
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

A Distant Harmony

Decades had passed since Anya's visit to Tollygunge. Tara and Maya, their hair now streaked with silver, sat on a park bench bathed in the golden hues of a setting sun. The city they once knew had transformed once more. Skyscrapers grazed the clouds, their sleek forms a stark contrast to the old, musical quarters. Yet, the melody of Tollygunge still resonated, albeit subtly, woven into the city's vibrant soundscape.



Suddenly, a flicker on Tara's wristband, a new technological marvel that connected musicians across the globe, drew her attention. A message blinked, the sender's name unfamiliar – Anya Petrova.

Tara's heart skipped a beat. Anya, the fiery-haired girl with wanderlust in her eyes, was now a renowned composer. A sense of anticipation mingled with nostalgia filled her as she opened the message.

"Greetings, my mentors," the message began. "I'm writing from a place unlike any other – a lunar colony called Nova Harmony. We're a diverse group of scientists and artists, and music... well, music is a precious commodity here."

Tara and Maya exchanged surprised glances. A lunar colony?

The message continued, Anya describing the challenges of creating music in an environment devoid of natural sounds. She spoke of her attempts to use the melody of Tollygunge as a foundation, its message of unity resonating with their own quest to build a harmonious society on the moon.

"We're holding a first-ever Nova Harmony music festival," Anya wrote, "and I'd be honored if you, the originators of the melody, could be our guests."

A wave of emotions washed over Tara. Excitement bubbled within her, but a tinge of uncertainty lingered. Were they too old for such a journey?

Maya, sensing her friend's thoughts, squeezed her hand. "We brought the melody to the world, Tara," she said, her voice firm despite her age. "Now, it's time for the world to show us how it's grown."

A smile bloomed on Tara's face. Maya was right. The melody, born in Tollygunge, had traveled beyond borders, inspiring countless musicians. It was time to witness its evolution on a celestial stage.

With a resolute nod, Tara replied to Anya's message. "We wouldn't miss it for the world."

Weeks later, Tara and Maya, bundled in spacesuits that felt far too sterile compared to their beloved violins, stood on the lunar surface. The desolate landscape stretched before them, a canvas of gray dotted with shimmering domes – Nova Harmony.

Anya, her hair now streaked with silver but her eyes still sparkling with enthusiasm, greeted them. She led them through the colony, its sterile corridors buzzing with a unique energy. Young children, their laughter echoing strangely in the airless environment, practiced on instruments adapted for lunar gravity.

The festival, held within a massive dome, was a spectacle. Musicians from various Earth cultures, their instruments modified for the lunar environment, performed alongside Nova Harmony's own creations – music born from the hum of machinery and the crackle of radio waves.

Tara and Maya took the stage, their familiar instruments feeling oddly comforting in this alien environment. As their melody, infused with the stories it had collected over the years, filled the dome, a hush fell over the audience.

The music resonated, not just with the familiar notes, but with the underlying message – a message of unity and resilience that transcended language and environment. Here, on the moon, the melody of Tollygunge had found a new voice, a testament to its enduring power to connect hearts and inspire hope, a song that would forever echo in the vastness of space.