
The Cursed Prince's Story pt. 3

Mika coughed, his eyes almost popping out of their sockets as he felt all of the air leave his body. He slapped Kai's hand, wanting to be free when Lun jumped out of the hay pile and rushed towards his friend.

"Come on now my dear prince. We don't want trouble." He whispered to Kai. The blond man turned his head, staring at him and then at the unknown man behind him. He looked defensive, thinking if he should attack or not and Kai sighed, letting go of the man. 

Mika found himself on the ground, his hand landing right on horse shit and he screeched, feeling the disgusting texture while the small almost made him pass out.

"Did you hear what this idiot said?" Kai asked, a cocky smile on his face as he pointed at him. "It could be wise to not talk like that about the people who are showing hospitality to you, especially in their territory." He told them.