
The Teen Prince has a Secret Girlfriend

Everyone knows Henry, everyone sees his gentle smile, warm eyes and his kind voice but the Henry I know is different. So different from the Prince they all know him for.

Daoistl8C365 · Teen
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31 Chs

The Prince of Graceland and Christie “the Charity Case”

I needed to stay here in Graceland even if its for just one year that's what they said to me. That's why I had to be invisible, not draw attention to me just for this year and everything will be fine. But my oh my, this is going to be difficult to do.

When the Head Director insisted that Henry take me on a tour around the campus since it was his duty as Graceland Academy's Ambassador and Student Body President, I thought to myself, "Well there goes my plans on becoming invisible." Even though we had barely been to anywhere but the outside of the Grand Hall a small swarm of women started to gather around the Prince. They were chatting with him, all very giddy and very girly in manner of speaking. The Prince of course did his duty to society. He graced every female there with his gentle smile, warm and kind tone of voice and gentlemanly demeanor. I swear if I wasn't so fascinated with how these women behaved in front of the Prince and him reciprocating their aura, I would have thought that I was seeing things. Because I think I saw the Prince smirking my way at least three times since he started talking to these women. I mean I might just be crazy but I could've sworn I saw him smirk at me. You might say that if he is so annoying why don't you just leave him, well that's what I just did.

I snuck past the swarm of women gathered closely at the Prince and I made sure to check that he wasn't looking at me when I left. I started walking slowly towards the left of the Grand Hall where only green manicured lawn was there and some few trees that make it look like a mini forest within Graceland. The scent of the trees reminded me of a once forgotten memory with my family. I was orphaned at the age of three, my father and my mother died in a great fire that consumed our house and all that I loved. Before our house was a small forest with large century old trees that were there even before anyone had been. I was three years of age when that happened but I still recall small snippets of memories that tell me who I once was. I was taken in and raised by a woman who was kind yet strict, I only knew her as my Nana and she was the only family I had. She got sick and we had to be separated for now but in a year I hope I get to see her again.

Walking ever so slowly with eyes closed and hands spread wide, I was breathing it all in, the trees, the grass, my Nana and the memories of my horrid past when a gush of wind alerted me to a presence behind me but before I could turn around and see. A slender and muscular arm grabbed me into an embrace. His right arm around my waist without much effort. I can tell that the one embracing me was a lot taller, his chest was just behind the back of my head. Yes. I said "his" because the chest area was flat and I don't feel like this arm could be that of a woman. Then the audacity of this person to whisper to me, his warm breath only revealed by the cold air around us.

"Don't scream, it will only create trouble for you. Don't struggle as well, I believe you wouldn't want to hurt me again, right?"

He said again? Again? What now? Who did I hurt earlier? Who..? Oh my! It's… Its… It's the Prince! Now this is really troublesome. I could try and pry him off of me, Nana had encouraged me to take self-defense classes since I was petite at 5ft and with a small frame, she said that I would just be an easy target for these kinds of men and she was right. I was now a target of this man. But like he said I had better not move to harshly right now, I did kick him a little hard earlier. Maybe I can reason with him. So I tried talking to him.

"I'm sorry if I kicked you a while ago, but you have to admit, it was your fault though for doing something inappropriate like that to someone you haven't even properly met." (Voice cracking a little) "That was my first and now I won't be able to get it back. That moment was gone and that's why I was upset and I ended up hurting you. It might not be a big deal for you but for a lady it is very important to us. You didn't even apologize to me even after the ceremony. Let's just say that we are even, you took my first kiss and I did not cause any scene so if you could kindly forgive me for kicking you and let me go and just continue the tour. I would be most gracious. I don't want any trouble, please I just need to stay quietly here in Graceland for a little while."

I tried not t be so sarcastic and sound a little more honest. He seemed to relax a little while I was talking. His grip loosened until he let go of me completely and I turned to face him. There it was again. Those cool grey eyes peering down on me. But now that I think of it, they seemed familiar. I think I saw those eyes long ago from the time before the great fire that cost me everything. I took one step back, assessing the level of danger I was in and I found him just looking at me, perhaps thinking to himself so I took the opportunity to scan my surroundings, no one was there. Perhaps that is to be expected, we were so deep into the miniature forest beside the Grand Hall. I was about to move even further away from him when I was halted by the sound of his voice.

"You are right about something, I didn't apologize about earlier… so if I may…

The next thing I knew his lips were on me again but this time it was not the warm, sweet and soft kiss he gave me earlier this morning. He kissed me so forcefully trying to pry my lips apart and slither his tongue down but I bit down on his lower lip. He let out a little curse and held his hand to his lip. I did not bite down so hard did I? It was just enough I think, just to make him stop and it worked.

"Why you…!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, I slapped him across the face and left him there dumbfounded. I ran out of the forest remembering the way I came in there and saw some female students with the same colored necktie as me, so I hurried and followed them. Thinking to myself that I should get away from him as fast as possible. I don't understand, why some men act like that. Nana had warned me about men like him and I bet she would be proud of me, I did defend myself even if it was somehow unorthodox. Still, I bet the Prince has never been slapped like that, by the looks of it women just fall unto his feet like flower petals. Well, he can count on me to be different, I might just be a thorn.

With my adrenaline pumping, I followed the female students into different places in the campus, it was like a makeshift tour if you will. I saw the gardens, the cafeteria next to the gardens, the magnificent library which has three outstanding floors. There was a sports complex for the exemption-ally talented athletes of Graceland. I hear that the sport program was so good that athletes here get drafted directly into Olympic Qualifiers for the National Team. There was the separate dormitories of the ladies and the gents. Oh I forgot to mention, Graceland is kind of like the boarding schools where rich Europeans send their kids to. Here in Graceland, students stay for the entire Academic year and they get to go out during Holiday Breaks, at least the other students can go home. It's a little different for me because I can't really go outside Graceland, not until they say I can do so. It's a little complicated right now. Moving along with these female students there was a private theater and a small mall inside the campus both of which have the logo of Henry's father's company. The Archer insignia which could only mean these buildings were probably donated or put in Graceland by the Archer family. Talk about being rich and powerful. This really is trouble for me. I wonder how things will turn out.