
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Echoes in the Melody

The weight of their discovery settled on Tara and Maya like a melody played in a minor key. They held the key to understanding the Order's twisted purpose, but reaching them remained a daunting challenge.



Professor Ghosh, ever the scholar, suggested a daring plan. "The archives hold an annual symposium," he explained, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. "Historians, archaeologists, anyone with a passion for Tollygunge's past gather to share their findings."

"A symposium?" Maya repeated, skepticism lacing her voice. "The Order wouldn't dare show their faces there, would they?"

Tara, however, felt a flicker of hope. "Maybe not openly," she countered. "But what if someone sympathetic to their cause, someone who questioned the Order's methods, was present? They could be our bridge."

The idea was risky. Publicly revealing the Order's past could incite panic, but keeping it hidden only perpetuated the cycle of misunderstanding. They decided to take a calculated gamble.

The symposium buzzed with academic fervor. Tara and Maya, disguised as researchers presenting a paper on the "Evolution of Tollygunge's Soundscape," subtly wove the story of the Guardians and their corrupted melody into their presentation.

As they spoke, their eyes scanned the audience, searching for a flicker of recognition, a hint of doubt in the attentive faces. Halfway through their presentation, a lone figure stirred in the back row. An elderly woman, her face etched with a lifetime of experiences, leaned forward, her gaze locked on Tara.

After the presentation, the woman approached them, her voice a low murmur. "You spoke of a hidden history," she said. "A time when the melody served a different purpose."

Tara and Maya exchanged a surprised glance. This was it. "We believe so," Maya replied cautiously.

The woman, introducing herself as Elara, a former historian ostracized for questioning the Order's methods, listened intently as they revealed their findings. Tears welled in her eyes as they shared the story of the Guardians' sacrifice and the melody's tragic transformation.

"I always knew there was more," Elara whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "The Order… they've become consumed by fear. They've forgotten the true purpose, the balance the melody once maintained."

A seed of hope bloomed within Tara. Elara wasn't just a sympathizer; she was a potential ally, someone who could bridge the chasm between the city and the Order.

"We need your help, Elara," Maya pleaded. "We need to reach the Order, to show them the truth, to find a way to heal the melody together."

Elara, her eyes filled with a newfound resolve, nodded. "There's a hidden channel," she confessed. "A way to communicate with a select few within the Order, those who might be receptive to… a different perspective."

A risky plan began to form. Elara, using her network of informants, would arrange a clandestine meeting with a representative from the Order. Tara, Maya, and Professor Ghosh, armed with their knowledge and the melody woven into the very fabric of their beings, would attempt to bridge the divide.

The path ahead was fraught with danger. The Order might view their attempt as a trap, a prelude to an attack. But they had no choice. The future of Tollygunge, the city of music, hung in the balance. It was time to face the discordant symphony head-on, not with weapons, but with the unifying power of their shared melody, hoping to create a harmony that could heal the fractured city.