
The Tang Family's Prodigy

In the ancient town of Xi'an, nestled within the grand Tang family estate, a prodigy is born. Tang Feng, a young martial artist with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a natural talent for combat, is poised to become a legend in the martial world. From a young age, Tang Feng demonstrates an extraordinary aptitude for martial arts, mastering the basics at an unprecedented speed. His journey begins under the watchful eyes of his father, Tang Wei, the head of the Tang family. But destiny has greater plans for Tang Feng. One fateful evening in the tranquil bamboo forest, Tang Feng encounters Master Yun, a mysterious and revered martial arts master. Recognizing Tang Feng's potential, Master Yun offers to teach him secret techniques that transcend the traditional teachings of the Tang family. Under Master Yun's rigorous and unconventional tutelage, Tang Feng's skills soar to new heights. He learns to harness his inner Qi, enhancing his strength, speed, and agility, and mastering advanced techniques that seem almost supernatural. As Tang Feng grows, so does his reputation. His unparalleled abilities and wisdom draw admiration from allies and incite envy and fear in enemies. The path of the prodigy is fraught with challenges, from internal family politics to external threats from rival clans and dark sects. Tang Feng's journey is one of self-discovery, where he must balance the pursuit of power with the cultivation of character and righteousness. As Tang Feng faces increasingly formidable foes and uncovers ancient secrets, he must decide what kind of legacy he will leave behind. Will he become a beacon of hope and righteousness in the martial world, or will the temptations of power lead him astray?

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7 Chs

Shadows in the Night

The night was calm, the moon casting a pale glow over the Tang family estate. The air was cool and crisp, a serene silence enveloping the surroundings. Tang Feng, still reveling in the success of his Trial of Poison, felt a sense of peace as he prepared for a night of rest. He had proven himself worthy in the eyes of the elders, but he knew that his journey was just beginning.

As he lay in bed, his mind wandered to the techniques he had mastered, the wisdom he had gained from Master Yun, and the responsibilities that came with his newfound skills. Just as he was about to drift into sleep, a faint noise outside his window caught his attention. His senses, honed through years of training, immediately went on high alert.

Tang Feng rose quietly and moved to the window, peering out into the darkness. At first, he saw nothing, but then he noticed subtle movements among the shadows. Intruders. His heart quickened, but his mind remained calm. He dressed quickly, strapping on his weapons and slipping into the shadows of his room.

He moved silently through the corridors of the estate, alert for any signs of danger. As he approached the courtyard, he saw them—black-clad figures moving stealthily, their intentions unmistakably hostile. Assassins. They had come under the cover of night to strike at the heart of the Tang family.

Tang Feng's mind raced. He needed to alert his family and defend the estate. He moved swiftly, his steps silent as he navigated the familiar hallways. He reached his father's chambers and knocked softly, urgency in his movements.

"Father, we have intruders," Tang Feng whispered urgently as Tang Wei opened the door.

Tang Wei's eyes narrowed, his face becoming a mask of resolve. "Wake the guards and protect the family," he ordered.

Tang Feng nodded and hurried to sound the alarm. Within moments, the estate was alive with activity as guards and family members prepared to defend their home. Tang Feng, armed with his trusted blade and the techniques he had mastered, took a position in the courtyard, ready to face the attackers.

The assassins, realizing their presence had been discovered, abandoned their stealth and launched a full-scale assault. They moved with lethal precision, their blades gleaming in the moonlight. Tang Feng met their advance head-on, his movements a blur of speed and agility.

He engaged the first assassin with a series of rapid strikes, his blade meeting theirs with a resounding clash. The Shadow Step technique allowed him to evade their attacks with ease, his form blending seamlessly with the darkness. Within moments, he disarmed his opponent and incapacitated them with a swift, precise blow.

Another assassin lunged at him from the side, but Tang Feng was ready. He spun gracefully, using the momentum to deliver a powerful kick that sent the attacker sprawling. Without missing a beat, he followed up with a series of strikes, each one more precise than the last, until the assassin lay motionless on the ground.

The courtyard became a battlefield, the night filled with the sounds of clashing steel and the shouts of combatants. Tang Feng moved through the chaos like a phantom, his skills in the Dragon's Fury technique allowing him to unleash devastating attacks that left his enemies reeling.

As he fought, he saw his family members and the estate guards holding their ground, inspired by his prowess and determination. Tang Wei led the defense with unwavering resolve, his presence a beacon of strength for all those around him.

But the assassins were numerous and well-coordinated. They pressed their attack relentlessly, seeking to overwhelm the defenders with sheer numbers. Tang Feng knew he had to do something drastic to turn the tide of battle.

Drawing on the lessons he had learned from Master Yun and the Forbidden Scroll, Tang Feng decided to use the Dragon's Fury technique. He focused his Qi, channeling it into his fists and preparing to release a powerful burst of energy.

With a deep breath, Tang Feng unleashed the Dragon's Fury, his fist striking the ground with explosive force. The ground trembled, and a shockwave of energy radiated outward, knocking several assassins off their feet and creating a momentary lull in the battle.

Seizing the opportunity, Tang Feng rallied the defenders, urging them to push back against the attackers. "For the Tang family!" he shouted, his voice carrying above the din of battle.

Emboldened by his leadership, the defenders surged forward, their attacks coordinated and relentless. Tang Feng continued to fight at the forefront, his every move a testament to his skill and determination. The assassins, realizing they were outmatched, began to falter.

One of the attackers, seemingly a leader, called for a retreat. The remaining assassins disengaged and fled into the night, their mission a failure. Tang Feng watched them go, his heart still pounding from the intensity of the battle. He knew this was not the last time they would face such threats, but tonight they had triumphed.

As the defenders tended to their wounded and secured the estate, Tang Wei approached his son. "You fought bravely, Feng'er. You have proven yourself once again, not just to the family but to everyone here."

Tang Feng bowed his head, humbled by his father's words. "I only did what was necessary to protect our home and our family."

Tang Wei placed a hand on Tang Feng's shoulder. "Your skills and leadership were crucial tonight. The Tang family is fortunate to have you."

The moon was beginning to set, and the first light of dawn was creeping over the horizon. Tang Feng looked around at the estate, the place he had sworn to protect. He knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but he was ready to face them, armed with the knowledge and skills he had worked so hard to attain.

As the family and guards regrouped and began the process of repairing the damage, Tang Feng took a moment to reflect on the night's events. The attack had shown him the reality of the threats they faced and the importance of vigilance and preparedness.

He resolved to continue his training, to become even stronger and wiser, so that he could protect not only his family but also the innocent and the just. The shadows in the night had tested him, but he had emerged victorious, proving his worth and solidifying his place as a true defender of the Tang legacy.

With the dawn of a new day, Tang Feng knew that his journey was just beginning. The martial world was vast and fraught with danger, but he would face it with courage, honor, and an unwavering commitment to justice. The Tang Prodigy was ready to forge his path and leave a mark on the world that would be remembered for generations to come.