
A Monday

"Never thought I would fall for you..... but I did, I fell in love with you and realized I'm incomplete without You."

He folded the bloodstained letter and kept on his table. He was in deep thought. "What are you thinking Max?", said Alex.

"This case is puzzling me. On surface it looks that everything is fine but I feel that something is wrong somewhere and I can't figure out what is that."

"Max don't worry, I'm sure you will come up with something as usual."

"By as usual do you mean that I should check in with 'him' about this?"

"You should visit him once Max."

"I too think the same, Alex. Let me pay him a visit. Hope he will have some theory that we are lacking."

'ding dong- ding dong'

"Who is it?",asked a sleepy voice.

"It's me Max. Open up the door Sam. I need a small favour"

The brown door unlocked. A man was standing there in night dress. It seemed he was tired. "What do you want Alex? I'm busy right now."

"I need a small help about a case. Do you have five minutes to spare?"

"Come in and lock the door behind you."

Sam went inside.

Max locked the door and followed Sam. Max knew Sam's house. He entered inside the living room and sad on the sofa.

"What are you busy with Sam?"

"I was sleeping. You wake me up."

"You're so strange man! Sleeping till ten on a Monday morning! Don't your seniors shout on you?"

"I'm senior of my senior", said Sam arrogantly.

"What? I can't understand."

"Yesterday I helped solve another case and returned home at four in the morning. Do you still think my seniors are gonna poke me for sleeping late?"

"I see."

"Max, you wait up here. I need to have my coffee right now. I'm going to prepare it. Do you want some?"

"A little bit will be helpful for me."