
The Temporary Gift : Only the living get to experience death.

No man died unless he lived, and life is nothing but a temporary gift. Vita, a man who is obsessed with survival understands this better than everyone else, but how much is he willing to go in hopes of maintaining his life. He will make physics from the ground up to make the world building better, he will learn slowly how to go through this world. Yes there is maths, sorry for that, but you can always skip those parts. The story follows a weird way of narration going from 3rd pov to 1st pov in hopes of mixing and crafting unique story that goes into length about the struggles of Vita.

MHK_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Spiritual Physics

I came back to where the ruby was and tried to change its shape by squeezing for a prolonged period. It worked. Although it took me more than half an hour to an unnoticeable change of less than a millimeter. After that, I tried to make one side very sharp so I could make a knife and see if I could cut through the shirt.

I started working on that but it was way harder than I thought. After all, there was no stone nearby to use as a sharpener. Then, I did what any sane human would do: make a new branch of physics from the ground to facilitate the sharpening process.

I knew that the physics in this realm were wiggly but surely enough there had to be spiritual laws, and what I need now is to try and deduce them by running experiments using the only two- sorry I mean three items I have: my clothes, the ruby, and my body.

I tried to lightly hit my hand with the ruby but I didn't feel any pain. I increased the power of the hit with each blow until it started to slightly hurt when I did it with all my might. I guess spirits do feel pain but on a way lesser scale.

Is that why the dark figure didn't feel anything and was fast enough to make it look like teleportation?

That would also mean that there is a way to interact with humans in the material world. Phew, so there is hope huh?

I continued with my experiments by wrapping my arm up with 50m worth of the shirt but my hands didn't get blue, that's to be expected as I have no blood in my body. When I increased it to 100m for 3 seconds it felt the same as that hit by the ruby but still no blue arm.

I guess only pain can be sensed but not because of blood.

At 200m for 3 seconds, it felt 4 times as hard as that hit. At 250m, it felt 8 times as hard. I didn't wanna try to increase it more fearing my had getting cut off.

Wait, how do I know the length of the shirt? And how do I accurately measure the pain as if I were a measuring scale? I used that information so naturally. I guess that's another perk of being a spirit. 

I saw the width of the shirt and I naturally knew it was about 50cm long. Nice.

Since I had no references to how physics worked here, I had to create units to make the process easier.

Let's assume that the force I'm generating when I'm hitting the ruby as hard as I can to my body is 1 Kilo Hay-new unit-, 1 KH for abbreviation. 

I passed the night making equations using three variables: the lateral surface of the object-SL-, the surface of the shirt used -n-, and a coefficient of tissue -Ct- that I didn't use as there was only one tissue. 

After 3 hours of writing down potential equations and trying them out, I finally found an equation that worked for the scale I was hoping to use it for. Sure it's not perfect but it's a start. 

The equation was: (SL/100π)^^((n-50)/50). 

It worked, I could accurately predict how much pain I would feel during 3 seconds using any given surface of the shirt I used. This is basically my way of saying the force exerted by the shirt on a surface for 3 seconds.

I didn't have enough time to make an equation using time as a variable too, and honestly, I don't need to as I can make an unlimited surface of this shirt by stretching it. So using 3 seconds as the set time for this equation was good enough for me.

I tried then to see if it would work on my thighs and my waist. It worked. Hell yeah! It seemed silly that I would have fun in this infuriating situation, but I needed the small ones as they are what makes a man dream of more.

I went back home, entered through the window, and saw that my parents had fallen asleep hugging each other, they looked like they spent the whole evening crying, I went to my bedroom to try to sleep.

I had so much fun writing this chapter and it took me the longest as I actually tried to make the equation after writing down a set of information and using it as a reference.

It took me about 1 hour and 15 minutes to make it, and the chapter didn't take more than an hour and a half to write, hope you had fun, and feel free to skip the mathematical parts if you aren't into it.

Comment to motivate me because I really need it and thanks for reading !!

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