
The Tears of a Prince

THE MAIN STORY IS COMPLETED. Kai had left everything behind. His past and his hurtful memories. He wished to forget it all, the blood, the hunger, the pain and the responsibilities. He didn't want his legacy, he didn't want his bloody crown after he lost everything, his everything. That's why he ran and ran, trying to hide from his own guilt, from the fact that he was a monster. Many years later they find him. Friends and foes all part of a greater mystery and somehow he is involved. Soon an adventure begins filled with blood, tears and old memories that feel like they have come back to haunt him. As the man with the tattoo on his neck returns the one he used to call his destiny, his dead heart starts to beat again. "They are after me. They will try to kill you too" "I don't care what happens to me, as long as I get to save you"

Yaminoyosei · LGBT+
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336 Chs

Chapter 20

Chaos spread during the next minutes in the spacious living room. John was having a mental breakdown as he realized that his life was never going to be the same again and Lun made it all even worse by adding information like supernatural hunters and the dangers all around them.

"It's going to be alright John. Please relax. It's not as bad as it seems." Kai said, trying to calm him down.

"I don't want to go with them. Those psychos tried to kill us. They wanted to kill you boss. They but me out of spite and you're telling me I have to be with them?" John exclaimed angrily.

"You are a wolf. You need a pack. It's impossible to survive for long being an omega. You need to go there, find their Alpha, their leader and tell them you got bit by one of their own. They will accept you and train you." Lun told him, not phazed at all by his reaction. 

"No. My life should be my decision."

"So what will you do when you turn during the full moon? Start killing people? Want to be a murderer?" 

"No...I...that's not what I want but…"

"Stop pressuring him, Lun. I think you're right John. Your life is yours even if it got turned upside down. I...we can find a way. I think I could contact Mika and he could help you without getting the pack involved."

"No!" Lun told him. "We agreed you will stay away from them. Their pack is hunting and killing vampires. Are you insane?"

"We can try! It's my fault he is like this. The least I can do is help him" Kai said, the guilt obvious in his blue eyes and Lun sighed. 

"Boss…" John called out. "I don't blame you. That prick was the one who bit me, not you. You have always been nice to me."

"Kai? Nice?" Lun said and scoffed. "I wouldn't depend on him too much if I were you. He is not as nice as he looks" he said with a grin and John looked at the tall man with a frown on his face.

"What do you…"


"He killed his lover, you know. He was destined lovers with a werewolf and he murdered him. Ripped his heart off like it meant nothing."

"Lun for once shut up!" Kai told him. He was angry but his friend did not stop. He kept pushing and pushing.

"And the funny part is we don't even know why he did it. He swore he was crazy about him and one day he simply ran away after having killed him. Did he go insane? Who knows." He said and shrugged his shoulders.

"You really want to do this now?" Kai asked him, walking towards him. He extended his arms and grabbed him from the collar of his expensive shirt, pulling him towards him. "I know what you're trying to do."

"What am I trying to do? I am telling your little friend the truth. Or do you wish to keep living in a lie? Didn't you say it yourself, you're a monster." Lun told him and at that moment Kai lost it. He grabbed the man and tossed him on the wall, making him land with his back on the harsh cement. A hole was created, pieces flying everywhere but Lun seemed to be fine. He stood up and faced Kai. He punched him, making the blonde's face get colored by blood again and Kai's fangs appeared. They were sharp and long, a sign of his anger as he grabbed Lun by the neck and raised him from the ground. 

"You fucker" he swore and kicked him in the stomach making him cough. "I don't want to hear any of these from you, am I clear?" He asked him and Lun smiled, agitating him. Kai dropped him, releasing him from his grip and a fight started. It was punch and dodge, kick and turn with the prince winning. It was obvious who was stronger. Lun knew it too, he remembered very well that purebloods were beyond them but still he needed to get it off his chest, this frustration of his.

"You are ridiculous. Running and hiding like a child!" Lun exclaimed and Kai grabbed him from his hair, smacking his head on the wall twice. 

"What is it to you? Why do you care so much what I do?", Kai shouted.

"Because I missed you!" Lun screamed and the prince instantly froze. "You were my only friend. My only support and one day you simply fucking disappeared. I was left all alone wondering what the heck had happened. I knew you were spoiled, I knew you cared only about yourself and Philip but I thought, I really believed like a fool that you would care even a bit for me. But you erased me from your life as if I was nothing!" He said and grabbed Kai's wrist, catching him off guard. He threw him on the couch breaking off their contact. "I needed you too in that hellhole." He said and pushed his hair away from his face. "See little wolf. This is the boss you admire.a fucking selfish prick." 

"Lun, wait" Kai said and stood up trying to stop him.

"No. There is no need. Anyways I will send someone to get Mika and bring him to you. Do not go there and create more trouble. After this you and I will part our ways. There is a car waiting outside. Go home Kai." He told him coldy and left the room. 

"Boss…" John called out, concerned. "What he said, was it true?"

"From beginning to the end," Kai answered with a bitter smile. "Come on let's go back." He told him and started walking, heading the opposite direction from his friend. They walked outside where a car was truly waiting for them. The driver was standing at the side of the back door and opened it for them to go in. John day in first and then Kai followed. 

His green blue eyes were staring outside as the mansion slowly disappeared from his sight. The prince sighed, running his eyes in frustration.

"I...did you really kill your lover?" John asked again.

"Yes, yes I did it." He said frustrated. "I did it and I have been hating myself for two hundred years so let's stop talking about it"

"The guy you were looking for. He was your lover. He reincarnated. Like you said."

"You catch on quickly."

"Does he remember you?"

"No, it's better like that. If he did, he would probably try to kill me."

"But why did you…"

"John, at the moment worry about your own problems. Tomorrow is a full moon. We need Mika, pray that he won't reject us." Kai said and John nodded. He knew it was about time he stopped asking. No matter how curious he was he could see in the vampire's face that there was no way for him to start talking. 

Kai's head was resting on the window, his eyes lost into some kind of distant memory. John felt bad just by looking at him. He was right, he should be worrying about himself but how could he ignore him when he was looking like that. As if his whole world had been ruined.

"You should talk with your friend" John suggested.

"And tell him what? He was right."

"He cares about you. A lot. I can see it"

"Lun and I met when I was really young. Maybe around ten for me and eleven for him? I don't remember well" Allias said with a sad smile. "He was the son of a rich merchant that had acquired a lot of power and my parents wanted them on their side so naturally I was forced to be friends with him. Man, he was really annoying. Following me around. Even coming to the same academy as me. I really wanted him to be gone until one day I found out that the reason he was following me was because he couldn't be at home. His father was a horrible man, he was hurting him, physically and mentally. He wanted to escape. I had heard my mum talk about it. After I found out I felt bad for him and kept him around. When you spend so much time with someone you start to like them it's inevitable. Especially when he got into a fight for me. Some kids were making fun of me, think of the audacity by the way and Lun got so angry. He is not fond of fighting but still he got into a heated fight with five kids, older than us. They hurt him so bad that they almost killed him. I had to give him some of my blood. Ever since then he can walk in the sun, something that only purebloods can do. We've been inseparable ever since. Until I left him" Kai said. John was surprised he chose to share his story with him but still he listened carefully.

"I think you should try. A friend like that won't stop being with you so easily. You have a strong bond"

"We will see. Come on. You will be staying with me for now. We need to talk about a few things anyways, I can keep an eye on you like that too." Kai said and John realized the car had stopped. They had reached his boss' house. The driver got off and opened the doors for them, his eyes suspiciously staring at Kai and the young prince stared back aggressively.