
The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma

Skitta is a young boy who dreams of being the King of Sigmas! It’s not easy of course. He faces many obstacles along his journey.

bobskittle · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Shopping Spree With Corelle

June 17, year 306

It's 5:40 in the morning and Skitta is fast asleep. He shares a room with Fenn. They get a room because they graduated from Alpha Academy, which makes them eligible for a free room until the exams are over.

What's Skitta's papers look like:

He does have a picture.

His physical descriptions are stated below his pic.

He does not have a name, so it just says unnamed.(this was done by Bando)

It says Skitta's allergies, which he has none.

It also states Skitta has some kind of medical condition that causes him to lose memories as time passes.


Corelle sneaks into their room, she makes sure she makes no noise for she does not intend to wake Fenn up. She reaches Skitta's bed and sees that he's still sleeping. She then pats his shoulder multiple times.

"Skitto wake up! Skitto.. Skitto.. Skitto!" Corelle whispered.

Skitta slowly opens his eyes, "Corelle?.."

"Skitto, let's go!" She says as she grabs his wrist to get him to stand up.

"Alright, at least let me get changed!"

"Okay!" Corelle said as she showed no sign of leaving the room.

"Uhh- I kinda need you to leave first." Skitta said.

"Oh yeah!"

"I'll be out in like 3 minutes!" He said as he grabs her shoulders and walks her out the door and then closes it.

"Okay! I'll be waiting right here!"

Seven minutes pass and they finally go outside.

"So what are we doing right now?" Skitta asked.

"Like I said yesterday, your clothes are fucking ugly. Or do you like wearing that?!"

"Uhh.. I guess new clothes would be nice.." Skitta replied while awkwardly looking down.

"That's great to hear! Now follow me Skitto! We're getting you new clothes to add to your closet!" Corelle said with a smile.

"Thanks Corelle! That's so nice of you." Skitta said with a smile.

"It's almost 6 am Skitto… the shop is about to open.."

"R-right! Let's get going then!"

They arrive at the store (it's inside a mall) at 5:56 and they were greeted by one of the workers. Her name is Georgia.

"Hello!" Georgia said.

"Georgia!?! What are you doing here!? Did you get a new job?.. is everything okay financially..?"

"Everything is fine Corelle. I'm just covering for Chrys, he's sick right now…"

"Ah that makes sense. Anyways, this is Skitto! We came here to buy him some new clothes."

Georgia Slumbrs


Height: 5'9ft (175.26cm)

Weight: 133lbs (60.328kg)

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Dark Red

Sigma: None

Power Level: High Tier Based/Low tier Alpha

Based Power: Blooms of Regeneration, Fists of Rage

Rank: Sigma Doctor

Potential: C+

Georgia is one of the best healers in the whole world, because of her power the Sigma Village has a low death rate. She can also produce fire especially on her fists, obviously her flames aren't as powerful as Senjougi's but they can definitely do a bit of damage.

Blooms of regeneration, she uses blooming flowers made of pure sigma energy to heal herself and others. These flowers can easily close wounds, reattach fresh limbs, and can even repair eye damage. This power cannot heal any illnesses, it can only hurt injuries. This power drains a lot of sigma energy so Georgia can only heal at average 2-5 people per day if their injuries are serious. She can heal up to 20-30 people if all their injuries are minor. The process of healing can take minutes to several hours. She cannot bring back people back to life. And she obviously knows all that medical shit.

"Nice to meet you! As she said, my name is Skitto!" Skitta said.

"Nice to meet you Skitto, my name is Georgia. I hope everything has been well since you came."

"Ah yes, everything has gone well!"

"That's great to hear, well it's time to open up the shop."

"Skitto.. it's time."


"Let's head inside."


They enter the store, it is called "Sigma" that's it. Corelle tries to hide her excitement, Skitta looks around in awe.

"Alright Skitto, try these."

"You already found something!?!"

"Yeah, try it on!"

Corelle hands him a suit and a long sleeve dress shirt. Skitta goes to a dressing room to try them on.

Skitta finally comes out.

"Woah Skitto, that totally looks good on you!"

"Does it?"

The suit was made with polyester and viscose, it was 2 buttoned, side vented, notch lapel, slim fitted. It was red and black with a dragon pattern. The shirt was just black.

"I feel like the design is too extreme for my liking…" Skitta said with an awkward smile.

"Hmmm… Alright try this one!"

The suit was hot pink, one button, slim fit. The shirt was just white.


"Next!" Corelle shouted.

Third suit- Khaki Suit; Black shirt

"Sorry but.."

"Try this!"

Fourth Suit- Checkered Blazer with black, white, and red as the colors; White shirt.

"I don't-"

"Alright maybe this one!"

Fifth Suit- Purple; Black shirt.

"I actually like this-"




7 suits later, they've found it. The perfect suit. Georgia started helping them out when he was on his 8th suit.

It was a white tuxedo with black trim lapels, with a solid pattern. Made with polyester, spandex, and shi. Skitta also had a black vest with a dress shirt under.

"Oh this has to be the one!"

"Skitto", Corelle said. "We did it, we've finally found THE one."

"I does look pretty good Skitto, I agree with her this is THE one"


"Alright Skitto! Let's find you some pants to go with that!"

They found pants. Woah

From when they entered until now they have spent 1 hour in that store. They spend two more hours to find more clothes for Skitta's wardrobe. And finally they have paid, thanked Georgia for her service and they left.

"So Skitto, how was your first shopping spree in the Sigma Village?"

"It was awesome! Thanks Corelle, and thank you for the clothes as well!"

"It's no problem dude! Now your fits will look great especially since I helped you pick them."

Corelle takes a pause. "This reminds me of how me and Senjougi used to shop together. Hah!" Corelle said with a fake smile, then her lips started shaking.

(Sen-) Skitta takes a deep inhalation (Senjougi!! I completely forgot! Shit! How could I forget!)

Skitta then gets a flashback of her warning about the Mischevious Sigma. (Huh? How the hell did that happen?! I had no memory of her but then our conversation popped up out of nowhere!)


Super Duper Evil Lair:

Alexis had finally succeeded on taking over Senjougi's body.

"Ugh finally, I was super fucking bored!" Alexis (in Senjougi's body) then saw Snail TRD sleeping while sitting on a chair.

"Yo Snailly, wake up."

Snail TRD wakes up, "Is that you Alexis?"

"Yeah took three days but I did it! I was starting to worry I can't lie."

"That's great, so now what?" Snail TRD asks.

"Hehe.. Well it seems like I haven't completely taken over her body, she's still alive surprisingly."

"Also I can't really control the movement well, she's still fighting back, damn she's strong alright. Her body is special too."

Btw Alexis is talking with Senjougi's voice. His real voice is NOT coming out of those lips.

"So are you gonna attack the Sigma Village as well or…?"

"Nope, you can do whatever! I have something else going on!"

"Okay, sounds good."

"Snailly, you're th-th-e" Alexis starts sounding like a fucking idiot and then-

"Worst!" Senjougi said.

"Welcome back Miss." Snail TRD said.


(Senjougi, she's a real interesting one. Just how strong is she? Her body is special?! How? Honestly I don't even care right now.)


"Corelle, what time is it?"

"It's 9:14 am, why?"

"I need everyone in the team gathered up, I need to tell all of you something."


Thirty minutes later the whole team are gathered in some room where they won't be heard. AJ, Corelle, Gonta, Ethan, Haise, Boble, and Fenn are all in there with Abi listening with Ehtan's communication abilities.

"Everyone, first i'm gonna have to apologize for forgetting something so important, I'm sorry."

"Two weeks ago, I saw her severely injured in the middle of the Alpha woods, and like the idiot I am, I left her there. But her last words to me before I left were, "Beware of the Mischevious Sigma""

All eyes in the room widened in shock.

"T-the Mischievous Sigma!?" AJ exclaimed.

"The one who caused the previous war between the Based and the Sigmas?" Gonta added.

"And when I came back to the same spot, she was gone, maybe the Mischievous Sigma abducted her, but why would she be laying there?" Skitta said.

"I'm not sure who that person may be but they sound dangerous." Skitta said.

"H-he's extremely powerful, even though nobody even knows who he is." Corelle added.

"So what are we going to do!?" Ethan exclaimed.

"This 'Mischievous Sigma' the one who injured your friend, are we gonna make him our opponent or are we leaving your precious friend behind??" Skitta shouted.

"I say we do the first option!" Fenn said.

The rest of the group are all thinking hard, the Mischievous Sigma is not an easy opponent to face.

"Fuck! I choose first option too!" Corelle shouted.

"Yeah let's save Senjougi." AJ said.

The rest of the team seemed to agree as well.

"We should definitely tell the Sigma King and Ms. Cheeks about this."

"Where are they anyways?"



"Shut up" Cheeks said.

"Sorry it's just, I'm meeting an old friend! I get excited!"

"This friend of yours killed a shit ton of people dude." Cheeks added.

"Yeah.. I know."

The Sigma King and Cheeks are on their journey to find the one who started the joma pandemic, the one who caused despair throughout the whole world. They were on their way to end that despair and by doing that they had to kill BlackJoma.