
The Target always thinks that I like him!(Quick-Transmigration)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . After the nth time of failing a marriage meeting, Xiang Han got himself a job: good treatment, high salary, free world traveling with food provided, house provided and even a partner provided?! At first, he thought, apart from having to travel into the body of a scum cannon fodder, a scheming fake white lotus, everything else was okay. It was only later he realized that saving the target was also a problem. His imagination was never ending, even eating a cup of ramen was seen as a way to rouse his ( target’s) interest! Xiang Han: This target is a no-go. Certain Target: Very good, you’ve already managed to rouse my interest. Xiang Han: Go outside and make a left turn to the optometrist, go get your eyes healed! Additionally, this “lover provided” isn’t necessary. A Certain Target: This is certainly necessary! once again NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !

Study_Bytes · Fantasy
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166 Chs

Chapter 2.14 – You Actually Fell For This Kind Of Thing?

Zhou Yue Ze was unceremoniously thrown out of the room with a few books, his expression filled with regret.

He seemed to have been too direct. In the end, it concerned the other person's pride, who would endure it? No wonder, that a person as calm as Jiang Han would also become so infuriated like this.

Zhou Yue Ze wanted to curse himself when another book came flying towards him, causing him to duck hastily.

The book fell to the ground with a 'Pa!' and the door also slammed shut with a 'Bang!'. Zhou Yue Ze was even more depressed, going forward to pick up the book. On the cover were three gold-plated words: The Nation's Wealth.

This was Jiang Han's favourite book, and he would stroke it a few times every day. Zhou Yue Ze silently put it away and only took it out after returning to his room. He greedily caressed the words on the cover, as if he could feel the traces left behind by Xiang Han's fingers and slowly opened the book…

Forceful Love: The Overbearing President's Wife is running away!


What was this? Jiang Han read this?

The expression on Zhou Yue Ze's face became subtle, and he flipped it open to take a look. It seems…quite sensual? Therefore, he imagined himself as the president and Xiang Han as the proud wife, reading it with complete seriousness.

After reading it, he analysed that although the president's methods were illogical, they were indeed interesting and worth thinking about.

Done with his analysis, he went online to conduct research and read every single one of this author's works. After making a list of every Gong character, he began to get an in-depth understanding:

Sending flowers. As Jiang Han read this sort of novel, his heart was probably of a romantic, it was worth a shot. √

Sending him to work. Jiang Han had his own chauffeur. ×

Treat him to dinner. Jiang Han seemed to like delicious things. √

When he's sick, give him lots of warmth. Yes… √


When the other person is facing difficulties, make them completely rely on you. This… seemed to be the other way round?

Remarks: If the above methods do not work, then you just have to break his wings and tie him to your side, making it so that he can only rely on you.

"???" Zhou Yue Ze's eyes widened.

This… seems quite impossible. A person like Jiang Han, who had the guts? He quickly deleted the remarks and guiltily stole a glance towards the door.

After Xiang Han threw his books, he was going crazy in the study like a cat with its fur raised. [Little Nine, that wild child is too much! Also, why did you find me a body that is impotent?]

System was also at a loss, [That… Is there a difference? You don't even use it anyway.]

[Whether I don't use it, or I can't use it, are two completely different matters. This concerns my ego!] Xiang Han was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

[But… The one who can't is the original host, not you, ah.]

[But I'm the one using this body now. Other people are laughing at me!]

System was still unable to understand. Was it that important whether he can or cannot do it?

Big A finally couldn't suppress himself and endured his laughter as he came online, [009, you don't understand, forget it. That… Mr. Xiang, the original host's situation isn't too serious, perhaps you can go for treatment.]

Xiang Han: […Forget it, it'll just be better to finish this task and quickly leave this world.]

Big A: [I think you should still get treatment, in the future…. It might affect pleasure.]

[Shut up! Shut up!] Xiang Han burst into rage.

Little B went to the private chat, [You have to do it step by step.]

Big A: […]

Calming down, Xiang Han got the housekeeper to retrieve all his books and after searching one round, he could not find his darling 'The Nation Wealth' novel whose contents had completely undergone a change.

He was stunned, then suddenly recalled that the book seemed to have been tossed out and even nearly hit Zhou Yue Ze. Worse still, before he slammed the door shut, he seemed to have seen Zhou Yue Ze picking…picking it up…

He suddenly wanted to cry without tears, [It's over, Little Nine. My character setting has utterly collapsed.]

[W-What happened?] System stuttered.

Xiang Han: [My 'Economics textbook' had been taken by Jiang Ze.]

System: [Oh…]

Xiang Han: [He definitely knows that the serious book I've been pretending to read all this while is actually that novel about the president.]

Big A: [Pretend you don't know. Even if you're beaten to death, you can't admit it.]

Xiang Han: TAT…

The next day, seeing Zhou Yue Ze at home, Xiang Han went to the office with a guilty conscience.

Zhou Yue Ze was also extremely guilty and uneasy the whole morning. Seeing that the other person did not mention the book, he was relieved.

In the afternoon, Xiang Han did not do anything and simply waited for the housekeeper to bring him his lunch. He kept waiting, but never imagined that the person who actually came would be Zhou Yue Ze.

Zhou Yue Ze had clearly made an effort, wearing a full-body western suit with a black coat that made his figure appear taller and more slender. Not a single strand of hair was out of place, and he had even shaved his sideburns. His leather shoes were polished until they shone and when he walked, it was even accompanied by a gust of wind.

He was carrying a large bouquet of roses and a lunchbox. The whole way here, he had attracted countless gazes. Of course, the most important thing was that he actually used the big boss' personal elevator to directly go into the boss's office.

All the workers were puzzled, who was this person? He seemed familiar, and some said that he had transferred over here from a branch company, he was probably going to be skinned by the boss, right?

Zhou Yue Ze walked into the office and threw out the smile he had been practising for a long time, handing the flowers over. "Sir, for you."

Xiang Han was frozen for a few seconds and after taking the lunchbox, his face was cold. "Take your flowers and scram."

Zhou Yue Ze's expression also stiffened then lowered the flowers in disappointment but he didn't leave immediately. Standing around for a while, he tried again, "Sir, I came a little late and haven't eaten yet."

Xiang Han's hands holding the chopsticks froze and then he immediately called for security. Zhou Yue Ze saw that he was truly angry and quickly left regretfully.

Xiang Han ate this meal feeling extremely depressed. Afterwards, he called the housekeeper and from then on, the housekeeper never let Zhou Yue Ze deliver the food again.

Zhou Yue Ze was unsuccessful and his heart was bitter. When he returned, he continued to research.

Can't send flowers, can't send food. He could only try the fourth one, that was to share warmth during a sickness.

But Jiang Han's body was very healthy, he rarely fell sick. He could only…

In the afternoon, Doctor Zhong took an emergency first aid kit and rushed to the Jiang House. Zhou Yue Ze quickly pulled him into his own room.

Xiang Han returned home early today and asked the housekeeper as usual, "Where is he?"

"He's in the room with Doctor Zhong," The housekeeper answered respectfully.

Doctor Zhong? Zhou Yue Ze was sick?

Although the other person had done many damned things, in the end, he was still his son. After raising him for a year, there were still some feelings. Xiang Han decided to take a look at the situation.

Outside Zhou Yue Ze's room, just as Xiang Han wanted to open the door, he found that it hadn't been closed properly. Then, he heard Doctor Zhong's surprised cry, "You have a problem with that part?"

Xiang Han's actions paused, his expression became strange.

In the room, Zhou Yue Ze was explaining awkwardly, "Not me, it's… a friend of mine."

Doctor Zhong looked at him with sympathy; usually, those that we're asking on behalf of a friend were the ones who were suffering from it.

"Cough, cough, there are many methods. If it is not a psychological problem, you can consider drug therapy or physiotherapy. But the drug needs to be administered carefully and if it's not too serious, you can consider a massage, buy a few massagers or something. You can also try soaking in a hot spring or a medicinal bath. If it's more serious, you may even need surgery."

"The most important thing is to not stress yourself. Remember to tell your friend that it's not a big problem. Even if those methods do not work, he can always try using prosthetics."

Zhou Yue Ze: "…"


The door was suddenly kicked open. Zhou Yue Ze and Doctor Zhong looked back at the same time and saw Xiang Han standing at the door, his face green.

Zhou Yue Ze's heart flew into a frenzy as he silently thought: I'm doomed. Why did Jiang Han suddenly come back?

The aura about Xiang Han was incredibly heavy and his expression was as dark as thunder as he roared, "I want both of you to scram this instant!"

What character setting? Fuck his character setting!

Zhou Yue Ze was thrown out of the villa, his expression filled with remorse: Ah, he made Jiang Han lose his cool again, why is he so careless nowadays?

Doctor Zhong who had been implicated in this mess was also startled, and carefully asked, "You friend… was Mr. Jiang?" He was dead meat. He seemed to have found out something he shouldn't, he would not be silenced, right?

"It's not," Zhou Yue Ze immediately denied and upon seeing the suspicion on Doctor Zhong's face, he gritted his teeth and lied, "That person is… actually me, I hope you can help me keep this a secret."

"Of course, this is my professional ethics as a doctor," Doctor Zhong quickly nodded his head but was actually thinking: Then, why was Mr. Jiang so angry? It couldn't be that both of them can't?

After Xiang Han chased Zhou Yue Ze out, he ordered the housekeeper to never let him back in. The housekeeper had a lot he wanted to say but in the end, he dared not let Zhou Yue Ze back in.

The next day when Xiang Han stepped out of the door, he immediately saw Zhou Yue Ze standing outside with a haggard appearance. Seeing him appear, he immediately looked over pitifully.

Xiang Han sneered and directly headed for the car, leaving Zhou Yue Ze with a sense of loss.

That afternoon, Zhou Yue Ze received a new transfer notice. He had been transferred to a small factory in the suburbs of City A. He hadn't even reported to the main office when he was immediately cast into the cold palace[1]. His life had been uphill but now, it was going downhill again, making him depressed.

Zhou Yue Ze really wanted to talk to Xiang Han but he did not have the chance. In the end, he could only pack up and take on his new role bitterly.

As for Xiang Han's decision, Big A did not agree. At first, he wanted to fool him with a few words but was stopped by Little B.

After two days, Xiang Han's anger had subsided. Little B cleared his throat before he sincerely said, [Mr. Xiang, this task requires the protagonist to abuse the scum and take revenge, becoming a successful businessman. If you send him to a small factory so far away, when will you be able to complete this task?]

Xiang Han: […]

[Transfer him back to the main office. As long as you don't look at him, isn't it fine? The task still needs to be completed, ah.] Little B continued to persuade him.

[Forget it.] Xiang Han was extremely depressed when he picked up the phone to call his secretary, "Transfer Zhou Yue Ze back tomorrow."

Big A sent over a private message: [You're amazing.]

System: [So, what is the purpose of my existence…]

After Zhou Yue Ze returned to the main office, Xiang Han came to find him to cut things off, "This is the key to the Red Hill Villa. Move-in today and in the future, don't come back to the Jiang Villa."

"Why?" Zhou Yue Ze abruptly looked up dumbfounded.

Xiang Han ignored him and continued, "Also, stop making pointless guesses. The reason why I don't like you does not have anything to do with that, I just don't like you. If you have time for your imagination to run wild, why don't you work harder and quickly learn to manage the company."

After saying this, he turned around.

Zhou Yue Ze continued to sit there in a daze, his mind was blank. Just as Xiang Han was about to leave, he suddenly stood up and stared at him fervently, "I-I don't believe you, there must be a reason. That's right, if you don't like me, then why did you break up with all of your lovers before?"

Xiang Han's head was hurting. Thinking for a moment, he finally said, "That's because I already have a person I like, but it's not you."

"Then why aren't you together with him?" Zhou Yue Ze's voice was strained as he continued to question him, clearly disbelieving.

"Because he's not here." Afraid that he would continue to ask, Xiang Han didn't dare linger and quickly left.