
The temptation of billionaires

Wendy first met the billionaire Dirk at a party hosted by her boyfriend, Glenn. In order to retaliate against Glenn's unfaithfulness, Wendy had a one-night stand with Dirk, and their lives turned into a complex adult game, a high-risk gamble, where the boundaries of right and wrong became blurred, and no one emerged unscathed. However, beneath the surface of this adult game, there is a story of redemption. Dirk had secretly admired Wendy since childhood, and this article reveals how their relationship is fundamentally a mutual journey of redemption. Dirk is a product of arranged marriage by his parents, leading to a lack of love and indifference in his upbringing. It was Wendy's father who gave him a glimmer of paternal love, which initially sparked Dirk's interest in Wendy. Meanwhile, Wendy's life underwent a significant transformation during her high school years; her parents tragically passed away, leaving only her and her aunt. They became mutually dependent, shaping Wendy's character. This story unveils the passionate, complex, and ultimately redemptive journey of two souls intertwined by fate and environment, exploring themes of love, desire, and the pursuit of emotional healing.

DaoisteqzVGe · Urban
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45 Chs

I was actually complimenting you

Wendy hadn't played much tennis since her college graduation.    She hadn't had the time, and she preferred running.    Tennis required finding a partner, and she didn't have the leisure to coordinate schedules with anyone.

It had been years since she last played.

Hans patted her shoulder.    "Don't worry, I'm pretty good at this."

Wendy was indeed a bit nervous, mainly afraid of making a fool of herself.

However, to her surprise, when they started playing, she and Hans cooperated quite well and had good chemistry.  Hans noticed that despite Wendy's slender appearance, she had explosive power.  During a halftime break, he struck up a conversation with her, "You work out regularly, don't you?"


With her daily routine, it was essential to maintain her physique.  She put her all into whatever she did, and running was a form of enjoyment for her, providing her with some personal time.

"It's not easy.  I can't stand going to the gym every day, but I do it to impress the ladies," Hans candidly stated his reason for working out.

Wendy found it quite easy to interact with him.

Colin's side, on the other hand, was suffering a bit because Sally was lagging behind, and Hans was quite cunning, always seizing opportunities to score against her.  Even though Colin was skilled, he couldn't effectively balance between Sally and his side.  Nevertheless, it was all meant for entertainment, and as long as the four of them were having fun, that was what mattered.

No one paid much attention to the atmosphere on the neighboring court.

Jefferson and Dirk engaged in a fierce match with their opponents almost as soon as they picked up their rackets. , both men maintaining stoic expressions. The practice partner on Jefferson's side took the game seriously, but Sophia wasn't there to play tennis; she was just fixated on Dirk.

Colin knew how to keep his girlfriend happy and didn't pay any attention to Sophia, while Dirk had ignored her from start to finish.

When the "princess behavior" kicked in, Sophia missed a ball Jefferson had hit toward her, and she noticed Dirk's indifferent gaze.  She couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I need a break."

Naturally, Jefferson didn't say much.  He had no patience for pampering a demanding woman and began practicing one-on-one with the other practice partner.

Dirk paid no attention to Sophia, took a water bottle, and his gaze remained fixed on Wendy.

His Adam's apple bobbed slightly as his gaze remained fixed.  Sophia was staring at him intensely, and then she followed his line of sight, looking at Wendy, who had just returned to the court with Hans.

Sophia admitted that, as a woman, her initial reaction to seeing Wendy was one of amazement, and it was no surprise that these men were captivated by her.  However, it didn't mean she would like Wendy.

What she found most intolerable was someone like Dirk.  When his eyes had been empty and void of recognition, she could convince herself that it was just his personality.  However, when she discovered there was someone who was particularly special to him, that uniqueness would cut deep, leaving her feeling uncomfortable and hurt.

"Hey, come practice with me," Sophia directly signaled for a practice partner and went onto the court, right beside Wendy's.

They were fully immersed in their game and didn't have time to pay attention to Sophia's side.

As Wendy continued to play, she got into her groove.  Coupled with her form-fitting attire that accentuated her figure without revealing too much skin, her long hair followed the arc of her movements in the air.  Many people had already cast their gazes her way.

Hans felt a growing rapport with Wendy, planning how to get under Colin's skin when suddenly, a tennis ball flew from the adjacent court.  It skimmed Hans's nose and headed straight for Wendy's face.

"Watch out!"  Hans hadn't reacted yet, but Dirk stood up and yelled.

Unfortunately, it was too late.  Wendy felt like she'd been punched in the chest, causing her to drop her racket.  Her face contorted in pain as she looked up at the one who had caused the accident.

Sophia stood in place, covering her mouth, feigning innocence.  "I'm sorry, did I hit you?  Are you okay?"

Wendy was in pain and couldn't speak for a moment, taking a sharp breath.  Sally screamed and rushed over, asking, "Are you okay?"

Colin's face darkened as he stared at Sophia.  "Are you blind?  If you can't play tennis, why are you messing around on the court?"

Sophia had never been scolded like this, whether at home or in public.  Additionally, it was Colin, and she was not pleased.  She retorted, "I didn't do it on purpose, and besides, accidents can happen in sports.  If necessary, I can cover the medical expenses."

From the moment Wendy saw Sophia's expression, she knew it was deliberate.

Sally wanted to help her up but didn't dare to move, and Hans didn't feel right pulling Wendy up.  When Dirk pushed his way through the crowd, Wendy's face had already begun to swell.

Jefferson glanced at that side with a hint of disdain, and it was clear in his eyes that only a fool like Sophia would think this would win over Dirk.

"Does it hurt?"  Dirk crouched down, his tone slightly urgent, although it was evident that he had lowered his voice.

Hans witnessed Dirk like this for the first time and exchanged a look with Colin.  Colin had no interest in Hans's playful gestures, as he was annoyed that someone had disrupted his game.

Wendy gradually eased her pain and shook her head, "It's okay."

That first hit was indeed quite painful, especially in such an awkward spot.  To be honest, it was hard not to get angry, but Sophia kept emphasizing that it wasn't intentional.  If Wendy got too worked up, she'd be seen as making a fuss over nothing.  To be honest, she sometimes admired these people's thick skin.  They could target someone and then pretend to be innocent.

Sophia's behavior wasn't meant to make Dirk care about Wendy.  She quickly approached Wendy, apologizing while still holding onto Dirk's clothes and swaying slightly as she spoke.  Wendy rolled her eyes internally, but unfortunately, Sophia's brain hadn't caught up with her scheming.

"I'm not mad.  I actually think Miss Sophia has pretty good precision in her shots, and her strength is quite sufficient."  Wendy stood up, and after finishing that sentence, Sophia finally realized what Wendy meant.  "What do you mean?  I already said it wasn't on purpose."

"I was actually complimenting you,"

Wendy smiled and told Hans, "Don't let my situation interrupt the game. Please continue." She preferred to play tennis rather than watch this drama unfold.

Seeing Dirk's mood, Hans certainly didn't want to continue playing with Wendy. After sharing a glance with Colin, he exaggeratedly clutched his leg and said, "I'm getting old; I need to take it easy. Dirk, do you mind playing with Wendy?"

Wendy pushed her loose strands of hair behind her ear and smiled at Dirk, "Mr. Dirk, you seem quite busy. It might not be appropriate."

Hans was the type to enjoy the spectacle, "Jefferson, play on my behalf."