
The Target always thinks that I like him!(Quick-Transmigration)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . After the nth time of failing a marriage meeting, Xiang Han got himself a job: good treatment, high salary, free world traveling with food provided, house provided and even a partner provided?! At first, he thought, apart from having to travel into the body of a scum cannon fodder, a scheming fake white lotus, everything else was okay. It was only later he realized that saving the target was also a problem. His imagination was never ending, even eating a cup of ramen was seen as a way to rouse his ( target’s) interest! Xiang Han: This target is a no-go. Certain Target: Very good, you’ve already managed to rouse my interest. Xiang Han: Go outside and make a left turn to the optometrist, go get your eyes healed! Additionally, this “lover provided” isn’t necessary. A Certain Target: This is certainly necessary! once again NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !

Study_Bytes · Fantasy
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166 Chs

Chapter 2.12 – Did He Confess To You?

After Xiang Han was done with his bath, moisture still lingered on his skin as he climbed downstairs.

Housekeeper Zhang had helped Zhou Yue Ze to the sofa and the latter was currently staring dazedly at the bowl of soup in his hands.

Xiang Han walked forward and subconsciously stopped two feet away, asking, "Why aren't you drinking it?" To even confuse him for his own lover, he was obviously heavily intoxicated.

Zhou Yue Ze raised his head to look at him, then looked back at his soup, as if there was something special in it.

Could there be an insect in it? How could housekeeper Zhang be so careless, Xiang Han unconsciously thought, and then went forward to glance at the soup.

It was normal, there weren't any unknown insects in it.

Xiang Han was a little bewildered, then he watched as the other person suddenly placed the soup bowl down on the table in front of him, and lifted his head up to smile at him.

Xiang Han was stunned. In the half-year they had not seen each other, he realized that Zhou Yue Ze had changed a lot. Although his facial features were still as beautiful as ever, it was clearly more prominent than before. When he smiled, he appeared much more handsome. In essence, he was no longer the stubborn beauty that he had seen a long time ago.

Just as he was lost in thought, the other person suddenly grabbed his arm and forcefully threw him down.

Xiang Han was caught off guard. By the time his entire world was flipped upside down, he was already pushed down on the sofa. His nightgown loosened slightly, hanging messily on his body, revealing a wide expanse of chest and a pair of pale slender legs.

Xiang Han was startled, his first reaction was that the bath he'd just taken had gone to waste. When he finally realized what was happening, he was furious. This wild child had actually mistaken him for the person he liked?

He did his best to stay in character, his face filled with rage as he coldly said, "Let go!"

"No." Zhou Yue Ze resolutely shook his head, then suddenly laughed. "I knew it, I must have been drunk and hallucinating. What happened just now isn't real. You love me so much, why would you reject me?"

"…He he, this must also be a dream. I'm actually… still in the office…."

It's over, this person actually drank until he became stupid.

Xiang Han held his forehead in misery. He actually wanted to use his knee, but the moment he lifted his leg up, he was immediately suppressed. Worse still, Zhou Yue Ze's palms were hot. After pressing him down, Zhou Yue Ze's hands actually slowly travelled up his calf.

Xiang Han already broke out into goosebumps, wanting to kick him but was unable to. He could only struggle helplessly. Zhou Yue Ze's breathing suddenly became faster, his chest sticking firmly against Xiang Han's bare skin as the heat from the other side was being continuously transmitted to him.

He used his face to lightly caress the other and softly said, "…If this is a dream, then can I… Can I do whatever I want…"

Xiang Han's body slowly started to heat up, his face flushed scarlet and his eyes were filled with fury, glaring murderously at him.

Zhou Yue Ze was utterly in love with this cold expression that carried a hint of lust. He immediately took off the pair of glasses and gently kissed the man's reddened eyes, his hands slowly inching up his inner thighs.

Xiang Han immediately cursed, fuck. Saliva, the saliva was on his eyes! He wanted to wash his face, no, he wanted to wash everywhere!

An even more pressing matter was the rascal's hands, Ah ah! Xiang Han tightly closed his legs together, the bell in his mind ringing madly and he was shouting non-stop for his System: [Little Nine, Little Nine, save me…]

Unfortunately, System was quiet as a chicken.

When a certain place was being held, Xiang Han's heart stopped. Zhou Yue Ze suddenly froze, even his actions had stopped.

"You, why are you…" Zhou Yue Ze was confused.

Xiang Han laughed coldly: He he, you finally realized, Laozi is a damned pure virgin, you still haven't gotten lost?

What Zhou Yue Ze actually thought was: Jiang Han is obviously excited, his entire body is hot, so why is there no reaction down there?

But he quickly came to a realization: Ah, because he was dreaming.

Xiang Han saw that he was still unmoving and could not conceal his rage, "Why haven't you scrammed yet?"

Who would have thought that Zhou Yue Ze would actually say, "Don't worry, touch it a few more times and it'll be fine."

Xiang Han's expression was about to collapse, his heart filled with annoyance: Are you going to fucking touch me until I become a woman?

Thankfully, the housekeeper had appeared by this time with supper. But after seeing their compromising positions, he froze and his old face suddenly reddened, quickly turning to leave.

Xiang Han shouted at him to stop, "Why are you leaving, you're still not coming to help me?"

The housekeeper faltered, he was in a difficult position, "Sir, that isn't too good, is it? I'm already so old and I don't know about such things."

Xiang Han was dumbstruck and after a moment, he endured the urge to yell. "I want you to get him off me!"

"This… okay."

The housekeeper also felt regretful. The Master was too much. Finally having obtained the results he wanted, what was he still waiting for? Ah, he was also to be blamed, appearing when he should not have. But the Master and the Young Master Jiang were also too wild, what if it had been some other maid that had passed by? Tsk Tsk!

With the housekeeper's help, Xiang Han finally managed to kick the person away, just like he wished. Moreover, the strength he used was much more than before. Zhou Yue Ze fell onto the ground with a 'deng' and directly fainted.

Xiang Han stood up and rearranged his nightgown, pulling up his collar and glared furiously at the other person before telling the housekeeper, "Let him sleep on the floor tonight."

"Ah, Sir, that won't be too good. Earlier on he had fallen quite hard and already fainted. I think it'll be better to call for Doctor Zhong to take a look." The housekeeper tried to persuade him.

Xiang Han: "…"

"Forget it. Deal with him, as you see fit." He couldn't be bothered and rushed into the bathroom to wash thoroughly.

After bathing, he did not go to sleep, and instead, he continued sitting and waiting for the System to appear.

After the System came online, he seemed to have guessed that Xiang Han had been waiting and carefully asked: [Mr. Xiang, so fast? Looks like the Target this time cannot be compared to the last one.]

Xiang Han:[…] Why did these words sound so weird?

[Little Nine, let me ask you, where did you go just now?] Xiang Han's face was filled with seriousness, [Did you know that I nearly died just now. I even shouted for help but you never appeared.] Xiang Han was mad.

System: [Why would there be any danger? Mr. Xiang, you are at home.]

[Tell me first, where did you go just now?]

[I was censored, ah.] System said.

[C-Censored?] Xiang Han was tongue-tied and in disbelief, "How could you blindly censor at times where you shouldn't and not censor when you should?]

[Ah, Mr. Xiang, this was your instruction from the previous world. Once it goes below the neck, regardless of the setting, we should censor it.] System was innocent.

[…Everything that happened today was actually my own fault?] Xiang Han was speechless.

[Is it…not?] System's words directly pierced his heart.

[Little Nine, I think this is a pithole. What if I encounter something dangerous the next time when you are in censored state?]

System: [But that was your request last time, all audio and visual must be turned off.]

Xiang Han's face was full of tears, [Can't you have the best of both worlds?]

System tried to console him, [Mr. Xiang, don't worry. Let's wait for Mr. Dean to come back and I'll report it to him.]

[Fine.] Xiang Han could only agree helplessly while thinking that thankfully this time was only an accident. It was only Zhou Yue Ze who got drunk and recognized the wrong person. In the short run, there shouldn't be any incidents that would require censoring. No, it would be best if he never met with any more such incidents.

The next day when Xiang Han went down the stairs, Zhou Yue Ze was already awake.

Because he had just taken a bath, his hair was still damp and he was currently sitting on the sofa, rubbing his eyes.

Seeing Xiang Han appear, he unconsciously froze, a suspicious light flashing through his eyes as he hesitated for a moment, "Sir, did I say something to you yesterday?"

Hmph, not only did you say it, you even did it.

Xiang Han's face was cold and without a trace of politeness, "In the future, if you're drunk then just sleep outside." Don't come back and go crazy.

Zhou Yue Ze was stunned, but after thinking, he felt that Xiang Han was probably worried about him and thus smiled, "It's nothing. I called a taxi yesterday, there wasn't any danger."

Xiang Han suddenly got the feeling he was a chicken trying to talk to a duck[1], but whatever. In the first place, he was only making a casual statement; he did not really mean for the other person to sleep outside. Thus, he did not bother explaining anymore and went straight to the dining room.

Zhou Yue Ze quickly got up and walked towards him, asking, "Sir, yesterday… did I really not say anything?"

He seemed to remember that he had confessed, and even pushed him down on the sofa…but when he woke up, he only felt confused and dared not confirm whether what had happened had been real or just a dream.

Xiang Han effortlessly put some distance between them, his voice cold, "You didn't say anything."

Xiang Han felt that things like mistaking another person was better left unspoken, lest both parties feel awkward, especially when the one being mistaken and pushed down was him.

Zhou Yue Ze finally paused, revealing an expression of disappointment. "Is that so?" Afterwards, he looked upset, "Turns out it was really just a dream…"

"What dream?" The housekeeper suddenly appeared, smiling.

"Nothing much," Zhou Yue Ze quickly shook his head but when he thought of the scene from his 'dream', the tips of his ears reddened visibly.

The housekeeper seemed to understand something and seeing Xiang Han walk further away, he suddenly lowered his voice, "Speaking of which, young master, you were too bold yesterday. To actually push the Master down in the living room… Ah, the Master has very thin skin, no wonder he was angry."

His family's master is too restrained, he will help with whatever he could, sigh.

"What?" Zhou Yue Ze's eyes suddenly widened in shock. So, it wasn't… wasn't a dream?

Xiang Han noticed Zhou Yue Ze's abnormality. Throughout breakfast, he kept staring at him and after breakfast, he didn't go to the office, constantly hovering about him.

"What on earth do you want?" Xiang Han finally couldn't hold back and asked. If he continued hovering about, sooner or later, the matter of him reading a novel will be exposed.

Sobriety and intoxication were two completely different states. Zhou Yun Ze gathered his courage for a long time before he finally exhaled and asked, "Sir, last night… did I confess to you?"