
The Tears of a Prince

THE MAIN STORY IS COMPLETED. Kai had left everything behind. His past and his hurtful memories. He wished to forget it all, the blood, the hunger, the pain and the responsibilities. He didn't want his legacy, he didn't want his bloody crown after he lost everything, his everything. That's why he ran and ran, trying to hide from his own guilt, from the fact that he was a monster. Many years later they find him. Friends and foes all part of a greater mystery and somehow he is involved. Soon an adventure begins filled with blood, tears and old memories that feel like they have come back to haunt him. As the man with the tattoo on his neck returns the one he used to call his destiny, his dead heart starts to beat again. "They are after me. They will try to kill you too" "I don't care what happens to me, as long as I get to save you"

Yaminoyosei · LGBT+
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336 Chs

Chapter 8

He wished to be left alone, he didn't want to get involved in this battle that had been happening for centuries now. The wolves and vampires were and probably will be enemies. During the years of endless clashing there were times of peace but they never lasted long. This was one of those times. A few years back a treaty had been signed, Kai had happened to hear about it in one of his travels but as it seemed it was the wolves' turn to break the rules.

After Lun had taken the information he needed he had left, per Kai's request. His plan was obvious, the young vampire prince didn't have to ask to know what he and his men would try to do. Usually with a wolf pack all you needed to know was where the Alpha was. Take out their leader and they will retreat to the shadows for a good amount of time. It was how they reacted, the leader came always first, in comparison to vampires who even though they had a monarchy they also had a very self absorbed attitude. It wasn't in a vampire's nature to die so they would protect someone.

So Lun would search for their Alpha. It was hard to find Alphas. They usually hid very well but in cases like Moonshine, which was one of the biggest wolf packs out there the higher members of the pack had a tendency to adore wealth. That was what Kai had learned years back, when he had found himself in between them.

As he laid on the motel's bed he couldn't help but remember. Another time of peace that ended abruptly. Another time of joy just so his heart could get crushed like ice. He turned to his side as he felt his eyes water, tears escaped from them and he slowly brought his knees to his chest. Not again, not now. He thought. He hadn't cried in years but such a simple thought was enough to bring forward his weakness. He closed his eyes wishing once more to forget. It was too late though, the thoughts had been awoken in his anxious mind and he knew, no matter what he did he couldn't get away this time.

He woke up the next morning feeling tired even though he had slept for a while. He stared at the round clock on the yellowish wall and sighed. John would be having a breakdown, looking for him. He stood up and washed his face in a hurry. There was no time for him to go home. He hopped down the stairs deciding that the elevator would be too much wasted time and rushed outside.

He could smell the scent of smoke on his clothes and his breath reeks of alcohol as he exhales. He frowned, stopping at a small neighborhood market and he bought a toothburh and toothpaste. He couldn't do anything for his clothes but he was definitely going to brush his teeth at the shop. Hangovered as he was the honking of the cars, the rushing of the people and even them talking on the phone was annoying. Especially to him. His hearing was better than normal so every little sound could have a nasty ring to his ears if he didn't feel well. He also felt hungry and he sighed. This was one of the worst times for his hunger to return. He tried not to think about it as he stopped in front of the glass door of the tattoo shop. When he opened it and met eyes with his employee he was bombarded by millions of questions.

«Boss!» the young man had exclaimed. «Where have you been? Do you know what time it is? Couldn't you call? We had two clients come and leave already. Did something bad happen to you?» he kept asking and asking and for a second Kai wondered if he was breathing in between words. He raised his arm, signaling him to stop talking.

«I am fine. I just had a rough night. That's all.» He told him but John didn't seem to be really satisfied by his answer.

«You reek» he stated and the vampire scoffed.

«Thanks for the info.» he simply said and dumped his coat on the armchair as usual.

«Your hair is also a mess»

«Will you keep stating the obvious?» he asked him as he rubbed his eyes. He hadn't checked the rest of the rooms yet. He had been standing at the entrance unable to even walk inside because the man was right in front of him, talking nonstop. «John, I want to go in will you please move to the side?» he asked him, his deep voice signaling annoyance. It was very rare for Kai to show such negative emotions. That was why when that happened John knew to simply shut up and let him do his thing. So he stepped to the side, ready to not bother his boss for the rest of the day when he remembered something.

«Oh, boss there is someone waiting for you. He is on the couch» he told him and instantly Kai was struck by a bad feeling. His stomach turned and he walked inside wary of who he was going to meet. He was not a customer, he was sure, since John would have told him if that someone wanted a tattoo and it wasn't Lun because the employee had seen him and he would simply say the guy from last time. That meant it was probably someone he didn't want to see and when he walked finally inside he realized he was right.

It was a man, barely nineteen and he was sitting on the green couch, his fingers playing with the pages of one of the magazines. He didn't seem very interested in them, he just kept flipping them, not even taking the time to read before he closed the magazine disatisfied.

He noticed Kai, his deep black eyes landing on him. Short red hair, aggressive eyes and tattoos. Piercings on his ears he sat on his couch staring at him with a blank expression.

«Mika» Kai acknowledged him and the man smiled. It wasn't a happy expression though, it had an irony and bitterness in it that Kai immediately recognized.

«So you remember my name.» he told him.

«I do.»

«I came here to warn you.»


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