
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 29

Months had passed since the takedown of the Heirs of Tradition. The Priya Arts and Education Center thrummed with a renewed energy. Student murals depicting the fight against corruption adorned the walls, and a new course titled "Demystifying Power Structures" drew a record number of participants. Yet, a shadow of unease lingered in Tara's heart.


One evening, while sorting through Dhritiman's belongings, she stumbled upon a leather-bound journal tucked away in a dusty corner. Intrigued, she opened it, her breath catching in her throat as she recognized the faded script – the same one found in the book belonging to the Story Weavers.

This journal, however, was different. It was Dhritiman's personal account, detailing his investigation into the Heirs of Tradition. As Tara delved deeper, a chilling realization dawned on her. The Heirs weren't a mere splinter group; they were a continuation of a far more ancient and powerful society – the Order of the Silent Hand.

Dhritiman's journal spoke of a hidden history, a secret society that had manipulated events in Tollygunge for centuries, using whispers, misinformation, and even violence to maintain their control. The Heirs, it seemed, were merely pawns in a much larger game.

A wave of despair washed over Tara. The fight they thought they had won was just the beginning. The melody of justice seemed to falter once more, overshadowed by the chilling echoes of a long-forgotten past.

Days turned into weeks as Tara delved deeper into Dhritiman's journal. She learned of a series of cryptic symbols, recurring throughout the text, that seemed to hold the key to unraveling the Order's secrets. Driven by a renewed sense of purpose, she contacted Professor Ghosh, the linguistics expert who had previously helped decipher the Story Weavers' book.

Professor Ghosh, his eyes gleaming with fascination, confirmed her suspicions. The symbols were indeed a form of ancient code used by the Order, a language shrouded in secrecy and manipulation. Deciphering it, he warned, wouldn't be easy, but it could be the key to exposing the Order's true motives and dismantling their web of deceit.

News of the discovery spread quickly through the Center. A team of students, eager to contribute to the fight for justice, joined Tara and Professor Ghosh on a quest to decipher the code. Days turned into nights as they poured over ancient texts, historical maps, and obscure symbols, their efforts fueled by a burning desire to expose the darkness that threatened their city.

One late evening, a breakthrough arrived. A brilliant student named Rohan, known for his uncanny ability to solve puzzles, cracked the code. The symbols revealed a location – an abandoned observatory hidden deep within the Tollygunge hills, a place mentioned in Dhritiman's journal as a potential stronghold of the Order.

A sense of trepidation and excitement mingled within Tara. The fight for justice had taken an unexpected turn, leading them to a hidden lair shrouded in mystery. But they wouldn't back down. Armed with Dhritiman's legacy, the deciphered code, and the unwavering spirit of the Center, they set out on a new mission – to infiltrate the Order's lair and expose their secrets to the light. The melody of their fight had reached a new movement, a perilous journey into the heart of darkness, where the fate of Tollygunge, and perhaps the very essence of truth and justice, would hang in the balance.