
The Tempest Familia [DanmachiXTensura]

Rimuru having some fun in the Danmachi Universe or better said the City of Orario. Helping out the Hestia Familia which will finally become one of the greatest under the name Tempest Familia.

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5 Chs

Trust Issues

"It seems like you adjusted just well overnight, seeing that you already gave them simply jobs that Bell would make normally, just like going shopping" Hestia said sitting in front of me her sharp eyes focused on me

"It seems like you still don't trust us that much" I said, taking a sip from the tea that my wife just gave me "Thank you Luminous, but shouldn't you be on the way with Testarossa?" I asked smiling

"Fufu no worries Dear, I'm on my way now" Luminous said and left the room

"Anyways where did I stop… ah yes … ehem.. it would be normal for you to not trust us anyways but your stare makes me a bit uncomfortable you know" I said awkward

"Is it true what Bell told me? You saved him from that flat chested redhead goddess of Loki, that shithead I should prepare some flat chest jokes for the next Denatus.." Hestia said more speaking to herself than me.

"Ah well Diablo punched him once for ruining our food so I guess yeah we did stop that airhead from speaking ill towards Bell" I said

"Thanks for that" Hestia said suddenly, completely serious. Her attitude sure makes a lot of 180's over and over again. She even bowed down shortly but as she then looked up at me "What's with that Mask of yours? And the Falnea's of you guys?"

'Guess that are the main points of her suspicion huh?' I thought

"I feel more comfortable wearing a mask, it hides me well as well as my powers" I simply said and then added "I am sorry for those Falnea's but I have a Skill that blocks any analyzing Skills in an instant guess it worked for those too"

"Hmm I guess so… that could be quite the problem if someone sees it. I think the Adventurer Guild even want to see it when you register as someone from an Familia" Hestia said worried

"No worries my Partner will change that immediately. It'll show an Level of let's say 4/5 for us" I said waving my hand as it would be no problem at all

"Eh? Partner?" Hestia asked

"Ah right, well guess it's time to introduce you Ciel" I said

In that moment a Clone was created and Ciel possessed it as usually after all you could say it's her second home besides my body. She was a bit shorter than me but looked exactly the same.

"That's right danna-sama" Ciel said as she opened her eyes "My name is Ciel and I am a Manas though I don't expect you to know what it is Goddess Hestia"

"T-t-two Rimuru's!" Hestia exclaimed as her soul faded slowly out of her body. Was it abnormal to create something like a clone in this world? I don't think so.

After a few seconds Hestia calmed down "Sorry Rimuru, I lost it there for a moment. I should have expected it from another God to have some skills at least. Though you have a lot of different Skills"

"Ah well I'm not limited to a certain type like you God's from this World" I said

"Another World? Haaa.. seriously will I be able to sleep with you guys around?" Hestia asked and then stood up "Anyways I need to go visit Hephaestus now"

'Wait if it's Hephaestus.. isn't that..' I stood up "Wait Hestia do you mean with Hephaestus the Smith God?" I asked

"Eh.. sure? Besides it's Goddess and not God. I wanted to ask her for an favor to build Bell a good weapon" Hestia asked

"Favor?" I asked

"Yes" she answered

"You mean a Favor like being in favor of a person?" I asked

"Yes.." she answered confused

"Like a favor favor… owing her something?" I asked

"Heheheee…. yes?" Hestia answered sweating a little under my sudden pressure

Testarossa POV

"You've been quiet since we arrived here only saying something when you need too, is there something we should talk about?" Luminous asked as we were walking through the streets

I looked at the Vampire which is one of my Lord wives. First I wasn't accepting it after all my Lord deserved more than this. She was a rather low being for him, even I could kill her but the times have long changed.

"I dare not to say anything offensive towards my Lord's vacation after all I came uninvited. At the same time I don't want to ruin it" I said looking carefully at the humans even when they don't deserve to be looked at by me.. such ants as weak as a branch.

"Hmm? But is it really about this trip to another World? Not more towards one of his Wifes?" Luminous asked, smiling as if she knew what I was thinking in the past. It sure caught me off guard and I lost my calm face a second there

"Don't know what to say? Well I am certainly not as dumb as you might think. I have long known that you don't like me" Luminous said

"That was a long time ago" I said short, it was the truth after all even someone like her evolved and trained more on my Lord's side. She even was allowed to use [Turn Null] something I wasn't able to touch yet as he only allows it for his wife.

Even without that dangerous energy I am sure she would have the skills and strength to beat me in a 1vs1.

"Are you sure?" She asked pressing her finger in my wound

'I should keep silent. Don't say anything' I thought after all my Lord wouldn't like us to fight

"We should look for the stores we need to buy stuff from" I said walking a bit faster

"Well guess you are fine then if you hear something at night hehe…" Luminous said and added "After all we get loud and I can have him all for-"

"He is also mine!" I shouted suddenly losing my cool, I wasn't looking at her face I couldn't. I knew I shouldn't let out my anger on her, she was not the reason for my feelings.

I calmed down after a few seconds 'why isn't she answering? Is she so angry about it?' I thought and opened my eyes looking at her, I was awaiting an angry face but what I saw was a kind smiling luminous as if that was what she wanted.

"What, why aren't you angry.. why-" I said but was interrupted

"Hahah look at these bitches! Arguing about one dude at such in such a dark passage"

"Fufufufu did she plan to murder her here?"

"Kuhahah what idiots boss!"

"What should we do with them.. how about helping them to forget that guy and let them remember us hee?"

"Good Idea Boss!"

"Great Boss!"

Luminous just sighed and didn't even pay attention to them, but what were they saying… there is no way I can calm down and ignore it.

"Y-you.." I said in a low tone

"Look at that bitch she is already frightened!"

"What did you say slut? Your useless mouth is too small, will my thing even fit in there?"

"Haha way to go Boss!"

"You.. You are dead" I said

"Oi Boss I think she said that you are dead hahah!"

"As if such a Slut co-"

I rushed towards the one they call Boss taking out my hidden weapons. Since my Lord has been teaching me to handle knives, I got a Skill that allows me to master all sorts of knives. Since then I've been using them.. it was a long way to master them and reach the level of an Ultimate skill.

Why do I use knives? I can add my [Death Magic] , a special sort of Magic that only some demons are capable of using, with the help of the knives I can fire more precise projectiles as just magic.

Anyways that scum wasn't worth using my Magic for, he couldn't even react when I sliced open all his arteries in places where they are big. What followed was a fast yet painful death as he was losing too much blood.

Blood splattered all over me and the walls, it was now painted in a beautiful red. I could hear the screams of the others. Seems like they pissed themselves seeing me who now stood on top of a corpse.

I stepped down from the corpse into the pile of blood he left behind "Tsk.. not even after his death he can keep himself clean, such filthy humans like you don't deserve to live" I said

I could see one trying to run away but he was stopped by Luminous as she teleported in front of him "Ara Ara~ what a dirty dog, pissing himself? Are you a baby or what?"

As we finished there was nothing more than a bloodbath, a sideway painted in red and a few corpses that happened to have caught fire. It was good to relieve my stress a bit and Luminous used magic to clean our clothes.

"I knew that you had feelings for Rimuru, you think that he ignores you, right? But dear he is just not ready yet. He comes from a world where having multiple women is seen as a bad thing. Seriously he could be a bit more true to himself" Luminous said and let out a sigh

I couldn't hide my smile and was embarrassed "L-let us finally go and buy what we are here for" I said walking forward.

"Well then, I am happy that that's settled with us" Luminous said walking behind me

"Indeed" I said and thought if I should ask what really was making me wonder about this Vacation and the 'unfamiliar' world because it seems like she is way too familiar with these things as well as this City.

'Well I should wait for a better timing to ask her that' I decided not wanting to confront her

Bell POV

"Ouch!" I said as I once again lost the dagger, why? Just why do I keep dropping it! How is she so strong?

"Seriously Bell I am surprised you survived till this day! How could you go into a Dungeon while not even having a proper footstep or any technique at all" Chloe the woman who is teaching me said with a troubled face

"S-Sorry Sensei!" I said

"Haa anyways Bell, keep looking at me and my moves. Try to remember my footwork and you might be able to get a proper swordsmanship with your knife" Chloe said

As she said that she was moving fast, I could only barely follow her footstep. I was concentrating as much as I could but it was all in no vain. There was no hope for me…

"Don't feel sad Bell, I'll make you an excellent fighter with those daggers of yours. Let#s train hard together!"

"Hai Sensei!" I said, motivated. I really hope that she tags along with me when I go inside the dungeon next time …

'I look forward to the future!' I thought happy, after all this hard training should show a few fruits soon, right?