

A very compelling and suspenseful novel about, a young boy named Lucas who lost his parents of the age of six. and taken into a foster home. a foster home, called. kids are special foster home in Canada. growing up, gradually in this foster home Lucas sees his fellow peers at the age of seven, eight and nine. speaking and their words were law in the foster home. These kids are very rich, and influential. No one, dared to do other wise. They had power in their lips. They sold their souls to the devil in exchange for money, influence and power. Through this kind of power is so intoxicating, and attractive. Lucas refuses to be tempted by such power, money or influence. but growing up under this difficult circumstance of no parents. Lucas knows, that his life would be like hell on earth due to the fact that no one is watching, over him.” growing up till the age of ten Lucas was been tempted, by the devil on several occasions sometimes through dreams, realities like his fellow peers persuading his to embrace the devil and all his wishes in life will be granted Lucas ignores them and avoids them. This cult was called the Illumstro led by a very powerful man. possibly the devil himself, he was seen in physical form by his followers and they felt his presence but sometimes he shows himself to them. They called him the dark prince, he had captured one trillion youngsters Who kept trying to deceive, Lucas yet Lucas stood his ground at the age of 18 when he was to graduate from the foster home to A foster high school, he is given a large amount of money in cash to further his high school he escapes from the school, with the money to Canadian streets and lavished the money carelessly when the devil saw that Lucas was now frustrated as they say when the devil wants you he comes with something you wish for he does not dare come with something you dont wish for Lucas was frustrated, confused and stranded he wished that any good proposition would come his way he does not care if it would be killing as long as it pays him its better than been idle The devil is cunning and evil he now knows Lucass mind and uses this slight opportunity to lure him into his trap he sends his followers, (or goons) to go deceive Lucas now and lure him into the cult indirectly by stating to Lucas that they have proposition for him which will earn him on point fifty thousand dollars each politician he kills. All he gotta do is getting a sniper and kill all the politicians in Canada. Each politician he kills will earn him that amount of money when Lucas heard this he accepted it instantly. Ignorant of the fact that these people were the same people who tried to deceive him when he was in the foster home. Lucas in person had a bright future which he was ignorant of. the devil wanted power and also Lucass soul and this was the only way he wanted to seize it.

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Lucas Williams was so excited when he got home but he had a deep intense feeling that something wasnt right some where or is this just a feeling or is this an actual instinct? Which might be his ability to know that he was probably in some kind (kind of) danger as he sat his large room he went to his big fridge and brought out five bottles of scotch and two bottles, of taquilla-wine he smiled and whispered what you see is that you get thats life for you All you gotta do is make haste while the sun still shine as Lucas was fond of spilling out wise words because he was a reader of all kinds of novels, inspiration books his five thrilling books of the year are THE DARKEST HORIZON, AMERICAN HERO, GRAVITY,M ANASTACIAS FANTASY, and the Williams. All written by one profounding author. Novels about fame, power, revenge, envy, love etc Lucas knew that his other tasks ahead of him are gonna be multiple and stressful and the year was almost coming to an end It was December 25th 2002 and 2003. was fast approaching and he was gonna be turning nineteen on February 3rd 2003. Lucas was already a multi-billionaire at his age he was pondering on settling down like meeting a girl and falling in love or possibly get married at the age of twenty. But all his thoughts were been shielded, by one shadow a shadow with many questions like. (will the Dark Princess allow him settle down? If he dares settle down has he broken one of the laws of the eternal oath. What's he gotten himself into all these questions are just games his mind were playing but these questions were genuinely serious Lucas as he opened a bottle of scotch and took a glass and poured the could bottle of scotch wine into the glass he heard a whisper from behind. Whoops! Whoops he stood up to see if someone was playing with him but he didnt see anyone It was paranoia already haunting him at this strange hour his mind was probably playing games jumped on a couch and slept off the next day was his third task and as he woke up as 700 pm the next morning. he took a warm bath and dressed up warning a blacks suit worth million dollars. To him all these wasnt luxury at all his future was the most important Not his out fits. as he finished wearing the suit and a black trouser and a black tie he picked two pair of black shoes he looked at a mirror he smiled Oh aint getting any younger at all what the fuck am I doing still single I probably need to approach a girl when will have the chance all these thoughts will be bullshit to the Dark Prince if he dares finds out Lucas Williams was now a multi-billionaire at the age of eighteen his worth was up to five hundred million dollars: is there any fucking asshole thats gonna stand in his way financially ever again Lacus whispered I did what I did to got to where I am today You ain't got the right to tell me how to live my life a man has to do what he gotta do to survive as Lucas has just finished dressing up he picked up his rolex, watch and wore it instantly he picked up his Eyeglass and went straight to where he packed his S.U.V. Car he entered it and zoomed off he was driving straight to the Dark Prince mansion as he arrived. The Dark Prince's Lucius Blackwood was standing holding a big suitcase and a big gun and a key to a new porsche as Lucas bounced out of his car. he never smiled rather he was moody, Lucas Blackwood (the devil himself) hey son, welcome remember the more you stop thinking like a teen the more you grow in wisdom and understanding You will stand up like a champion in the midst of Loosers, and claim your right. When others curse you ignore them for those who curse you today shall be cursed tomorrow then. For those who curse you today shall be cursed tomorrow as Lucas came closer he bowed two times to the Dark Prince and shouted oh master I am loyal till the very end I swear unquestionable loyalty to you and you alone. The Dark Prince (Lucius Blackwood) Shouted Hey son you did a great job yesterday and for that heres your reward. The Dark Princes gave Lucas a suitcase and shouted in this suitcase five million dollars and some jewelries that gonna worth a lifetime, for your generation Not only that here\s the key to this porsche right here Lucius Blackwood points at a porches and gave Lucas the key to the porsche and whispered. Those who fight for their future do not look back. Cause if they do something drastic, is gonna strike them down (1st rule of the secret circle) Lucas son you sworn your loyalty to me thats not all. Your gotta live by your oath cause if you dont you are gonna fall. You feel me. Lucas replied yeah I feel ya.

Lucius Blackwood already knew that had a target on Lucass back after his second task. Lucas whispered That target on your back remains. I have the power to reverse all depends on your loyalty. Well all this words were low whispers Lucas never heard it Lucas smiled and moved slowly to the porches As he saw the suitcase almost glued to his hand. He whispered How I got here I done really know. but my life wasn't really fair. Tragedy, and misfortunate all has strings attached on em. I dont fucking care any more Lucas immediately entered the porsche and zoomed off to park it in his mansion Lucas after thirty good minutes after parking the posche and keeping the suitcase in a well guarded cupboard he entered his other car which was the S.U.V. car and zoomed off back to the Dark Princes for his next task. As he arrived: he packed his car and came down slowly Peter M.C Lein shouted welcome back bruh theres another job for you now Lucas whispered whats it Michael, Davis, and Davis Viller brings a small bomb and whispered Lucas this task is gonna mark the unyielding loyalty which you have for the creed. If you succeed you will be deemed worthy as a real followers Lucas shouted whatever you want from me Im gonna do as long as it favour me Lucius Blackwood cautions Lucas.

Lucas boy dont forget you please me first before yourself cause without me youd be nothing right now You are what you are cause of me You owe me your life, loyalty, and you whole being. Lucas you belong to me now Out there you are prince out there Im the king your king. Money, power, frame all has a cost. You have been tested twice you passed and you are gonna be tested again you know you are goma face this third task you are gonna take this bomb to the Canadian white house its an hour time bomb thats game explode in one hour my followers are gonna back you up you ain't gonna do this alone. Now go Lucas Williams took the bomb and dressed up putting on a black trouser and mask and seized a gun and entered his S.U.V. car Peter MC Lein, Michael Davis, Davis Villen, Elvis Huise, Arnold Severus, and three other of the Dark Prince followers. Peter MC Lein, and three others Micheal, Davis, Elvis, They all entered Lucass S.U.V. car while Arnold and the three others entered a limo car they all zoomed off straight to the white house: It took them an hour to get there as they got there. Lucas bounced down from his S.U.V Car with pride and hate within him Lucas holding the small bomb. goes to a dark pit in the white house building and planted the bomb as the three politicians were speaking to a multitude of Canadian citizens. The bomb was already set for One hour after one hour the bomb exploded killing these three politicians. Michael Willis, Paul Veston, James Huston and countless Canadians Immediately the bomb blew up Lucas and his fellow gangs zoomed off with their cars (Lucas driving his S.UV. and Armold driving the Limo)"

Lucas never thought of how many innocent lives he had taken on this course of limitless riches but thoughts of his future began to haunt him That same day in the evening Lucas was sitting on a couch as he saw a beautiful girl named Meghan Jane an American beauty He fell in love as he saw her as she passed him she kinda (kind of) smiled as she went far In a distance Lucas called her raising one of his hands. She came forward as she came close to while Lucas was sitting. |Lucas was speechless and could not utter a word of how he was feeling within him She whispered you are Lucas Williams right? Lucas surprisingly shouted how do you know me? Meghen whispered you are famous in Canada here. "Every one knows you Lucas whispered O I didnt know I was famous. Meghan whispered oh you are Lucas was looking deep into her beautiful blue eyes as she came closer and whispered to his ears You are special but had no idea. She left instantly before Lucas could turn shared fun to look he couldnt see her anymore a feeling of pain which Lucas has felt before An Exact feeling which he felt when his parents died. That pain which everyone feels when he or she looses a loved one That sorrowful pain Lucas whispered Am I dreaming? (Is this a dream) or reality? Is this a message? This was a test from God to see if Lucas was lost to the extent or not returning (a place of no return) Where redemption does not come to Lucas Williams fell on his knees as tears began to fall from his eyes. He shouted my fate has already been sealed. What more can life offer me? Am an orphan What hope did I have left? As Lucas kept shouting Lucius Blackwood (the devil himself) appeared from nowhere and shouted arise son of the circle wipe your tears you have taken a path which you are gonna follow for the rest of your life its how its supposed to be.