
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 38

The aftermath of the warehouse showdown left a sense of unease hanging over Tollygunge. The Order of the Silent Hand had been thwarted, but their chilling promise of an unfinished symphony lingered in the air. Tara, nursing a bruised ego and a newfound sense of responsibility, found herself drawn to Maya's side.


"Your family's melody," Tara confessed, her voice hushed as they sat in Maya's dimly lit apartment, "it seems to hold a power I never imagined."

Maya, her brow furrowed in contemplation, strummed a melancholic tune on her old sitar. "It's always been a part of our lives," she admitted. "Passed down through generations, a lullaby sung at bedtime, a melody woven into our celebrations."

"But what does it mean? Why does it have such an effect?" Tara pressed, her curiosity gnawing at her.

A flicker of sadness crossed Maya's face. "Our family history is shrouded in a bit of mystery. My grandmother used to speak of a wandering musician, a woman who arrived in Tollygunge generations ago, bringing with her a unique style of music."

"A unique style?"

"Yes," Maya said, her fingers plucking a series of unfamiliar notes. "A melody that resonated with the city itself, that seemed to draw its power from the very essence of Tollygunge's vibrant spirit."

"Could that be why the Order wants to disrupt it?" Tara asked, a connection forming in her mind.

Maya nodded slowly. "Perhaps. The Order seeks control. They want to bend the city to their will, and our melody, with its connection to Tollygunge's inherent strength, might be the only thing standing in their way."

Suddenly, a memory surfaced in Tara's mind, a fragment from her childhood. Her grandmother, her voice frail but her eyes sparkling, humming a melody that resonated with a strange familiarity. It was different from the melody in her locket, yet it shared the same core essence, the same vibrant spirit of Tollygunge.

"My grandmother," Tara blurted out, "she used to hum a similar tune. Not exactly the same, but…"

"A variation?" Maya's eyes widened with excitement. "Perhaps that's the key! Our family's melody isn't a singular entity; it's a living tradition, evolving with each generation."

A spark of hope ignited within Tara. Their family melodies, passed down through the generations, might hold the power to counter the Order's discordant symphony. But how could they unlock this legacy, this hidden power within their music?

"We need to learn more," Maya declared, her determination echoing in the room. "There might be something hidden, some record of our family's past, some clue as to the origins of this melody."

Fueled by newfound purpose, Tara and Maya embarked on a journey through their family histories. They delved into dusty attics, sifting through faded photographs and handwritten letters. They interviewed distant relatives, each conversation revealing a fragment of their shared heritage.

Slowly, a picture began to emerge. The wandering musician, a woman named Sitara, was more than just a talented artist. Legends whispered of her connection to the city's energy, of her ability to channel its vibrant spirit into her music.

And then, tucked away in a forgotten trunk, they found it – a weathered journal, its pages filled with cryptic symbols and musical notation. It was Sitara's journal, a testament to her journey and her unique understanding of Tollygunge's soul.

Deciphering the journal proved a daunting task, but with Professor Ghosh's expertise and their combined musical knowledge, they began to make progress. The symbols, they discovered, were a form of musical notation, a way of capturing the essence of Tollygunge's energy in a written form.

As they delved deeper, a revelation hit them. Sitara hadn't just created a melody; she had created a system, a way for future generations to tap into the city's power and use it for good. Each family member, through their own interpretation and improvisation, had contributed to the legacy, making the melody a living entity that resonated with Tollygunge's ever-evolving spirit.

With newfound understanding, Tara and Maya began to practice. They studied Sitara's notation, incorporating it into their own musical styles. The result was a symphony, a powerful counterpoint to the Order's discord. It wasn't just their family melodies woven together; it was a living testament to Tollygunge's vibrant spirit, a melody that resonated with the city's very essence.

The fight against the Order of the Silent Hand was far from over, but Tara and Maya, armed with their musical legacy and a newfound understanding of their city