
The teach magician

In the Rose empire,a empire conquerors and the largest empire and being the largest they are known for there magic. Alex is a 16 year old boy who want to become a magician.But unfortunately he doesn't have magic.So he so finds a new way of magic and this new magic is called teach. Update: Monday start updating in :1 July 2024

Shawn_anilee · Fantasy
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New magic

As Alex could see the line was getting shorter and shorter meaning he was found out if he as magic or not.But if he does have magic he can go to a magic school and became want he has all ways dreamed of becoming and that is a healer .So he can finally be useful to his family like his big sister.

So this was a big thing to Alex and so was a really nervous on want if he doesn't have magic.

"Hey, Alex don't be nervous you will wouldn't need to talk with a girl to see if you have magic "said Alex's best friend who was Lucy .And son of the l lord of this area.

"Shut up, you are the you how is scared of girls that just means your making fun of your self"said Alex

"That didn't make any sense "said Lucy and looked at Alex and smiled and counties "Came on , Alex are that nervous "

"Me, nervous never in my life have I been nervous and here you call yourself my best friend "said Alex

"Ok, then Mr never nervous ,get ready because after this girl is me then it you "said Lucy

Alex tried looking a that the girl in front of them but he couldn't see her face only her which was blue.

"Ok,now may you put your hand on the ball "said a man who was talking to blue hair girl.

"I think the ball is to see if you have magic "said Alex

"Now you are just tell me the obvious things"said Lucy

"shhh, I want to see want happens when she put her hand"said Alex

So the blue hair girl puts her hand on the ball and also the man puts his hand.And then close her eyes and says"You have no magic, get out of the line"

"I thought so "said the blue hair girl and got out of the line and the want standard with the crew who are watch to see who has magic .

"Ok,boy put your hand on the ball"said the man to Lucy

"Ok"said Lucy suddenly before Lucy could touch the ball the man said "you have unbelievable power my son"

"But I haven't even touched the ball"said Lucy

"That how strong your aura is"said the man

"What aura ?"said Lucy

"You will learn that in school just go and stand there with the kids like you "said the old man

"Ok"said Lucy and looked at Alex and said"See you there then" and then walk away.

"Put your hand on the ball"said the man

So Alex putted his hand on the ball and then the man "You have no magic"

"What, please tell me your lie "said Alex

"Why would I lie about this "said the man

"Please check again"said Alex

"You have no magic,so get out of the line"said the man

The Alex got pissed off and shouted "I didn't need our magic.... because I am .... going to make new magic "

Then the man started to laugh and even the crewed started laughing .So Alex ran away.






And stops at the market because it was empty.So he could cry and nobody could see him.But then he hears a voice saying "I want to help you make new magic" and Alex looked and it was the blue hair girl

"You what to help me make new magic "said Alex

"Well,let me try make magic that anyone can use and it not like I have things to do "thought Alex

"Ok, your in "said Alex