to stop the bleeding. She was lying in a thick pool of cum and some of it was still leaking from her pussy right now. Rick was terrified of the amount of semen on the ground. "Was she raped by a beast or what?" Wasting no more time he hurriedly dressed her wounds. Apart, from the injury in her sex Rick found many bite marks over her body especially her breasts were full of it. He had not even completely giver her the first aid when a loud howl rang throughout the forest. Rick climbed to the largest tree nearby and what he saw nearly made him piss his pants. There were more than 15 wolves homing on his location. He took a look at the gigantic dead body of the wolf he killed and discerned the whole situation. Run. That was the only choice now. But where? If the can smell this guy then they can smell him too. Had he been alone, he would have just ran but there was no way he was going to leave Helen behind. With no time to think he did the best he can think at the moment. Picking up unconscious Helen in a princess carry he ran towards the lake.

***Back in the alternate dimension***

"Hahahaha... Why so sad kiddo? It's one of my duties to teach my students a good lesson that they remember for all their lives." Helen tried to talf to Rick who had puffed up his cheeks and not willing to even look at her, sitting against the tree with his head on his arms. "Shut up you stupid cow.. you are a barbaric woman!!" He cursed making her laugh uproariously "Hahahahaha.." She was really enjoying her sweet revenge. The way he cursed her was so entertaining that she wanted to keep on teasing him. "Let us walk kid. How are we going to leave this place if you refuse to move?" She got another furious response "Go away. I will leave on my own." He still didn't look at her. She have had her fill of fun with the brat now it was time to console him up. "Okay.. okay.. What do you want? Your master will buy you a lot of candy once we get out of here. How about this?" She laughed once again watching him not respond to her teasing. "Okay.. this time for serious. Here you can slap me back." She knew her trick will work as Rick looked up to find her bare butt after she pulled her pants down. "You sure?" He confirmed. "Hmm.. hmmm.. do it fast we need to move." She nodded. "Pahhh okay now you will do what I will command." Helen accepted his condition but didn't see the devil in his gaze.

*Growl* But before Rick can utter his command his stomach registered complaint. "Haha Okay let's eat something first. You have done some hard work yesterday." Rick smiled wryly "What are we supposed to eat? As far as I know this whole jungle is devoid of any animals to hunt." Helen pinched his puffy cheeks replying "We always maintain some supplies just in case of such emergencies. Here." She opened her hand and a price of frozen meat appeared in her hand "Keep it. I will start the fire." Rick's eyes brightened at the sight, he confirmed with her "Is that a space ring, Helen?" She smiled at the start in his eyes, she pulled the ring off her hand and tossed it to him "Douse your curiosity." He caught and began analysing it. He had read about these things from the book but never had the chance to look at the actual thing, simply because these rings were not exactly cheap. Similar to the band Agnes gave him this ring too had a soul stone on it. It was just that the minute symbols on it were probably different from the ones on his. He had only a vague idea about these patterns. These patterns are printed on the stone by a powerful space cultivator. He instantly put his mind to it and he can see a small room projected in his mind. The room was only 2×2 metres but had some basic necessities present from water to a few sets of dresses and some meat portions. He tried to focus on the water bottle but nothing happened. In the books he had read about this that they can pull out the thing of interest if they focus on it.

Helen had prepared a fire and was roasting the frozen meat over it. She saw him struggling with her ring, probably trying to pull something out of it. She let him be and after 5 minutes of intense struggle the boy managed to pull out the water bottle. "Hahaha it was fun. Thanks Helen for letting me have a look." She handed him his meat stick saying "No problem. Now eat up." "Congratulations kiddo, for reaching junior realm." Rick was stunned listening to her. He checked it out himself and yes she was right. He had been so busy all these hours that he didn't even know that he had broken off to the whole new realm. 'It should have happened during my fight with the wolf. That's why I did not realise it.' He thanked, telling her how he might have reached it. But Helen's mind was not on his words, her gaze was constantly been attracted by the large junk dangling between his thighs. God, she wanted it so badly. She never thought that she can be so lustful, that too for a child. But it can't be helped now, once she had tasted the forbidden fruit of getting mounted by him there was no escape. She recalled the painful experience of getting fucked by the beast. Strangely this time she was not traumatized by the event but rather she wanted to do it again. Her pussy protested but she ignored it's calls. In truth her vagina was still healing up from the inside. However, much she had healed up is due to the medicinal potions she had kept for emergency. Otherwise, she her condition would not have been this good.

She also regretted all the wasted semen that could have been better utilized had she been in her senses. The sex with the beast did something amazing for her. She had been at the edge of the sky realm when she arrived here. She had not crossed over despite being at this level for over few years now. But once she woke up after her assault she was in the second level of the sky realm. The situation was so bizzare that she didn't even want to think about the reasons. But one thing was clear as day to her. This growth was in induced by his cock. She had her own conjecture that it was the soul power rich cum that helped her out. That's why she had desired to eat all the cum up when it spilled out of her when she was subconsciously getting rammed. Anyways, if she was able to get out of here soon it might be possible to gather it up back. She felt giddy once she realised how much that would help her out in her cultivation. She took a look at the peculiar boy who was ravenously munching on the meat, smiling. She would have to present his case to principal directly as he seemed to have too many secrets surrounding him and it might prove to be harmful for him if all of this leaks. She nodded in conviction that she need to keep every extraordinary thing about him to herself.

They were ready to leave after their breakfast, lunch or dinner? They had no idea how much time had passed. "Let's move kid." Helen picked up everything putting them back in her ring. Rick nodded picking up his spear he got close to her "Now Helen remove all your clothes and get down on all your four limbs. I am going to ride on you." She didn't argue, getting out of her dress and offering him "Wait. Let me transform if you want to ride me." "Pahhh.. shut up bitch did I ask for your views? Now do as I told." Helen was amazed how easily he took over a dominant role over her. But she found even this harsh side of him extremely cute. "Now, now. What a sweet asshole we have got here. Strech this butt cheeks of yours and open it up as wide as you can." Helen did as told and pulled on her cheeks and forced her sphincter to open. She felt a foreign object entering her hole, getting in deeper and deeper till it reached the end of her rectum. She knew this was not what she had been seeking, this object was thinner than his massive cock. She looked back vto find that Rick was forcing the handle side of his spear into her ass with all his might. It was already around a foot inside of her when he stopped and got to her front. "Open up stupid cow." He jerked her by her silky hair, slapping her on her face and shoving his cock in her mouth. "Glugg gkug glug glug... Slurppp.. Gluck... Gluckkkk.." He was gripping on her hair by the roots, forcing her head back and forth.

Helen was herself amused at how much she loved this treatment by him. Being treated like a cheap whore that can be used and abused at a single command of her master. Multiple slaps have turned her whole face to a bright red but she can't feel any pain from it. There was a natural protection over the bodies of powerful soul cultivators and in her desparation to feel his beating she downgraded then to absolute minimum. "Pahhhh... Ahmmmm" Now she was feeling it the pain, that she was suddenly so addicted to. His tasty precum landed on her tongue, making her taste buds dance in delight. Her facial abuse continued for 15 minutes when Rick had enough fun and he came deep inside her throat. Helen lamented at the fact that her master delivered his seed directly to her throat, not letting her enjoy the taste delectable taste of it. "Get down bitch. I believe you will be hungry. I will now shit in your mouth." It was not exactly a respectable way to shit straight into a lady's mouth, rather it was a demeaning for decorous ones. But the whole degrading scenario made it even more appealing for her. Turning in her back she opened her mouth wide. She saw his muscles relax as it seperated to reveal the end of an appetizing turd. Gradually it began growing in her field of view. She was appalled by the amazing smell it was releasing, that she can't get enough of. Once it was long enough the excretion landed in her mouth.

Absolute bliss. That how Helen would have described it. The feces melted like butter on her tongue. She can very confidently come to the conclusion that she had never had such a delicious meal ever in her life. But somehow the surprise factor was lost as now nothing was impossible when she was with this guy. Turd after turd landed and she chewed on it, swallowing it before waiting for the next one with an open maw. "Haaaah It felt like I had stored it for such a long time. Clean me off now." He bent his knees to give access to his asshole. Helen latched onto it lapping and cleaning it properly with her long tongue. He didn't have to direct her as her appendage flexibly reached out to his guts cleaning every nook and cranny. "Good dog!!" He patted her head like a pet. "Now to rinse it off. Here, say ahhh" His warm piss landed in her mouth cleaning off any remaining fecal matter in her cavity. "Is there a specific reason why all your excretions from your semen to your piss and even your feces tastes so good brat?" "Pahhh.. pahhh.. pahh.. Is that how you speak to your master, bitch?" Multiple slaps landed on her face while he jerked her around by her hair. Helen corrected her mistake "Can you please let this slave know, master? Why does your shit tastes so good?" She got a light pat in her head making her joyful, making her wag her tail around like a good dog. "Hmm.. I am not sure about the reason myself. Last to last week only it began tasting like this. Don't tell anyone about it as I already have many mouths to feed with it."

"Who else knows about this master?" Rick turned around and climbed on her back, commanding her to move "Only my family at home and Mrs. Hina and Mrs. Lily too knows about this. Aside from this my bitch, don't let my spear fall off from you butt. You need to grab onto it all the while and be ready for your punishment if you drop it down." Helen instantly used her sphincter to grab on tightly to the long spear pulled behind her. It has already slipped half out of her within the first few steps. She can't lose any more of it. She was not afraid of the his punishments rather in all possibilities she was going to only enjoy it but in the back of her mind inherently she had a desire to obey her master. Rick was enjoying his like in her wide back. This is the first time his small frame had be even remotely useful to him. Swaying back and forth he realised that this mode of transport was very practical with the size difference between him and his harem of milfs. He imagined riding on a naked Amelia throughout the busy market, his limp cock started swelling up just from the visualization of it. Next, he imagined riding on Mrs. Agnes, but just as soon as he imagined that he could see her eyes with flames of rage turn towards him, prematurely breaking his visualisations. 'Maybe for later... She will require more training before she can be used as a viable transport.' He thought to himself putting his desires of riding his milfs in public at the back of his mind.

They had been traveling for hours in the same direction but all around them it was the same jungle. Time to time Rock would get to the top of a tree trying to spot the lake but to no avail all he can see was the sea of lush green trees without an end. Slightly depressed they took rest before continuing again. The cycle continued and Helen can feel at the very least they had been trapped in here for more than a day at the minimum. Her concern was their drying up rations they had just enough fir one last meal. If it continued like this they might not even have enough energy to find the path out of this wilderness. Maybe, the boy was hungry he had eaten twice as much as her. They had a silver lining in the fact that once a cultivator reaches sky realm they can levitate in air. And she can do the same as a sky realm cultivator but the only problem was she didn't know how to. Only thing she was aware of was that they can learn to fly with practice yet she didn't have the luxury of time to practice it out. If she could have flown up, they can easily look many miles ahead and spot the lake with some luck. They were resting when she shared with him the news about their drying rations. She decided to leave it for Rick since she can survive easily on his waste products too but same will not be true for Rick. He didn't argue since it was desperate times.

Suddenly he opened up a topic she was embarrassed to talk about. He shook his junk to her saying "If you want Helen you can suck on it. I won't mind it." She barked back at him "huh and why would I want that?" He laughed in response moving close to her, placing his cock on her face "Haha you really think I can't see your gaze shifting towards my groin after regular intervals. Come on no need to be shy. Get familiar with my brother, it won't bite." She can't put up any retort to that, gradually opening her mouth to allow his cock to reach her throat. He felt his cock head hit the back of her throat. He gripped onto her neck pulling her to the ground. He took a sitting position over her face while gripping onto her neck all the while. Using enough force he made his way to her wind pipe. A visible bulge started from the top of her neck moving downwards as his pumps in her neck began. He was effectively prone boning her but from front. Once he saw her nipples were erect and her pussy was leaking juices he pulled it out from her mouth. Getting between her legs he rubbed his prick on her clitoris, making her even more aroused. She can't resist it. Why can't she have some fun if her colleagues can have it? She convinced herself that her husband would not mind it as he had not been interested in her body anyways for a long time.

Rock had been waiting for any visible resistance from her, but not recieving anything he saw her eyes getting hazy as she looked away. She had given him the permission to enter and he did it. He never knew that even someone as fierce as Helen can make a womanly face like that. "Please, Rick fuck me. Mhhhhh ahhhhhh. Do it." She encouraged the little boy to ram it all in. Even though her pussy was still not totally recovered, she can't care less at the moment. Nonetheless, Rick had seen the damage to her sex with his own eyes hence he kept the thrusts slow and steady. Dropping down in her chest, he bit in her erect nipples. Chewing on them one by one while his hands held her butt steady. He reached out and pulled her head down to give her a mouth to mouth kiss. Their tongues intertwined and played with each other. His cock was reaching well inside her open womb, it's ridges rubbing on her pussy walls to create a moment to bliss for her. On top of it the regular back and forth of his hips made his groin rub in her clit, intensifying the ecstasy. Within 20 minutes of pumping she ejected her juices but her arousal was not going to stop with this. She was happy that her little master too was aware of this and his pumping continued inside her slippery snatch.

He turned her on her side holding onto her long leg close to his chest she began fucking her, criss-crossing their legs. Helen's mind had already left this world, floating somewhere above the clouds. Even so her master was in no mood to let her rest. A familiar object made its way in her ass. She had been grabbing onto this weapon for a whole day now so how can she not recognise it. Her lovely spear was back in her hole where it belonged. But this time it was very different than usual. The penetration of the spear easily doubled the ecstasy she was feeling. Maybe because this time it was nit steady at all rather it was moving in and out of her asshole just like the big cock of her little master. "Ahhhhhh mhhhh keep going... Ahhh don't Stop.. yeahhhhhh.... Right there... Eeseeee.... Mhhhh... Ahhhhhhh" with a loud shout she came again. She was exhausted from multiple orgasms but Rick looked like he can go on for a whole day. He turned her around in a leap frog position with her head on the ground and took his favourite position with his cock and his spear exchanging holes with each other. His cock forced its way in her anal tract while he used the spear to get till the end of her uterus. Timing his approaching orgasm with Helen's he released more than half a kg of his seed in her guts.

Her whole body jerked and spasmed once she felt his release in her anal tracts, spurting her juices for the third and final time as she slumped to the ground in weariness. "Keep it all in my bitch. We can't waste even a single drop of it." She nodded and tightened her muscles to locked the cum in her bowels. Her calling her his bitch came naturally to her now. She enjoyed these name callings. It felt like he was really intimate to her and she wanted nothing else but to be his personal bitch. Both student and teacher slept into a peaceful sleep.