
The temptation of billionaires

Wendy first met the billionaire Dirk at a party hosted by her boyfriend, Glenn. In order to retaliate against Glenn's unfaithfulness, Wendy had a one-night stand with Dirk, and their lives turned into a complex adult game, a high-risk gamble, where the boundaries of right and wrong became blurred, and no one emerged unscathed. However, beneath the surface of this adult game, there is a story of redemption. Dirk had secretly admired Wendy since childhood, and this article reveals how their relationship is fundamentally a mutual journey of redemption. Dirk is a product of arranged marriage by his parents, leading to a lack of love and indifference in his upbringing. It was Wendy's father who gave him a glimmer of paternal love, which initially sparked Dirk's interest in Wendy. Meanwhile, Wendy's life underwent a significant transformation during her high school years; her parents tragically passed away, leaving only her and her aunt. They became mutually dependent, shaping Wendy's character. This story unveils the passionate, complex, and ultimately redemptive journey of two souls intertwined by fate and environment, exploring themes of love, desire, and the pursuit of emotional healing.

DaoisteqzVGe · Urban
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45 Chs

You should take the chance

She concluded by ruthlessly kicking her foot onto Dirk's suit pants, leaving a wet stain, along with the aroma of the carefully selected bath oil.

She had beautiful feet, with red nail polish making them all the more enticing. Her feet and ankles had a captivating curve that he hadn't paid much attention to women's feet before, but he found himself particularly fond of hers.

Wendy felt her ankle being pulled, and then her body slid down, as Dirk had simply yanked her from one end of the couch to the other.

She widened her eyes but was afraid of disturbing her face mask, fearing that improper skincare would cause more wrinkles.

However, Dirk paid no attention to her surprised expression. He picked up the ointment from the table, applied some to his hands, and began to massage her with just the right amount of pressure.

Wendy looked at his profile and couldn't help but feel like she had wronged him in some way.

She would have preferred it if he had just yelled at her and called her all sorts of names. It would be better than him silently tending to her injuries.

With nothing else to do, she decided to turn on the projector, and soon the large screen in the living room displayed the show she had been watching earlier.

Dirk's large hand massaged her ankle with just the right pressure, and before she knew it, Wendy felt a bit drowsy, her eyelids drooping as she hugged a pillow.

By the time she woke up, things had taken a different turn, and she couldn't even remember how Dirk had thoroughly ravished her on the couch.

Wendy only remember that when it came to the critical moment, his sweat was dripping onto his own skin. At that crucial moment, he even forced himself to utter words he was usually too embarrassed to say, yelling until his throat was hoarse, and his back was nearly breaking, before finally pausing.

The hazy, yellowish evening sunlight streamed through the window, casting her in a radiant glow, like a maiden in a Western painting. Even the fine hairs on her fair skin seemed to shimmer with a layer of golden light. Her eyes were dreamy, and her breathing slightly uneven, making her appear lethargic.

Dirk covered her with a blanket before getting up to tidy up the mess. He poured a glass of water in the kitchen for her.

Wendy took a sip from his hand and then pushed it away, finding his touch displeasing.

Dirk sighed, "Such a delicate flower."

Wendy didn't even bother to lift her eyelids; she just wanted to rest. She didn't care about what Dirk was going to do. Only when a hot and fragrant bowl of noodles was placed in front of her did she sit up in surprise. "You made this?"

Dirk had wanted to respond, but his gaze fell on her exposed skin, making his eyes deepen a bit.

Wendy quickly pulled her robe tighter and prepared to go take a shower.

"No following," Wendy cautioned defensively. She was truly hungry, and if he joined her in the shower, would there be any noodles left to eat?

She showered quickly this time, as her hair had mostly dried during the recent interlude.

When she came out, Dirk was sitting in the dining area, his coat hanging by the door, shirt sleeves rolled up to his forearms, and he had made a cup of coffee for himself. Wendy recognized it as the instant coffee she had purchased.

"Can you drink this?" 

Wendy thought someone like him would only drink hand-ground coffee.

Dirk handed her the glass of water from the table as he listened to her slightly hoarse voice. "Moisten your throat."

Wendy choked a bit, blushing as she began to eat her noodles.  Then, she raised an eyebrow, even though it was a bit clumpy, the taste was good.

"You can make noodles too?"

"Yep," Dirk returned to his laconic manner.

Wendy didn't expect this man to say any comforting words to her. Apart from when they were in bed, or about to go to bed, this man was like a block of wood.

She quickly finished the noodles Dirk had made and, thinking about washing the dishes, she found that Dirk had already cleared them away.  Wendy leaned against the kitchen door, watching him without moving.

"Do you want to say something?"  Dirk asked.

"I was thinking, if I sneak a picture of you doing the dishes in the kitchen and sell it to gossip magazines, how much money could I make?"

"Trust me, Take sexy photos in the bedroom will earn you more than the ones of me doing dishes."

Wendy rolled her eyes and turned to her bedroom to change into her yoga outfit.  After dinner, she planned to do some exercise.  Today, she didn't feel like going for a run outside, so she would have to do some home workouts.

Dirk hadn't left yet and was still reading documents on the sofa.  Wendy glanced over;  those documents were probably Dirk's.

During this time, his phone never stopped ringing, but Wendy didn't disturb him.

When it was time, Wendy took out her notebook and began her online class.  She didn't go to the dining table but sat cross-legged at the coffee table with her tablet.  She tied her long hair up, her flexible body showing a stretch as she focused on the teacher's words.

"Are you learning French?"  Dirk overheard her content and asked.


Wendy expected him to make some sarcastic remarks about the usefulness of her studies, but he clearly had no such intention. He took her notebook and answered a few questions she had left behind.

Wendy wasn't surprised that Dirk knew French, but she had assumed his spoken language skills were good, as he was the heir to the Dirk's family Group and had to know several languages as a basic requirement. However, she didn't expect his written language skills to be as strong.

"Besides learning this, I see you've studied other things?" Dirk pointed at the large bookshelf behind her sofa.

Wendy spent most of her time studying, nodded and looked at the screen. She pushed up her glasses, which had been perched on her nose due to her studies. "I have to keep improving myself. You know, in big corporations like this, there are so many talented people. My qualifications aren't even the highest, just passable. When you join a company like ours straight out of college, just ask around, everyone has connections or impressive backgrounds. If I settle for where I am and don't strive, I won't achieve the kind of life I want."

Dirk said, "You can't get far with just this kind of learning. I'll have Roan send you some materials tomorrow and set up a contact for you..."

Wendy looked at him, pursing her lips. "Materials are fine, but..."

She didn't finish her sentence, but her intention to distance herself was clear. Dirk gazed at her. "You're a clever person. You know that when an opportunity is right in front of you, you should seize it. What you want, you can get from me. You can save yourself a lifetime of struggle."

Not just a lifetime, perhaps even ten lifetimes would be enough if she played her cards right. If she had a child with Dirk, whether it was a boy or a girl, she could enjoy a life of luxury for the rest of her life, no more worries about money. She knew this opportunity was a one-time deal. Nobody could offer her better conditions than Dirk. When she sent that message on a whim, she knew she had chosen a man whom Glen could never surpass, and that would be the biggest blow to his ego.

But she hadn't anticipated that her relationship with Dirk would develop to the point it had reached today.