
The Temple of Sacrifice

Her name is Liliyan, she is moderate girl but her parents are opposite than her . Parents wanted to sacrifice her but she try to captivated from the Temple .

Shaplasadi · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Episode 4:

Lilian's childhood.

 Since childhood, Lilian was a child with a different nature.

 She was a very curious to knowing about everything.

 She thought about nature, about human existence , about the meaning of life and death and many more . She got a philosophical mind by born .

Gaadh societies has differen culture and traditions but Lilian tried to understand everything in her own way since she was a little girl .

 Ever since Lillian came to her senses, she realized that she had been born into a stupid and superstitious environment.

 The people of this society she knows them are blindly believe in anything and try hard to keep those beliefs by their hearts.

 It is very difficult for any sane person to accept the vile activities that happen in the temples of their cities in the name of religion.

 Lillian is a rational and realistic teenager at the same time. She has acquired the knowledge of reality from her grandmother .

So she has learned to judge everything by the yardstick of logic.

It has been almost six months since Lilian's grandmother passed away. If she had, Lilian would not have been in this situation today.

Her father and mother did not have the courage to bring her to this temple.

 Lillian doesn't like anhthing about her family and the townspeople's religion and their reforms.

 Lillian's thinking is completely different from her father and mother's thinking.

Lilian was the only child of her parents, her mother was also a priestess of this temple .

Lilian's father married Lilian's mother after purchasing by six gold coins and three silver coins from the temple worshippers.

 Lilian's father was a rich man before marriage, but after marrying Lilian's mother, his wealth gradually decreased.

Lillian was born ten years after their marriage.

 Before Lillian was born, she had a brother.

 Because her brother was born in the month of Abib, the god Baal's purpose is to sacrifice a 9-day-old baby ,this is the custom of this Gaadh city .

 Lilian's father and mother are now living in a very poor condition. Their children are less so their income is less.

 Lilian's parents can spend the rest of their lives standing on their feet if they can make their daughter a prophetess.

In this thought, they have hope in their chest. If they had more daughters, they could have made them prophetess of this temple and would have become very rich .

but Lilian's parents do not have such happiness written on their luck, so they have only one daughter.

And she is very arrogant to them .