
chptr 1 The start: Teardrop

I looked at a strange girl in the middle of the crowd as me and my bandmates where performing on stage

I looked at her with curiosity she stood out from the crowd as I continued to sing I kept my eyes on her as a tear fell from her mysterious eyes... she slowly turned around and disappeared in the crowd...I had to focus and give my best for my fans but she was all I could think about ...

who was she?? why do I feel like I know her??? why was she crying???....is this what you call deja vu??

As we where done with our performance we walked back to our assigned backstage room as me and the members were taking a breather and drinking some water...my thoughts got filled by her again as I layed on a seat until our manager called us to grab our things and told us to get in the car.

we got in our black van one by one and buckled up, our manager was driving us home tonight .The sky turned dark blue almost black ..time passes soo fast whenever we have a concert or a performance,I was staring out the glass tinted window , as all the members were fast asleep except me and leo..I looked at my sleeping bandmates ' they must have been really tired as they fell asleep as soon as we got on the car' smilling at them proudly I turn towards the window and just took deep breath and enjoyed the view. ....she....she...my thoughts were consumed by her once again and as we passed by this familiar old bridge which looked up on this beautifull huge lake, I saw a face which I thought I was not going to see again.....

It was her..she was standing and looking over at the lake but it just didn't feel right..I HAD THIS HORRIBLE FEELING in the pit of my stomach as we passed by her..I just couldn't hold it anymore. I screamed 'stop! the car!!' starled by my loud scream others woke up looking all around as my manager hit the brakes at the side of the road ,before he could let out a word , I slamed the door open and ran out like a madman..I didn't know what was I feeling and why was I doing what I was doing. confused and worried the boys ran behind me.

I saw her again but this time she turned around facing the other way of the lake with eyes closed and arm wide open....I shouted as loud as I can so that she could hear me but she didn't even budge.

I started climbing to reach the top of the bridge and ran towards her as fast as I can as her body slowly leaned backwards and towards the water.....my heart pounding was all I could hear and everything around me was slowed down as in like the movies.....