
We go to the best/crazy school ever.

Chapter Three We go to the best/crazy school ever

Rune's POV

Dad's eyes widened as I smirked," Since it's almost time to start school, I thought it would do you good to be a teacher while Annabeth stays at home. " Mom yelled," What?! He's too stupid to teach kids!" Dad lowered his head I said in warning," Mom."

Belle yelled," Don't talk to dad like that!" I said, my voice apathetic," I think it's best as punishment if he goes to school and you stay here mom." Mom yelled," You talked him into this?!" I nodded and then said," This will shorten the time you are grounded if you can show you can handle it."

" So get a good night sleep because tomorrow you become a teacher." Dad tried to talk," Rune -" " What?" He asked," Was this your idea?" I smirked," Yep." I went to my room without letting him say anything else.

It was morning now. I slowly got out of bed - still half asleep - and got dressed, going into the living room. I saw Belle eating breakfast," Where's dad?" Belle answered," With mom in their room."

I just looked at her," Eww. No, they just slept." I told her," Go wake up dad, it's about time for school. " She groaned before walking away. I fixed myself breakfast and then went to get my backpack.

A minute later Belle walked into my room She said," Ok. We are ready to go." I left for the car. Dad yelled," Belle get in the car!" I mocked him," Belle get in the car!" He glared at me as I just glared back.

Belle got in the car. When we got to school, I said to my father," You will be teaching us today, and only us." Dad asked," Teach what?" I sighed," Math. English, Science," Belle said," Are you sure dad will be able to teach all that?"

" If he wants to be ungrounded then he has to." Dad softly asked," Can I talk to you Rune?" I said," You are." He said," I mean alone and you know it Rune." I rolled my eyes," Belle?" She nodded.

Belle went into the school," Why did you do that Rune?" " I don't know, I guess I felt nice. I turned to walk into the school but I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Dad.

" Yes?" He sighed," I'm sorry." " For?" He said," For what I said back there. I didn't mean it." I huffed," Whatever." I went into the school," Let's learn." Dad came into the classroom a minute later.

Dad first started off with geography, which he was bad at. We were doing states and capitals. Dad said," Ok kids. what is the capital of Alabama?" " Uh. Montgomery. " Dad scowled and said in a duh tone," No, Rune it's not." I rolled my eyes.

" Belle do you know?" Belle just shook her head no but said," I think Rune's right though." " I've told you. Rune is wrong. I'm very disappointed in you two. The correct answer is Tokyo. "

I slammed my head on the desk. You got to be freaking kidding me! " Rune don't bang your head on the desk." I went to do it again but dad lifted my head," Stop trying to hurt yourself."

" Like you freaking care if I do or not! All you care about is if your precious daughter is ok while I could get killed and you could care less!" " Rune you know that's not true." I rolled my eyes," Is it really?"

I walked out and slammed the door. A few minutes later Belle came to me," You really hurt dad back there." " I don't care." Belle said," You do. You just won't admit it."

I didn't say anything. Belle sighed," Come on. It's still school hours." I sat there for a moment before nodding and standing up. I went into the classroom.

Dad stood there. Belle and I sat down in the seats. " Ok. Let's move on to another subject. We are going to do Math. " I gave dad the ' Are you serious' look. Dad just continued talking," What is 2 + 2?" I rolled my eyes yet again. Belle and I said at the same time," Easy four."

" Nope, it's five." I mumbled under my breath," Someone help us." Dad scowled," Rune keep your comments to yourself." " The answer is four." Dad chirped," No it's not. It's five." I admitted," Mom's right maybe you shouldn't teach."

" Rune, I am a good teacher." " Oh yeah? Then let's read a book and you can't read a book upside if you didn't​ know. " " I can read." I said," Prove it."

I handed him the book,' Percy Jackson and the lightning thief.' He said," I can't read this." I huffed and said," And why not?" He exclaimed," Because it's my journal." I uttered under my breath," Excuses. Excuses." Dad exhaled," Fine, I'll read the D -

I interrupted him," You better not be about to say a curse word or I'll call Coach Hedge. " " I wasn't about to cuss." Dad sat down in a chair and began to read.

When dad finished the book, he said," See that's my journal!" " Stop being so dramatic." Belle said," Do you wanna know a secret dad?" I straightened up. I was interested in this. Dad said," What is it?" Belle said," You probably don't want to know."

" Try me." Belle said quickly," Nico had a crush on you!" Oh, this just got real. " I knew that." " Yeah, didn't you read his journal?" Dad glared at me.

" Are you saying that you read my journal?" I spoke, Sarcastically," No, not at all." Dad said," Stop it with the sarcasm!" Belle admitted," Sarcasm is her sister." I let out a fake gasp," I thought I was your sister?"

Belle gave me an angry look," You know what I mean! Stop being so literal." I smirked and said," What's the fun in that?" " Ok, kids it's time to go home." " Finally! Im telling mom you wouldn't let us eat!"

" You can't do that!" I smirked," Watch me, sucker!" Belle dropped her books and said excitedly," Sucker?! Where?!" I glared at Belle," Forgot I can teleport daddy dearest?" " Let's just go home."

When we got home Belle and I both yelled at the top of our lungs," Mom!" Mom came down the stairs," Your back. What did your father teach you that was wrong?" " Dad told us that 2+2=5 and the capital of Alabama is Tokyo!"

Dad yelled," It's not five. It's fish!" " Which one is it?! Five?! Fish?! Four?! Beeb?!" Mom sighed," This is why your father shouldn't teach." " At least he tried even if he did do a bad job at it."

Dad yelled," I heard that young lady!" I yelled back," Good you were meant too!" I just hope mom doesn't judo flip dad again because of his stupidity and for the love of everything holy. Please, someone, teach him the capital of Alabama isn't Tokyo!

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