
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 40

Weeks bled into months, and Tollygunge hummed with a newfound vibrancy. The scars of the Order's attacks faded, replaced by murals depicting the city's musical heritage. Tara and Maya, hailed as heroes, found themselves constantly pulled in different directions – interviews, performances, invitations to teach their unique musical approach.

Despite the acclaim, a sliver of unease gnawed at Tara. The silence from the Order was unsettling. Were they truly defeated, or simply biding their time? She found solace in practicing her violin, the familiar melody a source of comfort and a reminder of their victory.

One afternoon, while Professor Ghosh deciphered another fragment of Sitara's journal, Tara received a call from Inspector Khanna. His voice, usually gruff, held a hint of urgency. "Tara," he began, "we found something… down at the docks."

A knot of apprehension tightened in Tara's stomach. Arriving at the docks, a scene of chaos greeted them. A large warehouse, its walls charred and smoking, stood cordoned off by police tape.

"Gas leak," Inspector Khanna explained grimly. "Apparently, the building was being used to store volatile chemicals. One spark, and..." He didn't need to finish the sentence.

Tara's gaze darted towards the wreckage. The warehouse – the same one where they had confronted the Order leader. A wave of suspicion washed over her. "Gas leak? Are you sure?"

Khanna shrugged. "Forensics are still on their way. But…" he paused, his eyes meeting hers, "It feels…off."

Their suspicions were confirmed later that day. A meticulous search revealed remnants of the Order's cloaks and a fragment of the shattered obsidian shard. The "gas leak" was a deliberate ploy, an attempt to erase any evidence of the Order's presence.

News of the incident spread like wildfire, casting a shadow over the city's newfound peace. The Order, it seemed, were still out there, lurking in the shadows, their motives shrouded in secrecy.

That night, as Tara lay awake staring at the ceiling, a chilling thought struck her. What if their fight with the Order wasn't a victory, but a calculated move? What if the "gas leak" was a message, a display of power meant to sow doubt and fear?

Doubt gnawed at her. Had they truly understood the Order's goals? Was the melody enough to protect Tollygunge from a more cunning threat? She desperately needed answers, a deeper understanding of the melody, of her family's legacy.

The next morning, with a renewed sense of purpose, Tara approached Professor Ghosh. "We need to delve deeper into Sitara's journal," she declared. "There has to be more, some clue, some hidden message about the Order and their true intentions."

Professor Ghosh, his eyes reflecting her determination, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Tara. We may have won the battle, but the war is far from over. It's time to unlock the secrets within these pages."

Together, they embarked on a renewed investigation, poring over Sitara's cryptic symbols and fragmented notes. The melody, it seemed, held more than just the power to counter discord. It held whispers of a deeper connection, a forgotten history between the city and the Order.

As the days turned into weeks, a disturbing truth began to emerge. The Order wasn't a rogue faction seeking control; they were descendants of the city's original guardians, protectors tasked with maintaining a balance between the chaotic energy beneath Tollygunge and the vibrant melody that resonated within it.

A chilling realization dawned on Tara. The Order, once protectors, had become corrupted, believing the city's energy needed to be controlled, not balanced. Their attempts to disrupt the melody weren't just about power; they were a misguided attempt to restore a twisted sense of order.

With this knowledge, a new challenge loomed. They couldn't simply defeat the Order; they had to understand their warped perspective, heal the rift that had driven them to such extremes. The melody of Tollygunge, they knew, could be the key, but wielding it would require more than just musical prowess. It would require empathy, understanding, and the courage to face a truth as discordant as the Order's symphony.