
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 3

The Kolkata monsoon had begun in earnest, the rhythmic drumming of rain against the windows a constant background hum in the Chowdhury household. Inspector Chatterjee, his trench coat damp from the downpour, returned to the residence, a sense of urgency gnawing at him. The half-written letter clutched in Dhritiman's hand was a tantalizing clue, a whisper of a secret that could hold the key to the murder.


He wasted no time. Maya, her elegant features etched with worry, was his first stop. He presented her with the letter, hoping it might jog her memory. Maya scanned the document, her brow furrowing in concentration. She recognized Dhritiman's handwriting, but the contents remained a mystery. "He never discussed anything like this with me," she said, her voice betraying a flicker of unease.

Undeterred, Inspector Chatterjee moved on to Rahul. The flamboyant nephew, his usual bravado dampened by the oppressive atmosphere, seemed genuinely surprised by the letter. He claimed to have no knowledge of its contents and reiterated his innocence. Inspector Chatterjee, however, couldn't shake the feeling that Rahul was hiding something.

Aparna, ever the shrewd observer, seemed intrigued by the letter. "Perhaps it has something to do with his business dealings," she offered, her voice laced with a hint of speculation. When pressed about any potential conflicts within Dhritiman's vast empire, she remained tight-lipped. Inspector Chatterjee sensed she knew more than she was letting on.

Somnath, as usual, seemed clueless. The letter meant nothing to him, his world seemingly confined to his collection of antique clocks and his quiet resentment towards the Chowdhury family. Yet, Inspector Chatterjee couldn't help but notice a flicker of nervous energy in Somnath's eyes when he mentioned the letter.

The biggest surprise came from Rohan. When shown the letter, his face blanched, a surge of emotions playing across his features. He stammered, claiming the letter might have something to do with his father, Prithvi. He confessed to sneaking into the study on occasion, searching for any clues about his past.

With each interview, the puzzle pieces began to fall into place, forming a picture far more complex than Inspector Chatterjee initially anticipated. The letter, the tampered tea, the locked study - they all pointed towards a deliberate act, but the motive remained elusive. Was the secret Dhritiman planned to reveal financial in nature, or something more personal?

Days turned into weeks, the investigation taking a painstakingly slow pace. Frustration gnawed at Inspector Chatterjee. He decided to revisit the scene of the crime, hoping to find a detail he might have missed earlier. As he meticulously scanned Dhritiman's study, his gaze fell upon a seemingly innocuous object - a small, ornate box tucked away on a bookshelf.

Intrigued, Inspector Chatterjee opened the box. Inside, nestled amongst velvet padding, lay a collection of old photographs. One photograph, in particular, caught his eye. It was a younger Dhritiman alongside a woman with a striking resemblance to Maya. The caption on the back read simply, "Priya - 1965."

A sudden realization dawned on Inspector Chatterjee. The missing piece of the puzzle had clicked into place. Dhritiman had a secret - a past love named Priya who bore an uncanny resemblance to Maya. Could this be the motive for the murder? Was Maya somehow connected to Priya, and did Dhritiman's attempt to reveal the truth lead to his demise?

With this newfound revelation, Inspector Chatterjee knew he had to delve deeper into Dhritiman's past. He needed to find out who Priya was and what connection she had to the Chowdhury family. The investigation was no longer just about a murder; it was a journey into a web of long-buried secrets that threatened to tear the Chowdhury family apart. The rain continued to lash against the windows, a fitting backdrop for the storm brewing within the opulent Tollygunge mansion.