
The temptation of billionaires

Wendy first met the billionaire Dirk at a party hosted by her boyfriend, Glenn. In order to retaliate against Glenn's unfaithfulness, Wendy had a one-night stand with Dirk, and their lives turned into a complex adult game, a high-risk gamble, where the boundaries of right and wrong became blurred, and no one emerged unscathed. However, beneath the surface of this adult game, there is a story of redemption. Dirk had secretly admired Wendy since childhood, and this article reveals how their relationship is fundamentally a mutual journey of redemption. Dirk is a product of arranged marriage by his parents, leading to a lack of love and indifference in his upbringing. It was Wendy's father who gave him a glimmer of paternal love, which initially sparked Dirk's interest in Wendy. Meanwhile, Wendy's life underwent a significant transformation during her high school years; her parents tragically passed away, leaving only her and her aunt. They became mutually dependent, shaping Wendy's character. This story unveils the passionate, complex, and ultimately redemptive journey of two souls intertwined by fate and environment, exploring themes of love, desire, and the pursuit of emotional healing.

DaoisteqzVGe · Urban
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45 Chs

How many people has Vanessa messed with?

On Friday afternoon, Wendy had just left Simona's office when she saw Mandy ordering another cup of coffee and greeted Wendy with a dejected expression.

"Take it easy.   If you drink so much, how will you ever fall asleep tonight?"

Mandy rolled her eyes dramatically and replied, "I don't want to, but it's the end of the month again."

"Ugh, we're like donkeys on a production team, no time to catch our breath.   I dream of being Dirk all the time."

"Speaking of which, Dirk's group is in the financial news again, saying that their business empire has expanded once more, and they've secured some development project."

"Is it in the medical sector?"

"Yes, it is."

Wendy lowered her gaze, casually picked up her phone, and as soon as she opened a webpage, she saw Dirk's face.   Financial news reporters typically lacked photography skills, but there was nothing wrong with Dirk's candid photo.   He stood in front of a group of well-dressed middle-aged men, wearing a dignified smile.

During this half-month, the hottest topic at Future Group had been the Glen family's case.   Wendy had also been interviewed by the police, with a lawyer arranged by Roan accompanying her, so she hadn't come into contact with Glen's mother..

Now, her colleagues' tone had changed to one of sympathy for Wendy.

"It's a good thing you broke up with Glen, getting rid of that scumbag early.   Otherwise, you'd be in trouble."


They spoke while watching Wendy's reaction, hoping to get some feedback from her, feeding their curiosity.

However, Wendy's responses consistently disappointed them.   She clearly wasn't enthusiastic about any of Glen's affairs.

In the meantime, Simona had been taking Wendy with her everywhere, making it clear that she intended to promote her. Henry, the manager, had also been reassigned, and it was likely that the department head position would fall on Wendy. Everyone refrained from discussing this openly in her presence.

Now that Simona had left, they all reported to Wendy.

Wendy remained calm about the situation. Until everything was confirmed, it was all just speculation.

With that in mind, she closed the news webpage and reminded herself that Dirk was just a fleeting episode in her life; she needed to focus on her own path.

Just as Wendy was about to open some documents, Mandy suddenly stood up and shouted, "Quick, check the forum, hurry!"

Her outburst got the attention of everyone else who had been slacking off in the office.

"Oh my goodness, this is too juicy!"

Wendy opened the forum and saw pictures of Vanessa with various men thrown outside a hotel entrance, like flyers being distributed. They had also been shared online by someone with an agenda.

Wendy's heart skipped a beat. She had waited for so long, thinking that Nydia had once again chosen to endure in silence. Whether or not it was Nydia's doing, Vanessa was in big trouble this time.

"Hey, what are you all doing here? Go check the first floor. There's a fight!"

Someone burst into the office to inform them, and Mandy grabbed Wendy as they rushed to see what was happening.

The administrative offices were on the second floor for easy supervision, and from the atrium, they could see the situation in the lobby on the first floor.

When Vanessa, dressed in high-end brands, returned to the company's entrance, she was immediately grabbed by a group of people who had been waiting for her. They began assaulting her, the slaps sounding like a string of firecrackers. Vanessa's screams pierced everyone's eardrums.

When Simona heard the commotion and came out, the security personnel had already intervened, separating the brawlers.    Vanessa, battered and unable to move, lay on the ground in an embarrassing state.

"Why are you blocking us?    Get the person in charge out here.    I want to ask, what is Future Group planning with its female employees?    Are they here to seduce clients' husbands?    To ruin other people's families!?"

"Isn't that Mrs. Quintina?"

"Which Quintina, though?"

"Last August, didn't Quintina's husband from EverStone Building Supplies, Inc Materials book a business event in our hotel?    Quintina was also there.    I was the one who handled it."

"How many people has she messed with?    Isn't that Mrs. Amy from Lite Pharmaceutical Factory?"

Mandy no longer needed coffee to keep her alert.    Is there anything more invigorating than gossip?

Vanessa, being under the jurisdiction of the administrative department, was Simona's responsibility.    After several clients's wives were brought in, the henchmen they had brought along also arrived in the reception area.    Mandy voluntarily fetched fruit and refreshments to serve them.

When Vanessa was brought to Simona's office, they could still hear the loud curses from inside along with Vanessa's crying.

Many people from other departments rushed to the administrative offices to inquire about the situation.

Mandy shook her head at Wendy and said, "She's done for this time."

Causing such a scandal, and for Future Group to tolerate it, would be highly unlikely.

No one knew what Simona said inside, but when she came out, the several clients's wives showed little emotion but maintained their firm stance.

"Manager Simona, we don't want to blow this out of proportion, but Future Group also has to take responsibility for this."

"Don't worry;    we will provide you with a satisfactory response," Simona said and then glanced at Wendy before entering her office.    Vanessa's crying became even louder afterward.

"It must be someone targeting me.    I really didn't do anything."

"Nothing?    Are you sure about that?"

Simona didn't want to be too harsh in her words.

Vanessa's crying gradually subsided.    "But I did it for the business."

Simona took a deep breath.    "Even if it weren't for this matter, I've already had the HR department handle your resignation letter.    The reason I called you back today is because of your actions on the forum, ignoring the company's rules and spreading false information about your colleagues.    That alone is unacceptable."

Vanessa was shocked, and then it dawned on her that her scheme to frame Wendy had been exposed.

Simona had wanted to let her go for a while, and now the opportunity was right in front of her.    She wasn't about to let it slip by.

When Vanessa came out of the office, looking disheveled, her colleagues quickly returned to their work.

Without paying attention to anyone else, Vanessa walked directly towards Wendy and said, "I know it's you.    You can deny it all you want!"

Wendy looked at Vanessa swollen eyes and smiled, saying, "I don't know what you're talking about.    If you don't want others to know what you've done, don't do it in the first place."

It was quite amusing.    Vanessa expected to spread rumors about Wendy l based on a few photos but couldn't handle a taste of her own medicine?    In this world, there was no logic that allowed Vanessa to be immune from retaliation.

And if it weren't for Wendy reporting to the police, today she would be the one suffering from behind-the-scenes manipulation and hearing all kinds of nasty comments.    Why would Wendy spare her for the next time she retaliated?    Blame her own dirty tactics.

Wendy didn't have "easy target" written on her forehead.    Did Vanessa think Wendy was a clay Buddha, easy to bully once, so she could be bullied a second time?