
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 26

Five years had passed since the dismantling of the Guardians of Tradition. The Priya Arts and Education Center thrived, its halls buzzing with the vibrant symphony of creativity and social activism. Tara Chowdhury, her silver hair now streaked with a hint of grey, watched with pride as a group of students debated the merits of community-based renewable energy solutions.


However, a discordant note began to creep into the melody of their success. Rumors of a splinter group, calling themselves the "Heirs of Tradition," surfaced. These whispers spoke of disgruntled ex-Guardians, their desire for control reignited, and their methods as ruthless as ever.

The first sign of trouble arrived in the form of a series of seemingly random cyberattacks. The Center's website was hacked, student records were compromised, and threatening messages were sent to Tara and other prominent figures. Inspector Khanna, his gaze grim, analyzed the attacks, a sense of foreboding settling on his weathered face.

"These aren't amateurs," he declared. "They're using advanced encryption techniques, leaving few traces."

Tara felt a shiver down her spine. The Heirs of Tradition were more organized, more tech-savvy than their predecessors. This wasn't a mere annoyance; it was a calculated move to destabilize the Center and instill fear.

Days turned into weeks, the cyberattacks escalating in frequency and intensity. Then, one morning, news broke of a devastating fire at a local community center known for its progressive programs, a center that had partnered with the Priya Arts and Education Center on several social initiatives.

The fire, deemed an arson case, sent shockwaves through the city. A wave of panic gripped the community, the melody of hope momentarily replaced by a discordant note of fear.

Tara, her resolve hardening, addressed the students and staff gathered in the Center's auditorium. "The Heirs of Tradition are trying to silence us," she declared, her voice ringing with conviction. "But we will not be intimidated. We will continue our fight for justice, and we will expose their darkness to the light."

Her words sparked a renewed wave of defiance. Students organized peaceful demonstrations, artists created powerful anti-corruption murals, and online activists launched counter-campaigns to expose the Heirs' misinformation. The Center, once again, became the rallying point for the city's conscience.

However, the Heirs remained a shadowy presence. Their attacks continued, targeting not just the Center but also prominent journalists, government officials who dared to speak out, and even Vikram Mehta, who had become a vocal critic of his family's past.

One evening, as Tara walked home from the Center, a dark figure emerged from an alleyway. Before she could react, a rough hand clamped over her mouth, muffled screams erupting from her throat. She was dragged into the darkness, the discordant symphony of fear reaching a deafening crescendo.

When Tara regained consciousness, she found herself in a dimly lit room, bound to a chair. Across from her sat a man cloaked in shadows, his face obscured. He spoke in a raspy voice, dripping with menace.

"Tara Chowdhury," he sneered. "You've been a thorn in our side for long enough. The Heirs of Tradition will not tolerate your defiance any longer."

Tara's heart pounded in her chest, but her voice remained steady. "You can't silence the truth," she challenged. "The people are awake now. They won't stand for your corruption."

The figure let out a harsh laugh. "The people are sheep," he spat. "We control the narrative, and soon, we will control the city once more."

A cold dread washed over Tara. This wasn't just about the Center anymore. The Heirs of Tradition aimed to cripple the very fabric of social progress. She knew then that the fight for justice had taken a new turn, a desperate struggle against a shadowy enemy fueled by a thirst for power. The melody of their fight, momentarily silenced by the Heirs' discordant notes, needed to rise again, stronger than ever, to expose their darkness and restore harmony to the city. The tangled ties of Tollygunge, once seemingly untangled, had taken a terrifying twist. The fight for truth and justice had just begun its most perilous chapter.