
The Target always thinks that I like him!(Quick-Transmigration)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . After the nth time of failing a marriage meeting, Xiang Han got himself a job: good treatment, high salary, free world traveling with food provided, house provided and even a partner provided?! At first, he thought, apart from having to travel into the body of a scum cannon fodder, a scheming fake white lotus, everything else was okay. It was only later he realized that saving the target was also a problem. His imagination was never ending, even eating a cup of ramen was seen as a way to rouse his ( target’s) interest! Xiang Han: This target is a no-go. Certain Target: Very good, you’ve already managed to rouse my interest. Xiang Han: Go outside and make a left turn to the optometrist, go get your eyes healed! Additionally, this “lover provided” isn’t necessary. A Certain Target: This is certainly necessary! once again NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !

Study_Bytes · Fantasy
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166 Chs

Chapter 4.12 – This Is All Destined

Watching as Xue Ling was taken away, Xiang Han finally stretched out his neck and feigned lingering fear. At this time, Shen Ze looked back and watched him expressionlessly.

"What is it?" Xiang Han froze and silently wondered, could he have seen through his act?

Shen Ze's gaze flickered down and Xiang Han followed his line of sight to see that he had, at some point in time, grabbed on to the other person's sleeves.

He hurriedly let go and awkwardly said, "Elder brother, when did you come?"

Shen Ze was currently smoothing out his sleeves when these words caused him to freeze. Glancing at him briefly, he said, "I only forgot to tell you to pick up some salt. Don't misunderstand."

Xiang Han, "…" He could understand the words ahead, but what did the last two words mean?

Without giving him time to delve into his thoughts, a police officer suddenly appeared and asked with a slight smile, "Both of you aren't adults yet, right? Where are your parents? We need them to be present during the statement."

"They're travelling." Shen Ze said and glanced at the tragic corpse of his phone lying on the ground with a frown.

Shen Zheng Duo and his wife were still at the airport when they received the news. They hurriedly cancelled their vacation plans and rushed back.

After understanding the situation, Zhu Jing Yi was furious, "She clearly had the intention to kill. She even brought a weapon."

Shen Zheng Duo was also fearful, but he comforted her softly, "This time, she'll definitely be convicted."

After taking their statements, the whole family was tired. When they left the station, they coincidentally met Lin Rui Qing. Shen Zheng Duo was already rather familiar with him and they greeted each other.

Xiang Han was surprised, turning to ask Shen Ze in a low voice, "Didn't you say he wasn't in the city?"

Shen Ze glanced at him from the side, and replied, "His legs belong to him, how should I know?"

Xiang Han choked on his words. Hearing Shen Zheng Duo ask the same question as him, he hurriedly turned to listen.

Lin Rui Qing's expression turned sluggish, and he paused for a moment before replying, "I have some private matters to settle, so I returned early."

Xiang Han had a face of understanding. He had a feeling that this matter had largely, something to do with Gu Hai Sheng.

After returning home, Zhu Jing Yi felt that this neighbourhood wasn't safe enough, and suggested moving elsewhere.

Shen Zheng Duo also felt the same way. However, he was afraid that Shen Ze would mind since he had grown up here after all.

Shen Ze unconsciously turned to look at Xiang Han after hearing this. His gaze lingered at the gash on his arms for a moment before he spoke, "Then, let's move."

Zhu Jing Yi was elated, pulling Shen Zheng Duo the very next day to look at new houses.

Actually, Xiang Han felt this mugging incident was a blessing in disguise. In a couple of days, it would be Shen Ze's birthday. Since Xue Ling would be locked up during this critical juncture, no matter how great the plot armour was, she would most likely escape the fate of being chopped up.

However, what he did not expect was that on the day of Shen Ze's birthday, Xue Ling still met with an accident.

By the time Xiang Han learnt of it, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

He had woken up later than usual but when he entered the living room, he saw Lin Rui Qing who seemed to be interrogating Shen Ze.

He inexplicably had a bad feeling and quickly asked, "What…happened?"

Lin Rui Qing put down his pen with a frown, "Xue Ling had been released on bail a few days ago due to some medical issues. But last night, she was murdered."

Xiang Han instantly froze, only speaking again after a moment, "But…what does this have to do with us?"

Lin Rui Qing consoled him, "This is only a formality." Saying so, he turned towards Shen Ze to ask, "A distant relative of Xue Ling said you once used a knife to threaten her, is that true?"

Shen Ze nodded, causing Shen Zheng Duo who was sitting by the side to pale.

Lin Rui Qing's expression also turned grave, "What kind of knife? Can you take it out to let me have a look?"

With a flick of his wrist, a short blade appeared between his fingers. No one knew where it had appeared from.

Seeing the knife, Shen Zheng Duo sighed in relief. Lin Rui Qing was also surprised but remained silent, only looking over the knife in his hand.

Xiang Han understood. Lin Rui Qing, most likely, had recognised where Shen Ze had learnt those knife skills from, and thus, deliberately went forward to ask in curiosity, "Officer Lin, Xue Ling…how did she die?"

Lin Rui Qing threw him a smile, and shook his head. "It's quite cruel, it's better if you didn't know."

Xiang Han's heart trembled, silently thinking, could she have been chopped into pieces?

After Lin Qui Qing left, he subconsciously looked towards Shen Ze. Shen also did not know why but he instinctively said, "I've only ever cut potatoes."

Xiang Han, "Oh…"

Shen Ze probably felt strange, so he added, "Xue Ling was strangled to death and then dismembered."

"She wasn't sliced up?" Xiang Han asked.

Shen Ze's face went dark, "No."

"Oh." Xiang Han finally felt relieved…as if! Xue Ling had still died on Shen Ze's birthday. Did that mean he would still end up with that scum…

Shen Zheng Duo couldn't listen any more. Why were these two kids so calm when talking about a murderer's technique?

He quickly interrupted them, "That's enough, this matter ends here. There's no need for you guys to think any further. On the other hand, Xiao Ze, why didn't you tell me when you saw Xue Ling wandering around our neighbourhood? Even using a knife to threaten her, do you really take yourself as one of those gangsters? This time, it was only Xue Ling, but what if it was someone who knew how to fight…"

"I still have something to do, why don't you lecture him instead," Shen Ze suddenly cut him off. Pointing towards Xiang Han, he left directly.

Shen Zheng Duo was infuriated into choking. Seeing the situation, Xiang Han also slipped away in a hurry.

Xue Ling's case was quickly solved. The murderer was an avid gambler who only wanted to rob her but then accidentally strangled her to death during their brawl.

By this time, Xiang Han already started with school. He was undergoing Senior High School military training[1] when he learnt of this outcome, causing him to feel extremely complicated.

When he saw Shen Ze passing by his class with a lanky male student, Xiang Han's heart was in an ever deeper turmoil.

Who could tell him why this scum, Chang Yu Chi, also appeared at Twenty Third High? Even more so, he appeared alongside Shen Ze. Shouldn't he be in First High School?

What Xiang Han did not know was that in the original storyline, Chang Yu Chi disdained First High School for its strict regiment and was unwilling to enter. After being forced by his family to attend that school for a couple of days, he accidentally saw Shen Ze flip over a wall to escape from the school. He instantly felt a connection between akin people. He had planned to transfer out after another two days but after meeting Shen Ze, he had dispelled those thoughts, and followed after Shen Ze everyday.

Now that Shen Ze was no longer in First High School, it was normal for Chang Yu Chi to transfer out. However, he had unexpectedly transferred to Twenty-third High and even met up with Shen Ze.

Xiang Han endured the scorching sun as he stared at them bitterly. He had a desire to pick up Chang Yu Chi and toss him out. During this period of time, he could be considered to have toiled and 'schemed' bitterly. He had thought, with Shen Ze not attending First High School, he wouldn't meet Chang Yu Chi. However…

"This is all fate, merciless to everyone." Xiang Han couldn't help shaking his head.

Shen Ze was leisurely walking by when he abruptly felt a gaze on his back. Turning back, he coincidentally met Xiang Han's gaze, and saw the other person's 'aggrieved' expression.

Glancing back at Chang Yu Chi, he instantly understood the reason, and felt that Xiang Han must have…misunderstood something, and gotten jealous.

Shen Ze, who had initially found Chang Yu Chi to be extremely annoying, suddenly felt this person had a little use. At least, he could help to dispel any thoughts Xiang Han may have.

Thinking of this, the corner of his lips lifted as he turned towards Chang Yu Chi. "Let's hurry."

Chang Yu Chi received a shock, and instantly froze in surprise but he didn't miss a beat, "Alright, alright."

Xiang Han was astonished. Although the original storyline did not mention much about Shen Ze's past, it did mention that Chang Yu Chi had chased after him for over two years before they finally got together. But now…they only knew each other for how many days? Shen Ze actually smiled at the other person.

Thinking of how he had suffered those threats and cold gaze when he first transmigrated over, why was the difference between them so large despite both of them being homosexual?

Xiang Han had a bad premonition. According to the way the situation was progressing, would the two of them get together ahead of time?

With Chang Yu Chi, that ancestor's promiscuous nature, they would surely break up without the original host's seduction. What's more, if there was the plot armour to push the story on. Thinking of Xue Ling, Xiang Han felt a greater urgency to put a stop to this lest Shen Ze walked down the same path of the original host's destruction.

During dinner, Xiang Han randomly grabbed two dishes before going to find Shen Ze.

After spotting him, he instantly squeezed into the seat next to him. Seeing Chang Yu Chi sitting across, he decisively slammed the cutlery down with a cold gaze.

Shen Ze glanced at him for a moment before lowering his head, as if he hadn't seen anything, and continued eating.

Chang Yu Chi's background wasn't simple and he was a proud person by nature. However, in front of Shen Ze, he could only carry a monologue by himself, and act out a play by himself. Having his 'performance' interrupted by Xiang Han, he immediately looked up, and asked unhappily, "Who are you? Aren't there any other seats?"

Some students who were passing by saw this scene and couldn't help muttering, "What are you yelling for? It's not like the table belongs to your family."

Shen Ze's brows furrowed, and his heart also felt somewhat uncomfortable. But thinking of how he needed to let Xiang Han give up on him, he remained silent.

Xiang Han saw this, and his expression changed in an instant. Adopting a pitiful look, he pretended to bite his lips as he spoke, "Schoolmate, I only want to sit with my elder brother."

Taking a look at Xiang Han's appearance, Chang Yu Chi was stunned for several seconds before coming back to his senses. He turned to look at Shen Ze with several degrees of embarrassment, "He's really your younger brother?"

Shen Ze also noticed his expression, and instantly felt a wave of discomfort. Giving an 'en' in reply, he asked, "Could I trouble you to give him some space?"

Chang Yu Chi hurriedly stood up, pushing his plate over to the side as he smiled at Xiang Han, "Eh, take a seat, little brother."

At this point in time, he still didn't have any strange thoughts. He only felt, this was Shen Ze's little brother, and since he was chasing Shen Ze, it was only appropriate to treat him with a little more courtesy.

However, Shen Ze clearly did not share the same sentiments. His face had darkened, and he had completely forgotten about this matter of using Chang Yu Chi as a shield against Xiang Han. He gritted his teeth unwillingly, and emphasised heavily, "This is my younger brother."

"Yeah, of course he's your brother," Chang Yu Chi laughed in reply. In his heart, he silently added another sentence: in the future, he will also be my younger brother.

Xiang Han was surprised. The development between these two people…seemed to be rather different from what he had thought.

No matter what, he still thanked Chang Yu Chi before taking a seat. However, just as he sat down, before his butt could even touch the bench, his tray was pulled away.

Shen Ze had suddenly realised, if Xiang Han sat across him, he would be sitting beside Chang Yu Chi, making his heart feel extremely stuffy. Therefore, he pulled the tray over, pointing to the seat beside him, and said, "Sit here."

Both Xiang Han and Chang Yu Chi froze at the same time. In his heart, Chang Yu Chi couldn't help thinking, although Shen Ze usually looks so aloof, he was actually extremely caring towards his little brother.